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Great performance. Very interesting scenery. We liked the game of actors. And the ticket issuance went off without a hitch.) This is not the first time that we use the services of bigbilet.ru And in the future we plan to continue our cooperation. Thank you for the wonderful performance!
Great performance. Very interesting scenery. We liked the game of actors. And the ticket issuance went off without a hitch.) This is not the first time that we use the services of bigbilet.ru And in the future we plan to continue our cooperation. Thank you for the wonderful performance!
In less than an hour, when I returned from the play !! The feeling of delight is overflowing !! The actors play is gorgeous! Bright! Alive! Classics will always be classics! Previously, I went to another three theaters for staging Woe from Wit. But such bright impressions, as from today did not receive !! Went with my daughter 9 class. She, too, was very pleased! Recommended for everyone !!
In less than an hour, when I returned from the play !! The feeling of delight is overflowing !! The actors play is gorgeous! Bright! Alive! Classics will always be classics! Previously, I went to another three theaters for staging Woe from Wit. But such bright impressions, as from today did not receive !! Went with my daughter 9 class. She, too, was very pleased! Recommended for everyone !!
I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
“ A sad but magnificent performance! Wonderful acting, great directing! Bravo!
was 18 march on Jesus Christ Superstar
“ I watched 03/15/2019. Sumptuously! All the actors are just great professionals! All choreography, the parties have their own sacral meaning. Such a charge of energy received! Be sure to go again! I would like to see a production with a different cast. This action is not for everyone. Before buying tickets, google it on the internet: look at pictures, listen, Fortunately, there is a lot of information now. It is strange to look at people who leave the performance during the intermission, leaving their negative comments along the way. The feeling that random people came to the gatherings. Here, one of the comments, read that the scene with the motorcycles is superfluous. Nothing extra! The point is that Christ, Mary Magdalene, Judas, having fulfilled his mission in that time, died. But their souls, already in a different body, have come to this earth in our time, and these are ordinary young people, in modern clothes, on motorcycles, living ordinary lives.
was 07 march on FOG
“ One phrase will fully describe this presentation: "Royal Giraffe"
was 07 march on Meet, we're leaving
“ Wonderful performance! Sukhorukov and Sharkov are superb! Thanks for a wonderful evening!
was 04 march on Hero of our time
“ I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
was 17 january on Meet, we're leaving
“ Went with colleagues. Everyone liked it. The performance is well delivered, the scenery and the music are wonderful. The game of actors is great. Thank you
was 11 january on Jesus Christ Superstar
“ I was at the play with my daughter - 12 years old. The rock opera made a strong impression on her! Were very pleased from viewing !!!
was 09 january on Exercise in a beautiful
“ Loved the play. Small hall. Great actors. I advise everyone.
was 08 january on Roman comedy
“ Modern, extremely relevant, in the spirit of Russian theater. Sophisticated and successfully replaced the scenery, good costumes. Magnificent Viktor Sukhorukov, becomes the leading actor of the theater, to match him, the play of all the artists in the play. Herald is somewhat unsuccessful, there was no expression, let down the diction. Shone Margarita Shubin. Thanks to Pavel Chomsky for courage, got to the point. I advise you to see and have fun.
was 03 december on IDIOT
“ Great performance. Very interesting scenery. We liked the game of actors. And the ticket issuance went off without a hitch.) This is not the first time that we use the services of bigbilet.ru And in the future we plan to continue our cooperation. Thank you for the wonderful performance!
was 23 november on Baden-Baden
“ Great theater! One of the favorite) Cozy in it. The hall is always full, in a semicircle you can see and hear everything! Lobby, buffets, toilets are all for people. Performance GOOD! .very interesting! The game of artists is wonderful, intrigued .... the scene is above all praise and the water rumbles (sources) and the Russian tree and the background are German houses and the station !!! Well done in one word, to all who have not been advised to go see "Baden-Baden" A little philosophy in the performance, the rest FEELINGS .... Thank you BIGBILET for the opportunity to pre-purchase not expensive tickets.
was 23 november on Meet, we're leaving
“ 11/22/18 was at the play "Meet, we leave." Amazingly humane performance! Charming and touching! This is a story about the generation of the third age, speaking in modern language. the elderly because it is about life
was 09 november on VASSA
“ The performance is complex, ambiguous, not a classic production! Makes you think, and pick up a book. The actors are great, a special thanks to Victoria Sevrukova (costumes). Thank you for the ambiguity and for making you return to the classics!
was 06 november on IDIOT
“ I liked the performance. Close in form and content to the original, of course, in the amount of a 3-hour performance ... I will recommend to friends and family ... I liked that the actors diligently left the game of their characters from the famous movie Pyryev. (Except for the character Lebedev - almost a copy, even in the voice timbre ..)
was 30 october on The Cherry Orchard
“ God, Konchalovsky well done !!!!! Only he SO showed Masterpiece Chekhov. Vysotskaya on HEIGHT)))))
was 29 october on Dangerous ties
“ I have long wanted to go to this performance, but it did not meet expectations. Delight of the previous reviews will not share. Is that the costumes and scenery is really wonderful. The first act, in my opinion, is too tight - scenes 4 from the force, where the boring dialogues take place, no action other than the senseless movement of actors around the scene. In the second already livelier, but I did not have enough drama. In general, my rating is 3+ - the scenery is beautiful, the theater is pleasant, but the action did not capture and was unpleasantly surprised by frankly stupid and vulgar jokes.
was 22 october on Magnificent cuckold
“ Dual impression. The play itself is absolutely terrible, but by some miracle the director managed to make an interesting production from a nightmarish material. We generally liked it, although a certain number of spectators left during the intermission. Pavel Derevyanko and Julia Khlynina played 100%, the other artists slightly reminded amateur performances. A completely unfortunate idea with smoking on stage. In the hall, then there is a smell for quite a long time, and smoking has nothing to do with the plot. The auditorium is very comfortable, clearly visible from everywhere. The performance involved a projector installed in the central aisle of the last rows, most likely, it is noisy and can interfere with the audience.
was 16 october on Magnificent cuckold
“ Thank the team "BigBicket"! If not for you, we would never have seen this beautiful spectacle! The play of actors, dramaturgy, vitality and such clarity. The best performance that we have ever seen. Special thanks to Pavel Derevyanko for the great game! So to get used to the role and bring the whole point to the viewer - true professionalism. Thank you all again!
was 15 october on Magnificent cuckold
“ Derevianko !!! And all the actors of the play are wonderful! Madness from jealousy - it is understandable and inexplicable and so cruel! At first, monstrous protest and indignation simply arise — that this simply cannot be! Then you realize that their lives and loved ones are so manic and destroyed .... It is worth looking unequivocally ...
was 15 october on Casting / Casting
“ The play is about nothing! Alla Sigalova collects the hall "on behalf of." No composition, no direction, no meaning.! 90 percent of the time - talking on the stage about anything, stupid moving a pair of objects on the stage (such as decorations). With all due respect to Mr. Adoskin, the meaning of his presence on the stage is incomprehensible. And to some extent, even inappropriate. "To see the dance staged by the famous Sigalova" - went with this thought to the show. Gone in complete disappointment ....
was 15 october on Magnificent cuckold
“ The performance is powerful. Emitations of actors permeate throughout the entire performance. All the actors play beautifully. Got a storm of emotions.
was 15 october on Magnificent cuckold
“ Very good setting. A small flat: Derevyanko seemed to play half-heartedly, perhaps from a desire to let Khlynina’s talent appear. And yet, sorry, not a very pleasant feeling from the theater services: they turn off the lights in the lobby immediately after the performance and have the impression that they are waiting for the room to be vacated. It is a pity, because the theater begins with a hanger! ;) And as for the rest, I recommend it very much, everything is at a high professional level and makes you think about a lot.
was 28 september on Month in the village
“ The play on Turgenev's play really liked. despite the fact that we are fans of classical productions, watched in one breath, and the musical compositions of music by B. Grebenshchikov were very harmoniously. It seemed to me that they sang even without a phonogram. The minimum of scenery..the suits are chosen very correctly and stylishly. The performance is wonderful! They left with a desire to go again ...
was 28 september on RRR (Crime and Punishment)
“ We go to the Mossovet Theater to go to all the performances 2-4 times and this one, in my opinion, is one of the best. Firstly, it has indescribable light and scenery - they create exactly the gloomy-oppressive atmosphere of St. Petersburg, which is represented when reading the novel. Secondly, there are many interesting finds in the play with the submission of original quotations from the source (I will not write a spoiler, exactly how they are played, but for this director-director a special thank you, very interesting presentation). Thirdly, the actors' play at the height is very vivid and authentic, the novel is just coming to life. In general, I strongly recommend that you go!
was 26 september on Uncle Ivan
“ Fine performance, but the acoustics are terrible in the theater, we sat in the amphitheater in the second row and the first half of the performance was almost not heard. I encounter this for the first time, although in the second act everything was already good. The cast was magnificent, Vysotskaya was incomparable, although I'm not her fan, but in this performance she is beautiful.
was 31 august on Jesus Christ Superstar
“ Beautiful performance. Eternal music. Good performance. I watched and listened in one breath as in my youth. Bravo all the cast! Thank you.
was 28 august on Magnificent cuckold
“ The performance is beautiful! We went to Derevyanko. Derevyanko is inimitable! Emotions swept over the edge. In some moments it was even hard to watch! To the whole staff, who took part in the production of the play, great respect!
was 27 august on IDIOT
“ Thank you for the wonderful production! An excellent game by Anton Anosov, Evgeny Ratkov and Zakhar Komlev. Ekaterina Guseva is excellent.
was 27 august on Magnificent cuckold
“ A wonderful performance, saturated with a whole range of feelings from the gentle, touching love to the soul's jealousy. A wonderful game of actors, live music, lighting effects create a single whole and the play looks, or rather I live in one breath!
was 22 august on Casting / Casting
“ I did not expect such enthusiasm from myself (I calmly concern myself with musical productions and not a fan of dances): I really liked the play, I even wanted to review it. Alla Sigalova is magnificent, the ensemble is really an ensemble, and a special thanks goes to Anatoly Adoskin!
was 20 august on Magnificent cuckold
“ Very strong setting. Horror and paranoia of absolute power. Even greater horror of joyful submission to her. Magnificent - because it's not the horns, but the crown. Derevianko performs in the play almost impossible task. Well done, he will grow up into a great actor. The girl Khlynina - and in what the soul keeps, and also the fellow is simple. This is the victory of the theater of the Moscow Soviet and Nina Chusova.
was 13 august on Noise behind the scenes
“ Was at the play. Not very much.
was 10 august on Noise behind the scenes
“ Went to the play on August 9. The performance is not unique. In the first act frankly bored. The second action is fireworks !!. Although people have different reactions. My friends were frankly bored, and I laughed just to tears. Actually, the incidents during the game of actors are quite often, but in this production they were collected in such a quantity that it is impossible to look without laughter at the actors' failures .. Many thanks to the whole cast of actors, how they did not get confused in this mess, how they got off! !! Thanks guys!!
was 09 august on Dangerous ties
“ The play was liked, with humor, it's just a benefit Yatsko. It is very convenient that you can buy tickets online, on the day of the ticket show at the ticket office was gone and asked for an extra ticket, as in ancient times.
was 06 august on Magnificent cuckold
“ Great performance! The magnificent game of the inimitable Paul Derevyanko and the delightful Julia Hlynina, the live music of the performance left a very strong impression! Thank you very much to everyone who is involved in this performance for the given emotions!
was 05 august on Magnificent cuckold
“ Beautiful production, talented Pavel Derevyanko, thoughtful scenery, unobtrusive music and a bunch of epithets that you can shed this performance. Remained with his wife very, very satisfied, especially since she has long been sympathizing with P. Derevyanko. We advise you to watch and admire the game of all the actors, the emotions remain only positive. Thank you!
was 27 jule on Magnificent cuckold
“ We saw the Magnificent Cuckold. They are delighted with everything - actors' play, design, production. Thank you so much.
was 27 jule on Magnificent cuckold
“ I liked the play. Life situation: a schizophrenic patient has formed around him a situation in which not only close people are involved, but also the villagers. Genius and insanity. As a psychiatrist, I note that Pyotr Derevyanko brilliantly reproduced a madman. Thanks to the director and all the artists.
was 27 jule on VASSA
“ The performance is complex, it makes you think about many things. Talysin is incomparable, causes strong emotions, I liked very much, the audience applauded standing up!
was 17 jule on Meet, we're leaving
“ The performance is wonderful, the game of Sukhorukov and Sharkov is beautiful. They left with a feeling of mild sadness, which is what the theme of the play suggests. Recommended for viewing uniquely! And the music was wonderful, listening with pleasure.
was 13 jule on Noise behind the scenes
“ They watched the play together: I liked it (actors, mise-en-scenes, dialogues and humor), and my companion - no (said: "It's very noisy and not always heard cues"),
was 28 june on Dangerous ties
“ A wonderful performance! The actors' play, costumes, atmosphere. Well spent evening!
was 04 june on RECEPTION
“ Terrible boredom. This is interesting only to Jurassic.
was 24 may on Dangerous ties
“ The performance really liked! All the actors are great. O. Cabo and Yatsko are brilliant! The decoration of the stage, the scenery, the costumes are very beautiful. Live music in the intermission, the museum of the theater. I am delighted with everything!
was 24 may on Dangerous ties
“ I'm delighted with the performance! Showed how all the same people are dependent on public opinion. Scandals, intrigues, deceptions. People with high martial principles, cautiously, there are erotic scenes.
was 23 april on VASSA
“ I liked the play, played well and miraculously sung. Thank you!
was 23 april on Baden-Baden
“ The play "Baden-Baden" really liked! Stunning acting game! Very realistic atmosphere. There was a feeling of personal presence in this wonderful city. Thank you for the pleasure!
was 11 april on Meet, we're leaving
“ I quite agree with Irina! We also went as a married couple, and we "did not come to grief." Although the actors tried very hard, and the extensions with pigeons, umbrellas (rain) are worthy
was 06 april on Every day is not Sunday
“ Was at the play 05.04.18. Excellent staging of Ostrovsky's play. Thanks to all the actors - Evgeny Steblov, Elena Valyushkina, Stanislav Bondarenko, Sasha Kuzenkina, Olga Anokhina, Jana Lvova. Laughed heartily !!! Positive energy !!!
was 12 march on Dangerous ties
“ The play was liked, but advice to all who will go: read the book, the plot and direction of this action will be more clear. And so, the actors' play and the theater itself are always on top!
was 12 march on Dangerous ties
“ On the day of the enamored, we got to this wonderful play with our husband! Stunning performance of actors, brilliant O. Cabo, from Yatsko it's just impossible to take your eyes off! The most wonderful performance gave us a love vortex for several weeks! Bravo!!!!
was 16 february on Every day is not Sunday
“ Great performance! Looks at one go. In my opinion, the best production of this play. Without an intermission, it would be even better! Steble is magnificent, Valyushkina is beautiful. The scene under the roof creates an additional cosiness and involves the performance. I recommend.
was 04 february on Meet, we're leaving
“ A wonderful performance, for all ages, went around the whole family. Actors are beyond praise.
was 30 january on IDIOT
“ Beautiful production! Dmitry Podarayev as Myshkin is incomparable. Ekaterina Guseva is magnificent in the role of Nastasya Filippovna. The action on the stage captures, involves emotionally, and even after the performance you continue to empathize with the heroes.
was 22 january on The Cherry Orchard
“ Chekhov's play is beautiful ... interesting staging and scenery Konchalovsky ... What is wonderful, of course, decorates the play - this quote Chekhov on the screen. The selection of actors raises questions. So the schoolchildren, who had not yet read the play, could not understand why Lopakhin and Petya were older than Ranevskaya, who, after all, consoled Yermolai as a little boy. Although the game Vitaly Kishchenko really makes an impression on the general background. Dialogue Ranevskaya with Petya - quite an annoying moment. If you want something more, you probably need to look in other theaters.
was 16 january on Casting / Casting
“ Were at the play on December 16. We received many positive impressions. Allah Sigalova is especially incendiary in all hypostases. The 90th anniversary of the master of the theater of Mr. Adoskin decorated the end of the play and became its apotheosis. Go and see
was 12 january on Jesus Christ Superstar
“ Went on 01/10/2018. I liked it very much. We watched in one breath. They took tickets in a box. Everything was visible. But there was one unpleasant impression from the old lady of the controller. After the intermission at the very beginning of the second part of the beginning we threaten with fines for the fact that I decided to see the time on the phone. These threats and verbal skirmish prevented us from viewing us and others around us. Although at the beginning of the event, no mention was made of the ban on photographing, and others were repeatedly photographed with a flash, thereby interfering with what the old lady-ergil said, or overslept. This incident left an unpleasant residue ...
was 09 january on The strange story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
“ Lucy in the performance of Anastasia Makeeva is beautiful, she is the best in this performance. Oleg Kuznetsov is trying, but he is too "heavy" for the role of Dr. Jekyll, the rest is not bad, but is not remembered. 01/08/2018
was 06 january on Dangerous ties
“ I liked the performance very much. Great cast, excellent actors' play. And of course there is a wonderful atmosphere in the theater itself.
was 20 november on IDIOT
“ A stunning performance! It's nice to look at talented people, thanks to whom you easily immerse yourself in the plot and watch Dostoevsky! No distracting finesse and "theatricality". Anton Anosov (Myshkin), Ekaterina Guseva (NFB), Zakhar Komlev (Rogozhin) - it's great! The actors play is dynamic, exciting! I really enjoyed the performance! Thank you!
was 14 november on Baden-Baden
“ Thank you for the performance. Very modern (lived!) Theme for our t .. n. middle class - recreation "on the waters" in Europe, the search for the development of Russian society, the search for harmony, love, happiness. After the play, she opened the novel "Smoke" with interest, previously missed by me. The theater once again confirms that a home library is needed to be able, as 200 years ago, to enjoy the book and the perception of life by the great I. Turgenev. I like very much that now the plays are often put on the best literature, without waiting for special dramaturgy. And, of course, I admired the actors, first of all E. Kriukova - a deep and talented person, as it became known after her performance in the program "The Fate of Man" on "Russia-1".
was 07 november on Jesus Christ Superstar
“ What can I write? This is one of my favorite performances for 27 years! I watch it about once every 2-3 years. I saw, probably, all the compositions. Each in its own way is good. Then I review the film, which was shot in 1971. In a couple of years I'll go again, God forbid. And my daughter walks with me, already for the fifth time. So I recommend. A wonderful performance, amazing in terms of the force of impact.
was 31 october on Uncle Ivan
“ We watched the performance on 10/29/2017. In general, the performance made a good impression. But at the beginning a lot of dialogues were very hard to hear, although they sat on the 10th row (I can imagine how it was heard for example on the 20th row!?!). Personally, I got a lot of discomfort, listening, little pleasure !!! After the intermission, it was much better heard. I would advise the organizers to pay more attention to the sound !!! This is not a ballet, but a theater! I have something to compare with. Was in many theaters, in the Contemporary, Mayakovsky, others. There are no such problems, so the impressions from the performances of the Mayakovsky Theater are much greater!
was 27 october on Casting / Casting
“ I liked it very positively and brightly! I recommend!!!
was 10 october on The Cherry Orchard
“ Mentally. I rested. Chekhov's letters on the screen are appropriate and a little sad. Vitaliy Kishchenko is good. Julia Vysotskaya the charm. Was at the play 08.10.17
was 10 october on IDIOT
“ Thanks to the creators of the play for the wonderful production, the most worthy performance of actors, dynamics, interesting set design, everything is in the spirit of the novel.
was 15 october on The dressing-room
“ Very good performance! Accurate hit relevance in the current state of society.
was 06 may on The dressing-room
“ Sumptuously! Best performance!
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Was disappointed. From Jurassic and Filippenko, we have the right to expect participation ONLY in good performances, but not in "Predbannike". Nothing but claims to the mind and humor in the play. Neither the first nor the second. On respect for the luminaries will not be able to leave.
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Yesterday they watched the play. After the first action we sat in perplexity. From the second they left. We did not even understand what was going on. Maybe, of course, the idea of the play was concluded in the last scene. But, alas, we did not wait for it. Sorry ... We respect Jurassic, Filippenko. But what was that nonsense ????
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Wonderful statement. Already ordered the book by S.Jursky "Provocation. Theater of Igor Vatsetis." Thank you for pulling out of the bustle and making you stop, look around and think about it.
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ The play left an ambivalent impression. In my opinion, the content did not allow the artists to fully express themselves.
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Thank you! A good game of artists, bravo! But the performance itself did not understand, excuse me :-(
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Thank you for the wonderful performance)
was 27 november on The dressing-room
“ beautiful, talented and best performance, which I saw in the past theatrical season. Magnificent Filipenko, Yatsko and. certainly MAESTRO Jurassic.
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Great performance! All the actors played perfectly! Thanks for the game!!! The only thing was very stuffy.
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ It was stuffy in the hall because of what the impressions were smeared. The first action looked boring, despite the brilliant game. In general - a solid "four"
was 27 november on The dressing-room
“ strong performance. looks in one breath. intertwined and drama and comedy (however, like our whole life). but a comedy with a mild sadness, and not with laughter.
was 06 may on The dressing-room
“ I liked the play very much, both to me and to my mother. All the actors played beautifully, and the play with meaning, makes you think about many things. I recommend to all my friends))
was 27 november on The dressing-room
“ Thank you so much! I got pleasure! The game is gorgeous! Bravo!
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Pros: a wonderful cast and a great game. Cons: difficult for understanding plot and unbearable stuffiness in the hall. With respect to the theater!
was 06 may on The dressing-room
“ Everything was great, thank you to the theater, the actors!
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ The play really liked the performance of actors above praise. Thank you for such a wonderful holiday and for the amazing atmosphere in the theater.
was 15 october on The dressing-room
“ A wonderful actor's game!
was 22 january on The dressing-room
“ I can not agree with negative reviews: the show really liked it. It coincided with everything-and a good script, and a great direction, and a great game. In the beginning, it was really thought that some unrelated episodes, notes, sketches, etc. (After reading bad reviews I decided that I would still go look at the game of masters) But then miraculously all these seemingly disparate pictures harmoniously formed as in kaleidoscope, and it turned out a picture-holistic, deep, grotesque .. And funny, and sad - what to say? ... but certainly true and relevant! Thanks !!!!
was 15 october on The dressing-room
“ Thank you very much, for a long time did not get such pleasure from the performance, the actors are simply amazing.
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Great cast, great game Thanks for the beautiful evening.
was 27 november on The dressing-room
“ I liked the performance! Thank you!
was 07 april on The dressing-room
“ What kind of feedback can be left, a coma as words of admiration from the masters A.Filippenko and S.Jursky! On actors of this level you can just walk and watch as they are silent and already from this "lump in the throat". And if it is an interesting production (there are no others at Jurassic), then it's already in one breath! Bravo! The game of all actors, without exception, at a high level! Special thanks to the team BIGBILET.RU for the convenience of buying a ticket and a reminder of the event!
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ The performance is simply stunning! The actor's game is on top! Yursky, Filippenko, Yatsko gave us a real holiday. I advise everyone!
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Went with my son, we really enjoyed it. A stunning performance and a fragmented play of actors. I will definitely recommend to visit
was 16 jule on The dressing-room
“ Great performance! Thank you.
was 01 october on IDIOT
“ Thank you! Very interesting production, a wonderful game of actors!
was 19 september on The Cherry Orchard
“ The third evening I spent a trilogy at the theater! I'm glad that I was able to find an opportunity and see it that way - a trilogy. Magnificent acting, very fine director's work. Inserts from Chekhov's letters gave the effect of the sensation of what was just happening, about to be committed. And it's been more than a hundred years! It is in the trilogy that it becomes obvious how good-hearted, but completely unviable people were. Unable to even understand that their whole life is ending right now! The general impression of the performances is deep and serious plays about the causes of those destructive changes that occurred very soon. Actor V. Kishchenko and in the "Three Sisters", and in the "Cherry Orchard" showed other characters who are able not only to survive, but also to take advantage of the situation. While Lopakhins came to replace Gaev and Ranevsky, but there is also Petya, who also personifies other forces that have already appeared on the stage of history. The trilogy as a holographic image is an undeniable success. Many thanks for the three wonderful evenings!
was 19 september on Three sisters
“ Extraordinary fine work of the director and actors. All are lovely. beautiful people, but for some reason everything is in decline and badly ends. Because it's not enough to be nice. you need both will and mind to apply to solve the problems that arise after each other. No one has the will or understanding of the true state of affairs. In addition to Natalia, who eventually settled perfectly in the house of the weak-willed sweet Prozorovs, and she does not only rope from her husband, but from everyone who comes across her arm. An example of the fact that a less educated and narrow-minded person, having at least some goals, is stronger than all-roundly educated, brought up in the best traditions, but absolutely weak-willed and aimless general's children. The play is sad, but the beautiful acting game gives it the sensation of some fabulous vague dream, from which the sisters are about to wake up, that's what brother understands ... But no, fate is not! How good and Yu Vysotskaya, and A. Domogarov, and N. Vdovina, and P. Derevyanko! Yesterday I saw them in "Uncle Vanya" - completely different! Even the voices are different, not to mention the habits! Bravo!
was 19 september on Uncle Ivan
“ I really liked the play. A. Konchalovsky made a statement in a key, close to the original. Chekhov wrote this play just for that. so that contemporaries see their life through the eyes of the audience, as if a little from the side .. Today's play is seen as a remembrance of that time. But how many scenes, monologues and short remarks are perceived as if they were written today! Eternal themes in the soft but truthful context of that life are extremely important today. It is difficult to evaluate the actors' game - all are beautiful, subtle and sensual. I got great pleasure from a wonderful performance and a wonderful game. Thank you so much!
was 21 june on Casting / Casting
“ A wonderful performance. ENERGY, exciting! Thanks
was 31 jule on Casting / Casting
“ Excellent! Thank you!
was 20 november on Casting / Casting
“ Very nice performance! Alla Sigalova - BRAVO!
was 08 march on Casting / Casting
“ Were at the play on 08.03.2016. with a daughter of 13 years. Very pleased, easy, fun, at ease. We received a lot of positive emotions. The artists are great, even you do not want to single out anyone, everyone is so individual and very fit for his role. The final dance is the perfect completion of the production. Thank you for the gift in the form of such a performance. I advise everyone!
“ A sad but magnificent performance! Wonderful acting, great directing! Bravo!
“ I watched 03/15/2019. Sumptuously! All the actors are just great professionals! All choreography, the parties have their own sacral meaning. Such a charge of energy received! Be sure to go again! I would like to see a production with a different cast. This action is not for everyone. Before buying tickets, google it on the internet: look at pictures, listen, Fortunately, there is a lot of information now. It is strange to look at people who leave the performance during the intermission, leaving their negative comments along the way. The feeling that random people came to the gatherings. Here, one of the comments, read that the scene with the motorcycles is superfluous. Nothing extra! The point is that Christ, Mary Magdalene, Judas, having fulfilled his mission in that time, died. But their souls, already in a different body, have come to this earth in our time, and these are ordinary young people, in modern clothes, on motorcycles, living ordinary lives.
“ One phrase will fully describe this presentation: "Royal Giraffe"
“ Wonderful performance! Sukhorukov and Sharkov are superb! Thanks for a wonderful evening!
“ I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
“ Went with colleagues. Everyone liked it. The performance is well delivered, the scenery and the music are wonderful. The game of actors is great. Thank you
“ I was at the play with my daughter - 12 years old. The rock opera made a strong impression on her! Were very pleased from viewing !!!
“ Loved the play. Small hall. Great actors. I advise everyone.
“ Modern, extremely relevant, in the spirit of Russian theater. Sophisticated and successfully replaced the scenery, good costumes. Magnificent Viktor Sukhorukov, becomes the leading actor of the theater, to match him, the play of all the artists in the play. Herald is somewhat unsuccessful, there was no expression, let down the diction. Shone Margarita Shubin. Thanks to Pavel Chomsky for courage, got to the point. I advise you to see and have fun.
“ Great performance. Very interesting scenery. We liked the game of actors. And the ticket issuance went off without a hitch.) This is not the first time that we use the services of bigbilet.ru And in the future we plan to continue our cooperation. Thank you for the wonderful performance!
“ Great theater! One of the favorite) Cozy in it. The hall is always full, in a semicircle you can see and hear everything! Lobby, buffets, toilets are all for people. Performance GOOD! .very interesting! The game of artists is wonderful, intrigued .... the scene is above all praise and the water rumbles (sources) and the Russian tree and the background are German houses and the station !!! Well done in one word, to all who have not been advised to go see "Baden-Baden" A little philosophy in the performance, the rest FEELINGS .... Thank you BIGBILET for the opportunity to pre-purchase not expensive tickets.
“ 11/22/18 was at the play "Meet, we leave." Amazingly humane performance! Charming and touching! This is a story about the generation of the third age, speaking in modern language. the elderly because it is about life
“ The performance is complex, ambiguous, not a classic production! Makes you think, and pick up a book. The actors are great, a special thanks to Victoria Sevrukova (costumes). Thank you for the ambiguity and for making you return to the classics!
“ I liked the performance. Close in form and content to the original, of course, in the amount of a 3-hour performance ... I will recommend to friends and family ... I liked that the actors diligently left the game of their characters from the famous movie Pyryev. (Except for the character Lebedev - almost a copy, even in the voice timbre ..)
“ God, Konchalovsky well done !!!!! Only he SO showed Masterpiece Chekhov. Vysotskaya on HEIGHT)))))
“ I have long wanted to go to this performance, but it did not meet expectations. Delight of the previous reviews will not share. Is that the costumes and scenery is really wonderful. The first act, in my opinion, is too tight - scenes 4 from the force, where the boring dialogues take place, no action other than the senseless movement of actors around the scene. In the second already livelier, but I did not have enough drama. In general, my rating is 3+ - the scenery is beautiful, the theater is pleasant, but the action did not capture and was unpleasantly surprised by frankly stupid and vulgar jokes.
“ Dual impression. The play itself is absolutely terrible, but by some miracle the director managed to make an interesting production from a nightmarish material. We generally liked it, although a certain number of spectators left during the intermission. Pavel Derevyanko and Julia Khlynina played 100%, the other artists slightly reminded amateur performances. A completely unfortunate idea with smoking on stage. In the hall, then there is a smell for quite a long time, and smoking has nothing to do with the plot. The auditorium is very comfortable, clearly visible from everywhere. The performance involved a projector installed in the central aisle of the last rows, most likely, it is noisy and can interfere with the audience.
“ Thank the team "BigBicket"! If not for you, we would never have seen this beautiful spectacle! The play of actors, dramaturgy, vitality and such clarity. The best performance that we have ever seen. Special thanks to Pavel Derevyanko for the great game! So to get used to the role and bring the whole point to the viewer - true professionalism. Thank you all again!
“ Derevianko !!! And all the actors of the play are wonderful! Madness from jealousy - it is understandable and inexplicable and so cruel! At first, monstrous protest and indignation simply arise — that this simply cannot be! Then you realize that their lives and loved ones are so manic and destroyed .... It is worth looking unequivocally ...
“ The play is about nothing! Alla Sigalova collects the hall "on behalf of." No composition, no direction, no meaning.! 90 percent of the time - talking on the stage about anything, stupid moving a pair of objects on the stage (such as decorations). With all due respect to Mr. Adoskin, the meaning of his presence on the stage is incomprehensible. And to some extent, even inappropriate. "To see the dance staged by the famous Sigalova" - went with this thought to the show. Gone in complete disappointment ....
“ The performance is powerful. Emitations of actors permeate throughout the entire performance. All the actors play beautifully. Got a storm of emotions.
“ Very good setting. A small flat: Derevyanko seemed to play half-heartedly, perhaps from a desire to let Khlynina’s talent appear. And yet, sorry, not a very pleasant feeling from the theater services: they turn off the lights in the lobby immediately after the performance and have the impression that they are waiting for the room to be vacated. It is a pity, because the theater begins with a hanger! ;) And as for the rest, I recommend it very much, everything is at a high professional level and makes you think about a lot.
“ The play on Turgenev's play really liked. despite the fact that we are fans of classical productions, watched in one breath, and the musical compositions of music by B. Grebenshchikov were very harmoniously. It seemed to me that they sang even without a phonogram. The minimum of scenery..the suits are chosen very correctly and stylishly. The performance is wonderful! They left with a desire to go again ...
“ We go to the Mossovet Theater to go to all the performances 2-4 times and this one, in my opinion, is one of the best. Firstly, it has indescribable light and scenery - they create exactly the gloomy-oppressive atmosphere of St. Petersburg, which is represented when reading the novel. Secondly, there are many interesting finds in the play with the submission of original quotations from the source (I will not write a spoiler, exactly how they are played, but for this director-director a special thank you, very interesting presentation). Thirdly, the actors' play at the height is very vivid and authentic, the novel is just coming to life. In general, I strongly recommend that you go!
“ Fine performance, but the acoustics are terrible in the theater, we sat in the amphitheater in the second row and the first half of the performance was almost not heard. I encounter this for the first time, although in the second act everything was already good. The cast was magnificent, Vysotskaya was incomparable, although I'm not her fan, but in this performance she is beautiful.
“ Beautiful performance. Eternal music. Good performance. I watched and listened in one breath as in my youth. Bravo all the cast! Thank you.
“ The performance is beautiful! We went to Derevyanko. Derevyanko is inimitable! Emotions swept over the edge. In some moments it was even hard to watch! To the whole staff, who took part in the production of the play, great respect!
“ Thank you for the wonderful production! An excellent game by Anton Anosov, Evgeny Ratkov and Zakhar Komlev. Ekaterina Guseva is excellent.
“ A wonderful performance, saturated with a whole range of feelings from the gentle, touching love to the soul's jealousy. A wonderful game of actors, live music, lighting effects create a single whole and the play looks, or rather I live in one breath!
“ I did not expect such enthusiasm from myself (I calmly concern myself with musical productions and not a fan of dances): I really liked the play, I even wanted to review it. Alla Sigalova is magnificent, the ensemble is really an ensemble, and a special thanks goes to Anatoly Adoskin!
“ Very strong setting. Horror and paranoia of absolute power. Even greater horror of joyful submission to her. Magnificent - because it's not the horns, but the crown. Derevianko performs in the play almost impossible task. Well done, he will grow up into a great actor. The girl Khlynina - and in what the soul keeps, and also the fellow is simple. This is the victory of the theater of the Moscow Soviet and Nina Chusova.
“ Was at the play. Not very much.
“ Went to the play on August 9. The performance is not unique. In the first act frankly bored. The second action is fireworks !!. Although people have different reactions. My friends were frankly bored, and I laughed just to tears. Actually, the incidents during the game of actors are quite often, but in this production they were collected in such a quantity that it is impossible to look without laughter at the actors' failures .. Many thanks to the whole cast of actors, how they did not get confused in this mess, how they got off! !! Thanks guys!!
“ The play was liked, with humor, it's just a benefit Yatsko. It is very convenient that you can buy tickets online, on the day of the ticket show at the ticket office was gone and asked for an extra ticket, as in ancient times.
“ Great performance! The magnificent game of the inimitable Paul Derevyanko and the delightful Julia Hlynina, the live music of the performance left a very strong impression! Thank you very much to everyone who is involved in this performance for the given emotions!
“ Beautiful production, talented Pavel Derevyanko, thoughtful scenery, unobtrusive music and a bunch of epithets that you can shed this performance. Remained with his wife very, very satisfied, especially since she has long been sympathizing with P. Derevyanko. We advise you to watch and admire the game of all the actors, the emotions remain only positive. Thank you!
“ We saw the Magnificent Cuckold. They are delighted with everything - actors' play, design, production. Thank you so much.
“ I liked the play. Life situation: a schizophrenic patient has formed around him a situation in which not only close people are involved, but also the villagers. Genius and insanity. As a psychiatrist, I note that Pyotr Derevyanko brilliantly reproduced a madman. Thanks to the director and all the artists.
“ The performance is complex, it makes you think about many things. Talysin is incomparable, causes strong emotions, I liked very much, the audience applauded standing up!
“ The performance is wonderful, the game of Sukhorukov and Sharkov is beautiful. They left with a feeling of mild sadness, which is what the theme of the play suggests. Recommended for viewing uniquely! And the music was wonderful, listening with pleasure.
“ They watched the play together: I liked it (actors, mise-en-scenes, dialogues and humor), and my companion - no (said: "It's very noisy and not always heard cues"),
“ A wonderful performance! The actors' play, costumes, atmosphere. Well spent evening!
“ Terrible boredom. This is interesting only to Jurassic.
“ The performance really liked! All the actors are great. O. Cabo and Yatsko are brilliant! The decoration of the stage, the scenery, the costumes are very beautiful. Live music in the intermission, the museum of the theater. I am delighted with everything!
“ I'm delighted with the performance! Showed how all the same people are dependent on public opinion. Scandals, intrigues, deceptions. People with high martial principles, cautiously, there are erotic scenes.
“ I liked the play, played well and miraculously sung. Thank you!
“ The play "Baden-Baden" really liked! Stunning acting game! Very realistic atmosphere. There was a feeling of personal presence in this wonderful city. Thank you for the pleasure!
“ I quite agree with Irina! We also went as a married couple, and we "did not come to grief." Although the actors tried very hard, and the extensions with pigeons, umbrellas (rain) are worthy
“ Was at the play 05.04.18. Excellent staging of Ostrovsky's play. Thanks to all the actors - Evgeny Steblov, Elena Valyushkina, Stanislav Bondarenko, Sasha Kuzenkina, Olga Anokhina, Jana Lvova. Laughed heartily !!! Positive energy !!!
“ The play was liked, but advice to all who will go: read the book, the plot and direction of this action will be more clear. And so, the actors' play and the theater itself are always on top!
“ On the day of the enamored, we got to this wonderful play with our husband! Stunning performance of actors, brilliant O. Cabo, from Yatsko it's just impossible to take your eyes off! The most wonderful performance gave us a love vortex for several weeks! Bravo!!!!
“ Great performance! Looks at one go. In my opinion, the best production of this play. Without an intermission, it would be even better! Steble is magnificent, Valyushkina is beautiful. The scene under the roof creates an additional cosiness and involves the performance. I recommend.
“ A wonderful performance, for all ages, went around the whole family. Actors are beyond praise.
“ Beautiful production! Dmitry Podarayev as Myshkin is incomparable. Ekaterina Guseva is magnificent in the role of Nastasya Filippovna. The action on the stage captures, involves emotionally, and even after the performance you continue to empathize with the heroes.
“ Chekhov's play is beautiful ... interesting staging and scenery Konchalovsky ... What is wonderful, of course, decorates the play - this quote Chekhov on the screen. The selection of actors raises questions. So the schoolchildren, who had not yet read the play, could not understand why Lopakhin and Petya were older than Ranevskaya, who, after all, consoled Yermolai as a little boy. Although the game Vitaly Kishchenko really makes an impression on the general background. Dialogue Ranevskaya with Petya - quite an annoying moment. If you want something more, you probably need to look in other theaters.
“ Were at the play on December 16. We received many positive impressions. Allah Sigalova is especially incendiary in all hypostases. The 90th anniversary of the master of the theater of Mr. Adoskin decorated the end of the play and became its apotheosis. Go and see
“ Went on 01/10/2018. I liked it very much. We watched in one breath. They took tickets in a box. Everything was visible. But there was one unpleasant impression from the old lady of the controller. After the intermission at the very beginning of the second part of the beginning we threaten with fines for the fact that I decided to see the time on the phone. These threats and verbal skirmish prevented us from viewing us and others around us. Although at the beginning of the event, no mention was made of the ban on photographing, and others were repeatedly photographed with a flash, thereby interfering with what the old lady-ergil said, or overslept. This incident left an unpleasant residue ...
“ Lucy in the performance of Anastasia Makeeva is beautiful, she is the best in this performance. Oleg Kuznetsov is trying, but he is too "heavy" for the role of Dr. Jekyll, the rest is not bad, but is not remembered. 01/08/2018
“ I liked the performance very much. Great cast, excellent actors' play. And of course there is a wonderful atmosphere in the theater itself.
“ A stunning performance! It's nice to look at talented people, thanks to whom you easily immerse yourself in the plot and watch Dostoevsky! No distracting finesse and "theatricality". Anton Anosov (Myshkin), Ekaterina Guseva (NFB), Zakhar Komlev (Rogozhin) - it's great! The actors play is dynamic, exciting! I really enjoyed the performance! Thank you!
“ Thank you for the performance. Very modern (lived!) Theme for our t .. n. middle class - recreation "on the waters" in Europe, the search for the development of Russian society, the search for harmony, love, happiness. After the play, she opened the novel "Smoke" with interest, previously missed by me. The theater once again confirms that a home library is needed to be able, as 200 years ago, to enjoy the book and the perception of life by the great I. Turgenev. I like very much that now the plays are often put on the best literature, without waiting for special dramaturgy. And, of course, I admired the actors, first of all E. Kriukova - a deep and talented person, as it became known after her performance in the program "The Fate of Man" on "Russia-1".
“ What can I write? This is one of my favorite performances for 27 years! I watch it about once every 2-3 years. I saw, probably, all the compositions. Each in its own way is good. Then I review the film, which was shot in 1971. In a couple of years I'll go again, God forbid. And my daughter walks with me, already for the fifth time. So I recommend. A wonderful performance, amazing in terms of the force of impact.
“ We watched the performance on 10/29/2017. In general, the performance made a good impression. But at the beginning a lot of dialogues were very hard to hear, although they sat on the 10th row (I can imagine how it was heard for example on the 20th row!?!). Personally, I got a lot of discomfort, listening, little pleasure !!! After the intermission, it was much better heard. I would advise the organizers to pay more attention to the sound !!! This is not a ballet, but a theater! I have something to compare with. Was in many theaters, in the Contemporary, Mayakovsky, others. There are no such problems, so the impressions from the performances of the Mayakovsky Theater are much greater!
“ I liked it very positively and brightly! I recommend!!!
“ Mentally. I rested. Chekhov's letters on the screen are appropriate and a little sad. Vitaliy Kishchenko is good. Julia Vysotskaya the charm. Was at the play 08.10.17
“ Thanks to the creators of the play for the wonderful production, the most worthy performance of actors, dynamics, interesting set design, everything is in the spirit of the novel.
“ Very good performance! Accurate hit relevance in the current state of society.
“ Sumptuously! Best performance!
“ Was disappointed. From Jurassic and Filippenko, we have the right to expect participation ONLY in good performances, but not in "Predbannike". Nothing but claims to the mind and humor in the play. Neither the first nor the second. On respect for the luminaries will not be able to leave.
“ Yesterday they watched the play. After the first action we sat in perplexity. From the second they left. We did not even understand what was going on. Maybe, of course, the idea of the play was concluded in the last scene. But, alas, we did not wait for it. Sorry ... We respect Jurassic, Filippenko. But what was that nonsense ????
“ Wonderful statement. Already ordered the book by S.Jursky "Provocation. Theater of Igor Vatsetis." Thank you for pulling out of the bustle and making you stop, look around and think about it.
“ The play left an ambivalent impression. In my opinion, the content did not allow the artists to fully express themselves.
“ Thank you! A good game of artists, bravo! But the performance itself did not understand, excuse me :-(
“ Thank you for the wonderful performance)
“ beautiful, talented and best performance, which I saw in the past theatrical season. Magnificent Filipenko, Yatsko and. certainly MAESTRO Jurassic.
“ Great performance! All the actors played perfectly! Thanks for the game!!! The only thing was very stuffy.
“ It was stuffy in the hall because of what the impressions were smeared. The first action looked boring, despite the brilliant game. In general - a solid "four"
“ strong performance. looks in one breath. intertwined and drama and comedy (however, like our whole life). but a comedy with a mild sadness, and not with laughter.
“ I liked the play very much, both to me and to my mother. All the actors played beautifully, and the play with meaning, makes you think about many things. I recommend to all my friends))
“ Thank you so much! I got pleasure! The game is gorgeous! Bravo!
“ Pros: a wonderful cast and a great game. Cons: difficult for understanding plot and unbearable stuffiness in the hall. With respect to the theater!
“ Everything was great, thank you to the theater, the actors!
“ The play really liked the performance of actors above praise. Thank you for such a wonderful holiday and for the amazing atmosphere in the theater.
“ A wonderful actor's game!
“ I can not agree with negative reviews: the show really liked it. It coincided with everything-and a good script, and a great direction, and a great game. In the beginning, it was really thought that some unrelated episodes, notes, sketches, etc. (After reading bad reviews I decided that I would still go look at the game of masters) But then miraculously all these seemingly disparate pictures harmoniously formed as in kaleidoscope, and it turned out a picture-holistic, deep, grotesque .. And funny, and sad - what to say? ... but certainly true and relevant! Thanks !!!!
“ Thank you very much, for a long time did not get such pleasure from the performance, the actors are simply amazing.
“ Great cast, great game Thanks for the beautiful evening.
“ I liked the performance! Thank you!
“ What kind of feedback can be left, a coma as words of admiration from the masters A.Filippenko and S.Jursky! On actors of this level you can just walk and watch as they are silent and already from this "lump in the throat". And if it is an interesting production (there are no others at Jurassic), then it's already in one breath! Bravo! The game of all actors, without exception, at a high level! Special thanks to the team BIGBILET.RU for the convenience of buying a ticket and a reminder of the event!
“ The performance is simply stunning! The actor's game is on top! Yursky, Filippenko, Yatsko gave us a real holiday. I advise everyone!
“ Went with my son, we really enjoyed it. A stunning performance and a fragmented play of actors. I will definitely recommend to visit
“ Great performance! Thank you.
“ Thank you! Very interesting production, a wonderful game of actors!
“ The third evening I spent a trilogy at the theater! I'm glad that I was able to find an opportunity and see it that way - a trilogy. Magnificent acting, very fine director's work. Inserts from Chekhov's letters gave the effect of the sensation of what was just happening, about to be committed. And it's been more than a hundred years! It is in the trilogy that it becomes obvious how good-hearted, but completely unviable people were. Unable to even understand that their whole life is ending right now! The general impression of the performances is deep and serious plays about the causes of those destructive changes that occurred very soon. Actor V. Kishchenko and in the "Three Sisters", and in the "Cherry Orchard" showed other characters who are able not only to survive, but also to take advantage of the situation. While Lopakhins came to replace Gaev and Ranevsky, but there is also Petya, who also personifies other forces that have already appeared on the stage of history. The trilogy as a holographic image is an undeniable success. Many thanks for the three wonderful evenings!
“ Extraordinary fine work of the director and actors. All are lovely. beautiful people, but for some reason everything is in decline and badly ends. Because it's not enough to be nice. you need both will and mind to apply to solve the problems that arise after each other. No one has the will or understanding of the true state of affairs. In addition to Natalia, who eventually settled perfectly in the house of the weak-willed sweet Prozorovs, and she does not only rope from her husband, but from everyone who comes across her arm. An example of the fact that a less educated and narrow-minded person, having at least some goals, is stronger than all-roundly educated, brought up in the best traditions, but absolutely weak-willed and aimless general's children. The play is sad, but the beautiful acting game gives it the sensation of some fabulous vague dream, from which the sisters are about to wake up, that's what brother understands ... But no, fate is not! How good and Yu Vysotskaya, and A. Domogarov, and N. Vdovina, and P. Derevyanko! Yesterday I saw them in "Uncle Vanya" - completely different! Even the voices are different, not to mention the habits! Bravo!
“ I really liked the play. A. Konchalovsky made a statement in a key, close to the original. Chekhov wrote this play just for that. so that contemporaries see their life through the eyes of the audience, as if a little from the side .. Today's play is seen as a remembrance of that time. But how many scenes, monologues and short remarks are perceived as if they were written today! Eternal themes in the soft but truthful context of that life are extremely important today. It is difficult to evaluate the actors' game - all are beautiful, subtle and sensual. I got great pleasure from a wonderful performance and a wonderful game. Thank you so much!
“ A wonderful performance. ENERGY, exciting! Thanks
“ Excellent! Thank you!
“ Very nice performance! Alla Sigalova - BRAVO!
“ Were at the play on 08.03.2016. with a daughter of 13 years. Very pleased, easy, fun, at ease. We received a lot of positive emotions. The artists are great, even you do not want to single out anyone, everyone is so individual and very fit for his role. The final dance is the perfect completion of the production. Thank you for the gift in the form of such a performance. I advise everyone!