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Nigniy Novgorod
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Feedbacks from viewers
Svetlana was 12 november on FISH MAN

The unexpected is boring for Butusov.

Ol`ga was 12 november on FISH MAN

I liked the performance, the direction and the play of actors. The performance will not leave you indifferent if you are worried about your homeland. Mat did not leave his daughter negative perception. Thank you for the evening spent at the Theater, art without naphthalene is great.

Evgeniy was 22 october on FISH MAN

After viewing, I made sure that negative reviews are written not by graphomania, but by limited people who, in a fit of their inferiority, throw mud at a talented person. Only an idiot could leave before the end of the performance. So in the theater and nothing to do. Personally, this performance returned me to the theater, which was considered dead before it was viewed. The triumph of the new Fresh Form. Like a breath of fresh air, escaping from under a thick layer of dead dust, soaked in mothballs, mostly dead repertory theater, which has long been faithless. Butusov great fellow. The game of actors beyond: autumn is strong. If the heart is open, you are not indifferent to the fate of your country, if you are looking for yourself in this hellish meat grinder, tearing indifferently the soul and body of the population of this part of the land: Walk.

Человек из рыбы

Человек из рыбы18+

Purchased earlier: 3917
125009, Москва, Камергерский пер., 3
04 h 00 min


Svetlana was 12 november

The unexpected is boring for Butusov.

Ol`ga was 12 november

I liked the performance, the direction and the play of actors. The performance will not leave you indifferent if you are worried about your homeland. Mat did not leave his daughter negative perception. Thank you for the evening spent at the Theater, art without naphthalene is great.

Evgeniy was 22 october

After viewing, I made sure that negative reviews are written not by graphomania, but by limited people who, in a fit of their inferiority, throw mud at a talented person. Only an idiot could leave before the end of the performance. So in the theater and nothing to do. Personally, this performance returned me to the theater, which was considered dead before it was viewed. The triumph of the new Fresh Form. Like a breath of fresh air, escaping from under a thick layer of dead dust, soaked in mothballs, mostly dead repertory theater, which has long been faithless. Butusov great fellow. The game of actors beyond: autumn is strong. If the heart is open, you are not indifferent to the fate of your country, if you are looking for yourself in this hellish meat grinder, tearing indifferently the soul and body of the population of this part of the land: Walk.

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