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Moscow Philharmonic

Feedbacks from viewers
Natal`ya was 28 january on Eliso Virsaladze

Lilia Silberstein played two complex works on the piano (concerts by Beethoven and Saint-Saens) masterly, easily and without notes! We really enjoyed.

Nadegda was 24 january on Denis Matsuev

It is very sad that all tickets are sold out. On other sites they are at space prices. Eh, Moscow!

Ol`ga was 22 october on Night concerts of the Moscow Philharmonie "Mom, I'm a music fan"

For the second year in a row I go to this series of nightly concerts. Wonderful concerts. Awake. Despite a late start, there are even families with children in the hall.

Aleksey was 21 may on Ab.4 Opera masterpieces

Concert performance of operas in the Philharmonic today is more profitable and interesting, because you are guaranteed from the director's perversions and mediocre decisions that contradict the music itself. Enjoying singing and watching the action, having previously studied the plot, gives great pleasure. The performance of "Faust", one of the most repertoire operas of the world theater was just such a pleasure. The composition of the performers was matched perfectly. The opera was sold out.

Dar`ya was 21 may on Ab.4 Opera masterpieces

It was a magical evening :-) enchanting music and clean voices! singers, conductor, orchestra, choir - they all gave themselves up to music, enjoyed it and gave it their best. This musical composition was able to captivate the viewer, and the auditorium breathed in at the beginning of the performance and exhaled only on the last note. For me, these three and a half hours passed absolutely unnoticed, I so immersed myself in the opera, that all my accumulated fatigue for the day as a hand took off, and at midnight I could not sleep - so my heart was music! I look forward to the next concert of this season ticket.

Elena was 07 march on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

This year the ensemble of folk dance them. Moiseyev was 80 years old. During this time, so many wonderful words were said in their address that it is difficult to add something new. Colorful, musical, perfect and synchronous movements, a large and diverse repertoire. In October I was at a concert dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the ensemble. Yesterday, none of the numbers did not happen again. In the first department there was a Russian dance, skomorokhov dance, Spanish, Latin American, tango, miniature The machine room, which is a repair of equipment on the ship. It seems that every artist is a cog in a huge machine that after repair works clearly. The second department is the modern ballet Night on the Bald Mountain, where the young people of the country are having fun first, and at midnight the witches and devils gather for their sabbath. Beautiful choreography, wonderful costumes. Spectators for a long time did not release artists who performed an encore dance. The Philharmonia Hall-2 (in the Olympic Village) was almost full. I would like to note that after the renovation the hall became more spacious, comfortable, with good acoustics, everywhere it is seen well except for a few places in the 2 and 5 lodges, because the projection of the stage is hampered by the ledge of the lodges in front of them, with the orchestra in the 6th bed. Therefore, I do not recommend buying tickets for seats 1.2.3 in lodges 2 and 5, if there is such an opportunity. Knowing this, I chose the places from which it was clearly visible and audible, having received great pleasure from the concert. The concert lasted 2 hours with an intermission. Still I would like to add that the buses of the Philharmonic Society 1 hour 15 minutes before the start of the performance are met by spectators near the South-West metro station (buses leave every 15 minutes from the exit from the last car from the center, in the passage turn left, then right to the stairs), along the end of the performance of all spectators in the same way taken to the subway. It is very convenient. Thank you for taking care of the audience.

Natal`ya was 07 march on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Were on the day of the jubilee, 10-02-2018. Perfect art! A clean spring, not a couple of the present, "like ballet", which is shamefully set in the former Bolshoi Theater. artists are rare professionals. I am glad that there are many children in the hall - our people have a chance to escape from the oppression of vulgarity, imposed from outside.

Irinushkarupina was 07 march on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Were at a concert yesterday. Terrific, as always! Night on the bald mountain performed by the ensemble - for me completely new, at first it even became terrible from the dances of witches and devils. But when my husband said that "this is acrobatic rock'n'roll))", it was generally fun to watch)). Definitely, I recomend !!

Ol`ga was 07 march on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Always the highest level of performance. Thank you, that the talent and skill of the creator of the ensemble lives with us. Thanks to the Ensemble for all the feelings that you experience at concerts. Take the children's ensemble to the concerts. This will best educate them in love for the beautiful, love of art and love for the Motherland. Thank you!

Tat`yana was 07 march on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Concert of the ensemble. Igor Moiseyev really liked us with my husband. Everything was on top - artists of the ensemble, costumes, orchestra, choreography. Everything is very qualitative, from the dances and beauty of the ensemble artists is breathtaking. If there is an opportunity, we will definitely go again. But, unfortunately, there were minuses, which to respected artists are not relevant. We sat in the 8th row of the stalls, closer to the edge of the row. Next to us were small children (up to 7 years) with parents and at the end of the 7th row a group of girls with one accompanying mother. It was a natural disaster, which we did not expect at all. Little children talked loudly with their parents throughout the whole concert, jumped on chairs, climbed on the backs of seats, tk. they could hardly see from their seats. Parents also answered them loudly. There was a constant buzz from their conversations and a noise from jumping on chairs. From the aisle next to the side chairs periodically appeared the attendant of the hall, she did not make any comments to the children. I often travel and go to concerts outside of Russia. To my great regret and shame, I have to admit that I have never seen such disgusting behavior of adults and children in concerts and theaters anywhere. It seems that only in Russia at concerts during a performance (even in opera), people sitting in the room allow themselves to talk to each other in full voice. I'm not talking about children anymore. I understand that the administration of the concert hall with a general drop in the level of public behavior at concerts can not do anything, but is there the same possibility to control the entry of young children into the hall for evening performances? And if children of any age are allowed, then think about the children's places? You can announce before the concert about the rules of behavior of children during the concert, remind adults of this, of course. And in cases where parents can not or do not want to control their child during the evening concert, ask them to leave the hall with their uncontrollable offspring? For myself, I concluded that the next concert did not take tickets to the side seats in the first rows of the stalls. It is better to sit higher. Less chance to be among unmanageable children and spoil your evening.

Marina was 22 january on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

I go constantly to this team, I know its programs. Excellent program, I advise everyone, do not regret it and even for family viewing is interesting. But with the departure of Moiseyev, the quality in the performance of young people has gone a little, especially in solo rooms.

Tat`yana was 22 january on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

The ensemble shakes with its skill. No matter how many speeches, they always ask "extra tickets". We go on a regular basis, have introduced grandsons. Yesterday they especially liked the Chinese dance with ribbons. Beauty fascinates. Thank you!

Natal`ya was 22 january on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Were at a concert on January 20 in the Tchaikovsky Hall. The hall is beautiful, you can safely take tickets absolutely to any places! As for the performance of the Ansaible, it was professional, spectacular, beautiful costumes, but ....... was at their concert in childhood, around 1978. Then there was the impression of a miracle seen! Over the years, they seem to have created nothing new. Has not hooked. Who goes to theaters and concerts is rare - go boldly, do not be disappointed. But if you are a skeptical spectator and you have something to compare, then go to the "todes" of the wind instrumental! There is a drive, a hymn of youth, strength and beauty. I put the scrap - well. But I'm disappointed.

Nina was 20 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Were at the concert on December 18. Full hall, full spectators room, although it was Monday. Great! We received great pleasure and energy for the future! Thank you guys for the pleasure. Thanks to Bigbilet for the reminder and the organization of the visit!

Elena was 20 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Fantasy !!!!!!! And the second department is just a wonderful separate SPECTACLE with its dramaturgy and a very recognizable situation "in Ukraine" .........

Irina was 20 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Everything is just super! Last time was at the concert during the lifetime of Moiseev ... I got a lot of fun! Thanks for the skill!

Marina was 20 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

This is something masterpiece !!! I advise everyone!

Angelina was 19 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Natalia The concert is beautiful, as always. I watched all the performances of this band. Night on the Bald Mountain is not only once. This performance in dance causes delight

Ekaterina was 19 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Were with a child of 8 years! Full of delight! After watching the performance, the child asked him to write it for folk dancing (and yesterday he wanted to dance hip-hop), said that with any training I'll do any hip-hop, but Russian folk dance after hip-hop is unlikely to work.

Valentina was 19 december on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Magically! Thank you so much!

Tat`yana was 27 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

As always, it's wonderful. It's a pity that before the concert they replaced the dance numbers because of which they took a ticket. longtime admirers of the ensemble, visit his concerts often. Wishes from fans - a big request for the numbers, seldom performed, not to be replaced by those performed in 90 percents of concerts in Moscow scenes. The main thing is the great gratitude to the ensemble management for the tremendous work on maintaining the performance level of the band from fans with almost 50 years of experience.

Viktor was 27 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

A beautiful concert! Wonderful and my favorite team! I go to him very often and always admire their skill!

Natal`ya was 27 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Always with great pleasure we attend concerts of the ensemble of dances of Moiseev. And this concert was no exception!

Aleksandr was 22 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

The view is magnificent. We received great pleasure. We hope to see other concerts of this illustrious collective. Alexander.

Hristina was 19 may on Artyom Vargaftik's Music Guide. Poland

A wonderful concert! Listening to the great Italians, I remembered Venice with pleasure. Special thanks to A. Vargaftik for the wonderful stories about the composers, the era and Venice. For the first time in my life I saw what the bassoon looks like. Terrific !!! Be sure to buy season tickets for subsequent concerts of this cycle. Thank you!

Svetlana was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

At the performances of the ensemble of I. Moiseev, we are not the first time. Express our impression in one word - BRAVO! Let the guys and their leader continue to please us with their fervor and love for the dance. I hope that this visit was not the last for us. Who else was not at this festival of music and dance I recommend not to miss the opportunity to get into the world of BEAUTIFUL! Sincerely, Svetlana.

Svetlana was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

As always, it is worthy, at a high level. Extraordinarily beautiful costumes. The pleasure from the performance is guaranteed to both adults and children.

Natal`ya was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Igor Moiseyev's ballet is an amazing sight, a true national treasure. I looked at them all, went to the performances of the ensemble twenty times, if not more, I remember all the numbers from childhood, this is part of my life, and from the heart I wish everyone to become a part of their life!

Tat`yana was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

At the concerts of Igor Moiseyev's ballet we regularly, not only ourselves, but also with guests who come to Moscow. In this case - from Taganrog. The professionalism of the team is beyond competition, the program looks on one breath, a storm of emotions.

Elena was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

A very good concert. Got real pleasure.

Visitor was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Spectacular, exciting! I really enjoyed the performance of this legendary team of our big, very different company!

Larisa was 07 november on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Energetics of artists falls right in the heart)) Magnificent dances, costumes, performance))! Yablochko-to tears)) They are our genocode, the soul of Russia. I advise everyone

Uliya was 28 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Delight! Terrific! Powerful energy, the character of each hero is transmitted so much that they do not leave anyone indifferent! Go and look !!!!

Galina was 27 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

I live in the world for so long that I had the opportunity and the pleasure of many concerts during the lifetime of And, Moiseyev. Here are my emotions: 1) great thanks to enthusiasts who did not let the ensemble's stage works fade. A huge role in this played the national artist Elena Shcherbakova. 2) the team of dancers sincerely tries to convey the soul and mood of their characters. This is involuntarily transmitted to the audience, creating a special microclimate in the hall. Evidence of this - applause from the heart, accompanying performances. In April of this year, I had the pleasure of seeing the program "Dances of the Peoples of the World", and yesterday "The Night on the Bald Mountain." It seems to me that the soloists gave the impression of N.V. Gogol. I'm still impressed by what I've seen. I'm waiting for new productions: "Evening in the Tavern", "Family Joys", etc. Thank you all and good health to everyone! G.P. Belova

Visitor was 27 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Gorgeous. He is the soul. He is very satisfied. The only thing but-nowhere could find the concert program in advance. I recently was on the "Moiseyev" was afraid of whether it would be the same. And, by the way, several numbers were repeated, but it's even good, I once again looked with great pleasure. Perfectly! But it is desirable to know the program in advance.

Elena was 27 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Gorgeous as always! A fascinating sight, you can not take your eyes off!

Elena was 27 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Delight! A lot of positive emotions! Bright, fervent, professional! Well done! Bravo!!!

Emma was 27 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

I remember the day when I first came to the ensemble's concert (in the 80s), I remember to the smallest detail, was so shocked by the performance! And now, again, delight! Do not lower the bar !!! Thank you!

Aleksandr was 27 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

THANK YOU.! ALL AS ALWAYS OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Margarita was 26 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

Thank you so much! As always, it's great. I wish you success. Keep it up.

Valeriy was 26 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

The Moiseev ensemble exists since 1937, - there were never any empty seats at his concerts!

Elena was 26 september on Igor Moiseyev Folk Dance Ensemble

As always - above all praise! A lot of positive things from watching the performance!

Elena was 13 september on A collection of Boris Berezovsky's performances

All liked it. I have been using the site for a long time. Very comfortably. Thank you.

Pavel was 12 jule on Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Alexey Utkin, Vitaly Kis

Got great pleasure from the concert. Thank you very much!

Ol`ga was 19 jule on "Phonograph Jazz", Sergey Zhilin

A terrific concert! Extreme energy, drive! All in one breath. It's nice when the musicians themselves enjoy their performance!

Irina was 06 march on Ballet of Igor Moiseyev

April 22, 2017 Were at the concert of Igor Moiseyev's ballet. Thank you for the pleasure.

Elena was 06 march on Ballet of Igor Moiseyev

The concert is amazing! Well done boys! I recommend to all! Bravo to Igor Moiseyev, Eternal Memory to him!

Uliya was 06 march on Ballet of Igor Moiseyev

I liked the concert very much. High professional level of dance artists and musicians of the orchestra, an interesting program "Dances of the Nations of the World", enthusiastic applause of the audience after each issue and no free space in the hall. Very satisfied with the service of buying electronic tickets bigbilet. For the day and the day of the event, a reminder is sent to the e-mail, as well as a voice message to the phone. It is not necessary to print tickets, the code entry, which is sent to the phone number. I recommend this service for buying tickets. Thank you!

Ludmila was 17 may on Igor Moiseyev State Ensemble

Everything from buying to reminding about the event, as always, at the highest level. Thank you

Aleksandr was 17 may on Igor Moiseyev State Ensemble

Visited on March 8. This is an amazing collective, an amazing performance of dances both folk and modern. I advise you to visit if you can buy a ticket ..))))

Aleksandr was 17 may on Igor Moiseyev State Ensemble

As always, we are still ahead of the rest of the world !!!

Irina was 14 december on Schumann – Brahms

The piano duet of Mechetin-Gindin is above all praise!

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