I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
Staging, set design, costumes Yuri Eremin Composer Roman Lvovich Choreography: Igor Orshulyak Assistant Director Andrei Shiryaev Characters and performers: M. L. Anton Anosov Pechorin Dmitry Podadaev Part one
Maxim Maksimych Zakhar Komlev Vulich Dmitry Scherbina Major Sergey Zotov Bela Christina Isaykina, Anastasia Pronina Kazbich Vladimir Andriyanov Azamat Pavel Usachev Prince Oleg Kuznetsov Highlander Dmitry Savkin Goryanka Tatyana Rodionova Servant Andrey Smirnov Part two
Grushnitsky Alexey Trofimov, Neil Kropalov Werner Vladislav Bokovin, Evgeny Ratkov Mary Alexandra Kusenkina, Anastasia Pronina Vera Galina Bob, Lilia Volkova Ligovskaya Anna Garnova Vera's husband Leonid Fomin Raevich Sergey Zotov Dragoon Captain Roman Kirillov 1st officer Vladimir Andriyanov 2nd officer Pavel Usachev 3rd Officer Dmitry Savkin Lady with a fan of Yana Lvov, Lily Bolgarishvili Brunette lady Tatiana Khramova Blonde lady Tatyana Rodionova Lady with Lornet Anastasia Tagina Drunk Mr. Oleg Kuznetsov
I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
“ I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.
“ I liked the performance. It can be safely recommended to high school students. The story is very interesting, both from Lermontov and from the main characters.