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Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the \"Tramway\" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.","idContact":"421C06A9863DEDABE0504B5E01F5796C","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"Tram \"302-BIS\"","serviceDate":1498996800000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"1/23315.jpg","linkCompany":"dombulgakova","link":"ekskursii_na_tramvae_302_bis_bulgakov_i_ego","companyName":"Bulgakov`s house"},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":99}]
According to statistics and audience who have bought a ticket for«Ночная автобусная экскурсия Путешествие по следам романа Мастер и Маргарита», we recommend to see
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
“ This is perhaps one of the most amazing performances that I have seen. The magnificent play of actors makes you experience the whole range of feelings. A performance that can be watched over and over. If you are faced with the choice of which of the performances of the Days of Turbins to watch, then do not hesitate and go boldly to the Bulgakov Theater. Then you can visit another theater to make sure that the right choice was originally made and that you will not find the best production anywhere.
was 21 october on Turbins Days
“ We express huge THANKS to the actors and directors of this wonderful performance. I liked the theater itself, the atmosphere. Everything is very cozy. All actors deserve individual praise. Thank. Delivered spiritual pleasure.
was 21 october on Turbins Days
“ A wonderful performance, a wonderful game of young actors. One of the best productions of this play - despite the fact that there is something to compare)
was 22 may on Turbins Days
“ I went on May 22, the performance captured completely. With the advent of each new character, the wonderful energy of the actors and their characters poured into the hall. I watched “Days of the Turbins” in other productions. I love small scenes-props and minimum space, and the director gets the difficult task “to expand the space”, and it was possible! The entrance hall, the living room, the headquarters - the table, the chairs, the piano and the movable partition with overcoats are all so organic and in a couple of minutes you are in a different place. Scenes, dialogue, well, everything is very talented! And what wonderful young actors, how to play! Despite the fact that the theme is deep, tragic, a pivotal passage through the whole performance is lively, ironic, the episodes causing general laughter are just great! Thanks for the performance!
was 23 january on "Teach me to love"
“ Two monologues, one love story. A monologue is a difficult situation for an actor. But it is very interesting to listen to monologues that work out. A monologue is an opportunity for an actor to open up to the maximum, because time allows and no one interferes. I love monologues, I'm waiting for them. And having read that the play “Teach me to love” is two monologues, I realized that it was for this performance that I needed! And it was two awesome monologues! Tatiana Bunkova as Tatiana Anatolyevna. Alexey Romanov as Misha. Behind the outward simplicity of the Kolyada-theater hides an unseen depth. And going to this performance, I was sure that I had prepared for it. To the depth. But the catharsis that had overtaken me, more like a shock, was so strong, and the tears were so hot and blissful that it came out to be steeper than the cobra at the VDNH that I came to to the surface. The plot may seem trivial. She is a teacher, he is a student. She is 37, he is 17. And between them is love. "Yeah, yeah. Right here is love." - many will say, and this opinion is not surprising. BUT. Here really is love. This. That same "accidental". The first begins her story about love she. And everything in this love is understandable and even familiar to me as a spectator. And there is something to sympathize with, and there is something to justify. It is easy to put yourself in the place of this woman, it is easy to imagine how she felt. And only the end of the story is suddenly like a butt on the head, and you are dumbfounded and as if in a fog ask yourself: did she really love you? And only then comes the realization that she loved. More precisely, I learned to love. How to learn to love and the second hero of this novel. Misha This men's love story does everything with the audience exactly the opposite: first butt on the head, “did he really love it?”, And then everything is so deep, clear and understandable that literally the wings behind not only grow, but they also start cracking down, and even waving impatiently, because you, too, need urgently to soar from the very overflowing love of you yourself. Yes. I saw that everyone learns love here. She, because she seems to know how to love, but for the first time she encounters love so large that she is not very ready for it. It is because it takes only the first steps on this path simply due to lack of experience. And along with the heroes, all the spectators are learning it. Because everyone, everyone, even if he does not believe or denies it, needs love. Not only and not so much someone's love for him, but, more importantly, his own ability to love. Learn to love! Take this first step though! Go to the theater!
was 19 november on Days of Turbines
“ First time in the theater. Many thanks to the actors for the positive emotions. Everything is great. I'll come again!
was 13 february on "Mary Poppins"
“ We were at the play on 11/02/18. Children 5l. And 10L. The performance was liked. Especially Annie and Fanny, they are sellers of meat and fish shops. Although all the actors played wonderfully-and Mary-such as it should be, and the children are wonderful. The performance was 1.5 hours, not 2, but it's for the best. , because there is no intermission, a lot of musical accompaniment! Only it's undesirable to be late-we were just late and the door to the theater was closed-we were escorted through the museum (which we even liked more !!!!). I will recommend to friends!
was 11 january on "Butterflies"
“ Great performance! I liked the game of actors - young, but very talented guys! They play with such ardor that they do not leave anyone indifferent! A good plot of the play - creeps up and cry and laugh! With pleasure spent time! I advise everyone!
was 21 november on Conspiracy in English
“ Beautiful performance. I wanted to see it for a long time. Excellent play of actors, modern interpretation of the play by Eugene Scribe. Delight!
was 16 may on Alice in Wonderland
“ For the first time I was with a child in the theater of M. Bulgagova. It was assumed that there will be a usual view for children. But it was that incredible. The idea of creating a performance together with children is something incredible. The son was delighted. Impressions there were no borders. Very glad that we got there. They did not regret it. )))))))))))
was 28 december on Horror stories at night
“ Wonderful place, great idea! Convenient cinema, in the further reading in a very unusual, but a more comfortable atmosphere, flashback in the children's pioneer. Camps straight! Readers well done, laid out and in every way contact with the audience, read well, but the truth is not always in the right places correctly distinguished intonation. Maybe you need to read the tales in advance :) well, and a couple of tips if they suddenly reach the theater - the repertoire of fairy tales can be chosen more "adult", the tales of a-la Ouspensky "coffin on wheels" already seem ridiculous, and not terrible, but I would like ) and the second - a little stretch of the program, that would not have to wait for the opening of the subway 30-40 minutes (include more cartoons after the last film :))
was 14 june on Horror stories at night
“ Recently, I rechecked the "master and margarita" and it was nice to visit such a place. Good organovation, everything was similarly under one timetable and the actors' game was also very much liked. In general it was very atmospheric and homemade. And a big black fluffy cat that in the morning to I still sat at the bench and posed, doubled the impression of this place.
was 01 november on Alice in Wonderland
“ We watched the play "Alice in Wonderland" with grandchildren of five and nine. I liked not only children but also my grandmother. The chairs did not have to sit. Honestly guessing the riddles, enthusiastically performed tasks and climbed "into the burrow of a rabbit." Alice - umnichka! I did not just listen to the answers to the riddles, but I discussed the answers seriously and "on equal terms" with my guests. It was wonderful!
Starostina Evgeniya Rostislavovna
was 25 january on Alice in Wonderland
“ Wonderful performance! The child is delighted! I liked theater, cafes and staff.
was 16 november on Alice in Wonderland
“ Were in this cozy "home" theater with children, the presentation was very pleased, an unusual Christmas tree before the play, with games, funny jokes and a round dance! Actors are very nice, kind, smiling, very domestic atmosphere, kind and festive! Thank you very much for the performance !!!
was 25 january on Harms threesome
“ Thank you very much for such an amazing performance! I really liked the actors' game.
was 25 january on Harms threesome
“ Thank you, the performance really liked, and the wonderful atmosphere in the theater, we are there not the first time :)
was 25 january on Harms threesome
“ Thanks for the pleasure !!! :-)
was 30 april on Harms threesome
“ Highly!!! Highly!!! Great! Both me and my friend liked the production and the actors' play. Thank you for a wonderful evening! I will definitely bring my friends to see you again. Good luck to you!!!
was 28 february on Harms threesome
“ Very pleased. Many thanks!
was 25 january on Harms threesome
“ Very pleased! So energetic, incendiary production, that it did not take a minute to get bored. Wonderful stories of Harms performed by young, but already proven actors. For me in some places there was a new reading and understanding of the meaning of the stories. The actors' play and director's design are magnificent!
was 28 february on Harms threesome
“ Excellent visualization Harms! Clever, fun, lively, modern! Actors play in one breath and at the end of the action they do not feel fatigue, but as an audience I have an upbeat and jocular mood. The eternal theme is divided into dozens of small stories in which you can recognize yourself and your friends. Very pleased!
was 12 jule on Harms threesome
“ Visited the play yesterday. I liked the play of actors, well done. They played their roles very talented, went out into the hall and were there on a par with the audience, thanks to which, you feel yourself a participant in the action. But the idea of the play was not for me, there is no storyline, in view of which the production looks like 10 miniatures unrelated to each other.
was 28 february on Harms threesome
“ The performance really liked! Thank you
was 19 february on Harms threesome
“ Easy, funny, youth. Young guys are playing, they are playing pretty well, but not exactly, they are played out only to the middle. Despite the fact that this event is the level of a skit or student performance, the evening will be filled with positive emotions. Recommendation: it's worth going if you want something funny, easy, short-lived.
was 22 august on Harms threesome
“ I liked very much, wonderful production and wonderful actors' play)
was 26 november on Harms threesome
“ Actors and director are good fellows!
was 26 november on Harms threesome
“ Thank you! It was interesting and not easy (in understanding). With pleasure I will recommend to friends. Generally, Kharms texts put on stage - it's enchanting! Thanks again.
was 30 april on Harms threesome
“ Excellent! It is interesting, original! Thank you for a good evening!
was 26 november on Harms threesome
“ Thanks, all very much!
was 28 february on Harms threesome
“ Decent performance for a good evening.
was 29 september on Fir-tree "Alice in Wonderland: The Beginning"
“ For us last year it was the most enjoyable New Year's performance. The theater itself is so cozy and pleasant, and the attitude of the people working there was very pleasant. And the performance impressed with its interactivity: children constantly participated in the course of the action, guessed riddles, climbed into the "rabbit hole", communicated with a crazy hatter who showed wonderful tricks, etc. In the end, each child received a small let and a set of chocolates, but not banal, as in all the Christmas trees, but as if manually assembled into a beautiful bag. So the joy from him was an order of magnitude greater.
Starostina Evgeniya Rostislavovna
was 07 february on Elka Alka in Wonderland. Continuation "
“ I liked very much, the child is delighted. The only negative is that they let the theater go late.
was 03 november on Be healthy, student!
“ It's delicious! Thank you.
was 09 may on Be healthy, student!
“ May 9, my son and I got to this show! Feeling that we have moved in time .. a great performance! Filled with music ... The actors played great! We really liked the performance. !!!! long time did not get such pleasure !!! Thanks a lot !!!
was 09 may on Be healthy, student!
“ I liked the play very much both for me and my 16-year-old son. Judging by the reaction of the hall - we are not alone. The artists did not want to leave the stage. All the guys are just fine!
was 14 february on Balagan
“ The atmosphere of the theater itself allows you to plunge and dissolve in the game of actors .. Very cozy. And comfortable, though the last row is not for tall and long-legged .. The game of each actor is amazing. Very exciting and fun .... especially the second act. )) Thank you.
was 23 may on Days of Turbines
“ The first time in this theater. Stylish design, comfortable, only the chairs are not very comfortable, some half-asleep. But this is not the main thing. Favorite from the school play, and there was also a wonderful film. They were wary of the performance. However, 3.5 hours passed unnoticed! A well-knit cast of actors, a sincere game. The atmosphere of a fragile home world is created, which is trying to keep such weak and such strong people under the pressure of the raging external world. I advise everyone to see! And in general you want to be like the Bulgakov Theater.
was 04 april on Balagan
“ Great performance! Liked very much! I already visited 2 times! The first time I went alone with my mother, after which I realized that I wanted to show the play to my friends. The second time we went already a big company. All the great fellows, there were goose bumps and laughter to tears and a lot of positive emotions !!!! Many thanks to all the actors!
was 23 may on Days of Turbines
“ The performance was liked, 3.5 hours fly by unnoticed. A well-knit cast of actors, muted intonations, an atmosphere of fragile peace and a home in which one can not escape from the shocks of the big world.
was 16 may on Balagan
“ A wonderful light show! The game of actors at the height! I liked the atmosphere of the theater itself. It's cozy. Comfortable. Thank you.
was 02 june on Balagan
“ The performance is magnificent! Simultaneously funny and compelling to think. Each of the actors plays perfectly. Many thanks to them for a wonderful evening!
was 26 june on Balagan
“ A stunning performance! Cheerful, witty, at the same time making you think. I advise everyone to see!
was 02 june on Balagan
“ Actors laid out to the full, so much talent, emotion, passion, life, love for the theater! But the play itself, that is, the play itself - for an amateur, sometimes seems too simple, some moments could not be included at all ... It was often just incredibly funny, the hall laughed without interruption, holding on to the bellies, but quiet scenes were often boring and They did not seem to be full, they seemed to be harbingers of another portion of laughter ... At the same time, everyone realized how serious the role is played by the theater in the life of every person playing on his stage ... Who did not understand, left, But in vain ... This play is for true theater-goers, And for ordinary people who want to laugh ... And what about the amazing, again simple, but amazingly touching accompanying music during the performance, and what "live" light pictures we saw ... Despite the That at some point I was somewhat unhappy, I want to come again to this play ... The hall is small, it is not necessary to take tickets to the very first rows, you will see actors, I think, even from the last row.
was 18 november on Balagan
“ Performance about the play. About how people live on the stage, survive not on Broadway, but in provincial provincial theater. The first act - the selection of actors, the choice of repertoire and rehearsal. The second act is actually the performances that they show the audience. The performance is very simple, easy, after it you leave with positive emotions. Actors play brightly, emotionally, from the heart. The theater itself, unfortunately, is not very convenient: the entrance from the street almost immediately into the hall, armchairs, as in a cinema (ie, recumbent), there is almost no distance to the previous row. But it is visible and audible from everywhere good (a hall with a rise). During the intermission you can go to a cafe, which is stylized, of course, under Bulgakov's novel "MiM". Please note that you must print tickets at the ticket office of the museum. The theater has no separate ticket office.
was 23 january on Do not part with your loved ones
“ Actors are correctly selected for the roles, each in its place, in its role. Madly liked, the actors played at full strength.
was 14 november on Do not part with your loved ones
“ Terrific !!!! So dynamic, lively, sincere and open! There are no words! All the actors are young, but very talented. This was incredibly exciting. I do not remember their names, but the fact that they made us survive during the performance - this I will never forget. Thank you very much to everyone who worked on this production!
was 10 march on Days of Turbines
“ Late in the evening on March 7 passed the Kuban "Bulgakov House", in which the theater named after Bulgakov is also located. Madly wanted to look at the poster of the theater, the benefit ahead loomed 3 days off. We found a poster, we saw that on March 10, on the day of Bulgakov's memory, the performance "Days of Turbins" will be on the stage of the theater. Earlier I saw in this theater only "Master and Margarita", who liked more than the opposite. We decided not to miss the "Days of Turbins". Alas, the theater ticket office was already closed. But BigBilet helped to get literally the last tickets for the play. What can we say about the performance itself? In the program it is written that all the actors are graduates of the same course, that is why the family has a family atmosphere that allows to feel the family and friendly relations of the Turbins. Also this actor's team was awarded the Golden Leaf Prize for creating an excellent ensemble. And, I must say, a very well deserved prize. Indeed, the cast of actors is beautiful, none of the artists fall out. Everything is in its place. It seems that people do not play a role, they just live in this play. And, of course, the performance was created with great respect and love for the work and the author. 3 hours of the performance fly by unnoticed and even directly sorry that it all ended. Huge pleasure received.
was 23 september on Balagan
“ The play "Balagan" really liked.
was 10 march on Days of Turbines
“ The performance really liked, Bulgakov was not distorted, the script is close to the text, the brilliant play of actors. It was possible to shorten the scene of congratulations with the wedding, after the intermission there were no significant events on the stage. The hall is very stuffy. Intermission is best done after the scene with a kiss of Sherwin and a lily.
was 19 june on Days of Turbines
“ "Days of Turbins" MABulgakov in the production of A.V. Korshunov on the stage of the Bulgakov Theater, in my opinion, a very strong performance. I saw more than once, but again and again I am immersed in the cozy atmosphere of the hospitable house of Turbins with cream curtains. Together with the characters I'm worried, I'm afraid, I'm waiting, I'm nervous, I'm happy ... And I do not want to part with them. Renat Kadyrov (Myshlaevsky), Yevgenia Kazarina (Elena Vasilievna), Mikhail Martyanov (Alexei Turbin) - before the creeps, to tears, to the pain in the heart - bravo! Alexander Driven (Vladimir Talberg) - very cool! In general, the whole team wants to applaud standing and giving flowers, it is difficult to single out someone one. Special thanks to the director Alexander Victorovich Korshunov with hope and a request to leave this production in the repertoire longer. For me, this performance is one of those that you want to revise, and does not get bored, but it only drags on more and more. Real, lively. Thank you.
was 10 march on Days of Turbines
“ Good performance. Thank you
was 19 june on Days of Turbines
“ A wonderful performance. Emotionally, from the heart, but not replayed. I went "for the company" with my 17-year-old daughter, she did not regret.
was 29 january on Days of Turbines
“ Thank you very much, very talented young actors!
was 19 june on Days of Turbines
“ It's great! Sparking humor, sincere play, deep Bulgakov drama in the most complete reflection. I especially note Renat Kadyrov and Dmitry Beroev - actors of the theater "Sphere", graduates of Shchepka. These actors, despite their young age, already have their typical "chips" that can make the viewer laugh and cry without any conditions - unconditionally. Many thanks to maestro Alexander Korshunov for this immortal production. I recommend to all who appreciate the warmth of a kind and cozy theater. Vasilisa
was 19 june on Days of Turbines
“ Hello.I was enjoying the wonderful performance "Days of the Turbins" and, as a great admirer of Bulgakov's creativity, I had great pleasure! A wonderful game of actors made me cry and laugh! Thank you very much! And visiting the "bad apartment" and the excursion on the tram literally "throw out" From real life! Romantic extraordinary!
was 04 november on Days of Turbines
“ It's wonderful, I do not like theaters at all, I went for the company, but I got great pleasure
was 01 jule on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ Hello! Yesterday, my daughter and I visited this excursion! We are totally ecstatic! The tour was a breeze! Many thanks to our guide Marina Anatroeane !!! In one breath, lively, exciting! For a long time did not receive such pleasure !! We will definitely return to the Bulgakov House !!
was 02 jule on Tram "302-BIS"
“ January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
was 02 jule on Tram "302-BIS"
“ Were on the tour 11.03. Very pleased! I discovered new places that I would like to visit) Maxim told me a fascinating excursion! It seemed to me listening to him, opening his mouth) it was clear that he wanted so much to tell! Despite the fact that the tour lasted only an hour, not one and a half, learned for itself a lot of new things and wanted to read / read Bulgakov's works. Thank you!
was 02 jule on Tram "302-BIS"
“ Who is interested in MA Bulkagov, is simply obliged to attend this excursion. You will be told a lot about his life. Personally, I liked the story of his wives: from God, the people and the devil. Very mesmerizing) In the museum you will notice an interesting clock in the form of a cat. Plus you will see the main guard of the museum - a big black cat, from which the spirit captures)
was 23 june on The Master and Margarita
“ My favorite performance since his birth in the workshop of Mark Zakharov. Watched 100 times and more will go!
was 01 jule on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ Yesterday they were at the excursion. Thank you so much. A wonderful program, I really liked the guide. For me, the glued pages in the life and work of the great Bulgakov opened. THANK YOU! Got a tremendous pleasure. Cat Behemoth, living at the theater is a miracle :)
was 01 jule on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ Excellent! Interesting! Forcing Bulgakov to re-read!
was 23 june on The Master and Margarita
“ The Queen is in rapture !! It was awesome. I did not expect that 3.5 hours can fly by in one breath. In Aldonina and his Woland just fell in love! Thank you all very much for your work.
was 01 jule on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ In general, the excursion was pleasant. Tickets for the code were received very quickly in the cafe Bulgakovsky house. The tour by tram lasts about 30 minutes and is somewhat shallow, although all the declared objects have been shown. Further excursion to the Bulgakov house itself, rich and interesting, despite the fact that the exhibits there is not much at all. And in the end, an independent inspection of a bad apartment. Separately I want to thank the guide!
was 25 april on Conspiracy in English
“ The long-awaited performance for me was held on April 25. I am delighted! Despite the fact that they went to another cast of actors. I adore Liutaev, Arzamasova is just a wise woman, the male makeup is magnificent! Unfortunately I did not find information on the actress playing the queen ... 😔 played Great! Now I will recommend this performance to all my friends. THANK YOU! 👏👏👏👏👏💐
was 01 may on Night tour of the novel "Master and Margarita"
“ A very interesting story about the life of the master is told by a very enthusiastic person. I advise before you go on a trip to sleep well and take a walk a bit before starting. The excursion is long and much will depend on the weather, but if, for example, you want to make beautiful shots of Moscow or on the background of Moscow there will be a lot of standing places.
was 23 february on Moscow - Petushki
“ Very pleased atmosphere in which you sink directly from the entrance. A wonderful aunt - the head of the train, offers to go to the buffet, get acquainted with the program or take a place in the car and how it's all at home is cute cozy. About the play .... multilayered, for sure with a deep meaning, but alas to open it to me it was not possible.
was 23 june on The Master and Margarita
“ Mystical, complex and funny performance) causes a lot of emotions and the environment and the action itself) you can say about it a lot of action)
was 01 jule on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ January 8, 2015 visited this excursion. Cons: 1) the seats on the bus are not numbered, so those that you mark when buying you get, if you arrive in advance and have time to take them, 2) the story is conducted without a microphone, not very audible, 3) the departure occurs with a delay of min. At 15-20 - waiting for people who have purchased tickets just set them in the aisle on the chairs, 4) the last 30 minutes. From the stated 2 hours are allocated for an independent examination of the apartment, without a guide. With these minuses, the cost is greatly overstated. Pluses: 1) they tell quite interestingly, cognitively, 2) the unique atmosphere of the former communal and bus stylized as a tram.
was 05 january on Theater.ex. "Schizophrenia, as it was said"
“ Visited this event spontaneously and for good luck. Successfully. The actors' game was involved in the action. A wonderful guide. Rided a tram. We learned many historical events. But the most wonderful thing is to be in the museum with the characters of the Master and Margarita in the evening. Sometimes you start to doubt what is happening. Magically.
was 04 november on Night tour of the novel "Master and Margarita"
“ I bought tickets for my son and his friend from St. Petersburg, 19 and 20 years old. They have the most enthusiastic reviews of the excursion.
was 24 june on The Devil in Moscow
“ THANK YOU! Yes, that's how I can express the emotions that we got on that beautiful night! While studying the most interesting facts from Bulgakov's biography and as a writer, and as a person, listening to fascinating stories and lively communication with the audience of a young but loving work and tirelessly telling the guide's stories, we did not notice a survey of Moscow's most interesting places connected with a favorite novel Cold and fatigue. It's amazing! The night flew by, with it flown in the form of living pictures and echoes of architecture the whole life and work of Mikhail Afanasievich. Thank you for the love of his work, and for the fact that you tirelessly create an interesting world at night with a very peculiar atmosphere! Do I go on this excursion? ... The answer to this question is unambiguous for me. YES!
was 06 december on Alexander Vertinsky. Yellow Tango
“ Great performance! A beautiful artistic embodiment of the image of Alexander Vertinsky. Alexander Vertinsky was a great artist, but in fact, very little information about how he lived his life. You have to work hard to get the most information. And here for more than two hours, viewers will learn how the Great Shanson lived, how he worked, how he felt this life. It seems to me that this performance can safely be called a performance-concert, because Sergei Fedotov, the author and performer of the main role, sang to the live songs of Vertinsky. I heard even that someone was singing to him from the audience. After each song, applause was heard. The video set, the scenery - everything was fine, there were, of course, no small technical blunders, but it's nothing compared to what the audience received in return.
was 30 september on The Master and Margarita
“ I liked it a lot, thank you!
was 27 september on "Tram 302-Bis" and Secret Rooms
“ I liked very much! Excellent impressions, good guide!
was 21 september on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ Interesting. The guide is wonderful. Liked.
was 12 september on Theatrical excursion "One hour before midnight"
“ Very interesting and unusual excursion. Many thanks to the museum staff and actors.
was 29 june on Romeo and Juliet
“ The most favorite performance
was 15 august on The Master and Margarita
“ Thank you, everything is great. My daughter of 17 years old, not having read the novel, understood the essence of the work. It says a lot. Thank you.
was 10 august on In the wake of the novel "Master and Margarita"
“ Very interesting, live tour! Not only about your favorite heroes but also about the history of Moscow
was 02 august on Tram "302-BIS"
“ It was great, as always in this theater. We come here for the third time - and every time under a tremendous impression. The guide is amazing, without exaggeration. Present in the age of a surrogate.
was 12 jule on Tram "302-BIS"
“ Thank you! Cognitionally spent time, plan a night excursion! We are happy to tell friends about the time spent and recommend as a rest option, which combines enough advantages. The small discomfort associated with the lack of air conditioning and the noise of the engine during bus stops is, in general, leveled by pleasant impressions! See you!
was 09 august on Tram "302-BIS"
“ Excellent! The guide was wonderful, come again!
was 30 august on On the path of fulfillment of desires
“ A wonderful excursion! It would be more such mysterious!
was 27 jule on Tram "302-BIS"
“ A wonderful performance! Excellent actors! Bravo!
was 30 august on Tram "302-BIS"
“ Excursion very much! Thank you!
was 20 jule on Night tour of the novel "Master and Margarita"
“ A wonderful guide! A lot of new, zhivi and interesting
was 01 august on Tram "302-BIS"
“ Informative, rich, with soul and artistry! Excellent. Recommended to friends)
was 13 jule on The Devil in Moscow
“ I liked very much, an excellent guide!
was 22 june on Tram "302-BIS"
“ I liked it a lot, thank you
was 14 june on Theater.ex. "Schizophrenia, as it was said"
“ Thank you for letting us plunge into the atmosphere of Bulgakov's Moscow. They took pleasure in taking part in the tricks of Behemoth, Fagot and Gela.
was 05 june on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ We were expecting something more unusual, theatrical, perhaps from this event. How does the theater organize. It turned out, just an excursion. Itself is quite interesting, but an excursion. In general, expectations were not justified, but I do not complain about the quality and content. Thank you!
was 27 june on Tram "302-BIS"
“ We are delighted - everything is unusual, interesting!
was 29 june on Tram 302-BIS.Bulgakovskiy house + Bad apartments
“ Delight full! For a long time so did not laugh! When the old ladies began to fall out of the windows, they did not have the strength to laugh :))
was 30 may on Night theatrical excursion "Shadows"
“ Were with my daughter 13 years old on May 30. The performance surpassed all expectations - both the production and the actors' play are magnificent, very much. Thank you very much, for a long pleasant aftertaste, we will definitely come to other "Nights". Guys are actors, you are just beautiful, "we are delighted !!!"
was 18 may on Night tour of the novel "Master and Margarita"
“ Good evening) You know, so much to say about our excursion. What in smske and does not work! Do you have mail? I'd better write feedback there)
was 20 april on Tram "302-BIS"
“ I liked everything, it was very interesting.
was 29 march on Secret rooms of the "Bulgakov House"
“ This is perhaps one of the most amazing performances that I have seen. The magnificent play of actors makes you experience the whole range of feelings. A performance that can be watched over and over. If you are faced with the choice of which of the performances of the Days of Turbins to watch, then do not hesitate and go boldly to the Bulgakov Theater. Then you can visit another theater to make sure that the right choice was originally made and that you will not find the best production anywhere.
“ We express huge THANKS to the actors and directors of this wonderful performance. I liked the theater itself, the atmosphere. Everything is very cozy. All actors deserve individual praise. Thank. Delivered spiritual pleasure.
“ A wonderful performance, a wonderful game of young actors. One of the best productions of this play - despite the fact that there is something to compare)
“ I went on May 22, the performance captured completely. With the advent of each new character, the wonderful energy of the actors and their characters poured into the hall. I watched “Days of the Turbins” in other productions. I love small scenes-props and minimum space, and the director gets the difficult task “to expand the space”, and it was possible! The entrance hall, the living room, the headquarters - the table, the chairs, the piano and the movable partition with overcoats are all so organic and in a couple of minutes you are in a different place. Scenes, dialogue, well, everything is very talented! And what wonderful young actors, how to play! Despite the fact that the theme is deep, tragic, a pivotal passage through the whole performance is lively, ironic, the episodes causing general laughter are just great! Thanks for the performance!
“ Two monologues, one love story. A monologue is a difficult situation for an actor. But it is very interesting to listen to monologues that work out. A monologue is an opportunity for an actor to open up to the maximum, because time allows and no one interferes. I love monologues, I'm waiting for them. And having read that the play “Teach me to love” is two monologues, I realized that it was for this performance that I needed! And it was two awesome monologues! Tatiana Bunkova as Tatiana Anatolyevna. Alexey Romanov as Misha. Behind the outward simplicity of the Kolyada-theater hides an unseen depth. And going to this performance, I was sure that I had prepared for it. To the depth. But the catharsis that had overtaken me, more like a shock, was so strong, and the tears were so hot and blissful that it came out to be steeper than the cobra at the VDNH that I came to to the surface. The plot may seem trivial. She is a teacher, he is a student. She is 37, he is 17. And between them is love. "Yeah, yeah. Right here is love." - many will say, and this opinion is not surprising. BUT. Here really is love. This. That same "accidental". The first begins her story about love she. And everything in this love is understandable and even familiar to me as a spectator. And there is something to sympathize with, and there is something to justify. It is easy to put yourself in the place of this woman, it is easy to imagine how she felt. And only the end of the story is suddenly like a butt on the head, and you are dumbfounded and as if in a fog ask yourself: did she really love you? And only then comes the realization that she loved. More precisely, I learned to love. How to learn to love and the second hero of this novel. Misha This men's love story does everything with the audience exactly the opposite: first butt on the head, “did he really love it?”, And then everything is so deep, clear and understandable that literally the wings behind not only grow, but they also start cracking down, and even waving impatiently, because you, too, need urgently to soar from the very overflowing love of you yourself. Yes. I saw that everyone learns love here. She, because she seems to know how to love, but for the first time she encounters love so large that she is not very ready for it. It is because it takes only the first steps on this path simply due to lack of experience. And along with the heroes, all the spectators are learning it. Because everyone, everyone, even if he does not believe or denies it, needs love. Not only and not so much someone's love for him, but, more importantly, his own ability to love. Learn to love! Take this first step though! Go to the theater!
“ First time in the theater. Many thanks to the actors for the positive emotions. Everything is great. I'll come again!
“ We were at the play on 11/02/18. Children 5l. And 10L. The performance was liked. Especially Annie and Fanny, they are sellers of meat and fish shops. Although all the actors played wonderfully-and Mary-such as it should be, and the children are wonderful. The performance was 1.5 hours, not 2, but it's for the best. , because there is no intermission, a lot of musical accompaniment! Only it's undesirable to be late-we were just late and the door to the theater was closed-we were escorted through the museum (which we even liked more !!!!). I will recommend to friends!
“ Great performance! I liked the game of actors - young, but very talented guys! They play with such ardor that they do not leave anyone indifferent! A good plot of the play - creeps up and cry and laugh! With pleasure spent time! I advise everyone!
“ Beautiful performance. I wanted to see it for a long time. Excellent play of actors, modern interpretation of the play by Eugene Scribe. Delight!
“ For the first time I was with a child in the theater of M. Bulgagova. It was assumed that there will be a usual view for children. But it was that incredible. The idea of creating a performance together with children is something incredible. The son was delighted. Impressions there were no borders. Very glad that we got there. They did not regret it. )))))))))))
“ Wonderful place, great idea! Convenient cinema, in the further reading in a very unusual, but a more comfortable atmosphere, flashback in the children's pioneer. Camps straight! Readers well done, laid out and in every way contact with the audience, read well, but the truth is not always in the right places correctly distinguished intonation. Maybe you need to read the tales in advance :) well, and a couple of tips if they suddenly reach the theater - the repertoire of fairy tales can be chosen more "adult", the tales of a-la Ouspensky "coffin on wheels" already seem ridiculous, and not terrible, but I would like ) and the second - a little stretch of the program, that would not have to wait for the opening of the subway 30-40 minutes (include more cartoons after the last film :))
“ Recently, I rechecked the "master and margarita" and it was nice to visit such a place. Good organovation, everything was similarly under one timetable and the actors' game was also very much liked. In general it was very atmospheric and homemade. And a big black fluffy cat that in the morning to I still sat at the bench and posed, doubled the impression of this place.
“ We watched the play "Alice in Wonderland" with grandchildren of five and nine. I liked not only children but also my grandmother. The chairs did not have to sit. Honestly guessing the riddles, enthusiastically performed tasks and climbed "into the burrow of a rabbit." Alice - umnichka! I did not just listen to the answers to the riddles, but I discussed the answers seriously and "on equal terms" with my guests. It was wonderful!
“ Wonderful performance! The child is delighted! I liked theater, cafes and staff.
“ Were in this cozy "home" theater with children, the presentation was very pleased, an unusual Christmas tree before the play, with games, funny jokes and a round dance! Actors are very nice, kind, smiling, very domestic atmosphere, kind and festive! Thank you very much for the performance !!!
“ Thank you very much for such an amazing performance! I really liked the actors' game.
“ Thank you, the performance really liked, and the wonderful atmosphere in the theater, we are there not the first time :)
“ Thanks for the pleasure !!! :-)
“ Highly!!! Highly!!! Great! Both me and my friend liked the production and the actors' play. Thank you for a wonderful evening! I will definitely bring my friends to see you again. Good luck to you!!!
“ Very pleased. Many thanks!
“ Very pleased! So energetic, incendiary production, that it did not take a minute to get bored. Wonderful stories of Harms performed by young, but already proven actors. For me in some places there was a new reading and understanding of the meaning of the stories. The actors' play and director's design are magnificent!
“ Excellent visualization Harms! Clever, fun, lively, modern! Actors play in one breath and at the end of the action they do not feel fatigue, but as an audience I have an upbeat and jocular mood. The eternal theme is divided into dozens of small stories in which you can recognize yourself and your friends. Very pleased!
“ Visited the play yesterday. I liked the play of actors, well done. They played their roles very talented, went out into the hall and were there on a par with the audience, thanks to which, you feel yourself a participant in the action. But the idea of the play was not for me, there is no storyline, in view of which the production looks like 10 miniatures unrelated to each other.
“ The performance really liked! Thank you
“ Easy, funny, youth. Young guys are playing, they are playing pretty well, but not exactly, they are played out only to the middle. Despite the fact that this event is the level of a skit or student performance, the evening will be filled with positive emotions. Recommendation: it's worth going if you want something funny, easy, short-lived.
“ I liked very much, wonderful production and wonderful actors' play)
“ Actors and director are good fellows!
“ Thank you! It was interesting and not easy (in understanding). With pleasure I will recommend to friends. Generally, Kharms texts put on stage - it's enchanting! Thanks again.
“ Excellent! It is interesting, original! Thank you for a good evening!
“ Thanks, all very much!
“ Decent performance for a good evening.
“ For us last year it was the most enjoyable New Year's performance. The theater itself is so cozy and pleasant, and the attitude of the people working there was very pleasant. And the performance impressed with its interactivity: children constantly participated in the course of the action, guessed riddles, climbed into the "rabbit hole", communicated with a crazy hatter who showed wonderful tricks, etc. In the end, each child received a small let and a set of chocolates, but not banal, as in all the Christmas trees, but as if manually assembled into a beautiful bag. So the joy from him was an order of magnitude greater.
“ I liked very much, the child is delighted. The only negative is that they let the theater go late.
“ It's delicious! Thank you.
“ May 9, my son and I got to this show! Feeling that we have moved in time .. a great performance! Filled with music ... The actors played great! We really liked the performance. !!!! long time did not get such pleasure !!! Thanks a lot !!!
“ I liked the play very much both for me and my 16-year-old son. Judging by the reaction of the hall - we are not alone. The artists did not want to leave the stage. All the guys are just fine!
“ The atmosphere of the theater itself allows you to plunge and dissolve in the game of actors .. Very cozy. And comfortable, though the last row is not for tall and long-legged .. The game of each actor is amazing. Very exciting and fun .... especially the second act. )) Thank you.
“ The first time in this theater. Stylish design, comfortable, only the chairs are not very comfortable, some half-asleep. But this is not the main thing. Favorite from the school play, and there was also a wonderful film. They were wary of the performance. However, 3.5 hours passed unnoticed! A well-knit cast of actors, a sincere game. The atmosphere of a fragile home world is created, which is trying to keep such weak and such strong people under the pressure of the raging external world. I advise everyone to see! And in general you want to be like the Bulgakov Theater.
“ Great performance! Liked very much! I already visited 2 times! The first time I went alone with my mother, after which I realized that I wanted to show the play to my friends. The second time we went already a big company. All the great fellows, there were goose bumps and laughter to tears and a lot of positive emotions !!!! Many thanks to all the actors!
“ The performance was liked, 3.5 hours fly by unnoticed. A well-knit cast of actors, muted intonations, an atmosphere of fragile peace and a home in which one can not escape from the shocks of the big world.
“ A wonderful light show! The game of actors at the height! I liked the atmosphere of the theater itself. It's cozy. Comfortable. Thank you.
“ The performance is magnificent! Simultaneously funny and compelling to think. Each of the actors plays perfectly. Many thanks to them for a wonderful evening!
“ A stunning performance! Cheerful, witty, at the same time making you think. I advise everyone to see!
“ Actors laid out to the full, so much talent, emotion, passion, life, love for the theater! But the play itself, that is, the play itself - for an amateur, sometimes seems too simple, some moments could not be included at all ... It was often just incredibly funny, the hall laughed without interruption, holding on to the bellies, but quiet scenes were often boring and They did not seem to be full, they seemed to be harbingers of another portion of laughter ... At the same time, everyone realized how serious the role is played by the theater in the life of every person playing on his stage ... Who did not understand, left, But in vain ... This play is for true theater-goers, And for ordinary people who want to laugh ... And what about the amazing, again simple, but amazingly touching accompanying music during the performance, and what "live" light pictures we saw ... Despite the That at some point I was somewhat unhappy, I want to come again to this play ... The hall is small, it is not necessary to take tickets to the very first rows, you will see actors, I think, even from the last row.
“ Performance about the play. About how people live on the stage, survive not on Broadway, but in provincial provincial theater. The first act - the selection of actors, the choice of repertoire and rehearsal. The second act is actually the performances that they show the audience. The performance is very simple, easy, after it you leave with positive emotions. Actors play brightly, emotionally, from the heart. The theater itself, unfortunately, is not very convenient: the entrance from the street almost immediately into the hall, armchairs, as in a cinema (ie, recumbent), there is almost no distance to the previous row. But it is visible and audible from everywhere good (a hall with a rise). During the intermission you can go to a cafe, which is stylized, of course, under Bulgakov's novel "MiM". Please note that you must print tickets at the ticket office of the museum. The theater has no separate ticket office.
“ Actors are correctly selected for the roles, each in its place, in its role. Madly liked, the actors played at full strength.
“ Terrific !!!! So dynamic, lively, sincere and open! There are no words! All the actors are young, but very talented. This was incredibly exciting. I do not remember their names, but the fact that they made us survive during the performance - this I will never forget. Thank you very much to everyone who worked on this production!
“ Late in the evening on March 7 passed the Kuban "Bulgakov House", in which the theater named after Bulgakov is also located. Madly wanted to look at the poster of the theater, the benefit ahead loomed 3 days off. We found a poster, we saw that on March 10, on the day of Bulgakov's memory, the performance "Days of Turbins" will be on the stage of the theater. Earlier I saw in this theater only "Master and Margarita", who liked more than the opposite. We decided not to miss the "Days of Turbins". Alas, the theater ticket office was already closed. But BigBilet helped to get literally the last tickets for the play. What can we say about the performance itself? In the program it is written that all the actors are graduates of the same course, that is why the family has a family atmosphere that allows to feel the family and friendly relations of the Turbins. Also this actor's team was awarded the Golden Leaf Prize for creating an excellent ensemble. And, I must say, a very well deserved prize. Indeed, the cast of actors is beautiful, none of the artists fall out. Everything is in its place. It seems that people do not play a role, they just live in this play. And, of course, the performance was created with great respect and love for the work and the author. 3 hours of the performance fly by unnoticed and even directly sorry that it all ended. Huge pleasure received.
“ The play "Balagan" really liked.
“ The performance really liked, Bulgakov was not distorted, the script is close to the text, the brilliant play of actors. It was possible to shorten the scene of congratulations with the wedding, after the intermission there were no significant events on the stage. The hall is very stuffy. Intermission is best done after the scene with a kiss of Sherwin and a lily.
“ "Days of Turbins" MABulgakov in the production of A.V. Korshunov on the stage of the Bulgakov Theater, in my opinion, a very strong performance. I saw more than once, but again and again I am immersed in the cozy atmosphere of the hospitable house of Turbins with cream curtains. Together with the characters I'm worried, I'm afraid, I'm waiting, I'm nervous, I'm happy ... And I do not want to part with them. Renat Kadyrov (Myshlaevsky), Yevgenia Kazarina (Elena Vasilievna), Mikhail Martyanov (Alexei Turbin) - before the creeps, to tears, to the pain in the heart - bravo! Alexander Driven (Vladimir Talberg) - very cool! In general, the whole team wants to applaud standing and giving flowers, it is difficult to single out someone one. Special thanks to the director Alexander Victorovich Korshunov with hope and a request to leave this production in the repertoire longer. For me, this performance is one of those that you want to revise, and does not get bored, but it only drags on more and more. Real, lively. Thank you.
“ Good performance. Thank you
“ A wonderful performance. Emotionally, from the heart, but not replayed. I went "for the company" with my 17-year-old daughter, she did not regret.
“ Thank you very much, very talented young actors!
“ It's great! Sparking humor, sincere play, deep Bulgakov drama in the most complete reflection. I especially note Renat Kadyrov and Dmitry Beroev - actors of the theater "Sphere", graduates of Shchepka. These actors, despite their young age, already have their typical "chips" that can make the viewer laugh and cry without any conditions - unconditionally. Many thanks to maestro Alexander Korshunov for this immortal production. I recommend to all who appreciate the warmth of a kind and cozy theater. Vasilisa
“ Hello.I was enjoying the wonderful performance "Days of the Turbins" and, as a great admirer of Bulgakov's creativity, I had great pleasure! A wonderful game of actors made me cry and laugh! Thank you very much! And visiting the "bad apartment" and the excursion on the tram literally "throw out" From real life! Romantic extraordinary!
“ It's wonderful, I do not like theaters at all, I went for the company, but I got great pleasure
“ Hello! Yesterday, my daughter and I visited this excursion! We are totally ecstatic! The tour was a breeze! Many thanks to our guide Marina Anatroeane !!! In one breath, lively, exciting! For a long time did not receive such pleasure !! We will definitely return to the Bulgakov House !!
“ January 3 at 13 o'clock visited the tour "Bulgakov and his era." The guide Maxim brilliantly conducted the excursion, infecting with his erudition, enthusiasm and love for our Moscow and the ingenious M. Bulgakov listeners (and all the places in the "Tramway" 302-BIS were busy). It was even the 101st time to read the works of M. Bulgakov. I wish prosperity to Bulgakov's house and successes to Maxim.
“ Were on the tour 11.03. Very pleased! I discovered new places that I would like to visit) Maxim told me a fascinating excursion! It seemed to me listening to him, opening his mouth) it was clear that he wanted so much to tell! Despite the fact that the tour lasted only an hour, not one and a half, learned for itself a lot of new things and wanted to read / read Bulgakov's works. Thank you!
“ Who is interested in MA Bulkagov, is simply obliged to attend this excursion. You will be told a lot about his life. Personally, I liked the story of his wives: from God, the people and the devil. Very mesmerizing) In the museum you will notice an interesting clock in the form of a cat. Plus you will see the main guard of the museum - a big black cat, from which the spirit captures)
“ My favorite performance since his birth in the workshop of Mark Zakharov. Watched 100 times and more will go!
“ Yesterday they were at the excursion. Thank you so much. A wonderful program, I really liked the guide. For me, the glued pages in the life and work of the great Bulgakov opened. THANK YOU! Got a tremendous pleasure. Cat Behemoth, living at the theater is a miracle :)
“ Excellent! Interesting! Forcing Bulgakov to re-read!
“ The Queen is in rapture !! It was awesome. I did not expect that 3.5 hours can fly by in one breath. In Aldonina and his Woland just fell in love! Thank you all very much for your work.
“ In general, the excursion was pleasant. Tickets for the code were received very quickly in the cafe Bulgakovsky house. The tour by tram lasts about 30 minutes and is somewhat shallow, although all the declared objects have been shown. Further excursion to the Bulgakov house itself, rich and interesting, despite the fact that the exhibits there is not much at all. And in the end, an independent inspection of a bad apartment. Separately I want to thank the guide!
“ The long-awaited performance for me was held on April 25. I am delighted! Despite the fact that they went to another cast of actors. I adore Liutaev, Arzamasova is just a wise woman, the male makeup is magnificent! Unfortunately I did not find information on the actress playing the queen ... 😔 played Great! Now I will recommend this performance to all my friends. THANK YOU! 👏👏👏👏👏💐
“ A very interesting story about the life of the master is told by a very enthusiastic person. I advise before you go on a trip to sleep well and take a walk a bit before starting. The excursion is long and much will depend on the weather, but if, for example, you want to make beautiful shots of Moscow or on the background of Moscow there will be a lot of standing places.
“ Very pleased atmosphere in which you sink directly from the entrance. A wonderful aunt - the head of the train, offers to go to the buffet, get acquainted with the program or take a place in the car and how it's all at home is cute cozy. About the play .... multilayered, for sure with a deep meaning, but alas to open it to me it was not possible.
“ Mystical, complex and funny performance) causes a lot of emotions and the environment and the action itself) you can say about it a lot of action)
“ January 8, 2015 visited this excursion. Cons: 1) the seats on the bus are not numbered, so those that you mark when buying you get, if you arrive in advance and have time to take them, 2) the story is conducted without a microphone, not very audible, 3) the departure occurs with a delay of min. At 15-20 - waiting for people who have purchased tickets just set them in the aisle on the chairs, 4) the last 30 minutes. From the stated 2 hours are allocated for an independent examination of the apartment, without a guide. With these minuses, the cost is greatly overstated. Pluses: 1) they tell quite interestingly, cognitively, 2) the unique atmosphere of the former communal and bus stylized as a tram.
“ Visited this event spontaneously and for good luck. Successfully. The actors' game was involved in the action. A wonderful guide. Rided a tram. We learned many historical events. But the most wonderful thing is to be in the museum with the characters of the Master and Margarita in the evening. Sometimes you start to doubt what is happening. Magically.
“ I bought tickets for my son and his friend from St. Petersburg, 19 and 20 years old. They have the most enthusiastic reviews of the excursion.
“ THANK YOU! Yes, that's how I can express the emotions that we got on that beautiful night! While studying the most interesting facts from Bulgakov's biography and as a writer, and as a person, listening to fascinating stories and lively communication with the audience of a young but loving work and tirelessly telling the guide's stories, we did not notice a survey of Moscow's most interesting places connected with a favorite novel Cold and fatigue. It's amazing! The night flew by, with it flown in the form of living pictures and echoes of architecture the whole life and work of Mikhail Afanasievich. Thank you for the love of his work, and for the fact that you tirelessly create an interesting world at night with a very peculiar atmosphere! Do I go on this excursion? ... The answer to this question is unambiguous for me. YES!
“ Great performance! A beautiful artistic embodiment of the image of Alexander Vertinsky. Alexander Vertinsky was a great artist, but in fact, very little information about how he lived his life. You have to work hard to get the most information. And here for more than two hours, viewers will learn how the Great Shanson lived, how he worked, how he felt this life. It seems to me that this performance can safely be called a performance-concert, because Sergei Fedotov, the author and performer of the main role, sang to the live songs of Vertinsky. I heard even that someone was singing to him from the audience. After each song, applause was heard. The video set, the scenery - everything was fine, there were, of course, no small technical blunders, but it's nothing compared to what the audience received in return.
“ I liked it a lot, thank you!
“ I liked very much! Excellent impressions, good guide!
“ Interesting. The guide is wonderful. Liked.
“ Very interesting and unusual excursion. Many thanks to the museum staff and actors.
“ The most favorite performance
“ Thank you, everything is great. My daughter of 17 years old, not having read the novel, understood the essence of the work. It says a lot. Thank you.
“ Very interesting, live tour! Not only about your favorite heroes but also about the history of Moscow
“ It was great, as always in this theater. We come here for the third time - and every time under a tremendous impression. The guide is amazing, without exaggeration. Present in the age of a surrogate.
“ Thank you! Cognitionally spent time, plan a night excursion! We are happy to tell friends about the time spent and recommend as a rest option, which combines enough advantages. The small discomfort associated with the lack of air conditioning and the noise of the engine during bus stops is, in general, leveled by pleasant impressions! See you!
“ Excellent! The guide was wonderful, come again!
“ A wonderful excursion! It would be more such mysterious!
“ A wonderful performance! Excellent actors! Bravo!
“ Excursion very much! Thank you!
“ A wonderful guide! A lot of new, zhivi and interesting
“ Informative, rich, with soul and artistry! Excellent. Recommended to friends)
“ I liked very much, an excellent guide!
“ I liked it a lot, thank you
“ Thank you for letting us plunge into the atmosphere of Bulgakov's Moscow. They took pleasure in taking part in the tricks of Behemoth, Fagot and Gela.
“ We were expecting something more unusual, theatrical, perhaps from this event. How does the theater organize. It turned out, just an excursion. Itself is quite interesting, but an excursion. In general, expectations were not justified, but I do not complain about the quality and content. Thank you!
“ We are delighted - everything is unusual, interesting!
“ Delight full! For a long time so did not laugh! When the old ladies began to fall out of the windows, they did not have the strength to laugh :))
“ Were with my daughter 13 years old on May 30. The performance surpassed all expectations - both the production and the actors' play are magnificent, very much. Thank you very much, for a long pleasant aftertaste, we will definitely come to other "Nights". Guys are actors, you are just beautiful, "we are delighted !!!"
“ Good evening) You know, so much to say about our excursion. What in smske and does not work! Do you have mail? I'd better write feedback there)
“ I liked everything, it was very interesting.
“ Very pleased! The guide is well done;)