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Bulgakov`s house

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Sadovaya B. ul., 10 (Poluchenie elektronnogo bileta do nachala meropriyatiya v kasse muzeya-teatra.)
01 h 30 min


Every week on the streets of Moscow you can see the real time machine - a unique and unique tour bus "302-Bis", which takes us to a completely different era, namely at the beginning of the 20th century. It was at this time that Mikhail Bulgakov lived and created great discoveries and amazing destinies. The guide will accompany the group throughout the trip and tell you how Moscow has been changing for decades, whether the rails have passed to the Patriarchs, and if so, where Annushka spilled her oil, where, according to the novel, there is Griboedov's house and lane where the Master met And Margarita. In the museum "Bulgakov House" we will get acquainted with Bulgakov-doctor, Bulgakov-writer and Bulgakov-playwright. We will find out who is considered Margarita for Mikhail Afanasievich himself, who of his acquaintances and relatives served as a prototype of the well-known characters of his works and how the Master's family life evolved. Seating in the Tram is free.

In Moscow, there are places that can be called "Bulgakov": here the writer lived and worked, funny stories happened to him there. But especially the interests of those locations, which placed the author of the heroes of the novel "The Master and Margarita."

In places that played an important role in the life of Mikhail Bulgakov, and in those places that are noted in the novel, the guests of the excursion will be lucky with the retro tram "302-BIS". If you dive into the past, if you dive headlong into the world of the Bulgakov novel, then only on such a tram - stylish, beautiful. Such a tram - like an echo of the past times, missed several decades, which passed unnoticed.

But Moscow, undoubtedly, has changed. What did Bulgakov's contemporaries and the author of the "Master and Margarita" see? ..


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