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Saint-Petersburg. Barmaley3+

Purchased earlier: 967
from 600 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Stachek pr-kt., 59 (Vhod na spektakli gragdan do 18 let vozmogen tol`ko v soprovogdenii ih zakon.predstaviteley (Postanovlenie №681 ot 02.09.2020)
00 h 40 min


K. Chukovsky "BARMALI". Travel to Africa for very brave children. The performance is a diploma of the XVI Festival "Theaters of St. Petersburg for Children" in 2007 in the nomination "Best Performance for Moms, Dads and Little Children" Do not go children to Africa to walk: in Africa sharks, in Africa gorillas, in Africa are big, evil crocodiles. But this is the most interesting thing in Africa! Who among us did not want to go there and see everything with my own eyes? At least in dreams ... And such a "journey" -a fantasy suits Tanya and Vanya their grandmother, a big dreamer and a dreamer. Slowly from the parents, the three of them go to this "journey". The world of Africa is even brighter and more amazing than the fantasy itself, and not as scary as it is painted: and the sharks-sharks "were not scared, and" caught the Rhinoceros, drove a little, "and pulled the hippopotamus from the swamp, tickled by the side. - it was fun and fun ... When suddenly there was Barmaley - a thunderstorm of all naughty, small children. No compassionate requests, tears, sweets, did not soften the heart of the robber: he was going to dinner with Tanya-Vanya. But the kind Doctor Aibolit, who descended on the umbrella from the airplane, decided to save Tanya and Vanya, leading first peace negotiations with Barmaley. But it was not there! The doctor himself almost got to the villain for dinner, but Gorilla arrived in time, leading the Crocodile. And Barmaley the Crocodile was afraid ... I wonder what ended this "journey" to Africa? Come! Performance and staging - Honored Artist of Russia N. Borovkov Artist - Laureate of the national award of the festival "Golden Mask", Laureate of the highest theatrical award of SPb "Golden Soffit" A. Torik Composer - S.Ushakov Choreographer - Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation G. Abaydullov Characters and performers: Grandmother, Barmaley -   Oksana Galustyants Dad, First native, Aibolit -   Alexander Nikonov   /   Sergey Samoilov Mom, Second Native, Nurse -   Ella Tsvetkova   /   Ekaterina Tikhomirova Tanechka -   Olesya Toropova   /   Ksenia Ilkevich Vanechka -   Artyom Foklin The premiere took place on March 24, 2007.
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Irina was 23 march

The actors played at the highest level, but Barmaleya should be played by an uncle, kind, slightly evil, but uncle

Irina was 23 march

Hello! To say that our family liked it, it's nothing to say! A wonderful game of actors and the organization as a whole. Thank you for a wonderful Sunday day!

Ol`gah was 23 march

To me, and most importantly my child really enjoyed it. We will definitely come again.

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