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Feedbacks from viewers
Antonina was 18 february on "Bad habits". Adventure comedy

I expected more from the performance. The first part before the intermission is ridiculous in places, but more boring and tightened, it is not clear why the three thieves were gathered in this cell. The second part clarifies everything. The performance becomes more dynamic, includes hits from French music and, in general, the performance leaves a good impression. The play of three male actors (Shakurov, Ugolnikov, Spivakovsky) is not to find fault! Skill is not drunk. :-)) But the female role (Ekaterina Volkova) is disgusting. Monotone-instructive replicas without emotions and colors. And the point here (judging by the audience reviews about the play of other actresses) is in the role, not the actress. I put the play four with a minus.

Elena was 07 january on "Bad habits". Adventure comedy


Gennadiy was 07 january on On high heels

This is the quality work of the acts and the author. The theme of love is revealed sincerely and authentically. The participation of the musical group is harmonious and a deep holiday atmosphere is created. I recommend to view the viewer with life experience. We watched the performance on December 31st. The full house was full, but, unfortunately, the palace of culture was not prepared to technically serve a full audience. There is an acute problem with queues in the toilet and cloakroom. The performance is great!

Aleksandra was 23 november on On high heels

A great performance, the actors at the height !!! laughed heartily.

Svetlana was 06 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

A simple plot, if you have nowhere to spend time, you can go. Weak directorial work. There are no pritenzy for actors, the atmosphere is good, but the energy is already rather weak. The rating is satisfactory.

Ol`ga was 24 jule on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

Were at the play 24.07.18. We are delighted with the play of our actors: Churikova is charming and so tender, Mikhailov is adorable and impressive, Vasilyeva is a delight. A great play of actors. Have not been to such an event for a long time, where they got a lot of fun and laughed and a little sorrow. I advise everyone to go and just relax.

Irina was 24 jule on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

Great performance! The play of actors is beyond praise, Inna Churikova is inimitable, sincere, beautiful! Have cheered up, thank you very much!

Ol`ga was 27 jule on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

A wonderful performance, a great game of actors, the whole ensemble is good. Despite the fact that she saw the film, she did not look away. To hold such a big hall is an art. Thanks to all the actors.

Konstantin was 27 jule on On high heels

An excellent performance! Were at the play with Kurdzidis. A very good game of actors as the first and second plan, and the excitement of the keyboard player.

Elena was 05 january on Love and pigeons

The composition of the actors is wonderful, but after watching the film is not tasty .....

Egor was 13 september on Premiere: "The Game". Follow the rules.

Simply super! There are no words! For a long time did not get such pleasure from an entertaining performance. There was everything: both the plot with unexpected turns, and the actors' play - at the height. Basharov has subdued! So accurate and easy to keep in suspense hall! And Steklov is an actor! And the scenery for the enterprise - as in a good expensive theater! Well done! We really enjoyed it! Thank you so much!

Ol`ga was 10 august on "SIRENA and VICTORIA" A funny story about love

A wonderful performance! Laughter without restraint from beginning to end! Actors play great!

Svetlana was 18 may on On high heels

I liked the performance very much. Until now, I am under a pleasant impression. The actors played an excellent and unforgettable musical accompaniment or did not leave anyone indifferent !!! Hall applauded after each song))) I recommend it to everyone. Garantirovanno cheers up!

Natal`ya was 18 may on On high heels

A cool performance, the actors play just amazing. Thank you for a wonderful evening! I advise everyone!

Viktoriya was 10 april on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

Familiar favorite story, an excellent game of your favorite actors! A lot of fun and positive emotions!

Ulechka was 30 march on On high heels

I liked the performance very much! And the actors' play, and the theme, and the design! Full delight! I recommend to everyone!

Ol`ga was 01 march on "Love is not potatoes, you will not throw it into the window"

The play was liked, the acting is at a high level! Pleasant evening

Donnik Viktor Valer`evich was 26 october on "Love is not potatoes, you will not throw it into the window"

Perfectly! The play of artists is very stucco!

Irina was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

A wonderful game of great artists Churikova and Mikhailova! A wonderful performance, it cheers up! One blot - late start of the performance for 30 minutes.

Elena was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

All perfectly!

Nadegda was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

We got a lot of pleasure from the performance, despite its 30-minute delay. Thank you!

Ludmila was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

The performance is good. There were some lining, detained for 30 minutes. On beljatazhe audibility is not very good. The actors play is wonderful

Elena was 26 october on "Love is not potatoes, you will not throw it into the window"

Has received huge emotional pleasure from performance. A terrific performance of actors! I was very glad to see such people on the stage! A low bow to them for their work and tireless desire to give the viewer joy and positive emotions! It would be a great pleasure to meet with them more than once! With respect and love, Elena.

Larisa was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

All is well, thank you.

Anna was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

Thank you, I liked it very much. It is a pity that there was no Charcot and the play was detained for half an hour.

Ol`ga was 10 november on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

I really liked the performance of the actors in the play "The Old Maiden", especially Inna Churikova. Even not so important story - he is known for a long time, but you look at Churikov and completely fall under the charm of the actress, women - do not tear off the eye. Many thanks. Has received huge pleasure. Olga.

Evgeniy was 24 december on Lyrical comedy "The Old Maiden"

Churikov is always on top. She is divine, always great! Look at her .....

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Leninskiy pr-kt., 32A (pod`ezd 6)
02 h 00 min
Shpiony navsegda
Purchased earlier: 48
from 700 rubles
"Harmful habits." Adventure comedy.
Purchased earlier: 498
from 750 rubles
"The Siren and Victoria." A funny story about love.
Purchased earlier: 1112
from 1000 rubles
Purchased earlier: 300
from 600 rubles
Ohota na mugchin
Purchased earlier: 380
from 1000 rubles
"The Siren and Victoria." A funny story about love.
Purchased earlier: 1112
from 500 rubles
Shpiony navsegda
Purchased earlier: 48
from 800 rubles
"Harmful habits." Adventure comedy.
Purchased earlier: 498
from 1500 rubles
Ohota na mugchin
Purchased earlier: 380
from 1500 rubles
"The Siren and Victoria." A funny story about love.
Purchased earlier: 1112
from 1000 rubles
"Harmful habits." Adventure comedy.
Purchased earlier: 498
from 1000 rubles
Ohota na mugchin
Purchased earlier: 380
from 1000 rubles
Shpiony navsegda
Purchased earlier: 48
from 700 rubles
Obed dlya greshnikov
Purchased earlier: 103
from 800 rubles