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The Theater of Music and Poetry invites you to the next evening from the series "Others Evenings" - this time it will be a truly foreign evening with Avant-garde Leontiev, People's Artist of the Russian Federation! Avangard Nikolayevich is a wonderful theater and film actor, professor, teacher, director, famous not only for his numerous roles in the Sovremennik Theater, the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater and his work on the screen, but also for reading programs! Few contemporary artists feel the literary word so subtly and know Russian literature as deeply as Avant-garde Leontyev! He himself defines the genre of his theatrical literary programs as a “sounding word”. Evenings with Avant-garde Leontyev in form may be similar to the traditional "reading concert", but in fact they are much more: it is also a conversation with an attentive and sensitive interlocutor who offers an exciting journey into Russian literature, who know better than others. make the word voluminous, lively, strong and exciting! How to make sounding literature an almost tangible reality, so fascinating that the viewer will forget about everything that is left behind the doors of the auditorium. We invite you on January 27 to the new hall of our theater - to meet with Avant-garde Leontiev and great literature!
“ Glowing musical performance. Beautiful and touching
was 05 november on Absinthe
“ Gorgeous voices, orchestra, light. And most importantly - the magnificent sound of the orchestra and voices in this room. Thanks to everyone who worked on the play - the director, artists, musicians, technicians, architects and builders.
was 05 december on Princess on the Pea
“ Wonderful performance. Hall listened and watched with bated breath. My granddaughter and I were already last year, but she still remembers and laughs with pleasure. The theater “1 person + 200 dolls” by Elena Trechinskaya is an amazing phenomenon in the theatrical life of the capital, thanks to her tremendous and new creative successes.
was 27 december on Victory. Requiem
“ I was at the performance of Teptra E. Kamburova Pobeda. Rekviem. The performance is beautiful, beautifully set and decorated. I received a lot of positive emotions and the memory of an unforgettable time and heard the songs that I knew and loved them and the authors. I highly recommend to go.
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ We (all four) are delighted! Elena Antonovna, as always, is superb! O :-) We are already starting to wait for the next concert of the Beloved Singer ;-)
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Excellent and amazing! Emotionally exciting mono performance of a great singer and actress !!!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Awesome concert! Flight of the soul. Liked the acoustics of the hall
was 27 october on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ It is difficult to put into words the feelings that you feel at the concert of Elena Kamburova. Listening to this beautiful music, involuntarily distracting from all the horrors and dirt of real life, you begin to believe in the eternal triumph of goodness and love. The music played by Elena Kamburova is music that nourishes the soul and makes me happy. It has already been a day after the concert, but I still have the sensations of flying, and I seem to float around the apartment, singing the Green Carriage.
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Thank you so much! We really enjoyed!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Great concert!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Ogromnoe spasibo! Poluchili istinnoe udovol'stvie. Zhelaem krepkogo zdorov'ya i dolgih let plodotvornogo truda i prekrasnogo svetlogo tvorchestva !!! )))
was 27 october on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ It was AMAZING !!!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ For many years I have been following the work of Elena Antonovna. And again she was shocked by her boundless possibilities of mastering her mastery. Thank you, Elena Antonovna, for the fact that in our difficult times you, through your talent, make our thoughts cleaner and our souls - kinder.
was 27 october on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Everything was wonderful! Thank you very much to the Actress and Singer! Unforgettable moments.
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Still impressed !!!!! Thank.
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Thank God for this concert!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Were happy to attend the concert of Elena Kamburova. It’s great that you happened to live at the same time with such a brilliant singer and actress. Health and new creative success to Elena Antonovna, we dream to visit her concerts again.
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Thank! Delight and pleasure !!!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Good day. I have long wanted to go to her concert. I usually listen to Rock. Received great pleasure, admire the voice, its manner of performance. I sincerely wish you long creative years. I would be glad if you give Elena Anatolyevna.
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ Incredible concert, more precisely, the incredible depth of the performance of Elena Kamburova. Thank you very much!
was 22 june on Concert of the NA Of the Russian Federation Elena Kamburova
“ It was a great concert !!!!!
was 21 march on Victory. Requiem
“ A wonderful performance by Ivan Popovsky! One of the best performances about the great war. Level with the legendary "A Dawns Here Are Quiet" Yu.P. Lyubimov and "Tomorrow was the War" of the Mayakovsky Theater. Watch - be sure!
was 28 june on Victory. Requiem
“ Yesterday was at the pre-premiere show. Another amazing creation Popovski. In my opinion, there has not yet been such a Requiem in the performance of the half-sloth-half-quarters in white robes of angels. The music of simple well-known songs sounds like eternal classical music. As in all Ivan's plays, a lot of new finds, trifles, tearing the soul to shreds ... The author first identified the action as a concert, not quite yet a performance ... The concert is permissible much, but, in my opinion, in the play you need to exclude the appearance of EA (sorry for god's sake) and reading letters. The ending is amazing, but we have to think of something to prevent the artists from bowing to the background of the final set design. However, maybe I'm wrong. Thank you.
was 29 may on Seasons...
“ The second time I watch this performance. Admire the director's discoveries of Ivan Popovsky. His ingenuity is unlimited. Quartet girls as always on top. Well, the music of Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky and Piazzolla does not need comments). Must watch. Pleasure for the true theatergoers.
was 13 september on Orchestra of the Lone Circus
“ I got a lot of fun on my birthday! Thank you!
was 08 january on Orchestra of the Lone Circus
“ Thank you for the performance. You brought me back to my youth. I'm very glad that the performance was liked by the teenage grandson.
was 06 february on Orchestra of the Lone Circus
“ Bewitching voices, musicians create a unique atmosphere for what is happening on stage. The play on which I want and sink and laugh. I received a tremendous pleasure! You fall into some other world! I really liked it, I recommend it !!! Thanks to the theater for emotions!
was 09 january on Orchestra of the Lone Circus
“ I liked it very much. The soul rests. I advise everyone to attend such events
was 01 march on Road crosswise destiny
“ A concert concert, the mood is upbeat. I liked the program very much, there were poems unknown to the general public. I liked Nikita very much, I read it at the break. From the performance of Elena Kamburova impressions are ambiguous. Probably, it takes more forces.
was 13 april on Dolls from a suitcase
“ I liked it very much, we will come again))
was 25 january on Moon over Alabama
“ Were at the theater for the first time, at the premiere on January 24, 2018. Great musical performance! Beautiful voices, interesting production! Thank you!
was 15 january on "Baptized with crosses"
“ A touching story, talented and musically told by wonderful actors! I recommend for adults and teenagers!
was 15 january on "Baptized with crosses"
“ This performance my grandchildren-teenagers did not look up. By the way it goes without a break for almost 2 hours. Piercing and dynamic with a minimum of scenery. Excellent acting and wonderful director's work. Helps children feel emotionally. Thank you! I strongly advise adolescents.
was 22 february on Shipovnicek
“ Perfectly! Very pleased!
was 11 december on Silence behind the Rogozhskaya outpost
“ A sincere warm performance. Passes in one breath. Familiar since childhood songs sound traditional and at the same time in a new way. Memories of the past, but without sorrow, light. They play easily, with many shades, they sing wonderful. True, it seemed to me that a little overdone with permutations on the stage, distracting from the senses.
was 07 may on Nadezhda Gulickaya
“ What a joy! Finally a solo concert of one of the amazing soloists of the Theater. We are waiting for the solo programs of Alta, Mezzo and Soprano.
was 07 march on Nadezhda Gulickaya
“ Concert of Nadezhda Gulicka really liked, just delighted! Great orchestra, good sound and beautiful voice! Wonderful, thank you!
was 16 march on Carnival in Venice
“ Carnival in Venice is a complete treat for the theater and a wonderful holiday for the whole family. And it was so nice to watch the faces of children immersed in the plot.
was 16 march on Carnival in Venice
“ Carnival in Venice is a complete treat for the theater and a wonderful holiday for the whole family!
was 16 march on Carnival in Venice
“ A wonderful performance! All children and adults are delighted! Thank you! We already bought tickets on April 5th.
was 19 march on Absinthe
“ Good afternoon! We received great pleasure.
was 10 may on Absinthe
“ Thank you for the wonderful action, starting with the passage to the hall and for voices, music, lighting solution. We got a pleasure from the play and a good mood with my friend.
was 18 march on Absinthe
“ Very pleased! Thank you! We dream to get on "Drops of the Danish king".
was 10 may on Absinthe
“ A real sight. Hallucination was a success! It is useless to tell, it is necessary to see and hear.
was 19 march on Absinthe
“ A wonderful performance! Thanks to the actors and the theater!
was 02 june on Absinthe
“ I liked it very much. Thank you
was 17 april on Absinthe
“ A real Parisian chic!
was 25 february on Absinthe
“ Thank you. The play Absinthe really liked - unusual, fascinating, beautiful, beautiful music in a beautiful performance
was 17 april on Absinthe
“ A wonderful performance! Excellent production and artists
was 10 may on Absinthe
“ Absinthe is not the first time I've watched the performance. He is awesome! Everything, from the invitation to the auditorium and ending with the final sounds of the rain, is so delicately thought out and presented that I want again and again, after a while to get to it. He admires the high professional level of both actors and musicians. Many thanks for the performance, for the flight state of mind! Eugene.
was 19 january on Absinthe
“ Not very much. Light effects were on top, as well, a performance for an amateur
was 05 november on Earth
“ 4 Nov. Were on the play "The Earth" - the impression is ambiguous, but the hour of Bach's music in a live performance and certainly an interesting decision of the performance as a whole, did not leave indifferent. The play is remembered and thought out on the trail. Day, and it says a lot. But the theater met us not very cordially. The play began with a half-hour delay, in the room a terrible stuffiness and a corresponding smell accompanying the hard work of installing the scenery, which was conducted for 5 minutes. Before the start of the play. And the prices for an hour event in a tiny hall are clearly overstated.
was 17 june on Earth
“ Thank you. I liked the performance.
was 17 june on Earth
“ Unusually, impressively, my companion was psycholigian not ready for such a start, before the breakdown. Thank you. But we must warn! :-)
was 16 june on Earth
“ Thank you very much, I really liked it, unusual and beautiful)
was 16 june on Earth
“ Very unusual. I liked everything except the chairs in the hall
was 03 april on Earth
“ One of the best performances we've seen!
was 03 april on Earth
“ Bravo!!! A mysterious journey into the space of Bach's music. A unique performance. Time does not feel. A unique theater, like Elena Kamburova herself.
was 17 june on Earth
“ Earth. A very necessary action, synthesis of philosophy, the life of people and gods, according to Ciurlionis, the synthesis of Bach, pantomime, voice and dance. Show the world, the UN! Alexander
was 28 may on Water Stone Sea
“ Elegant performance for lovers of poetry David Samoilov. Beautiful staging and actors well done! Liked!
was 05 march on "Side"
“ Wonderful performance, wonderful set design, amazing voice of Tatyana Pykhonina, wonderful accompaniment. It is a pity that the play is played very rarely
was 17 june on Earth
“ Magically! Bravo!
was 16 june on Earth
“ To all wizards of this action - many thanks!
was 03 april on Earth
“ Deeply shocked by what they saw and heard. Bravo
was 16 june on Earth
“ The performance really liked! Thanks to everyone who participated! Thanks to everyone who invented and staged it!
was 18 may on Earth
“ It all starts at the end. Imagine that you are not ... You are in a disembodied space, in a swarm of cosmic spirits, mourning for embodiment. And finally, you are present at the birth of being, become a part of it, create Air and Earth, and from the Earth - people and their homes. You are both the Creator and his Creation. You animate space, flooding it with yourself. And you yourself go through the waters of this Flood. Streaming waterfalls of light and earth. It is both the ashes of past lives, and the material from which new ones are created. Here the Earth turns into snow, falling asleep city at Christmas, here it parted and on it transparent lakes and flowing deep rivers flow. Here - everything again turns into a desert. By the will of man. Music does not cease for a moment, and Bach's music reveals a demiurgic beginning, these are the drinking songs of the spirits who create the world. Divinely beautiful in the literal sense of the word! God's play in the sandbox ... It fascinates, connects the person and the Creator, but makes you think about the fragility of the world, where every careless step can destroy its defenseless and unsteady beauty.
was 05 march on 1900
“ Deep, multifaceted, wise, elegant and ironic Tribuntsev and competently and accurately compiled play - a very emotionally offensive spectacle. The actor holds the hall from the first to the last minute. After a chilling working week, you begin to feel your thawing soul. Thanks to Timofei Tribuntsev, Alexander Marchenko and everyone involved in creating this miracle!
was 17 february on 1900
“ A wonderful performance. Incredible, insanely talented Tribuntsev keeps the audience from the first minute to the last. We liked the infrequent, but to the place, exits of Boris Melikzhanov. Very strong philosophical emphasis in the presentation and processing of the play. This is an intellectually and emotionally delicious event that can change the vain, with small grievances, the mood for something bright and warm inside ... I advise everyone !!!
was 06 september on Seasons...
“ Wonderful performance, thank you! But the scene is very poorly visible, everything that happens in the meter from the floor is not visible behind the spectators' backs. You need to ponyaat the farther, the higher!
was 05 september on Seasons...
“ This is the best performance in my life! Admiration, delight!
was 06 september on Seasons...
“ I am delighted with the talented work of all the performers: actors, singers in particular, musicians, and the whole creative group. Thank you very much for your high professional work and artistic taste and imagination.
was 05 september on Seasons...
“ The event is fantastic !!! Impressions of the sea ... Thank you!
was 06 september on Seasons...
“ Thank you! Great performance!
was 07 april on Seasons...
“ Thank you very much! Daughter 16 years in vostorege.mechtayem get to Absinthe and dr.
was 07 may on Seasons...
“ Great performance! The game of music and light, caused a lot of emotion. Bravo to artists, the director and everyone who created such magic
was 29 april on 1900
“ Tribuntsev is one of the best contemporary actors! Thanks to the theater for this solo performance!
was 05 may on Seasons...
“ I liked it very much !!!
was 03 may on Seasons...
“ The sheer delight All liked: live music, beautiful voices, dances, costumes, interesting theatricals. Support Thank you
“ Delight of the soul from a meeting with real art! Thank you for the flight of fantasy, the saturation in time and space, the brightness of the images. I wish success to the theater and all the performers.
was 20 june on Seasons...
“ A fairy tale and a dream turning over the idea of music! Space management and professionalism of musicians and performers - that's what drives spectators to this magical theater.
was 12 september on I dreamed of a garden ...
“ The performance really liked! An unusually warm, creative atmosphere, a real immersion in the Chekhovian era. The mood of the performance - pinched, light sad, gentle and touching images created by actors, are not perceived by "roles", because all performers literally live on the stage. Chamber space is used by the directors to the maximum, there is absolutely no barrier between spectators and what is happening on the stage, the actors look directly into the eyes of the audience, from which the entire action of the performance is perceived even more sharply. And what wonderful voices! .. Everyone - in his place. And I would like to say a few words about Elena Kamburova-I liked her very much, as she experienced for the actors and the audience during the whole performance. It was simultaneously in the stage space of the play, and in the space of the auditorium - as if on the border of two worlds, smoothly flowing one into another, reacted vividly to every change in the emotional background. In a word, the theater of Elena Kamburova, in which we visited for the first time - is the theater where you want to come back again and again, because this theater is with a soul!
was 08 june on I dreamed of a garden ...
“ The theater of Elena Antonovna Kamburova is our favorite family theater. And all the productions of this theater are fondly loved. And the play "I dreamed of a garden" - he is very special, bright, sincere. Watched it 6 times in 2 seasons. And we will come again and again! After all, a miracle does not happen much.
Voroncova Nataliya Arturovna
was 03 jule on I dreamed of a garden ...
“ It's delightful! As if I lived all day with real people of the beginning of the last century. Perhaps the words and romances sounded especially heartfelt because the action took place exactly one hundred years ago. Mental thanks.
was 03 jule on I dreamed of a garden ...
was 05 jule on I dreamed of a garden ...
was 04 february on I dreamed of a garden ...
“ Delight. A special bow to E. Kamburova for the light of her soul.
was 12 june on Silence behind the Rogozhskaya outpost
“ March 10 saw a delightful performance "Silence for Rogozhskaya Zastava." All the songs are painfully familiar. Each of them is a whole spectacle. Nostalgia for the past time. Silent sadness of a bygone youth. The voices are really golden! Thank you
was 22 june on Drops of the Danish King
“ Wonderful performance, warm, touching, sinking into the soul. Beautiful voices of actors and a completely trusting, chamber atmosphere. Very, very recommend!
was 10 february on Drops of the Danish King
“ Were on a wonderful play "Drops of the Danish King" in the theater of Elena Kamburova. Impressed. Very much ponravilos.S gladly go to other concerts. Thank you
was 10 november on Drops of the Danish King
“ A wonderful performance! The soul washed with tears and joy! ... Thank you
was 22 june on Drops of the Danish King
“ The performance is stunning. Marvelous voices, very sincere manner of execution. And the atmosphere in the theater is somehow special.
was 22 june on Drops of the Danish King
“ Very pleasant impression. The atmosphere is almost homely (in a good way). If you love the songs of Bulat Okudzhava, be sure to go.
was 08 september on Drops of the Danish King
“ A wonderful performance. Such a unity of actors and spectators, as if he came to visit old friends. Thanks to the actors for the wonderful performance of the songs. Even tears in my eyes were turning. Thanks also to the actors-children for their sincerity and selflessness.
was 08 september on Drops of the Danish King
“ I really liked the performance and the atmosphere created by the actors. Recommended to my friends
“ Glowing musical performance. Beautiful and touching
“ Gorgeous voices, orchestra, light. And most importantly - the magnificent sound of the orchestra and voices in this room. Thanks to everyone who worked on the play - the director, artists, musicians, technicians, architects and builders.
“ Wonderful performance. Hall listened and watched with bated breath. My granddaughter and I were already last year, but she still remembers and laughs with pleasure. The theater “1 person + 200 dolls” by Elena Trechinskaya is an amazing phenomenon in the theatrical life of the capital, thanks to her tremendous and new creative successes.
“ I was at the performance of Teptra E. Kamburova Pobeda. Rekviem. The performance is beautiful, beautifully set and decorated. I received a lot of positive emotions and the memory of an unforgettable time and heard the songs that I knew and loved them and the authors. I highly recommend to go.
“ We (all four) are delighted! Elena Antonovna, as always, is superb! O :-) We are already starting to wait for the next concert of the Beloved Singer ;-)
“ Excellent and amazing! Emotionally exciting mono performance of a great singer and actress !!!
“ Awesome concert! Flight of the soul. Liked the acoustics of the hall
“ It is difficult to put into words the feelings that you feel at the concert of Elena Kamburova. Listening to this beautiful music, involuntarily distracting from all the horrors and dirt of real life, you begin to believe in the eternal triumph of goodness and love. The music played by Elena Kamburova is music that nourishes the soul and makes me happy. It has already been a day after the concert, but I still have the sensations of flying, and I seem to float around the apartment, singing the Green Carriage.
“ Thank you so much! We really enjoyed!
“ Great concert!
“ Ogromnoe spasibo! Poluchili istinnoe udovol'stvie. Zhelaem krepkogo zdorov'ya i dolgih let plodotvornogo truda i prekrasnogo svetlogo tvorchestva !!! )))
“ It was AMAZING !!!
“ For many years I have been following the work of Elena Antonovna. And again she was shocked by her boundless possibilities of mastering her mastery. Thank you, Elena Antonovna, for the fact that in our difficult times you, through your talent, make our thoughts cleaner and our souls - kinder.
“ Everything was wonderful! Thank you very much to the Actress and Singer! Unforgettable moments.
“ Still impressed !!!!! Thank.
“ Thank God for this concert!
“ Were happy to attend the concert of Elena Kamburova. It’s great that you happened to live at the same time with such a brilliant singer and actress. Health and new creative success to Elena Antonovna, we dream to visit her concerts again.
“ Thank! Delight and pleasure !!!
“ Good day. I have long wanted to go to her concert. I usually listen to Rock. Received great pleasure, admire the voice, its manner of performance. I sincerely wish you long creative years. I would be glad if you give Elena Anatolyevna.
“ Incredible concert, more precisely, the incredible depth of the performance of Elena Kamburova. Thank you very much!
“ It was a great concert !!!!!
“ A wonderful performance by Ivan Popovsky! One of the best performances about the great war. Level with the legendary "A Dawns Here Are Quiet" Yu.P. Lyubimov and "Tomorrow was the War" of the Mayakovsky Theater. Watch - be sure!
“ Yesterday was at the pre-premiere show. Another amazing creation Popovski. In my opinion, there has not yet been such a Requiem in the performance of the half-sloth-half-quarters in white robes of angels. The music of simple well-known songs sounds like eternal classical music. As in all Ivan's plays, a lot of new finds, trifles, tearing the soul to shreds ... The author first identified the action as a concert, not quite yet a performance ... The concert is permissible much, but, in my opinion, in the play you need to exclude the appearance of EA (sorry for god's sake) and reading letters. The ending is amazing, but we have to think of something to prevent the artists from bowing to the background of the final set design. However, maybe I'm wrong. Thank you.
“ The second time I watch this performance. Admire the director's discoveries of Ivan Popovsky. His ingenuity is unlimited. Quartet girls as always on top. Well, the music of Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky and Piazzolla does not need comments). Must watch. Pleasure for the true theatergoers.
“ I got a lot of fun on my birthday! Thank you!
“ Thank you for the performance. You brought me back to my youth. I'm very glad that the performance was liked by the teenage grandson.
“ Bewitching voices, musicians create a unique atmosphere for what is happening on stage. The play on which I want and sink and laugh. I received a tremendous pleasure! You fall into some other world! I really liked it, I recommend it !!! Thanks to the theater for emotions!
“ I liked it very much. The soul rests. I advise everyone to attend such events
“ A concert concert, the mood is upbeat. I liked the program very much, there were poems unknown to the general public. I liked Nikita very much, I read it at the break. From the performance of Elena Kamburova impressions are ambiguous. Probably, it takes more forces.
“ I liked it very much, we will come again))
“ Were at the theater for the first time, at the premiere on January 24, 2018. Great musical performance! Beautiful voices, interesting production! Thank you!
“ A touching story, talented and musically told by wonderful actors! I recommend for adults and teenagers!
“ This performance my grandchildren-teenagers did not look up. By the way it goes without a break for almost 2 hours. Piercing and dynamic with a minimum of scenery. Excellent acting and wonderful director's work. Helps children feel emotionally. Thank you! I strongly advise adolescents.
“ Perfectly! Very pleased!
“ A sincere warm performance. Passes in one breath. Familiar since childhood songs sound traditional and at the same time in a new way. Memories of the past, but without sorrow, light. They play easily, with many shades, they sing wonderful. True, it seemed to me that a little overdone with permutations on the stage, distracting from the senses.
“ What a joy! Finally a solo concert of one of the amazing soloists of the Theater. We are waiting for the solo programs of Alta, Mezzo and Soprano.
“ Concert of Nadezhda Gulicka really liked, just delighted! Great orchestra, good sound and beautiful voice! Wonderful, thank you!
“ Carnival in Venice is a complete treat for the theater and a wonderful holiday for the whole family. And it was so nice to watch the faces of children immersed in the plot.
“ Carnival in Venice is a complete treat for the theater and a wonderful holiday for the whole family!
“ A wonderful performance! All children and adults are delighted! Thank you! We already bought tickets on April 5th.
“ Good afternoon! We received great pleasure.
“ Thank you for the wonderful action, starting with the passage to the hall and for voices, music, lighting solution. We got a pleasure from the play and a good mood with my friend.
“ Very pleased! Thank you! We dream to get on "Drops of the Danish king".
“ A real sight. Hallucination was a success! It is useless to tell, it is necessary to see and hear.
“ A wonderful performance! Thanks to the actors and the theater!
“ I liked it very much. Thank you
“ A real Parisian chic!
“ Thank you. The play Absinthe really liked - unusual, fascinating, beautiful, beautiful music in a beautiful performance
“ A wonderful performance! Excellent production and artists
“ Absinthe is not the first time I've watched the performance. He is awesome! Everything, from the invitation to the auditorium and ending with the final sounds of the rain, is so delicately thought out and presented that I want again and again, after a while to get to it. He admires the high professional level of both actors and musicians. Many thanks for the performance, for the flight state of mind! Eugene.
“ Not very much. Light effects were on top, as well, a performance for an amateur
“ 4 Nov. Were on the play "The Earth" - the impression is ambiguous, but the hour of Bach's music in a live performance and certainly an interesting decision of the performance as a whole, did not leave indifferent. The play is remembered and thought out on the trail. Day, and it says a lot. But the theater met us not very cordially. The play began with a half-hour delay, in the room a terrible stuffiness and a corresponding smell accompanying the hard work of installing the scenery, which was conducted for 5 minutes. Before the start of the play. And the prices for an hour event in a tiny hall are clearly overstated.
“ Thank you. I liked the performance.
“ Unusually, impressively, my companion was psycholigian not ready for such a start, before the breakdown. Thank you. But we must warn! :-)
“ Thank you very much, I really liked it, unusual and beautiful)
“ Very unusual. I liked everything except the chairs in the hall
“ One of the best performances we've seen!
“ Bravo!!! A mysterious journey into the space of Bach's music. A unique performance. Time does not feel. A unique theater, like Elena Kamburova herself.
“ Earth. A very necessary action, synthesis of philosophy, the life of people and gods, according to Ciurlionis, the synthesis of Bach, pantomime, voice and dance. Show the world, the UN! Alexander
“ Elegant performance for lovers of poetry David Samoilov. Beautiful staging and actors well done! Liked!
“ Wonderful performance, wonderful set design, amazing voice of Tatyana Pykhonina, wonderful accompaniment. It is a pity that the play is played very rarely
“ Magically! Bravo!
“ To all wizards of this action - many thanks!
“ Deeply shocked by what they saw and heard. Bravo
“ The performance really liked! Thanks to everyone who participated! Thanks to everyone who invented and staged it!
“ It all starts at the end. Imagine that you are not ... You are in a disembodied space, in a swarm of cosmic spirits, mourning for embodiment. And finally, you are present at the birth of being, become a part of it, create Air and Earth, and from the Earth - people and their homes. You are both the Creator and his Creation. You animate space, flooding it with yourself. And you yourself go through the waters of this Flood. Streaming waterfalls of light and earth. It is both the ashes of past lives, and the material from which new ones are created. Here the Earth turns into snow, falling asleep city at Christmas, here it parted and on it transparent lakes and flowing deep rivers flow. Here - everything again turns into a desert. By the will of man. Music does not cease for a moment, and Bach's music reveals a demiurgic beginning, these are the drinking songs of the spirits who create the world. Divinely beautiful in the literal sense of the word! God's play in the sandbox ... It fascinates, connects the person and the Creator, but makes you think about the fragility of the world, where every careless step can destroy its defenseless and unsteady beauty.
“ Deep, multifaceted, wise, elegant and ironic Tribuntsev and competently and accurately compiled play - a very emotionally offensive spectacle. The actor holds the hall from the first to the last minute. After a chilling working week, you begin to feel your thawing soul. Thanks to Timofei Tribuntsev, Alexander Marchenko and everyone involved in creating this miracle!
“ A wonderful performance. Incredible, insanely talented Tribuntsev keeps the audience from the first minute to the last. We liked the infrequent, but to the place, exits of Boris Melikzhanov. Very strong philosophical emphasis in the presentation and processing of the play. This is an intellectually and emotionally delicious event that can change the vain, with small grievances, the mood for something bright and warm inside ... I advise everyone !!!
“ Wonderful performance, thank you! But the scene is very poorly visible, everything that happens in the meter from the floor is not visible behind the spectators' backs. You need to ponyaat the farther, the higher!
“ This is the best performance in my life! Admiration, delight!
“ I am delighted with the talented work of all the performers: actors, singers in particular, musicians, and the whole creative group. Thank you very much for your high professional work and artistic taste and imagination.
“ The event is fantastic !!! Impressions of the sea ... Thank you!
“ Thank you! Great performance!
“ Thank you very much! Daughter 16 years in vostorege.mechtayem get to Absinthe and dr.
“ Great performance! The game of music and light, caused a lot of emotion. Bravo to artists, the director and everyone who created such magic
“ Tribuntsev is one of the best contemporary actors! Thanks to the theater for this solo performance!
“ I liked it very much !!!
“ The sheer delight All liked: live music, beautiful voices, dances, costumes, interesting theatricals. Support Thank you
“ Zamechatelny spectacl - krasivy, gluboky, 's izjuminkoi'. Bolshoe spasibo
“ We really enjoyed the concert! Many thanks!
“ Brilliantly! Brilliant !! It's brilliant !!! Fantastic, wonderful performance!
“ Delight of the soul from a meeting with real art! Thank you for the flight of fantasy, the saturation in time and space, the brightness of the images. I wish success to the theater and all the performers.
“ A fairy tale and a dream turning over the idea of music! Space management and professionalism of musicians and performers - that's what drives spectators to this magical theater.
“ The performance really liked! An unusually warm, creative atmosphere, a real immersion in the Chekhovian era. The mood of the performance - pinched, light sad, gentle and touching images created by actors, are not perceived by "roles", because all performers literally live on the stage. Chamber space is used by the directors to the maximum, there is absolutely no barrier between spectators and what is happening on the stage, the actors look directly into the eyes of the audience, from which the entire action of the performance is perceived even more sharply. And what wonderful voices! .. Everyone - in his place. And I would like to say a few words about Elena Kamburova-I liked her very much, as she experienced for the actors and the audience during the whole performance. It was simultaneously in the stage space of the play, and in the space of the auditorium - as if on the border of two worlds, smoothly flowing one into another, reacted vividly to every change in the emotional background. In a word, the theater of Elena Kamburova, in which we visited for the first time - is the theater where you want to come back again and again, because this theater is with a soul!
“ The theater of Elena Antonovna Kamburova is our favorite family theater. And all the productions of this theater are fondly loved. And the play "I dreamed of a garden" - he is very special, bright, sincere. Watched it 6 times in 2 seasons. And we will come again and again! After all, a miracle does not happen much.
“ It's delightful! As if I lived all day with real people of the beginning of the last century. Perhaps the words and romances sounded especially heartfelt because the action took place exactly one hundred years ago. Mental thanks.
“ Delight. A special bow to E. Kamburova for the light of her soul.
“ March 10 saw a delightful performance "Silence for Rogozhskaya Zastava." All the songs are painfully familiar. Each of them is a whole spectacle. Nostalgia for the past time. Silent sadness of a bygone youth. The voices are really golden! Thank you
“ Wonderful performance, warm, touching, sinking into the soul. Beautiful voices of actors and a completely trusting, chamber atmosphere. Very, very recommend!
“ Were on a wonderful play "Drops of the Danish King" in the theater of Elena Kamburova. Impressed. Very much ponravilos.S gladly go to other concerts. Thank you
“ A wonderful performance! The soul washed with tears and joy! ... Thank you
“ The performance is stunning. Marvelous voices, very sincere manner of execution. And the atmosphere in the theater is somehow special.
“ Very pleasant impression. The atmosphere is almost homely (in a good way). If you love the songs of Bulat Okudzhava, be sure to go.
“ A wonderful performance. Such a unity of actors and spectators, as if he came to visit old friends. Thanks to the actors for the wonderful performance of the songs. Even tears in my eyes were turning. Thanks also to the actors-children for their sincerity and selflessness.
“ I really liked the performance and the atmosphere created by the actors. Recommended to my friends