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cat house

Saint-Petersburg. cat house3+

Purchased earlier: 594
from 600 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Stachek pr-kt., 59 (Vhod na spektakli gragdan do 18 let vozmogen tol`ko v soprovogdenii ih zakon.predstaviteley (Postanovlenie №681 ot 02.09.2020)
00 h 40 min


S.Ya. Marshak

Puppet operetta

"Bim-bong! Tili-bom!

In the yard there is a tall house.

Stavenki carved,

The windows are painted. "

Have you found out whose house it is? Cat house! Brand new, beautiful, cozy, warm, just a sight. But there was no place in it for poor orphans, the cat of nephews was not allowed to enter the threshold. And in the meantime, arranged a holiday! Come, guests are dear, appreciate the new house. Only here's the trouble, the animals of this house and did not see. How to behave in it, do not know. That geranium will eat, then put their feet on the table. And they do not share a story, everyone sings in his own way. But the fairy tale does not end there, because the cat has so much to experience! What misfortune has happened to the cat's house, who helped her, warmed him and let him into his small but hospitable house, you will find out when you come to the play!

A cheerful puppet operetta will not let you down and talk about simple but real values, such as kindness, mutual assistance and true friendship in an easy way! The story of how important it is for everyone to have their own home and their family will allow us to think about the main thing for each of us, to discuss this, and again and again to feel warmth to the home and to our loved ones.

Director - N. Shmitko

The artist - Z. Davydov

Composer - D. Novoljantseva

Musical Director - N. Meyerovich

Characters and performers:

Cat - Ella Tsvetkova

Kittens - Artem Foklin, Anastasia Sorokina

Cat Vasily - Konstantin Kozhev / Sergey Glazetskiy

Goat - Sergey Samoilov

Goat - Oksana Galustyants

Piglets - Ella Tsvetkova, Anastasia Sorokina

Rooster - Sergey Tolstov

Chicken - Anastasia Sorokina

Pig - z.a. Of Russia Margarita Shumilova

Rooks, beavers - Artyom Foklin, Sergey Glazetskiy, Sergey Samoilov

Chorus - z.a. Russia Margarita Shumilova, Sergey Tolstov, Oksana Galustyants, Artem Foklin, Konstantin Kozhev, Anastasia Sorokina, Ella Tsvetkova, Sergey Samoylov, Sergey Glazetskiy

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