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Evgeniy was 18 february on Uncle's dream

Chic performance, excellent play of actors. Dostoevsky, it turns out, can make you laugh.

Marina was 07 january on Ordinary story

I really liked the performance! Playing actors is beyond any praise! This is not the first performance that we watched in the theater sphere and always only the best impressions! There is something to think about and talk after the performance. Many thanks to the director and actors!

Natal`ya was 24 september on Freaks and bores

Great performance! Thanks to the directors and actors! There are not many performances where you can go with teenagers, so that it would be interesting for them and their parents. This one is one of those. And cheerful, and touching, tuning to light and good. For adolescents - just still curative, given their difficult age.

Nikita was 18 september on Summer residents

Since the work of Gorky, it is quite heavy, you need to be ready for this. In addition, the performance is long ... But, these minuses do not mean anything, compared with the merits: an excellent actors' play, an excellent material dedicated to the philistines of the early 20th century and the state of this layer of society. Very much clings, as the realization that people were absolutely passive and wanted a quiet and peaceful life, since now we know that it lasted very briefly. Bravo!

Ganna was 30 jule on Viper

We watched the performance on 24.07.18. I do not approve of the director's move with dancing and light music. They play well, but the musical accompaniment and dance episodes are knocked down from the atmosphere of pain, death, fear and civil war. not a theme for easy music.

Natal`ya was 13 jule on The eldest son

The play was liked: the play is presented in a lyrical key, there are wonderful finds related to the features of the scene, the actors play remarkably.

Tat`yana was 21 may on Student of the Lyceum

I bought a ticket for a friend's birthday present remotely, via the Internet, because I'm in another city. A storm of delight! I liked everything: the atmosphere around the theater, the theater itself and, of course, the play. In the Sphere it was the first time. Thank you very much !

Galina was 03 may on Summer residents

Magic performance! Very stylish, dynamic, piercing! Careful attitude to the text and the author's intention. Impeccable production of classics! Simply done!

Valeriya was 03 may on The eldest son

Theater "Sphere" I love dearly. Not a single performance disappointed. Amazing actors are gathered in the theater. On March 7, 2018, the "Elder Son" brought 15 people eighth-graders. I was terribly worried about how modern children will perceive a rather old play and not so popular nowadays moral throwing. Children from the scene did not come off, laughed, listened, experienced, forgot about their smartphones completely. The performance is simply stunning, I liked both children and parents. After the performance, the children unanimously recognized that it was "just cool" and "really liked". Actors Spheres are great fellows and professionals, a strong, well-played duet of Smirinin-Grebennikov. Yes, all the actors of "Sphere" are amazingly good. I recommend everyone to go to the play. Known for the film and the old play is absolutely wonderful. Thank you to the theater "Sphere".

Tat`yana was 09 march on Raskas

The play was watched with a friend on March 8! By the way, she came to the Sphere for the first time and was pleasantly amazed. Stunning selfless play of actors, 7 mini-performances in one. And they cried and laughed heartily. I did not want to leave, I did not want to part with the heroes of the play. Thank you! A real holiday! Well done! I want to come to you again and again!

Marina was 03 december on Kabbalah is holy

I liked the performance very much.This is the third trip to this theater, we are very glad that we opened it for ourselves. We recommend to watch "Raskas", "Ordinary story" The work of Bigbilet is excellent! The day before the performance was written, reminded.

Kristina was 20 november on Raskas

She came to the theater Sfera for the second time, after the play "Kabala Svyatosh." This time to the play "Raskas". All of them are absolutely obliged to watch, the actors are so cool about the atmosphere of that time, you just become one with the stage. !!!! I watched this performance in the theater of the nations, it is no worse.

Kristina was 20 november on Kabbalah is holy

For me, going to this theater was a discovery. Very good performance. Time flew in a flash, the actors' game is magnificent. I recommend to everyone .

Aleksandr was 13 november on Raskas

The performance is super, at one go

Elena was 09 november on Simpleodorsen, the Marzipan Feast and the Great Weight

The theater itself is beautiful, very small, the layout of spectator seats amphitheater around the stage, the venues are located among the audience. If we talk about the performance itself, I strongly recommend that you first read the book in order to understand what is at stake. In some places it's funny, but our children of 7 years did not have a general idea of ​​what the narrative is, there is no beginning and end of history, some fragments. Unfortunately, the evening was disappointing.

Tat`yana was 07 november on The eldest son

Yesterday they were at the play "Elder Son" and experienced a great delight! All the actors played awesome! We first came to the theater "Sphere" - it's just a unique phenomenon. Praise the main director: so to beat the space, pick up the troupe of talented actors! All action takes place around you - it's a miracle! I recommend it to everyone, and we decided to see the whole repertoire of the theater! Great luck to this talented creative team !!!

Ekaterina was 19 october on The eldest son

Wonderful performance! Stunning cast: A.Smirinin (Busygin), A.Alekseev (Sarafanov), D.Beresnev (Vasenka), etc. I would also like to mention P.Grebennikov in the role of Silva - it was amazing! By the way, all the roles that I saw in his performance, were played gorgeously! Definitely this performance should be looked at. The theater itself is not big, all the artists are in the palm of your hand, the slightest emotions are visible. This makes the viewer not only a witness, but also a part of the accomplice of what is happening on the stage. In general, there are a lot of very good performances in the Sphere. I recently discovered this wonderful theater and now I recommend it to all my friends and acquaintances.

Ludmila was 05 november on Murli

A wonderful performance! Children are delighted! Looks at one go. Thank you very much for the comedy and positive mood! Advise, on what performance still to go with children 10, 12 years. Thank you!

Dar`ya was 11 january on Murli

Thank you! I liked the performance and the actors' play! I went with my daughter for 10 years. I also want to mention the work of Bigbilet, a very convenient resource, and will be reminded several times for advice and registration on arrival!

Ol`ga was 25 march on Murli

A wonderful performance for children and adults !!!

Ol`ga was 25 march on Murli

Thank you very much. We really enjoyed it!

Ekeaterina was 13 october on Murli

Great performance. Children and adults are ecstatic

Elena was 07 january on Murli

7.01.14 were in the theater Sphere in the play Murli. The actors played remarkably well. Especially liked N. Selevanova (Pomochnitsa) and A. Chekalin (Gasoline). Very warm, homely atmosphere. THANK YOU

Tat`yana was 01 march on Murli

Were with my daughter 6 years in the play! Very, very much. The performance takes 3 hours, I want to watch this performance again and again. Great, the theater is unusual, the actors play extraordinarily, everything is clearly visible from all sectors. Bravo! I advise you to see the parents with the girls, just what they like girls!

Elena was 07 january on Murli

A good performance for children over 10 years old (who is familiar with the book).

Ol`ga was 13 october on Murli

Thank you so much! We really enjoyed!!!!

Natal`ya was 08 january on Murli

Thanks, I liked it

Uliya was 13 october on Murli

The whole family is ecstatic! Thank you very much!

Tat`yana was 13 october on Murli

The performance is really excellent, people, cats, cats are true as alive. Excellent. The four-year-old was slightly tired by the end, and the 6-year-old was not looking up. And adults are very pleased to see. I recommend!

Mariya was 15 april on Murli

A wonderful performance! I really love the theater "Sphere", I used to know the whole repertoire, then there was no possibility to go to theaters because of the appearance of the child, but a few days ago I got back to the "Sphere" after a long break. There were children of 5 years, 9 years and two adults. The play touched everyone! I'm very glad that I chose him. Tickets bought strongly in advance (more than a month).

Tat`yana was 04 november on Murli

The play really liked, the actors played perfectly. It is a pity that the thrush did not fly away. Thank you so much!

Galina was 04 november on Murli

The play "Murli" really liked! All cats played incomparably, we will all recommend the performance!

Ol`ga was 24 may on Murli

Great performance, the children really liked it. (The age of children is 8 and 11) years.

Uliya was 03 november on Murli

The performance really liked! Thanks for a nice family night!

Alena was 05 april on Murli

I liked it very much! The child still wants to see.

Natasha was 04 november on Murli

We really enjoyed! THANK YOU! We will definitely come again!

Sergey was 05 april on Murli

Everything was great.

Elena was 13 october on Murli

Thank you for the presentation, but I wanted to note that some costumes need to be sewn. And the chairs also need repair. Excuse me.

Sergey was 03 november on Murli

3 (according to the 5-th system)

Irina was 08 january on Murli

Thank you very much for the memorable impressions! To everyone-the company, the musicians, the organizers! We will definitely come to you for performances!

Evgeniya was 21 june on Hearing in the ear

I read the novel by A.Ponizovsky "Appealing aloud" -just takes care of the soul! Very interested in the production of the director M. Brusnikina: a great idea, a creative approach! How uneasy and unusual the performance is, the life of the actors is so simple and usually live (it is lived, not played). To be closer to the people (spectator), to penetrate into their souls-not every actor succeeds. Beautiful cast, especially za. Inga Oboldina - a great woman is a very talented actress, gifted actress. I love all of her roles in cinema and theater. I really want to get to the play. Be sure to fly (from Krasnodar) in October, I hope the performance will not be canceled! Good luck M. Brusnikina, new ideas, great performances, health and patience!

Tat`yana was 04 november on Murli

A chic performance for children and adults. And the atmosphere of the theater helps to merge in one act with artists and viewers

Nelli was 13 october on Murli

An excellent children's play without vulgarity! Children liked it very much.

Tat`yana was 13 october on Murli

How much I go to this theater, I never noticed a single torn chair. And the staging, and the play of actors fascinates!

Irina was 11 january on Murli

Tomorrow we are going again to this nice and cozy play. For the first time they came to the play with their granddaughter for seven years. Fear that in the middle of the school week will leave after the first action. But the granddaughter flatly refused to leave. Magic is not only in big musicals, but it is also available in the modest theater "Sphere"! Go with the children and do not regret it!

Dmitriy was 04 november on Murli


Natal`ya was 25 march on Murli

I liked both children and adults. An interesting story, a good game of actors, the involvement of spectators. Many thanks.

Andrey was 07 january on Murli

Sumptuously! The child is delighted. That rare case when the performance exceeded expectations. Thank you.

Aleksandr was 08 january on Murli

Great performance

Larisa was 05 april on Murli

I liked it very much !!!

Irina was 03 november on Murli

I liked it very much

Mariya was 05 jule on Murli

I really liked the performance for me and the child for 8 years. But it seemed to be inappropriate a few vulgar jokes. We will recommend to friends.

Uliya was 05 april on Murli

I liked the performance very much. Were at the show by an uneven-aged Company, but the pleasure was received by both the first-year student and the fourth-graders and mothers and even the grandmother a pensioner :) Thank you very much for the pleasure given!

Elena was 03 november on Murli

Great impressions! Thank you!

Katerina was 25 march on Murli

The production, the actors' play, the costumes - they all really liked it. Children are enthusiastic about interactivity. Toilets repaired)

Elena was 02 november on Murli

Thank you, the children really enjoyed it.

Mariya was 04 november on Murli

Sweet play But very sexually dressed the main heroine Causes certain desires of teenagers ... We must dress up the heroine! The rest is musical and funny!

Tat`yana was 06 june on Hearing in the ear

June 5, 2015. Was at the play "Conversation in the Ear." Say what you liked, do not say anything! All the actors play great! Rather do not play, and live in a role! Bravo to all actors, director, author !!! Looked at this theater for the time being only 2 performances. There is a desire to see the whole repertoire, and I would like to know when you can see the play "In the woods. On the mountains"?

Svetlana was 03 november on Murli

I liked it very much! Pomoechnitsa, Blotter, Murli and Tibbe - inimitable! We will recommend to friends! THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! B-)

Ol`ga was 02 november on Murli

The performance was wonderful, it was a great pleasure!

Elena was 13 october on Murli

We really enjoyed! Thank you so much!

Ekaterina was 25 march on Murli

We liked the play very much. Very good scenery and costumes. The actors got along very well and played their parts. The child really liked Murli, cat Petrol, Pomochnitsa. Thanks for the pleasure!

Andrey was 25 march on Murli

Many thanks for the wonderful play "Murli"! We all really liked it: both the beautiful actors' play, the costumes, the atmosphere in the hall, and everything, everything, everything!

Antonina was 07 january on Murli

Great performance! Bright and dynamic. Thank you!

Svetlana was 05 jule on Murli

You fellows! Thank you.

Tamara was 06 november on Murli

I went to him with my triplets, but this show seemed to me relevant for adults, it makes me feel humor and the truth of life! And the children are subtle connoisseurs, Began to ask for other performances of this theater. But now we are going to an adult staff. See you SCOPE!

Aleksandra was 11 january on Murli

The performance is beautiful! A very small and cozy room, the action takes place around the audience at arm's length. All actors play superbly, with full dedication! Live musicians play, actors sing, dance. Children are involved completely in the action of the play, very funny and funny! Received a real pleasure, really want to return to this theater again!

Galina was 05 april on Murli

Did not like. Absolutely (I regret spending money.

Tat`yana was 02 november on Murli

I liked the child 9 years very much, thank you. And funny, and music and interesting finds in costumes. At least, what she told me. It is a pity that I could not buy myself.

Elena was 03 november on Murli

I liked the performance very much, especially Murli :-) The child was delighted, we will definitely recommend to friends.

Svetlana was 05 april on Murli

We really liked the performance, thank you for your work! We will definitely come again to your theater.

Elena was 05 april on Murli

I really liked the theater itself, and the play "Murli". I was at the theater "Sphere" for the first time. He is so unusual, he immediately feels the mood. And the play ... I read the book and it was so cool to see all the characters. Very bright, sunny, kind. Zoya, 10 years old.

Marina was 24 june on Kabbalah is holy

Were with her husband in the play 05/01/2017. Sumptuously! Bravo to all actors and especially to Alexander Korshunov! Emotional and authentic game, beautiful costumes and scenery. And as always in this beautiful theater they enjoyed and charge a good mood. I recommend to everyone!

Larisa was 18 march on Pretty Woman and Family

Were at the theater SPHERE on 18.03.17 for the first time! The beginning at 18.00 is very convenient! 2.30 with intermission! The original layout of the seats, in a circle, the action in the center of the room, is so cozy, at home, it is designed for 150 people! Everywhere it is comfortable, visible and audible! Performance was IMPRESSED! The game is GREAT! The ARTISTS-THANK YOU! The story is INTERESEN! The denouement-surprised! We recommend !!!

Sveta was 03 march on Fiesta

The performance of the Fiestas in the Theater sphere left enthusiastic feelings. Great acting game! The feeling of presence in the play, beautiful costumes and the theater itself create a spring mood. Were with my friends 3.03.17.

Ernest was 31 may on Through the snow ... Kolyma stories

A wonderful actor's game, but in form the performance is imperfect, but, perhaps, it will be rolled in yet ... It's definitely worth it to go.

Nadegda was 25 january on Viper

"The broken body will recover, the broken soul is gone." As I like to visit in the cozy theater "Sphere". Come there not as a spectator, but as a guest to friends. I watched the premiere of the performance "Viper" based on the work of Alexei Tolstoy. The play did not let go for long, it was painful to look at the adversity and suffering of the heroine. How many broken fates brought the civil war. Thank God that the cup of war our generation has passed. Thanks to all actors of the theater, the game was worthy of praise. The musicians playing the orchestra, bright rooms with songs and dances turned the play into a pearl. After the performance, I read once again the story of Alexei Tolstoy.

Nataliya was 30 june on Raskas

Great performance, it causes both sadness and a smile, but from the audience you leave with a great mood. Actors, as always, are laid out on 100%, the atmosphere in the theater is domestic, family, warm, for which I love the "Sphere"! Thank you!

Kseniya was 02 jule on Ordinary story

I just returned from the play. Impressions are extremely positive. For the second time in this theater. Choosing which show to go to at this time, clearly decided to see "Ordinary story." Classical, sound production, without (sorry for my jargon) fashionable for today zaumstvovaniya, vulgarity and rudeness from the scene. A lively, sparkling play of actors, no role can be called a passing, all without exception playing on the conscience. A lot of young artists, which is an undoubted plus! Accepting the full participation of the viewer what is happening, used in the theater, I think is incomparable. The action is around you, and you seem to be immersed in this invention as a reality! After the performance, indeed, there is a feeling of touching real art. Went with my girlfriend. She also really liked it. I also want to note, of course, a very homely, cozy atmosphere of the whole theater. I advise everyone to see this performance, and, in general, visit the theater "Sphere"!

Irina was 26 january on Pretty Woman and Family

Excellent performance, dynamic, fun. The actors play is gorgeous! Bravo!

Elena was 22 june on The eldest son

Under the New Year - a surprise - the premiere of the Elder Son in his beloved theater! Fearlessly took the tickets, despite the complete lack of feedback, with full confidence that the Sphere just can not do a bad staging. And so it happened. The idea of ​​Elanskaya with the theater-sphere worked - there really all the performances are perceived in a different way. And it is difficult to falsify there - the actor and spectator are too close. The content of the play is widely known in Melnikov's film drama with Leonov, Karachentsov and Boyarsky. The performance is claimed as a comedy - 3 hours pass unnoticed, as always in this theater. If a play is put after the film, there is always a basis for comparison, especially after the play of our wonderful actors in the movie. However, everything turned out well here! I'm sure that soon on the Internet after the words of THEATER C in the search line, my favorite SPHERE will be issued first! Therefore, I advise you to take tickets faster at reasonable prices to this theater - the quality is excellent!

Kristina was 02 june on Aphrodite

I liked the performance very much, you feel your involvement in the events on stage, good work with the viewer (direct contact) Talented beautiful young actors)

Vadim was 18 march on Ordinary story

Great performance. The game of actors pleasantly surprised and brought a lot of pleasant impressions. The production itself, together with the unusual closeness of the audience to the stage and the actors, completely captures attention, does not let you get bored. Particularly it is possible to note how accurately, harmoniously and convincingly all the presented characters are played ... Bravo! The relatively long timing of the performance is a big plus, since it allows you to enjoy the action to the fullest. This is just the case when you want to stretch the pleasure for as long as possible ...

Pavel was 30 october on In another's feast of a hang-over

Got a lot of positive emotions! A sparkling act of actors, a small hall, allowing viewers to feel full ownership of what is happening on stage. Thank you!

Mariya was 28 june on Our abroad

A wonderful performance!

Ekaterina was 02 june on Aphrodite

The performance is very touching, emotional, it makes you think about many things. The plot itself may not seem modern, but if you discard the "ideological" component, then there remains a component of simple human relations, which at all times are relevant. The artists are wonderful! Especially liked A. Chekalin in the role of Yurod in the second act. Stunning energy! In general, the "aftertaste" is very pleasant. The theater itself, not ordinary: small and cozy. It is interesting to solve the space of the scene: it turns out such an "interactive" with the viewer.

Natal`ya was 12 june on I came to give you the will

Great performance, according to Shukshin. The main story lines and the spirit of the book are preserved. Very dynamic. Good music. Interesting video series. The hall features, namely, that the playground in the center, the viewers around, makes them practically participants in the action.

Lubov` was 26 november on Diary of a Madman

BRAVO, S. Radzevich !!! "Notes of a Madman" is a wonderful solo performance. I had great pleasure in participating in this reading of Gogol. I recommend everyone to go and see this performance.

Vasiliy was 28 june on Our abroad

It was interesting.

Nina was 12 june on I came to give you the will

I am delighted with the performance! I really liked the music.

Ekaterina was 08 april on The Cherry Orchard

Yesterday we visited this wonderful play. What can I say, the classic is eternal, and in the performance of the actors of the Sphere theater, the work of Anton Pavlovich played with new colors. Flurry of emotions, the depth of feelings, sincere experiences - a brilliant actor's game I just won. I am delighted. With pleasure I will return to this cute and cozy theater again.

Elizaveta was 08 april on The Cherry Orchard

On this production went 08.04.2015. The actors play is wonderful! Very sensually and in detail emotions are transmitted. My ovations to their talent! But there are no comfortable nuances in the theater itself. It is clear that the theater is not big and it's not worth waiting for anything special from it. But the most important detail of the play is the scene. And she is in a deplorable state, since the floor is very tight and knocks. Sometimes you lose the words of the actor because of the creak.

Anastasiya was 06 march on The Cherry Orchard

Hello! Yesterday (08/04/2015) was at the play "Cherry Orchard"! Thanks a lot to the whole cast for the boundless talent and skill !!! From you there is such a mad energy, a storm of feelings and emotions, which we, the audience, live together with you !!! I want to say Huge Thanks and express my huge gratitude to the Theater "Sphere" for the Stunning Performances !!! Bravo!!! Creative successes and New Premieres!

Natal`ya was 12 april on Ordinary story

The actors play wonderful! The production is not bad, but it is somewhat tightened, there are scenes that could be subcritical.

Uliya was 28 june on Our abroad

Good afternoon! Yesterday we went to "Our Overseas" (went with a child of 12 years). I liked everyone! A funny, easy, truthful performance. I recommend!

Mariya was 16 april on Student of the Lyceum

I really love the theater "Sphere", therefore, perhaps, I'm biased. I liked it very much, I even cried, so I was touched by Arina Rodionovna. We were three of us, my friends prefer comedy or classics (Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Turgenev). I chose the play, I was afraid that my friends did not like it. Imagine my surprise when I found out that after watching they recommended this performance to their friends!

Nikolay was 13 june on Ordinary story

I love this theater. I love the home atmosphere, I love for the opportunity not only to watch, but also to be a member of the show, I love for the opportunity to look "eyes in the eyes" to the actors. Yesterday I was with my wife at the play - I liked it very much. The hall was full of applause for grateful spectators. Who wants to see-I recommend.

Yana was 28 may on Fatherlessness

A beautiful performance, it looks in one breath. Magnificent work of the director and cast. Bravo!

Svetlana was 12 april on Ordinary story

Was at the play on April 12, 2015. A great performance, a great game of actors. The second time I watch the play of D. Beresnev, he is incomparable! Such emotional actors have not existed for a long time. In this theater the classic sounds actual, gives food for thought. And I liked that the performance uses antique things, it's very nice. Ps And I love this theater for the lack of vulgarity.

Nadegda was 29 may on Honest swindler

Was at the theater "Sphere" in the play "Honest Scam". It's very unusual when you suddenly turn from a spectator into an active character. I really liked the performance, the amazing artists, the spiritual atmosphere of the theater. It was your first time, but I'm sure it was not the last time.