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Yesterday, the performance-impressions were only positive! A high-quality, well-thought-out script for each word, an impeccable play of actors left no one indifferent in the audience.
Beautiful, spectacular, but for me it was protracted. Literally before Vakhtangovsky Onegin, I went to the Onegin show, staged by SAM (Commonwealth of Actors and Musicians). And after they were staged, where Chonishvili was one of the main reciters, it was extremely difficult for me to listen to Makovetsky in Vakhtangov. Perhaps, if there had been Guskov, the performance would have been perceived differently. Guskova heard later in the play Onegin-blues (another of Onegin's variations, which she saw as many as 4 that season). Only in the second act, at the sight of the wagon under a snowstorm, did my heart tremble and accept the production.
Yesterday, the performance-impressions were only positive! A high-quality, well-thought-out script for each word, an impeccable play of actors left no one indifferent in the audience.
It's nice that the Vakhtangov Theater continues to "keep the mark high"! The play "Cat in Boots" - wonderful, masterfully done! And the script, and the costumes, and the scenery, and staging, and the light, and the musical accompaniment, and the actors' play - everything, literally everything at the highest level! It's nice that the script (the script writer, unfortunately, for us and was not known) written in verse, in good poems !, simultaneously preserves the classical plot of Charles Perrault and at the same time is supplemented with interesting details. The images of the heroes turned out to be very interesting, for example, the image of the State Ladies, instead of the Cannibal - the Evil Wizard, and very funny and well-singing robbers. Dynamically unfolding action, bravo - the artist of the play, the composer, the sound and lighting! And, of course, bravo to all actors! The performance will be interesting not only to children, but also to adults who love the real Russian Theater with the Great Letter T.)) So-ve-tu-yu.
“ On May 14 we were at this performance with my husband. I'm 62, he's 66, I'm disabled. left the second department for the first time in their life. we see ourselves in these unfortunate people, so it's hard to look at all this. The youth were having fun and my heart was breaking. I wanted to relax and unwind, but it turned out to be a bitter grief.
was 18 december on AUDIENCE
“ Great game. Excellent production. Only there is no spark that makes you empathize with the actors. They are too majestic and far away.
was 18 december on FRIEDA. LIFE IN COLOR.
“ The play "Love at the Throne" was replaced by the play "Frida. Life in Color". A bright, musical thing. Famous people with fates worthy of romance. I liked the production and acting work very much
was 17 december on LOVE IN THE THRONE
“ High-quality staging. Alternative history variant. The action seemed somewhat academic and in some moments programmed for the director's spectacular tricks.
was 17 december on SERGEYEV AND THE TOWN
“ Feeling from viewing as after reading the poetry of Boris Ryzhiy. Poetry and the darkness of provincial life. Constant transitions from tragedy to humor and hope, excellent acting work. Not entertainment, but a thing for the soul.
was 17 december on KING OEDIP
“ A magnificent performance. Powerful and entertaining. I liked it very much
was 17 december on COMBAT ABOUT VDOV
“ How we girls like beautiful outfits. Half of the success of the performance is in the design, and when also live music! The content of such plays, however, has ceased to satisfy me completely, apparently I'm growing.
was 17 december on Masquerade
“ So beautiful that it is impossible to convey. A kaleidoscope of plots and pictures covered with white St. Petersburg snow. I watched it twice, I hope I will see it again.
was 17 december on Eugene Onegin
“ Beautiful, spectacular, but for me it was protracted. Literally before Vakhtangovsky Onegin, I went to the Onegin show, staged by SAM (Commonwealth of Actors and Musicians). And after they were staged, where Chonishvili was one of the main reciters, it was extremely difficult for me to listen to Makovetsky in Vakhtangov. Perhaps, if there had been Guskov, the performance would have been perceived differently. Guskova heard later in the play Onegin-blues (another of Onegin's variations, which she saw as many as 4 that season). Only in the second act, at the sight of the wagon under a snowstorm, did my heart tremble and accept the production.
was 17 december on MINETTI
“ A beautiful production, but the plot is somehow viscous and no. It reminded me of Kafka's prose, his "Castle". Some kind of eternal senseless whirling. The bottom line is disappointment.
was 17 december on NEW FLAT
“ You get used to good performances (this is exactly about the Vakhtangov Theater), and then BAM! .. and in a seemingly decent place you run into. Even before the quarantine times, a friend took a ticket to the "New Apartment" in Vakhtangov, but it did not work out. And I decided on my own head to fill the gap. The play is based on Goldoni's play. Staged in the style of farce. But such a vinaigrette of images. Here is our quarantine present, and the characters of the Adams family, and Alice in Wonderland. I have mastered the plot by half. I believe that if in the first act there are unhappy lovers, then in the second everything will be happily resolved. I didn't have the strength to watch this nonsense. Complaints about the plot and the production itself. From the pros - historical costumes and selected acting work. The second act was replaced by a walk from Arbat to Polyanka. It was wonderful.
was 17 december on Masquerade
“ great performance. modern production. very beautiful scenery. great acting. advise
was 17 december on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Musically, buffoonery, bright. Unloading the mind. Rest is guaranteed.
was 20 february on Run
“ I was at the play 4 years ago, today I go again - a strong impression. Much stronger than the performance "Running" in the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.
was 30 october on Dedication to Eva
“ We watched in October 2019. A very good performance, in my opinion it has been going on for twenty years already in this lineup. An exact hit in the role of both actors. Good direction. You have to watch while these actors are still playing ...
was 08 april on COMBAT ABOUT VDOV
“ Easy, fun, musical comedy, a small cozy room. Thank you, got a great pleasure!
was 01 april on The Last Moons
“ Were at a performance with friends from St. Petersburg (we came specially to see Lanovoy and Kupchenko). Everyone was delighted.
was 11 march on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Great performance! 4 hours passed quickly. I have not received such pleasure from the play for a long time! The actors are amazing! Maria Aronova is brilliant !!! Bravo, bravo, bravo to all creators of the play !!!
was 11 march on FALSE NOTE
“ The performance made an impression. The wonderful duet of Guskov and Khazanov.
was 04 march on LOVE IN THE THRONE
“ The performance is very worthy - a beautiful story about how a person hesitates before making an important decision. Excellent set design and light, very nice costumes. The written dialogues and monologues, long with development, are a real continuation of the traditions of the Russian theater. I liked the young partner of Olga and Andrei, Pavel Teheda Kardenas, and the premieres were beyond praise. If you like paradoxes, quick turns of the plot and responsive to theatrical experiment - you are here. Bravo once again to the author and the troupe!
was 28 february on The Wind in the Poplars
“ Went to a large, multi-age company. I liked EVERYTHING, the actors played beautifully! The first act was a little tightened, there were too many pauses for the modern audience.
was 25 february on WARM HEART
“ Beautiful performance
was 21 february on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Yesterday we were at a performance, had long wanted to see this performance. Laughing, holding his stomach. Bravo!!!! The game of actors is superb !!! Thank you very much! Maria Aronova is just super !!!! Bravo !!! Bravo !!!! Bravo!!!!
was 11 february on PETER PAN
“ Yesterday, the performance-impressions were only positive! A high-quality, well-thought-out script for each word, an impeccable play of actors left no one indifferent in the audience.
was 07 february on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Delight!!!
was 04 february on MAD DAY or Marriage of Figaro
“ It was Beaumarchais in a modern way, in a non-classical, very original production. I liked the play for me and the children, 16 and 13 years old. Funny, musical farce. Wonderful game of Maxim Sukhanov. Enjoyed and a lot of positive.
was 28 january on SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY
“ Italian passions did not work. Bored, long and little emotion. Questions to the temperament of the main character, as if Neapolitan. The performance is 3 hours and 30 minutes with two intermissions.
was 18 january on Dedication to Eva
“ I was lucky to get to the performance on the anniversary of Vasily Lanovoy. I can not believe that the play has been going on for twenty years. The game of actors is flawless, it is fascinating, the feeling is as if they do not play, but live life on stage. Bravo great artists!
was 04 january on Imaginary patient
“ Sorry for the time spent and finances. To say that I didn’t like the performance, to say nothing The staging is as far from Moliere as the Moon is far from Earth. Although everything in this life is relative. In my humble opinion, the majority of those who came to the play lacked the civil courage to just boo this spectacle and shame actors employed in the production. the level of the doorways ... Frank ROUGH, calculated on the fact that the viewer will come to Makovetsky Awful, not worth your attention ..
was 27 december on Eugene Onegin
“ Great, great, awesome! Comedy and tragedy, love and egoism, classic and fresh look are intertwined in the performance. Yes, this statement cannot be called classical, but it feels love for the original, for the author and art in general. This is far from a vulgar interpretation, and the actors with such tenderness, with such rapture and penetration, pronounce the text of Pushkin, which captures the spirit. On the "Onegin" Tuminas want to look endlessly. Thank!
was 20 december on A.Oleshko "Let's be quiet"
“ Many thanks to Alexander Oleshko for a nice evening!
was 10 december on BENEFIT
“ Great performance! A sea of positive and most vivid emotions! Etush on top! Laughing from the heart! Sparkling humor, great play of actors, great scenery, exceptionally warm atmosphere! Recommend! And a huge request to the audience - please eat your sweets before the start of the performance or eat them during intermission. You cannot do this during the performance! Audibility and acoustics in the hall at a high level. Respect the actors and the audience!
was 10 december on "UNRESTABLE ACTORS"
“ Wonderful solo performance!
was 22 november on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ The evening was wonderful! Aronov is superb !!!! Thank!
Cergey Lyamin
was 19 november on SERGEYEV AND THE TOWN
“ We went to the play "Sergeev and the Town" in the Vakhtangov Theater. Got pleasure. True gratitude for what he saw. The theme of the performance is far from light and airy, but serious. Time cannot be determined right away - whether it is the Soviet era, or the 90s, or the early zero, or, most likely, all together at once - such a mobile “timeless” in which the Russian province is stuck. Different families, different lives, different fates. And people live and do not cease to be human. If you go to an “adult” thing, take your head and heart with you. There is no place to rest. We must worry, think, think how and why. Do not harshly condemn or accept the life of people at that time, but analyze all the circumstances and prerequisites. The game of actors honed to amazement. The performance involved mainly young people. It is laid out, passing all through itself. The performance is long, but it looks very easy and dynamic. The main tractor in the performance is Maxim Sevrinovsky. His voice and manners of the game just fascinate and envelop, taking into the life. As if an acquaintance tells you a very personal story, and you experience it with him. Bravo! Nice and young actress Olga Borovskaya, Maria Berdinskikh, Polina Chernyshova, Ksenia Kubasova. They have roles in different scenes. They have to quickly reincarnate. And how the play is decorated with their voices! Especially distinguished is the voice of Polina Chernyshova, distinctive and strong. We advise everyone to watch the play “Sergeev and the Town”! Especially the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, because there are small cities in which noble and honest people live.
was 06 november on People as people
was 26 october on BENEFIT
“ Good, not dull performance. Vladimir Etush cannot but arouse sincere respect: more than 2 hours on stage! Olga Tumaykina slightly outplayed, these intonations and "wringing hands" came to nothing. The spectators were very disappointed: mobile phones rang endlessly, everyone was talking to each other, rustling wrappers from candy, coughing hysterically (((((
was 25 october on Uncle Ivan
“ Old acting school. Classic production. The acting is great. It makes no sense to sit on the balcony.
was 16 october on Eugene Onegin
“ My wife, son, and I go to theaters infrequently, on average 5-6 times a year. I like the GAMT very much, recently went to Et Cetera on Kalyagin's “Faces,” In indescribable delight. On this wave went to Vakhtangov. Bought for the name (the son needs to study at school), the awards of the performance and the busy actors. The impression ... For the first time we left the play during the intermission. And this is not disrespect for the actors (judging by the prices for a ticket, their fee is not bad). By no means. Just so mock Pushkin, we could not bear. Still, one feels the attitude of the director to the author in particular and to the people, apparently, as a whole. Some kind of sur. Why does Olga need an accordion and why does she go with him all the time? Why Onegin two (although his wife said that there were three of them like), two Lena? In general, it is a pity that such performances receive Golden Masks. From now on we will be more careful with modern readings of the classics. I can not recommend this performance to an amateur. We definitely did not like it. It's a pity...
was 06 october on KING OEDIP
“ Were at the performance of 10/06/2018. Loved it! The modern version of the Greek tragedy, the bonus goes to the chorus in the original language! Wonderful game of Eldar Tramov in the role of Creon! And voice, and a sense of rhythm, and image! Only Maksakova’s play spoiled the impression, although I love and respect her as an actress, but ... I’m happy to see it again!
was 02 october on "UNRESTABLE ACTORS"
“ Thank you very much for the pleasure that I received from the performance! I really liked the production and the game, and the material that is taken for the play! Touching, thoughtful, mischievous. Perfectly!!!
was 28 september on Uncle Ivan
“ Feedback from not a fan of Chekhov. Chekhov, like Chekhov. Nothing new and interesting. BUT! What game! You open yourself to famous actors in a new way! It is very joyful and that regardless of the plot, you can enjoy acting.
was 26 september on Eugene Onegin
“ The production is wonderful! Yes, there is a strange, yes, there is a tightness. But all the same, picks. And funny, and sad, and tragic. The director gave this depth to this work. It seems to me that Pushkin himself did not reveal the tragedy of unrequited love, the loss of a loved one. The game of actors is incomparable. How the emotions of the first love are transmitted, the pain of loss, expectation. We must definitely go. But I would recommend without children. This performance is definitely not for teenagers.
was 17 september on Men and women
“ Unusually, magically! Cute, plastic, very harmonious and sincere! Performance without words, only dance and beautiful music! Words are not needed, through the dance of actors, all emotions and emotions are read easily and simply. You, along with the actors inside their dance life, live with them joy, sorrow, passion, love !!!
was 01 june on SERGEYEV AND THE TOWN
“ I really liked the performance. Indeed, prose also responds and the actors play is gorgeous. You look at one breath in anticipation, and what's next, get used to the plot. The first part is more ironic, many funny moments. But in the second, there is more sadness and there is something to ponder about, Perfectly selected music, scenery, interesting stage solutions. Has received huge pleasure!
was 17 may on KING OEDIP
“ Were at the play on 05/17/2018. I rather liked it. We wanted to see Dobronravov and Maksakov. Marked for himself the game Eldar Tramov, like Pavel Yudin.
Elena Vladimirovna Baganova
was 03 may on Dedication to Eva
“ The performance really liked, thank you!
was 03 april on Eugene Onegin
“ I really liked the production, I love my own readings, surre, and beautiful music. The actors play is gorgeous, the costumes and movements, the atmosphere and the air. Snowstorm - to shivers. Thank you! I'll go more than once, I think, until I take everyone close.
was 02 april on Masquerade
“ Nina was on 03/30/2018. The performance is not straightforward, I went to Lermontov's Masquerade, but I got on the Winter Fairy Tale for adults-more specifically, the Polunin Show. I do not agree with the director, but the acting is at an altitude, they (the actors) pulled this performance out. Bravo!!!
was 23 march on BENEFIT
“ The performance was wonderful, it looked at one go, Impression left a wonderful
was 23 march on BENEFIT
“ 03/22/18 were at the play, wonderful performance, bravo to Matru Vladimir Etush! 2 hours on stage, cheerfully and confidently, with hooliganism in the text from the master, in a good sense of the word. A remarkably created mood. I recommend everyone to see.
was 23 march on Men and women
“ Has received huge pleasure from action! I liked it all very much. Without words, recognizable plots of our life and relationships. Bravo to the dancing artists and the director of the play!
was 21 march on Quay
“ This performance must be watched! Stunning cast. An amazing constellation of the most brilliant and beloved actors. A true pleasure. The idea is ingenious, excerpts from great works are related by one theme - death. This line is led by stunning actors who are the closest to her age by age - Lanovoy (84 years old), Etush (95 years old), Yulia Borisova (93 years), Kupchenko (70 years), Knyazev (62 years) Maksakova (77 years old). And as if they know what they're talking about, it's sad and at the same time it's optimistic. The ingenious game of the brilliant actors of the Vakhtangov school !!! It was all the more tempting to descend the fact that at the recent funeral of Tabakov, looking at those who came to accompany his age actors, he pursued the idea- "The epoch is leaving." Who is next? "As if answering him, Valentin Gaft read his poems:" There are fewer and fewer people in the phone book , Ringing in the ears of a deadly braid, More and more often the mortar caps, Aliens respond to voices "..... GO AND SEE ALMOST THEY ARE ALIVE!
was 15 march on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Aronov's BOMB. Laughed heartily, jokes are not vulgar, not stupid, it's Humor! I advise
was 09 march on Eugene Onegin
“ Maybe I'll say too loudly, but for the time being this is the worst thing I've seen ... I really wanted this performance, and now I bought tickets, so let's go. The total disappointment ... is tedious, prolonged, in a word uninteresting ... was the making of getting up and leaving (as some did), but because of respect for the actors we did not do so. A lot of things were watched in this theater, but unfortunately ...
was 08 march on Run
“ Performance Butusova "Running" as a drug. It tightens. Has been 2 times. With difficulty "jumped". I helped "break" - go to other theaters in those days when in the coming months there will be "Running", otherwise I would go again ... But I want to watch more. Astonishing. Practically 4 hours, but no fatigue. Fucking spectacle! About the departing. Leave, probably, saw "defectors" 2 people after the intermission. But most of them are ecstatic! These are not empty words. I do not advise those who are ardent adherent of some "classical theater". I love the theater from my youth, but still do not understand what is being put into this concept ... Who is for the experiment and a live theater - go boldly!
was 05 march on MAD DAY or Marriage of Figaro
“ The performance did not like. Very boring. Only the game of Maxim Sukhanov was happy. The play, of course, is obsolete. Absolutely does not touch. I liked the energetically charged game on the drums, as the boring action revived.
was 05 march on LOVE IN THE THRONE
“ Thank you very much for the performance. We watched in one breath. A great game of actors. Thanks again!
was 26 february on Diary of a Madman
“ From the solo performance I expected more. In some places he seized and made me listen to the hero's monologue, at times seemed long and boring. Perhaps this day, Yu Kraskov was not at a loss, as the reviews read about this performance, celebrated the actor's play. Once you can go. In any case, the classic is always a win-win option ..
was 24 february on Cat in the Boots
“ It's nice that the Vakhtangov Theater continues to "keep the mark high"! The play "Cat in Boots" - wonderful, masterfully done! And the script, and the costumes, and the scenery, and staging, and the light, and the musical accompaniment, and the actors' play - everything, literally everything at the highest level! It's nice that the script (the script writer, unfortunately, for us and was not known) written in verse, in good poems !, simultaneously preserves the classical plot of Charles Perrault and at the same time is supplemented with interesting details. The images of the heroes turned out to be very interesting, for example, the image of the State Ladies, instead of the Cannibal - the Evil Wizard, and very funny and well-singing robbers. Dynamically unfolding action, bravo - the artist of the play, the composer, the sound and lighting! And, of course, bravo to all actors! The performance will be interesting not only to children, but also to adults who love the real Russian Theater with the Great Letter T.)) So-ve-tu-yu.
was 19 february on SERGEYEV AND THE TOWN
“ I gradually become a fan of Svetlana Zemlyakova's performances. At first, the charming and such touching performance of "Grandma" in the theater Practice. Yesterday a bit sad and slightly funny performance "Sergeyev and the Town" with a filigree actor's play, wonderful music. Modern prose, close subjects.
was 12 february on The Last Moons
“ I liked the performance very much! Lanovoy and Kupchenko - very convincing! A little sad from the fact that this is possible!
was 12 february on Dedication to Eva
“ Wonderful performance !!! Magnificent actor duet Lanovoy and Knyazev, do not play - live the lives of their heroes, 2 hours in one breath, emotions, tears at the end. Decorations, visual, noise design and beautiful music - everything immerses in the atmosphere of this interesting play. Thank you, Vasily Semyonovich and Evgeny Vladimirovich, and a low bow! PS. I read E. Schmitt's play "Mysterious Variations"
was 09 february on Eugene Onegin
“ Went with a child of 15 years, just pass in school. Gone after the first action, What did the director want to say and why? Boring, boring, it's not clear!
was 08 february on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Wonderful, easy performance. Laughed to tears!
was 05 february on Okavemy days
“ Etush is gorgeous! Went specifically at him, long guarded this performance. It seems that everything is simple, like there are no intricacies and multilayeredness that can be solved and interpreted in different ways, but 2 hours have flown by in one breath! Yes, the play is old, but as it is now timely !!
was 29 january on Scream of a Lobster
“ A very, very boring performance. The task of keeping the viewer's attention throughout the performance with memories and monologues alone is a very difficult task. Unfortunately the actors did not cope with it, the hall was frankly bored. Sincerely I hope that we just got on some bad day - in principle the play allows us to "turn around", but ... Julia Rutberg played all on the same, tired tired note, Andrei Ilyin probably tried, but to draw this performance to one he can not do it - not the charismatic. Went disappointed.
was 28 december on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ I recommend to all! Sukhanov actor with a capital letter! Thanks for the pleasure!
was 24 june on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Sukhanov is magnificent !!! But, in general, the performance is delayed!
was 30 january on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ My favorite performance! I watched 2 times already, very much. Especially, of course, impresses Sukhanov.
was 08 november on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Only step stepping from the Arbat, I plunged into a wonderful world, Here the beauty of the vault and beauty, Durmanit, like ether! But then the noise subsides, And we stayed here alone. Only me, your obedient spectator, And the world of Paris from within! Who here jokes about the nose, all of a sudden, He'll get it in full, The sharpest jokes, everything in verse, From Sukhanov himself! But only love is capable here, Disarm Cyrano! And you are ready for it, To laugh or to suffer - rather, then and that!
was 24 june on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ A stunning performance! Incredibly cosmic Maxim Sukhanov! Thank you for your beloved Cyrano!
was 26 january on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Thanks to the director and the actors for the wonderful performance on the legendary stage! Bravo Maxim Sukhanov For the image of Cyrano! Instead of a sad ending, I want to continue the romantic story.
was 14 may on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Great performance !!!!!!
was 24 june on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Like the game Sukhanov, but the sp-l is very tight
was 19 april on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Light, touching, forever!
was 19 april on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Simply in delight! Thank you!
was 01 october on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Enchanting! Incredible! Emotion lasted for a long time! Sukhanov, as always, is inimitable! Hall laughed at the voice! Nobody remained indifferent!
was 14 february on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Maxim Sukhanov is incomparable! The play has been going on for a very long time, but it's still full. It says a lot. My husband and I really liked this production!
was 21 march on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ They left after the first action. Unconvincing, inanimate, and simply boring
was 02 february on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ A delightful theater! Convenient location: close to metro. A unique game of actors! I really liked the actor's play in the lead role of M. Sukhanov. Played sincerely. The audience of the hall reacted vividly to everything that happened on stage thanks to the talent of the actors!
was 30 january on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ All is well - staging, scenery, acting, music. It's funny. Sukhanov is magnificent.
was 30 january on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ At first it seemed that the performance would be light-weight, and Sukhanov with his "rattling" voice reminded him of the same character from "The Wind Raging in Poplars", but later everything seemed to gain strength, the performance was very much liked not only by us, but also by a large (pleasant moment) and very young people in the theater. During the intermission, many of them switched to a high syllable and this is very, very sweet.
was 26 january on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Thanks to the director and actors for the production! Special thanks to Maxim Sukhanov for the unforgettable image of a good Cyrano!
was 21 march on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ Thank you very much! Great performance! Maxim Sukhanov - Cyrano - stunning! Thank you.
was 19 april on Cyrano de Bergerac
“ A wonderful cheerful staging!
was 24 january on The genius of Form. Gogol.
“ I really want to go! According to friends, worthy staging!
was 22 january on KING OEDIP
“ Strong performance, it looks in one breath. An interesting production, a stellar composition, a great game!
was 05 january on Cat in the Boots
“ We went by turns with all the children of our family. Everyone liked it very much. A wonderful performance, bright, colorful, remarkable in form and instructive in content. Interpretation of the fairy tale in verse made it more dynamic, as the scene has its own laws and it is necessary to preserve the dynamics of the narrative. Fairy tale from this did not suffer at all. A wonderful play of actors, everything is very good.
was 22 december on Uncle's dream
“ The play leaves a feeling of mild sadness.
was 15 december on BENEFIT
“ A wonderful light show. New Year's fairy tale for mood. He left a pleasant "aftertaste". According to the plot - a very delicately described family situation in unreal circumstances. Special thanks to actress Olga Tumaykina-your game in the explanation scene in love moved to tears!
was 11 december on Our class
“ Unusual format. Action on the stage at first did not understand, then tried not to lose the thread, and after the performance there was a heavy sediment on my soul. But nevertheless, the performance really liked. Most likely, I would go again to reconsider the lost.
was 27 november on Cat in the Boots
“ Have been with my son for 5 years. I liked it very much. The child looked at the stage with pleasure, experienced, applauded.
was 24 november on Eugene Onegin
“ It is meaningless, boring, chips and director's findings are not completely combined into a single play and therefore are like a mockery and insincerity. A couple of good readings of Pushkin Makovetsky and nothing more. Left with the second act, which happens to me seldom (
was 24 november on Eugene Onegin
“ Went to the play on November 22. Looks in one breath, attention does not weaken for a second, I wonder what further came up with the wonderful director Rimas Tuminas. Everyone knows Pushkin by heart and still everything is new, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes pinching, actors play beautifully. In a word wonderful, thank you!
was 20 november on Smile to us, Lord.
“ Wonderful actors! I liked the play very much! I recommend.
was 20 november on Smile to us, Lord.
“ The play was disappointing. There is no involvement, the feeling that the actors are playing for themselves. The text is not adapted to the scene. Humor level sitcoms, it is unclear how you can laugh at this, and how not to love the viewer to insert into a serious thing such a primitive joke. The ending is too metaphorical. One of the worst performances from all that I've seen.
was 31 october on Men and women
“ Great performance! I could not even imagine that such young, but already quite recognizable by the films, the actors are so beautifully dancing and possess such expressive plasticity. Beautiful costumes that emphasize the figure and "highlight" of each heroine. Masterfully selected music! Brilliant choreography! Such a performance deserves a prize! And ... I want to continue! Only probably, it will already be "Mom and Dad"?!
was 26 october on Masquerade
“ And I liked it, ironically, for sure, not always thin, but with taste. The handwriting of the master is understandable and I think the director caught Lermontov's special concen- tration
was 25 october on Mademoiselle Nitouche
“ Terrific! You are beyond praise! Bravo! Bis! Very funny! I advise everyone, get real pleasure!
“ On May 14 we were at this performance with my husband. I'm 62, he's 66, I'm disabled. left the second department for the first time in their life. we see ourselves in these unfortunate people, so it's hard to look at all this. The youth were having fun and my heart was breaking. I wanted to relax and unwind, but it turned out to be a bitter grief.
“ Great game. Excellent production. Only there is no spark that makes you empathize with the actors. They are too majestic and far away.
“ The play "Love at the Throne" was replaced by the play "Frida. Life in Color". A bright, musical thing. Famous people with fates worthy of romance. I liked the production and acting work very much
“ High-quality staging. Alternative history variant. The action seemed somewhat academic and in some moments programmed for the director's spectacular tricks.
“ Feeling from viewing as after reading the poetry of Boris Ryzhiy. Poetry and the darkness of provincial life. Constant transitions from tragedy to humor and hope, excellent acting work. Not entertainment, but a thing for the soul.
“ A magnificent performance. Powerful and entertaining. I liked it very much
“ How we girls like beautiful outfits. Half of the success of the performance is in the design, and when also live music! The content of such plays, however, has ceased to satisfy me completely, apparently I'm growing.
“ So beautiful that it is impossible to convey. A kaleidoscope of plots and pictures covered with white St. Petersburg snow. I watched it twice, I hope I will see it again.
“ Beautiful, spectacular, but for me it was protracted. Literally before Vakhtangovsky Onegin, I went to the Onegin show, staged by SAM (Commonwealth of Actors and Musicians). And after they were staged, where Chonishvili was one of the main reciters, it was extremely difficult for me to listen to Makovetsky in Vakhtangov. Perhaps, if there had been Guskov, the performance would have been perceived differently. Guskova heard later in the play Onegin-blues (another of Onegin's variations, which she saw as many as 4 that season). Only in the second act, at the sight of the wagon under a snowstorm, did my heart tremble and accept the production.
“ A beautiful production, but the plot is somehow viscous and no. It reminded me of Kafka's prose, his "Castle". Some kind of eternal senseless whirling. The bottom line is disappointment.
“ You get used to good performances (this is exactly about the Vakhtangov Theater), and then BAM! .. and in a seemingly decent place you run into. Even before the quarantine times, a friend took a ticket to the "New Apartment" in Vakhtangov, but it did not work out. And I decided on my own head to fill the gap. The play is based on Goldoni's play. Staged in the style of farce. But such a vinaigrette of images. Here is our quarantine present, and the characters of the Adams family, and Alice in Wonderland. I have mastered the plot by half. I believe that if in the first act there are unhappy lovers, then in the second everything will be happily resolved. I didn't have the strength to watch this nonsense. Complaints about the plot and the production itself. From the pros - historical costumes and selected acting work. The second act was replaced by a walk from Arbat to Polyanka. It was wonderful.
“ great performance. modern production. very beautiful scenery. great acting. advise
“ Musically, buffoonery, bright. Unloading the mind. Rest is guaranteed.
“ I was at the play 4 years ago, today I go again - a strong impression. Much stronger than the performance "Running" in the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater.
“ We watched in October 2019. A very good performance, in my opinion it has been going on for twenty years already in this lineup. An exact hit in the role of both actors. Good direction. You have to watch while these actors are still playing ...
“ Easy, fun, musical comedy, a small cozy room. Thank you, got a great pleasure!
“ Were at a performance with friends from St. Petersburg (we came specially to see Lanovoy and Kupchenko). Everyone was delighted.
“ Great performance! 4 hours passed quickly. I have not received such pleasure from the play for a long time! The actors are amazing! Maria Aronova is brilliant !!! Bravo, bravo, bravo to all creators of the play !!!
“ The performance made an impression. The wonderful duet of Guskov and Khazanov.
“ The performance is very worthy - a beautiful story about how a person hesitates before making an important decision. Excellent set design and light, very nice costumes. The written dialogues and monologues, long with development, are a real continuation of the traditions of the Russian theater. I liked the young partner of Olga and Andrei, Pavel Teheda Kardenas, and the premieres were beyond praise. If you like paradoxes, quick turns of the plot and responsive to theatrical experiment - you are here. Bravo once again to the author and the troupe!
“ Went to a large, multi-age company. I liked EVERYTHING, the actors played beautifully! The first act was a little tightened, there were too many pauses for the modern audience.
“ Beautiful performance
“ Yesterday we were at a performance, had long wanted to see this performance. Laughing, holding his stomach. Bravo!!!! The game of actors is superb !!! Thank you very much! Maria Aronova is just super !!!! Bravo !!! Bravo !!!! Bravo!!!!
“ Yesterday, the performance-impressions were only positive! A high-quality, well-thought-out script for each word, an impeccable play of actors left no one indifferent in the audience.
“ Delight!!!
“ It was Beaumarchais in a modern way, in a non-classical, very original production. I liked the play for me and the children, 16 and 13 years old. Funny, musical farce. Wonderful game of Maxim Sukhanov. Enjoyed and a lot of positive.
“ Italian passions did not work. Bored, long and little emotion. Questions to the temperament of the main character, as if Neapolitan. The performance is 3 hours and 30 minutes with two intermissions.
“ I was lucky to get to the performance on the anniversary of Vasily Lanovoy. I can not believe that the play has been going on for twenty years. The game of actors is flawless, it is fascinating, the feeling is as if they do not play, but live life on stage. Bravo great artists!
“ Sorry for the time spent and finances. To say that I didn’t like the performance, to say nothing The staging is as far from Moliere as the Moon is far from Earth. Although everything in this life is relative. In my humble opinion, the majority of those who came to the play lacked the civil courage to just boo this spectacle and shame actors employed in the production. the level of the doorways ... Frank ROUGH, calculated on the fact that the viewer will come to Makovetsky Awful, not worth your attention ..
“ Great, great, awesome! Comedy and tragedy, love and egoism, classic and fresh look are intertwined in the performance. Yes, this statement cannot be called classical, but it feels love for the original, for the author and art in general. This is far from a vulgar interpretation, and the actors with such tenderness, with such rapture and penetration, pronounce the text of Pushkin, which captures the spirit. On the "Onegin" Tuminas want to look endlessly. Thank!
“ Many thanks to Alexander Oleshko for a nice evening!
“ Great performance! A sea of positive and most vivid emotions! Etush on top! Laughing from the heart! Sparkling humor, great play of actors, great scenery, exceptionally warm atmosphere! Recommend! And a huge request to the audience - please eat your sweets before the start of the performance or eat them during intermission. You cannot do this during the performance! Audibility and acoustics in the hall at a high level. Respect the actors and the audience!
“ Wonderful solo performance!
“ The evening was wonderful! Aronov is superb !!!! Thank!
“ We went to the play "Sergeev and the Town" in the Vakhtangov Theater. Got pleasure. True gratitude for what he saw. The theme of the performance is far from light and airy, but serious. Time cannot be determined right away - whether it is the Soviet era, or the 90s, or the early zero, or, most likely, all together at once - such a mobile “timeless” in which the Russian province is stuck. Different families, different lives, different fates. And people live and do not cease to be human. If you go to an “adult” thing, take your head and heart with you. There is no place to rest. We must worry, think, think how and why. Do not harshly condemn or accept the life of people at that time, but analyze all the circumstances and prerequisites. The game of actors honed to amazement. The performance involved mainly young people. It is laid out, passing all through itself. The performance is long, but it looks very easy and dynamic. The main tractor in the performance is Maxim Sevrinovsky. His voice and manners of the game just fascinate and envelop, taking into the life. As if an acquaintance tells you a very personal story, and you experience it with him. Bravo! Nice and young actress Olga Borovskaya, Maria Berdinskikh, Polina Chernyshova, Ksenia Kubasova. They have roles in different scenes. They have to quickly reincarnate. And how the play is decorated with their voices! Especially distinguished is the voice of Polina Chernyshova, distinctive and strong. We advise everyone to watch the play “Sergeev and the Town”! Especially the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, because there are small cities in which noble and honest people live.
“ Good, not dull performance. Vladimir Etush cannot but arouse sincere respect: more than 2 hours on stage! Olga Tumaykina slightly outplayed, these intonations and "wringing hands" came to nothing. The spectators were very disappointed: mobile phones rang endlessly, everyone was talking to each other, rustling wrappers from candy, coughing hysterically (((((
“ Old acting school. Classic production. The acting is great. It makes no sense to sit on the balcony.
“ My wife, son, and I go to theaters infrequently, on average 5-6 times a year. I like the GAMT very much, recently went to Et Cetera on Kalyagin's “Faces,” In indescribable delight. On this wave went to Vakhtangov. Bought for the name (the son needs to study at school), the awards of the performance and the busy actors. The impression ... For the first time we left the play during the intermission. And this is not disrespect for the actors (judging by the prices for a ticket, their fee is not bad). By no means. Just so mock Pushkin, we could not bear. Still, one feels the attitude of the director to the author in particular and to the people, apparently, as a whole. Some kind of sur. Why does Olga need an accordion and why does she go with him all the time? Why Onegin two (although his wife said that there were three of them like), two Lena? In general, it is a pity that such performances receive Golden Masks. From now on we will be more careful with modern readings of the classics. I can not recommend this performance to an amateur. We definitely did not like it. It's a pity...
“ Were at the performance of 10/06/2018. Loved it! The modern version of the Greek tragedy, the bonus goes to the chorus in the original language! Wonderful game of Eldar Tramov in the role of Creon! And voice, and a sense of rhythm, and image! Only Maksakova’s play spoiled the impression, although I love and respect her as an actress, but ... I’m happy to see it again!
“ Thank you very much for the pleasure that I received from the performance! I really liked the production and the game, and the material that is taken for the play! Touching, thoughtful, mischievous. Perfectly!!!
“ Feedback from not a fan of Chekhov. Chekhov, like Chekhov. Nothing new and interesting. BUT! What game! You open yourself to famous actors in a new way! It is very joyful and that regardless of the plot, you can enjoy acting.
“ The production is wonderful! Yes, there is a strange, yes, there is a tightness. But all the same, picks. And funny, and sad, and tragic. The director gave this depth to this work. It seems to me that Pushkin himself did not reveal the tragedy of unrequited love, the loss of a loved one. The game of actors is incomparable. How the emotions of the first love are transmitted, the pain of loss, expectation. We must definitely go. But I would recommend without children. This performance is definitely not for teenagers.
“ Unusually, magically! Cute, plastic, very harmonious and sincere! Performance without words, only dance and beautiful music! Words are not needed, through the dance of actors, all emotions and emotions are read easily and simply. You, along with the actors inside their dance life, live with them joy, sorrow, passion, love !!!
“ I really liked the performance. Indeed, prose also responds and the actors play is gorgeous. You look at one breath in anticipation, and what's next, get used to the plot. The first part is more ironic, many funny moments. But in the second, there is more sadness and there is something to ponder about, Perfectly selected music, scenery, interesting stage solutions. Has received huge pleasure!
“ Were at the play on 05/17/2018. I rather liked it. We wanted to see Dobronravov and Maksakov. Marked for himself the game Eldar Tramov, like Pavel Yudin.
“ The performance really liked, thank you!
“ I really liked the production, I love my own readings, surre, and beautiful music. The actors play is gorgeous, the costumes and movements, the atmosphere and the air. Snowstorm - to shivers. Thank you! I'll go more than once, I think, until I take everyone close.
“ Nina was on 03/30/2018. The performance is not straightforward, I went to Lermontov's Masquerade, but I got on the Winter Fairy Tale for adults-more specifically, the Polunin Show. I do not agree with the director, but the acting is at an altitude, they (the actors) pulled this performance out. Bravo!!!
“ The performance was wonderful, it looked at one go, Impression left a wonderful
“ 03/22/18 were at the play, wonderful performance, bravo to Matru Vladimir Etush! 2 hours on stage, cheerfully and confidently, with hooliganism in the text from the master, in a good sense of the word. A remarkably created mood. I recommend everyone to see.
“ Has received huge pleasure from action! I liked it all very much. Without words, recognizable plots of our life and relationships. Bravo to the dancing artists and the director of the play!
“ This performance must be watched! Stunning cast. An amazing constellation of the most brilliant and beloved actors. A true pleasure. The idea is ingenious, excerpts from great works are related by one theme - death. This line is led by stunning actors who are the closest to her age by age - Lanovoy (84 years old), Etush (95 years old), Yulia Borisova (93 years), Kupchenko (70 years), Knyazev (62 years) Maksakova (77 years old). And as if they know what they're talking about, it's sad and at the same time it's optimistic. The ingenious game of the brilliant actors of the Vakhtangov school !!! It was all the more tempting to descend the fact that at the recent funeral of Tabakov, looking at those who came to accompany his age actors, he pursued the idea- "The epoch is leaving." Who is next? "As if answering him, Valentin Gaft read his poems:" There are fewer and fewer people in the phone book , Ringing in the ears of a deadly braid, More and more often the mortar caps, Aliens respond to voices "..... GO AND SEE ALMOST THEY ARE ALIVE!
“ Aronov's BOMB. Laughed heartily, jokes are not vulgar, not stupid, it's Humor! I advise
“ Maybe I'll say too loudly, but for the time being this is the worst thing I've seen ... I really wanted this performance, and now I bought tickets, so let's go. The total disappointment ... is tedious, prolonged, in a word uninteresting ... was the making of getting up and leaving (as some did), but because of respect for the actors we did not do so. A lot of things were watched in this theater, but unfortunately ...
“ Performance Butusova "Running" as a drug. It tightens. Has been 2 times. With difficulty "jumped". I helped "break" - go to other theaters in those days when in the coming months there will be "Running", otherwise I would go again ... But I want to watch more. Astonishing. Practically 4 hours, but no fatigue. Fucking spectacle! About the departing. Leave, probably, saw "defectors" 2 people after the intermission. But most of them are ecstatic! These are not empty words. I do not advise those who are ardent adherent of some "classical theater". I love the theater from my youth, but still do not understand what is being put into this concept ... Who is for the experiment and a live theater - go boldly!
“ The performance did not like. Very boring. Only the game of Maxim Sukhanov was happy. The play, of course, is obsolete. Absolutely does not touch. I liked the energetically charged game on the drums, as the boring action revived.
“ Thank you very much for the performance. We watched in one breath. A great game of actors. Thanks again!
“ From the solo performance I expected more. In some places he seized and made me listen to the hero's monologue, at times seemed long and boring. Perhaps this day, Yu Kraskov was not at a loss, as the reviews read about this performance, celebrated the actor's play. Once you can go. In any case, the classic is always a win-win option ..
“ It's nice that the Vakhtangov Theater continues to "keep the mark high"! The play "Cat in Boots" - wonderful, masterfully done! And the script, and the costumes, and the scenery, and staging, and the light, and the musical accompaniment, and the actors' play - everything, literally everything at the highest level! It's nice that the script (the script writer, unfortunately, for us and was not known) written in verse, in good poems !, simultaneously preserves the classical plot of Charles Perrault and at the same time is supplemented with interesting details. The images of the heroes turned out to be very interesting, for example, the image of the State Ladies, instead of the Cannibal - the Evil Wizard, and very funny and well-singing robbers. Dynamically unfolding action, bravo - the artist of the play, the composer, the sound and lighting! And, of course, bravo to all actors! The performance will be interesting not only to children, but also to adults who love the real Russian Theater with the Great Letter T.)) So-ve-tu-yu.
“ I gradually become a fan of Svetlana Zemlyakova's performances. At first, the charming and such touching performance of "Grandma" in the theater Practice. Yesterday a bit sad and slightly funny performance "Sergeyev and the Town" with a filigree actor's play, wonderful music. Modern prose, close subjects.
“ I liked the performance very much! Lanovoy and Kupchenko - very convincing! A little sad from the fact that this is possible!
“ Wonderful performance !!! Magnificent actor duet Lanovoy and Knyazev, do not play - live the lives of their heroes, 2 hours in one breath, emotions, tears at the end. Decorations, visual, noise design and beautiful music - everything immerses in the atmosphere of this interesting play. Thank you, Vasily Semyonovich and Evgeny Vladimirovich, and a low bow! PS. I read E. Schmitt's play "Mysterious Variations"
“ Went with a child of 15 years, just pass in school. Gone after the first action, What did the director want to say and why? Boring, boring, it's not clear!
“ Wonderful, easy performance. Laughed to tears!
“ Etush is gorgeous! Went specifically at him, long guarded this performance. It seems that everything is simple, like there are no intricacies and multilayeredness that can be solved and interpreted in different ways, but 2 hours have flown by in one breath! Yes, the play is old, but as it is now timely !!
“ A very, very boring performance. The task of keeping the viewer's attention throughout the performance with memories and monologues alone is a very difficult task. Unfortunately the actors did not cope with it, the hall was frankly bored. Sincerely I hope that we just got on some bad day - in principle the play allows us to "turn around", but ... Julia Rutberg played all on the same, tired tired note, Andrei Ilyin probably tried, but to draw this performance to one he can not do it - not the charismatic. Went disappointed.
“ I recommend to all! Sukhanov actor with a capital letter! Thanks for the pleasure!
“ Sukhanov is magnificent !!! But, in general, the performance is delayed!
“ My favorite performance! I watched 2 times already, very much. Especially, of course, impresses Sukhanov.
“ Only step stepping from the Arbat, I plunged into a wonderful world, Here the beauty of the vault and beauty, Durmanit, like ether! But then the noise subsides, And we stayed here alone. Only me, your obedient spectator, And the world of Paris from within! Who here jokes about the nose, all of a sudden, He'll get it in full, The sharpest jokes, everything in verse, From Sukhanov himself! But only love is capable here, Disarm Cyrano! And you are ready for it, To laugh or to suffer - rather, then and that!
“ A stunning performance! Incredibly cosmic Maxim Sukhanov! Thank you for your beloved Cyrano!
“ Thanks to the director and the actors for the wonderful performance on the legendary stage! Bravo Maxim Sukhanov For the image of Cyrano! Instead of a sad ending, I want to continue the romantic story.
“ Great performance !!!!!!
“ Like the game Sukhanov, but the sp-l is very tight
“ Light, touching, forever!
“ Simply in delight! Thank you!
“ Enchanting! Incredible! Emotion lasted for a long time! Sukhanov, as always, is inimitable! Hall laughed at the voice! Nobody remained indifferent!
“ Maxim Sukhanov is incomparable! The play has been going on for a very long time, but it's still full. It says a lot. My husband and I really liked this production!
“ They left after the first action. Unconvincing, inanimate, and simply boring
“ A delightful theater! Convenient location: close to metro. A unique game of actors! I really liked the actor's play in the lead role of M. Sukhanov. Played sincerely. The audience of the hall reacted vividly to everything that happened on stage thanks to the talent of the actors!
“ All is well - staging, scenery, acting, music. It's funny. Sukhanov is magnificent.
“ At first it seemed that the performance would be light-weight, and Sukhanov with his "rattling" voice reminded him of the same character from "The Wind Raging in Poplars", but later everything seemed to gain strength, the performance was very much liked not only by us, but also by a large (pleasant moment) and very young people in the theater. During the intermission, many of them switched to a high syllable and this is very, very sweet.
“ Thanks to the director and actors for the production! Special thanks to Maxim Sukhanov for the unforgettable image of a good Cyrano!
“ Thank you very much! Great performance! Maxim Sukhanov - Cyrano - stunning! Thank you.
“ A wonderful cheerful staging!
“ I really want to go! According to friends, worthy staging!
“ Strong performance, it looks in one breath. An interesting production, a stellar composition, a great game!
“ We went by turns with all the children of our family. Everyone liked it very much. A wonderful performance, bright, colorful, remarkable in form and instructive in content. Interpretation of the fairy tale in verse made it more dynamic, as the scene has its own laws and it is necessary to preserve the dynamics of the narrative. Fairy tale from this did not suffer at all. A wonderful play of actors, everything is very good.
“ The play leaves a feeling of mild sadness.
“ A wonderful light show. New Year's fairy tale for mood. He left a pleasant "aftertaste". According to the plot - a very delicately described family situation in unreal circumstances. Special thanks to actress Olga Tumaykina-your game in the explanation scene in love moved to tears!
“ Unusual format. Action on the stage at first did not understand, then tried not to lose the thread, and after the performance there was a heavy sediment on my soul. But nevertheless, the performance really liked. Most likely, I would go again to reconsider the lost.
“ Have been with my son for 5 years. I liked it very much. The child looked at the stage with pleasure, experienced, applauded.
“ It is meaningless, boring, chips and director's findings are not completely combined into a single play and therefore are like a mockery and insincerity. A couple of good readings of Pushkin Makovetsky and nothing more. Left with the second act, which happens to me seldom (
“ Went to the play on November 22. Looks in one breath, attention does not weaken for a second, I wonder what further came up with the wonderful director Rimas Tuminas. Everyone knows Pushkin by heart and still everything is new, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes pinching, actors play beautifully. In a word wonderful, thank you!
“ Wonderful actors! I liked the play very much! I recommend.
“ The play was disappointing. There is no involvement, the feeling that the actors are playing for themselves. The text is not adapted to the scene. Humor level sitcoms, it is unclear how you can laugh at this, and how not to love the viewer to insert into a serious thing such a primitive joke. The ending is too metaphorical. One of the worst performances from all that I've seen.
“ Great performance! I could not even imagine that such young, but already quite recognizable by the films, the actors are so beautifully dancing and possess such expressive plasticity. Beautiful costumes that emphasize the figure and "highlight" of each heroine. Masterfully selected music! Brilliant choreography! Such a performance deserves a prize! And ... I want to continue! Only probably, it will already be "Mom and Dad"?!
“ And I liked it, ironically, for sure, not always thin, but with taste. The handwriting of the master is understandable and I think the director caught Lermontov's special concen- tration
“ Terrific! You are beyond praise! Bravo! Bis! Very funny! I advise everyone, get real pleasure!