07/25/2015 - the event is interesting. With the weather lucky. For children - a very entertaining event. As a bonus - looked at the rehearsal of the naval parade with water.
Were with the child (he is 4 years old) on this presentation on June 20. We received a lot of positive impressions. Many thanks to the organizers and artists. The child was delighted. Very convenient form of payment via the Internet. Thanks gigoy.Ponravilas game actors, after the performance was a small trip on the Neva in the company with the characters of the play. Great.
Thank you for the performance of the Vrungel show. Everything was wonderful!
“ 07/25/2015 - the event is interesting. With the weather lucky. For children - a very entertaining event. As a bonus - looked at the rehearsal of the naval parade with water.
“ Were with the child (he is 4 years old) on this presentation on June 20. We received a lot of positive impressions. Many thanks to the organizers and artists. The child was delighted. Very convenient form of payment via the Internet. Thanks gigoy.Ponravilas game actors, after the performance was a small trip on the Neva in the company with the characters of the play. Great.
“ Great event!)
“ Thank you for the performance of the Vrungel show. Everything was wonderful!