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МОЛЬЕР avec amour

МОЛЬЕР avec amour18+

Purchased earlier: 15
Москва, Сухаревская М. пл., 5
02 h 20 min


The play "Crazy Jourdain" by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is an adaptation of Jean-Baptiste Moliere's play "Bourgeois in the Nobility". "Crazy Jourdain" is far from social satire, although the desire of the nouveau riche to "rotate in the society of the Marquis" is relevant at all times. In Bulgakov's play, we see theater in theater. Here not only the characters of the "Bourgeois in the Nobility" appear, but also the artists of the Moliere theater, and in an extreme situation. Moliere suddenly fell ill, and instead of him the role of Jourdain tonight will have to be played by the actor Bejart ... Hastily distributing the roles among the troupe, Bejart sets out the content of the upcoming performance as follows: “Jourdain, a Parisian philistine, a wealthy man, is obsessed with the fact that he is a nobleman, here he is all".

Bulgakov expert Viktor Losev wrote: "... in the comedy" Mad Jourdain ", in essence, the main character is Moliere, although we do not see him on stage." The performance by Sergei Gazarov based on the play by Mikhail Bulgakov is called "MOLIER, avec amour". This is a very theatrical and very funny story about the unbridled power of imagination, transforming reality, about the violent elements of play. In this title - partly Russian, partly French - Moliere and Bulgakov are equally divided: with love from all of us.

Director Sergei Gazarov: “The play is called MOLIER, avec amour. The title of the play "Mad Jourdain" prepares us for the fact that this story is about some madman, and it has nothing to do with us. I don’t want to drive the hero straight into the framework of the "madman", because Jourdain, first of all, is in love, and this state is familiar to almost everyone. Madness in falling in love is also enough, but much more joy and positiveness awaits us from such a meeting.

As for the genre, so much is intertwined here that I, with all my desire, could not define it exactly. But in any work and genre, the most valuable thing for me is a person. Everything related to his life, causes and consequences of his actions is extremely interesting. Visually, the performance was decided unexpectedly, very boldly and unusual - a surprise awaits the audience. "
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