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Theater "Center for Drama and Directing"

Feedbacks from viewers
Elena was 17 december on Timur and his team

He is alive and glows. I perceive performances as different substances. Quite often as drinks. After one, the soul is cheerful and tickles in the nose, like champagne. From the other, the head becomes heavy, since the bust with the strength, breathes with the consistency of an oak barrel. The third, like a petrol puddle: entertaining drawings that can be looked at with interest, but cannot be consumed inside. Here is the VGIK graduation performance “Timur and his team. Stories about that "based on the story of Arkady Gaidar, for me I felt fresh water from a pump on a sultry summer evening. With water, which you wash off the dust adhering to your face and, folding your hands in a ladle, you try to get drunk. You take one, two, three sips, and the thirst seems to slowly recede. But you drink everything because the water is so delicious! I am very glad that I saw this miracle. I would like to invite all my friends and friends of friends. How well the guys conveyed the atmosphere of that almost calm pre-war summer. And then the story began, or rather stories. The story of how Zhenya and Olya were going to the dacha. The story of how Olya came to the dacha, and Zhenya stayed in the city to finish household chores and send a telegram to dad. The story of how Zhenya did not send a telegram in the city, but tried to find a post office in the village. And there are many, many different stories that fill the entire space of the performance with bright pictures. Gaidar talked about the boys and girls who lived in his time. It is possible that he came up with a lot, but his dreams became a reference point for young people. I would like the current younger generation to have similar examples to follow. The performance is both nostalgia for those ingenuous times and a compass showing the correct direction of movement. Such performances cannot be lost. Great takeoff. I would like to wish you a long flight.

Tat`yana was 28 february on an old house

For the first time, we visited the theater of the Central Department of the Arts, on the recommendation of a friend chose the play “Old House”. The performance left a complex impression. On the one hand, the brilliant Elena Yakovleva, the wonderful game of all the actors without exception, live music that accompanies the entire performance, an interesting solution to the stage space, the simultaneous presence of heroes on the stage at different ages. From what was not pleasant: the performance was too delayed, often the music did not allow to hear the speech of the actors at the other end of the scene. For some reason, they did not feel shrill nostalgia for a bygone youth, for old Moscow. I thought about the movie "Pokrovskie Gate". A play by L. Zorin "The Pokrovskie Gates" on the same topic as the "Old House", but the impression is different, there is no sense of hopelessness from the clumsy fates of the residents of the communal "Old House"

Natal`ya was 12 december on A sultry night

Very strong non-classical performance, where there is no logic at all, but it is very fascinating. I advise those who want to "change their clothes" to recharge

Anna was 08 october on Save the super protein

I liked the performance. I and my daughter (10 years old) were delighted. About unconditional love, about loneliness, about true friendship and how insignificant words for adults can hurt the soul of children. In short, the play is about everything that may worry teenagers. The feed is awesome. The children sat holding their breath. The optimal age for viewing 10+

Irina was 24 september on an old house

A beautiful, very lyrical musical performance. Bravo to the director!

Mariya was 13 september on Osip Mandelstam: The Dark Word Tree

The duration of this event is not an hour as stated, we left at the interval after the start has already passed 1:40, so that in total it takes about 3 hours. I absolutely did not like Mandelstam's verses trying to sing, with almost one motive. And it's even hard to call a song, continuous howls, at times words were not even intelligible. In my subjective opinion this is a disgusting sight and it is not worth the time spent on it.

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Leningradskiy pr-kt., 71/G
02 h 00 min
Author: Lera Manovich
Director: Pavel Akimkin
Set Designer: Maxim Obrezkov
Choreographer: Sergei Zemlyansky
Lighting Designer: Alexander Sivaev
Performers: Svetlana Kochetkova, Natalia Lesnikovskaya, Ksenia Makarova, Anastasia Pronina, Anastasia Sycheva, Sesg Hapsasova, Yana Chekina, Alisa Estrina, Roman Anikeev, Alexander Zanin, Vladimir Korzhev, Dmitry Kostyaev, Viktor Maminov, Alexander Muravyov, Danila Rassomakhin Grigory Spiridonov, Sergey Shamov.

For his directorial debut, Pavel Akimkin chose the story of the modern Russian writer Lera Manovich "The German". This is a touching and funny story about a family that a teenager from Germany came to thanks to a school exchange program. A German named Pius finds himself in a not very comfortable atmosphere, because several generations live in the same apartment at once, and all household members are women. Each of them tries to surround the guest with care: the girl-schoolgirl, and her mother-writer, and the wayward grandmother, and almost a hundred-year-old great-grandmother. With what discouraging details of domestic life Pius will have to face, and how the heroines will change, thanks to a meeting with a young foreigner - the viewer will have to find out.
Artists and musicians of the Central House of Artist and the SounDram studio, together with invited performers, united in a sparklingly funny and family-like warm production based on this witty text.
Pavel Akimkin is an actor, musician, composer. Graduate of the State Medical University named after Gnesins, as well as the Russian Institute of Theater Arts - GITIS, the directing department, the workshop of O.L. Kudryashova. Member of the SounDrama studio. Works at the Theater of Nations and the Theater "Center for Drama and Directing".
Lera Manovich is a poet, prose writer and playwright. She was born in Voronezh. Graduated from Voronezh State University (Faculty of Mathematics) and Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute named after V.I. A.M. Gorky. Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow. Author of three books of poetry and prose. The texts have been translated into German, Polish and Serbian. Participant of the drama laboratory of the CDR 2016-2017, which resulted in the project “Moscow - an open city. Transition ”, which included the texts of Lera Manovich“ Macaroni ”,“ Sprats ”,“ Adultery ”,“ Electricity ”. The story "German" was published in the magazine "New World" in 2018.
Sergei Zemlyansky - choreographer, director. In 2002 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts with a degree in choreography. He studied at master classes of European and American teachers and choreographers. In 2001-2005 he was a dancer at the Provincial Dances Theater (Yekaterinburg). Collaborates with domestic and foreign theater projects. In 2006 - 2014 he actively collaborated with the SounDrama studio as an actor and choreographer, worked on the performances: "Transition", "Gogol. Evenings ”Parts I, II and III,“ Romeo and Juliet ”and others. In the studio he released his first performance as a director-choreographer“ OS ”. As a director-choreographer, he has released performances at the Theater. A.S. Pushkin, Theater. M.N. Ermolova, Yekaterinburg Theater for Young Spectators, Latvian National Opera and Ballet Theater.

The premiere will take place on June 8, 2021.


Buy List 01 november fri 19:00

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