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Amazing journey of Nils with wild geese

Saint-Petersburg. Amazing journey of Nils with wild geese4+

Purchased earlier: 143
from 600 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Stachek pr-kt., 59 (Vhod na spektakli gragdan do 18 let vozmogen tol`ko v soprovogdenii ih zakon.predstaviteley (Postanovlenie №681 ot 02.09.2020)
00 h 50 min


In a distant Swedish village lived a boy named Niels. Looks like a boy as a boy, but I did not have any sweetness with him-he mocked everyone, offended those who could not answer him. But one day an incredible event happened to Niels - he turned into a small and defenseless man. By chance, geese took Niels on a journey, where he faced obstacles and challenges. Having overcome all difficulties, Nils acquires courage, compassion, a desire to help. When traveling with a pack, he finds true friends! Seeing the world from a bird's eye view, Niels realizes - the world equally belongs to everyone, whoever it was and whatever it was.
We invite everyone to see this extraordinary story with their own eyes!
Director - Catherine Lozhkina, artist - Natalia Burnos, composer - Arthur Varkvasov. Actors - Sergei Glazetskiy, Kristina Bekanova, Anastasia Sorokina, Yegor Titov

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