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A fairy tale that was not written

A fairy tale that was not written6+

Purchased earlier: 343
from 600 rubles 
125284, Moskva, Begovaya ul., 5
00 h 50 min


Theater "Trikster" always conducts bright and non-standard dialogue with children. "A fairy tale that was not written" is no exception. On the big screen the subjects of various children's fairy tales are projected and turn the space into a big dense forest, then into a ship swaying in the waves, then to a boundless sky with fire-breathing dragons. Shimmering shadow-images appear in an instant and disappear, replacing each other. The main character, Princess, is in the epicenter of magical events, but where in this world is her personal tale? In what reality to live the Princess - to solve to young spectators. By voting, they can help create their journey to the magical kingdom.

Theater "Trickster" was invented by Vyacheslav Ignatov and Maria Litvinova - director and actress, husband and wife, father and mother. For them, writing children's plays is not just a job, but a vocation. In all the performances, their corporate style can be traced, created at the intersection of various theatrical genres: the shadow theater, the puppet theater, the artist's theater and performance. Trickster's performances are always interactive and work directly with the imagination of the child, giving him the opportunity to become an equal writer of the play. The creators of the theater are almost annual nominees for the Golden Mask Award and twice were laureates for the performances "Epic about the Lilac" in 2010 and "Journey to the Land of Jambles" in 2016.

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