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Theater of Music and Poetry by E. Kamburova

Only for children
Only adults
Road. According to the novels of Thomas Mann
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from 2000 rubles
PS Dreams ...
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M.Cvetaeva .Fortuna
Purchased earlier: 83
from 2500 rubles
119435, Moskva, Pirogovskaya B. ul., 53/55
01 h 40 min


The libretto was written by Christine Khandjian and Stephan Ly-Cuong.
Translation and adaptation - Maxim Saprykin.

The heroine of the novel by Stefan Zweig tells about 24 hours, which completely turned her life, about a storm of emotions, passions and a whirlpool of feelings. What would have happened if she had acted differently? Does she regret what she did and what she didn't do?
Composer Sergei Dreznin wrote a lyric chamber musical based on this subject, the Russian premiere of which will take place at the Theater of Music and Poetry.

Sergey Dreznin is a composer and pianist-performer. Born in Moscow, graduated from the Central School of Music, the Gnesinsky Institute (piano class) and the Moscow State Conservatory. PI Tchaikovsky in composition class. Laureate of the First Prize of the All-Union Competition of Composers (1985), diploma-winner of the All-Russian Competition of Pianists "Kazan-77". He gave concerts in Austria, Russia, Italy, Germany, USA, England, Yugoslavia, France. Participant of the festivals "Annecy Classic" (France), "Stars on Lake Baikal", the festival them. St. Richter in Tarusa and Bard Festival (New York). In 1988 he founded the Krassij Angel Company in Vienna.

The author of many musical performances that were staged on the stages of theaters in Vienna, Berlin, Moscow, New York and other cities. Among them: "Ophelia", "Romeo + Juliet", "Little Tragedies", "Victory over the Sun" (with costumes based on Malevich's sketches), the musical "Catherine the Great." 24 Hours in a Woman's Life ”(24 Heures de la vie d'une femme) based on the famous novel by Stefan Zweig.


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