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Theater "Buff"

Feedbacks from viewers
Marina was 14 december on AESOP

In the autumn my sister watched. She is delighted !!!

Ol`ga was 24 june on Libertine

Great performance! Sultaniyazov is a chic actor!

Ol`ga was 14 april on Casanova in Russia

A great musical! A great play of actors and a fascinating plot!

Svetlana was 18 october on Diary of an adventurer

Many thanks to the organizers of the tour, the troupe of the theater Buff for the wonderful musical performance "The Diary of the Adventurer." Always topical classical piece, in modern production, excellent performance, with Dunayevsky's magnificent music. St. Petersburg State Theater BRAVO!

Elena was 31 january on Dinner Supper

Great performance, dynamic, funny, good game. I recommend!

Only for children
Only adults
Sankt-Peterburg, Zanevskiy pr-kt., 26
03 h 00 min

Musical comedy based on the play by A. Yakovlev and V. Verbin

The famous story of three fighting friends who "canceled" love, until the war is over, - found its embodiment on the stage of the theater "Buff". The well-known St. Petersburg composer Mark Samoilov wrote music for the performance, having managed to combine it with the famous songs on the film "Heavenly Slug" by the songs of V.P. Solovyov-Sedoy.

The performance "Heavenly Slug" was created for the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, but still does not come out of the repertoire and continues to enjoy the love of spectators of all ages. Very young people who have never seen a film, and, conversely, elderly people who know it by heart - all with the same joy perceive this human comedy.

The director of the production is the People's Artist of Russia Isaak Shtokbant

Director-director - zasl. The figure of arts of Karelia Vladimir Shestakov

Composer - Mark Samoilov

Choreographer - Edvald Smirnov

Characters and performers:

Major Bulochkin - Z.A. Russia Evgeny Alexandrov / Mikhail Bondaruk,

Captain Kaisarov - ZA Of Russia Sergey Magilenich

Senior Lieutenant Tucha - Anton Denisov,

Lena - ZA Russia Nika Kozorovitskaya / Anastasia Kulaeva / Elena Kuprashevich,

Colonel Rybakov - Z.A. Russia Andrey Solovyov,

Voenvrach Lvovich - ZAO Rossiya Elena Zubovich,

Masha - Irina Barybina / Tatiana Egorova,

Katya - Anna Korshuk / Ekaterina Grutca / Olga Dorofeeva,

Uncle Sasha - Andrei Levin

and others.

There is no place for love in War!

So they decided - desperate pilots-aces, who have no equal. And besides - three bosom friends.

They decided and took an oath - to close their hearts from this feeling until Victory.

But is it so easy to escape from your fate, even when explosions and the enemy are rattling around, and that business is trying to shoot down your plane?

Especially, if by chance and for health reasons, one of them becomes the head of the female flight squadron? And now he is not flying on a supersonic car, but on a small slow-moving airplane.

Although, in fact Ass - he with any car ventures and even with any feat. But it was not with the onslaught that decided to win his women.

And now, one has already been hit, the second one seems to have been wounded, and the third ...!

And the third is generally a traitor! He managed to get married before the war!

However, they also have chosen women, oh, how not simple. Two pilots and a journalist. Well, how can you resist the attacks of such outstanding personalities.

But, most importantly, do not forget in the fever of battle for the Motherland and the heart of your beloved, that he certainly has a dad, and dating him - well, can not be avoided ...

Although, all these amazing discoveries are just waiting for the heroes, and now ... tick-yes, the show begins.


Buy List 22 june sat 19:00

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