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Oleg Tabakov Theater

Feedbacks from viewers
Tat`yana was 06 june on The eldest son

Great game, lots of positive emotions. Thank you!

Marina was 06 june on The eldest son

Very soulful performance

Elena was 16 october on The eldest son

I am the 4th time on the Elder son and for the first time in the front row. Yesterday there was something delicious and amazing, and Yurochka Chursin surpassed himself. In general, the second day is MAGIC in me, thanks to everyone)

Aleksandr was 09 january on The eldest son

Magnificent performance and acting! The ability to quickly and conveniently select tickets for absolutely any performance, find out about the availability of seats, familiarize yourself with the genre and summary of the performance, your wonderful website helps. Everything is very convenient! Well done and keep it up! Thanks to informing yours via SMS, I do not miss a single event! Thank!

Natal`ya was 27 december on The eldest son

I liked the performance very much. Scenes from it have been running through my head for several days now. A wonderful selection of actors, very accurate, and this is exactly how the characters seemed to me when reading Vampilov's play. Awesome game by Sergei Sosnovsky and Yuri Chursin. I advise you to watch!

Irina was 09 january on The eldest son

Thank you very much for the pleasure of watching. It was inspirational and touching. Special thanks to Yuri Chursin. I love him very much)

Anna was 28 november on The eldest son

It's hard not to compare with the movie. In my opinion, the main difference is that the film is kinder. In the play there is some bitterness of the "son" against the "father", there is an attempt to take revenge for childhood grievances. She could not watch it, which, however, does not discredit the performance. He just didn't fit too well into my usual image of this play.

Kristina was 28 november on The eldest son

Thank! Excellent performance! Let's buy tickets for parents - let them go too

Uliya was 28 november on The eldest son

Delighted with the performance, we received tremendous pleasure. Excellent direction, Zhanna Sexte is incomparable!

Irina was 16 october on The eldest son

I really liked it!

Vyacheslav was 02 october on The eldest son

Wonderful, but the movie is better

Anton was 02 october on The eldest son

A magnificent performance on everyday topics, without a shadow of vulgarity. I really liked the play of the actor who played Semyon - an incredibly charismatic actor. I will recommend to friends.

Anton was 02 october on The eldest son


Oleg was 05 december on RUSSIAN WAR OF PECTORALIS

First about the name. The Russian War of Pectoralis, in my opinion, is about the simple in the complex, and about the complex in the simple. Me, this name, as they say today: "Catch on." The production was touched by the fact that the authors of the play, without "fermented patriotism", which Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov himself did not like, talk about the "mysterious Russian soul" and the nature of things in general. About why it’s good for us to eat pancakes in piles, and someone to choke on one. Avoiding everydayism in solving the whole performance helps not to run into the wings, after half an hour of viewing, but to see the horizon, inaccessible and immense. Avoiding caricaturism, although lubok and booth are appropriate here, this is a joke that helps, through irony, not only above the German, but also above oneself, to look into that mirror, which has nothing to blame, if that. You already feel it with your skin, and I went to the play in October, that the actors not only rubbed themselves in stylish costumes to each other, but also kept pace and rhythm. Feel like a partner, and live in a role. Still, namely, life and world perception of the performance are added to musical numbers, which the actors perform live. Well, since time went for life, then the scenery in the performance is lively and breathing. Finishing it, I think that the performance still has room to grow and develop. And, of course, I note the grandiose, modern, powerful "Oleg Tabakov Theater".

Aleksandr was 11 march on BENCH

The actors are gorgeous, there are two of them, And more is not needed here. Uncomplicated story full of humor and tragedy. Thank you for the great performance and a pleasant evening)

Galina was 18 february on THE MARITIME STILL

It is excellent! Penetrates into the depths of the soul .... tears ... many thanks to all the creative team!

Elena was 11 february on KINASSTON

I am delighted with the performance! Interesting, not boring, bright! Real THEATER! Very comfortable auditorium, everywhere clearly visible and audible! And the theater itself is just a fairytale-sparkling, enticing, bright box!)))

Natal`ya was 29 january on KINASSTON

The performance is quite decent, beautiful, lively, play well! But the new theater, contrary to expectations, did not like. Too many mirrors and all kinds of tinsel. He suppressed me and did not want to leave the hall during the intermission. Merchant of some kind in the worst sense of the concept.

Dereka Tamara Viktorovna was 28 november on THE MARITIME STILL

Wonderful performance, very much. I recommend to look. Lavrov is just great.

Ludmila was 14 november on KINASSTON

Expected beautiful performance! Must see. Matveyev is beautiful!

Ol`ga was 17 october on Actor

Received great pleasure from the play. Andrei Smolyakov, of course, is incomparable. Many thanks to all the actors! Bravo!

Ol`ga was 17 september on KINASSTON

I liked everything very much! Thanks to all the actors for the brilliant game. Maxim Matveyev in this role is great!

Igor` was 25 may on Katerina Ilvovna

Very interesting first division and loss of balance in the second. Choreography ceased to convey the nuances of the plot. A good attempt, an interesting attraction of videotapes. But in general 3 out of 5

Irina was 24 may on Mirror over the matrimonial bed

The length of the performance is less than an hour. At the end of the play, the audience is somewhat perplexed: "Is that all?". Impression that there must be a second action. The ticket price for such a performance is overstated. And so the performance is interesting, unexpected.

Anna was 01 may on Doll for the bride

Amazing performance. For all time. Laughter through tears, tears through laughter. More such performances, so as not to forget that our Motherland is Russia, and you are a Russian person, even if naive, but immensely kind, and this is our strength.

Irina was 17 april on Emma

Yesterday, April 15, were at the play "Emma". We liked it, the performance leaves a deep impression. In the reviews read: tightened, uninteresting, etc. It was interesting to us, I did not want to leave precisely. Good staging, a good play of actors, especially the four Bovary, an everyday theme. We all get tired of the relationship, but not all of us have enough spiritual strength to support them further - just enough to cover with their love all the shortcomings and fading coals draw into the warmth of the family hearth. In the reviews it is written everywhere that the play shows the path of the fall of Madame Bovary. In fact, this is the way all the characters fall, without exception - it's just that someone started it long before the events described ... I was amazed by the degree of depravity of the usurer, it's just insanity. In fact, he destroyed Emma's life, and only because she was in his field of vision ... Now there are many such people who value only the quality of their lives and live by the principle: to me everything - to you nothing that has crushed the voice of conscience so much, that they can trample without thinking, not only the feelings of another person, but also purposefully destroy his life. Am I right for Emma? No. Compassion? Hardly. I sincerely regret that she was in such circumstances, in such temptations and could not oppose this to anything, she could not appreciate what she had. Yes, maybe her life is not the best that can be in life. However, the matter is rather not in the life, but in the absence of true aspiration. Life without a dream, without aspiration, is a dull Mr.. But to think that this dream is somewhere in itself is self-deception. A dream always lives inside a person: and either it is inside it, or it is not. There is not a single character on the stage, inspired by a dream - a real dream: about good and creation. Maybe that's why they fight in temptations and sins, like flies in a web. I really liked the song that the heroine sings throughout the performance, good lyrics, harmonious music. Who will go, enjoy it!

Aleksandr was 04 april on TALKS AFTER THE BURDEN

A wonderful performance! Each actor in his role is sensitive, subtle, sometimes hysterical ... Even the heroes beyond the limits of the "love triangle" do not seem to be the characters of the second plan, everyone has his own story, his own layer of emotions .... Many thanks to the artists and the director!

Irina was 12 march on KINASSTON

Stunning performance, wonderful director's and actor's works, thank you !!!

Veronika was 26 february on Devil

The performance really liked! A great play of actors. As always, in my favorite snuffbox, I had a wonderful evening.

Tamara was 22 january on Wolves and sheeps

It is useful to read reviews about the performance. Given that the actors can not be heard even from the 6th row of the orchestra, they took tickets for the first row. They received a lot of extra pleasure, noting some details of the actors' scenic skill that were inconspicuous from afar. The performance strikes an unusual color solution of the scene and costumes in three colors: red, white and black. Musical design-songs and marches in German-bring a very fresh stream into the understanding of the play of the Russian classical playwright. The singer of merchant life - Ostrovsky A.-. The whole play, probably, turned over in a coffin. Thanks to the director K. Bogomolov. What pleases the performance is the actors' play. Their actions in the proposed circumstances are respected. Especially great in the scenic movement of Jan Sexte.

Nataliya was 15 january on Katerina Ilvovna

I took the ticket without even looking at the reviews and not seeing in the review of the words "choreographic drama" and the name of the director. I wanted to see Pegov on stage, before that I did not happen. Sigalova is definitely a great person in the field of dance, but THIS !!!!! Perhaps I do not understand contemporary art, but what the director wanted to say with the footsteps of feet, called dancing, and the constant fretting around the stage, is not clear. Almost all the performance actors did exactly this, intermingling it with plentiful erotic scenes. Undoubtedly, it's beautiful (it did not go) delivered, but it's too abundant. I'm not a prude, but with them (scenes), and, really, was busted. Still, it's a drama ... The only decoration on the stage is a retractable dais, which was periodically depicted. Naked walls with hammered stakes, on which the actors were climbing ... What this personifies is not clear. But "Bravo!" actors, laid out to the full! An hour forty without intermission in constant movement, it's powerful! It is a pity, very little was spoken. And the language of such dances and movements is not clear to me, unfortunately.

Elena was 09 january on Wife's school

I recommend!!! Simply super! The school of Tabakov is felt, the young actors were on top! Semchev is simply inimitable! Thanks !!!

Natal`ya was 05 january on KINASSTON

The best performance of 2017! Matveyev is incomparable!

Viktoriya was 27 december on Anonymous star

Yesterday I was at the play. The impression is good. But, given that you know this play almost by heart, thanks to the film Kozakov, then, willingly or unwillingly, you begin to compare. That's who I did not even try to compare - it's Anna Chipovskaya. She's just an ornament of the play! Beautiful, talented, alive! Pavel Tabakov seemed a little indistinct, even considering that the role is so. Many bright secondary roles. Of course, the performance is not a movie with a selection of cadres. But still, as a result, I would like to see more from the director! But this is my personal opinion ...

Ol`ga was 18 december on KINASSTON

Thanks to the creators of this performance, to the actors for the great game !!! The alloy of the plasticity of the sensuality of sparkling humor is perfect !!! We enjoyed the higher degree !!!

Ol`ga was 12 december on NIGHTS OF THE CABBI

Fellini rejoices, looking at you!

Ol`ga was 12 december on NIGHTS OF THE CABBI

Thanks to everyone who staged this performance, to everyone who played it! You created your masterpiece! Great, boys and girls - just great! Once again, thank you, Snuffbox!

Svetlana was 30 november on Katerina Ilvovna

Expectations did not coincide with what they saw! I do not want to waste time watching the productions of this kind ... It was clear that the artists gave their best, were plastic and artistic, but after watching the sludge of disappointment, the feeling of "dirty laundry" and incredible platitude ... she inspected the performance completely only because of respect for Pegova ...

Ol`ga was 23 november on KINASSTON

The happiest evening of my life! One of the best performances that I saw recently, and all of them - in the theater of Tabakov, the best theater in Moscow! Multifaceted, elegant, insanely talented! Bravo!

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

The king and his mistress are beyond praise! Well, Buckingham is generally ecstatic!

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

I was in Paradise! A masterpiece, elegant, beautiful, gorgeous!

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

Bravo! I have not seen anything better for a long time! How elegant, how beautiful! Multivalued meaning, beautiful text, beauty of persons, perfect bodies! Not a gram of vulgarity and falseness! Hold on and on!

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

This is a miracle of miracles! When you forget that you are in the theater, when you do not look at the faces of actresses, but watch the story! How good and young the heroes are, how we do not predict the result! I palmed on my hands to the feet!

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

From Chekhov to Coetzee, having such a commanding language, we use it badly, and he is unbeatable!

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

The best theater in Moscow!

Ol`ga was 20 november on Katerina Ilvovna

The best theater in Moscow, but alas, this experiment Sigalova in the concept of the theater did not fit, wallowing on stage, climbing the stage, climbing the walls, she is not the best director for a better theater

Ol`ga was 20 november on KINASSTON

What I saw today shocked me! Best performance, it was better only for "Storm"! Excellent, subtle, multifaceted! Without vulgarity square, I'm with you at the same time! Thank you, Wow!

Galina was 27 october on Actor

Were at the play Litsedei 07.10.17 with his daughter. Very good performance, A. Smolyakov once again won us, all the participants of the performance were on top.

Evgeniya was 16 november on Wii

One of the most powerful performances that we watched. The work itself is quite difficult, therefore, there are moments during the performance that are frankly frightening. At the same time, there are amazing director's findings. The performance is interesting to watch despite the fact that the plot is known. Made very strongly. Many thanks!

Irina was 28 september on Wii

Very interesting interpretation of Goglev "Viya" Vasily Sigarev! A fine director's work. Deep work with the text. And the amazing reincarnation of Andrei Fomin in the role of Khoma - just shocked by his game! For me, this actor unexpectedly opened up in a completely new way. As always, the ensemble Eugene is magnificent. Miller, Al. Usoltseva and Yana Sexte. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! And if you do not yet love Gogol, then after such a performance, run to the library)))

Elena was 25 september on KINASSTON

September 21 saw the performance "Kinaston" - in delight! A matchless game of actors! Matveev and Chipovskaya are unmatched! Matveyev especially, since. the role requires a huge skill in reincarnation, the actor is multi-talented and talented! Plot! Costumes, choreography, music - all at the highest level! Theater Tabakov in step with the times, no naphthalene. I do not know, I would recommend the conservative viewer, but my friends - be sure. Age restrictions are justified, but again, at the discretion of parents. All 16+ moments are absolutely justified in the context! I would show my daughter (15). Thank you !!!

Valery was 25 september on Wife's school

It's delightful! Semchev with his amazing talent turns the whole plot, instead of satire, a drama is produced! You begin to sympathize with his hero, not the young lovers.

Emil` was 22 september on KINASSTON

I liked the play,

Elena was 22 september on KINASSTON

A wonderful performance! All played perfectly! Maxim Matveyev is super! Very talented. I would like to wish him further creative success and good luck in acting and in life!

Margarita was 29 april on Three sisters

Great acting, I really liked the production. Time flew by unnoticed, although the performance was 3.5 hours. I will be happy to come to this theater again. And thanks to your site for the affordable and fast purchase of tickets.

Anna was 21 may on Three sisters

Wonderful performance! Indeed, time flies by unnoticed. I am grateful to the actors for the great game, the brilliance in their eyes simply can not be described! A wonderful story, a great atmosphere, just right.

Diana was 17 september on Three sisters

Opened the theatrical season with this production. Magnificent Chekhov, a great game of actors! Liked very much, time flew by! Now I go back to Tabakerku, which after the "Three Sisters" has become one of the most beloved theaters! Thank you!

Aleksandr was 28 august on Epifan Gateways

A brilliant performance. One of the best in Moscow today. I advise everyone!

Elena was 18 april on Waiting for the barbarians

The theme of the play is not new, but the opposition between the authorities and the "barbarians" is always topical. The actors play is magnificent, A.Smolyakov is talented certainly! For more than two hours he holds the hall. In Tabakerka was for the first time and now I want to see other performances.

Ol`ga was 19 june on Waiting for the barbarians

How I love your basement! You have such directors as Marin, and actors such as Smolyakov, put Coetzee and Shakespeare, and even with such brilliance! The Storm and the Waiting of the Barbarians, the Litsedey and Vassa, there are no such miracles anywhere in Moscow! Thank you, you are a theater in its highest sense!

Galina was 26 march on Wolves and sheeps

On March 26, in the new building on Sukharevka, the theater was opened. Tabakov, watched the magnificent performance of K.Yu. Bogomolov "Wolves and Sheep". A wonderful game of the entire composition of artists (Khairullina, Matveev, Sexte, Ugryumov, Chipovskaya, Ilyin, Chepurchenko, Lenskaya, Fisenko, Paramonov, Fomin), an interesting decision by the director and the permanent artist L. Lomakina. The theater's room is cozy, comfortable, the staff (especially the girls-biletiers) is very attentive. The only observation was that the replicas of the artists were not always audible (they were sitting in the center on the 6th row).

Sergey was 31 december on Mirror over the matrimonial bed

An ordinary performance. Good acting. The price of a ticket for such a performance is overstated. In the theater itself - a beautiful interior, cozy atmosphere, friendly attitude of employees.

Natal`ya was 24 june on Sister Hope

I watched the play for the second time and new emotions that filled my heart. I looked at it differently! A brilliant play by Alena Lapteva and Yana Sexte. Respect them! In one breath living life with the heroes, it is priceless. She brought her friends to this show, tk. I believe that "Sister Hope" is a performance that everyone should see! He gives us to understand many moments in our life and to reconsider our attitude to many things. The play is old, but it does not lose its relevance in our time!

Dinara was 15 june on Anonymous star

Was at the play on September 19, 2016. Great job! At first you involuntarily draw parallels with the famous film, But Ana Chipovskaya and Pavel Tabakov managed to tell a completely different story. Has received huge pleasure. I will recommend the performance to all my friends :) Thank you for a wonderful evening.Dinara

Natal`ya was 15 june on Anonymous star

Completely casually hitting this play, not a second did not regret. Delight! A touching love story with a slightly sad but logical end. Although you believe in a miracle until the last minute! The first time I saw Paul Tabakov on the stage, a great future behind him. I can not single out the actors' game, because everyone was great! And yes, I want to see such a performance more than once. Highly recommend!

Natal`ya was 06 june on The year when I was not born

And we really liked the performance! And the topic is so urgent, because everything that happens in the far-away Soviet year of 78 is happening now. Very interesting setting, scenery, with screens original, the feeling that you are next to the hero. Brilliant actors play! Thanks for a wonderful evening!

Elena was 19 june on Waiting for the barbarians

Deep performance, Andrei Smolyakov as always delicious, kept the hall until the last minute in suspense, a wonderful game of actors did not leave any spectator indifferent.

Ol`ga was 15 june on Fathers and Sons

I liked the performance very much. I went to him with caution, but the production itself was pleasantly surprised, the actors (Egorov, Smolyakov and others) forced to forget about everything except action on the stage. True, Odintsov seemed primitive, but against the backdrop of the brilliant performance of other actors, this is not so important. I really want to go to this theater again.

Ol`ga was 05 june on The Storm. Variations

And will not we, William, shake our William Shakespeare? Have swung! And rightly so! Great, bravo to the director, all the artists, great, our Shakespeare should like! Observed and the plot and meaning, Stefan and Ariel are particularly successful!

Svetlana was 06 june on The year when I was not born

A wonderful performance! I really liked the game of Khairullina Rosa. Tabakov is incomparable.

Anna was 22 june on Madonna with a flower

Great performance. Superbly plays the main character. In my opinion, the best performance in Tabakerka. I left the room with tears in my eyes.

Elena was 24 april on Actor

Was at the play on April 24, 2015. The performance was very much liked. Director M. Karbauskis Bravo !!!! Andrei Smolyakov is incomparable, an amazing game in the role of Briuscon. Despite the presence of other actors, this is a solo performance of one actor who keeps the hall throughout the performance. I advise you to go for the purpose of understanding for yourself what a theater-obsessed man (Briuscon) can get Pleasure from playing a talented actor. Thank you.

Nadegda was 19 february on Actor

An excellent evening! Brilliant actor's work A. Smolyakov! A. Vorobiev, N. Kostenev N. Tymohina, L. Khusnutdinov and A. Usoltsev-BRAVO !!! Thanks to all the staff for the special, cozy and friendly atmosphere of the Theater of the Studio O. Tabakov!

Valeriy was 26 march on Doll for the bride

Very good performance! Thanks to the director and actors for a great evening! I recommend to everyone for viewing!

Inna was 18 june on Seagull new version

Were at the play with a 16 year old daughter. Once again read the work. I liked the play since school years. I really love Chekhov. About the play - they left the middle of the second act. During the first action I wanted to sleep (it is difficult to read plays, but I do not want to sleep). A seagull is a passion, a storm of feelings, and my daughter almost fell asleep. During the intermission they went to the museum, they wanted to stay there. The production is not successful, very miserly spent money. Family contract to maintain the family budget. Yes! They did not expect...

Irina was 26 march on Doll for the bride

A great evening with your favorite actors! Laughter through tears. Thanks to everyone who participated in the creation of this wonderful performance!

Cvetlana was 18 june on Seagull new version

I liked the performance. Impeccable play of actors. We were satisfied.

Ludmila was 25 february on Seagull new version

I did not like it even once. Actors are out of hand badly, as if they were trying to finish the play sooner. Although the idea of ​​setting itself is very, very interesting.

Anna was 12 june on The Marriage of Belugin

Aerobatics! Watch is not boring, actual, lively, sharp! Snuffbox at the height!

Natal`ya was 18 june on Seagull new version

Terribly boring, boring, superficial with a CLAIM in a special way and not once in a Chekhovian way. A set of some unsuccessful director's techniques, unjustified. Apparently, the director aspired to some new forms, but why he did not understand. So, more than half of the performance actors are deployed to the spectators with their backs. There is a desire in response, just leave. Trigorin for an unknown reason creates the image of some priblatnennogo character .. Whether the actor's role is confused, or the director is so strange task set. The waste of time, the killed evening, the money spent. I note at the same time that I am far from adhering to the classical conservative interpretations of Chekhov, in Soviet cinema, for example. Speaking of new forms, the Lady with the Dog in the Moscow Theater is beautiful, the Three Sisters in the Fomenko studio, the Cherry Garden with Litvinova in the same Moscow Art Theater looked great (five years ago anyway). Ah, behold, the Seagull does not. Categorically NOT recommend.

Svetlana was 24 february on The Marriage of Belugin

Bravo! Thanks to all the actors and the director. Go, do not regret it.

Valeriy was 10 february on Marriage

Great performance on the classic work! Very relevant and funny! Actors are just perfectly matched! I want to go again!

Elizaveta was 18 june on Seagull new version

It was very difficult to call it a play, so everything was fresh and frankly boring. What is the originality of the reading of Chekhov's material by Mr. Bogomolov? The fact that he deprived the actors of emotions, leaving only the text, so that the viewer better understood the content? what for? I will permit myself to remind Mr. Bogomolov that plays are usually written to be staged, and not well-known actors read it. With the same success, you can read the play, and do not waste time and money on coming to the theater. And a couple of words about the musical accompaniment - Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in combination with GB - yes, it's "powerful"))))))) The feeling that under the MXT brand fakes with a claim to a "new reading" are now easily found. Apparently, the saying "business, nothing personal" works already here ...

Elena was 18 june on Seagull new version

Wonderful slim stylish performance! Stunning actors, many thanks to Konstantin Bogomolov and his team for another gift !!!

Oksana was 06 june on The year when I was not born

Was on the 26th of January. A surprisingly subtle and gentle story. Well done decoration. There are some bells and whistles of Bogomolov, but in general the actors' play was brilliant, and the play by V.Rozov is very difficult to play. In addition to Papanov earlier it was not possible for anyone.

Svetlana was 12 january on Doll for the bride

January 12 were at the play "Doll for the bride." I have the emotions go off scale to this day !! It's fun, it's sharp, it's urgent, it's vital, it's beautiful !!!! BRAVO!!!! In the theater was for the first time ... Thanks for the comfort, for the convenience, for the service!

Visitor was 27 june on Wife

In the theater-studio Tabakov EXCELLENT performers Irina Pegova and Sergei Ugryumov. In this performance they play a duet, although the game and other actors engaged in this performance is good, but they are our idols. Sometimes it's hard to understand another person, and if he is not someone else's, then you want the attitude to be in unison. It's hard, but possible!

Margarita was 24 january on Seagull new version

... Mr. Bogomolov reminded me of S. Daly. He also tried to attract attention in every possible way: walking with an anteater or driving around in a car filled with cabbage ... ONLY YOU WERE SPEAKING! ..) Although ... Such a comparison is a lot of honor for this director. Dali is a good girl. And who is B ..? .. Sophistication ... To attract attention to the indignant public ... Not new. But in the end, sad and sad. For whom are they holding us, gentlemen, the creators of the so-called performance? .. Do not waste your time, potential viewers.

Ol`ga was 17 november on Seagull new version

Tabakov is an outstanding actor. Liked.

Elena was 17 november on Seagull new version

The performance left an ambiguous impression. The first 20 minutes I wanted to leave the hall, but further all the more interesting and interesting. In general, I liked it.

Ekaterina was 30 november on The year when I was not born

Very ambiguous impression. Of course, the cast is incomparable! Thank you very much! But the play ... I love Rosy's plays. "Nest of wood grouse" read only after the play. And the impression was confirmed - a play about one, and the play - about another. And this "other" is purely non-spectatorically defined. Unclear. The director is incomprehensible. And, most offensive, this misunderstanding prevents you from enjoying acting.

Uliya was 17 november on Seagull new version

I really liked the performance. Although, I confess, went with some apprehension, what did the director of Bogomolov leave behind the "Seagull" for the scarecrow? ))) Excellent staging, wonderful actors' play, scenery - the performance was captured from the very beginning and did not let go until the last act! What I saw allowed me to understand something new in the play itself. I watched several Seagulls in different productions - for me this is the best version. Thank you for your experience and pleasure.

Ol`ga was 28 june on Doll for the bride

A great, funny and at the same time realistic performance about the attitude of people in our Russian village. After watching the performance, I immediately bought tickets to my mother and friends. Such a positive performance is recommended for viewing without fail.

Aleksey was 02 october on Two angels, four people

It was a lot of fun! This is the humor that I understand, plus a great game of actors !! thanks for the good mood))

Rafael` was 20 september on Emma

A huge thank you to Oleg Tabakov for his work in the upbringing and discovery of the cheered people under the roof of the warm Tabakerka, where the walls and roof of the house, and the Scene LIFE. "EMMA," is only in the beginning the name of the person to whom God sent a husband, let him be stupid and unskillful, but the answer

Dina was 05 october on The Marriage of Belugin

The performance is beautiful !! All the actors are talents !!! There was a patch with tickets. Three people in place including myself !!!

Vera was 25 september on Seagull new version

Very strange, some kind of static production. The sense of the director's idea is not clear - the brilliant actors on the stage As if they do not know how to convey the whole gamut of experiences Such strong emotions and events. For the first time I did not want to applaud at the end of the play.

Alena was 23 october on Actor

It's great, but as always. Has received huge pleasure.

Ekaterina was 21 october on The year when I was not born

A great performance, I liked everything, but in our opinion there was absolutely no need to use a rattling musical thrash at the end and in the middle of the play ... Especially on this historical one! Scene.

Ol`ga was 30 october on Doll for the bride

I liked everything: the actors' play, the directing, the play. I will recommend it to friends. Respect to Tabakov.

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