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Very touching performance with the brilliant play of Lyudmila Davydova! Incredible professionalism, sincerity and dedication! Bravo, bravo, bravo !!! Very good Eugene Nikulin in the role of Emanuel the Nightingale! Heart pinched, from empathy to his hero and tears moistened the eyes of many viewers. Thanks to director Yubilyar Yevgeny Slavutin and all the participants of the performance.
Watched the play with his 10-year-old son. In such a small theater were for the first time :) Everything is very nice and at home. I, in principle, liked everything, the child did not like the almost complete lack of scenery. Very much impresses that the child is played by a child, not by a 30-year-old aunt, as in "Academic Theaters"; D Thanks to the actors and the staff of the MOST Theater!
“ Everyone must go to see, finally, the real performance, and not the parodies with which the Moscow so-called theaters are full. And then we, Muscovites, have long forgotten how to sympathize with the action, forgot how to cry. We were accustomed to yellow jokes and fun, while in our life there is something to think about. About this performance. Laughter and tears together, grief and light together. Leaving after the performance, you become better.
was 06 november on Memorial prayer
“ I recommend everyone to go, because I have not seen such a real performance in Moscow for a long time. It makes people better, it makes you think about life and its real values. In a small room, everything happens next to you in reality and it is impossible not to cry and not laugh at the same time ...
was 19 april on Book of Judgments
“ Very touching performance with the brilliant play of Lyudmila Davydova! Incredible professionalism, sincerity and dedication! Bravo, bravo, bravo !!! Very good Eugene Nikulin in the role of Emanuel the Nightingale! Heart pinched, from empathy to his hero and tears moistened the eyes of many viewers. Thanks to director Yubilyar Yevgeny Slavutin and all the participants of the performance.
was 11 february on Walpurgis Night
“ Great performance! We were delighted! The actors very accurately passed the time and coped well with their roles!
was 11 october on the importance of Being Earnest
“ The theater on Bolshaya Sadovaya is very small, intimate, cozy and homely. You come here not for the first time - and now you are already familiar with all the staff, you are talking about art and agreeing on a new meeting. It seems to me that it is absolutely impossible to come here once. Pulls over and over again. ⠀ Yesterday with fellow teachers we watched the classic English comedy "The Importance of Being Serious" by Oscar Wilde. ⠀ My experiences that the play would be more English than comedy, were completely in vain. We laughed, without ceasing, almost both acts all the way. ⠀ In the tiny space of the stage with a minimum of scenery, the actors of BRIDGE managed to convey both the prim spirit of England of the last century and the refined elegant English humor. Over which, I confess, it was not at all subtle. ⠀ Actors playing at arm's length is a special pleasure to complete immersion in the play! They look straight at you, they say - you, and it is impossible not to believe them. And when they start dancing, you barely keep yourself in place so as not to keep them company. ⠀ What is the play, you ask? I will answer you with the words of Oscar Wilde himself: “Men marry from boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are frustrated. ” And the audience with all this experience a true pleasure! ⠀
was 08 october on Russian avant-garde.
“ The documentary performance was the first time. This is something incredible. Actors seem to live the lives of poets, by the way in the play there is not a single written word. Everything is taken from poems and letters. Now let's definitely go to the second documentary performance in this theater - “4 Lubas. Thaw”
was 12 october on Dear God
“ A wonderful, touching, delicate, ironic, very kind play. Lyudmila Davydova - wonderful, unforgettable, such a good child, such an adult grandmother Rosa - an actress with a capital letter. George Antonov - Oscar - plays a 12-year-old boy so truly, so honestly ... My 11 year old son laughed, empathized and cried - is this not the best review about the play ?! Bravo, Artists !!!
was 16 march on Dear God
“ Went with a child 10 years. Both are absolutely delighted. There is a deathly silence in the hall, the children are watching without stopping. They play perfectly. Very unusual hall, very friendly from the administrators to the director. People, lead children to such performances, touch their souls! Thank you for those emotions that were presented to us!
was 27 april on Dear God
“ Thank you very much for the wonderful performance! We all need to learn to appreciate life and enjoy every day!
was 22 february on Dear God
“ The performance is wonderful in a wonderful theater! Thank you all and creative success!
was 16 march on Dear God
“ Went to the play with a group of schoolchildren 13-14 years. The play really liked, captures everyone's attention and does not let go until the end. Some children even shed tears at the end, which was difficult to expect from today's teens. The hall is small, so you feel yourself directly involved in the events. It can be seen well from all places. Thanks to the actors and the creators of the play for the pleasure they received!
was 15 march on Dear God
“ I liked it very much
was 08 january on Dear God
“ Hello. Thank you very much for another wonderful performance! Excellent game of both main characters, no complaints at all; director a special thank you for such a heart-rending treatment of the plot! For more than two years we have been attending your performances, all of them are like one GREAT!
was 08 january on Dear God
“ Thank you! The performance is just wonderful!
was 02 october on Dear God
“ I believe that this play teaches children the main values - friendship and how important it is to communicate with parents. In an unobtrusive form and at the right time (the beginning of adolescence!) Through the story of one boy who lives in a short period of time a lot of events. Very instructive!
was 20 november on Dear God
“ With great pleasure I write back a text message. A wonderful performance, touching, wonderful boys and girls, so beautiful and capable! Good luck and prosperity to your theater!
was 20 november on Dear God
“ We really liked the performance. Leaves a very bright impression in spite of a very sad story. The actors played awesome. Music and light are simply mesmerizing. Thank you very much for your work!
was 21 march on Invincible armada
“ The play should be watched by everyone and more than once. Do not convey the emotions that you get from viewing. Fun, interesting, touching.
was 06 june on Book of Judgments
“ Very touching stories of Tatiana Tolstoy in a more touching interpretation of Eugene Slavutin. I remember when I read the first story, so in detail I pictured this lovely old lady, the "delightful beauty" with an absolutely unmatched hat, I remember her apartment to the smallest detail, surprisingly, but when I saw the production, it did not stop me to leave that my room with photos and cracked crimson Cups exactly the same as I imagined it originally! I was very pleased not to be disappointed, but to be charmed by the main character in the absolutely virtuosic performance of Lyudmila Davydova. Well, what is it touching and funny, like everything to the place, not falsity, or giggles. I recommend definitely.
was 06 june on Book of Judgments
“ A wonderful performance, especially impressed the first part of "Shura". Very strong and accurate play of actors, just amazing Lyudmila Davydova. From the story told to her, and well, and thoughtfully, and so keenly sad that I could not hold back tears. But after the performance you leave in a very bright, sincere mood. Thank you very much to the actors for this wonderful production!
was 17 may on Book of Judgments
“ Many thanks, I liked the performance. The actress Lyudmila Davydova plays beautifully and naturally. Good romances, nice young people. Chamber, cozy atmosphere. I will definitely come to the MOST Theater, but in the autumn.
was 06 june on Book of Judgments
“ Very different from the rest of the theater's repertoire. That is not entirely appropriate to compare better or worse, it's just different. Looked at one go. Lyudmila Davydova plays great.
was 18 january on Book of Judgments
“ I left a message on the poster site, but it somehow did not survive, I'm very grateful for a pleasant evening. THANK YOU!
was 19 january on Book of Judgments
“ As always, great. Actors play very easily, touchingly, without tearing and obsession. Greatly combine sad and funny. "Bridge" is probably the best theater in Moscow.
was 14 november on Book of Judgments
“ Very pleasant
was 03 october on Book of Judgments
“ I liked the performance very much, especially the actress who read novels. Many thanks.
was 14 march on Book of Judgments
“ Very pleasant, sincere performance. Thanks to music, the excellent game of L. Davydova completely disconnected from her everyday problems and plunged into that far and beautiful. Many thanks!
was 03 october on Book of Judgments
“ Wonderful, professional, optimistic. I will come and bring the family
was 03 october on Book of Judgments
“ Wonderful evening turned out thanks! I liked the performance and the play of actors
was 03 june on Little Lord Fauntleroy
“ Watched the play with his 10-year-old son. In such a small theater were for the first time :) Everything is very nice and at home. I, in principle, liked everything, the child did not like the almost complete lack of scenery. Very much impresses that the child is played by a child, not by a 30-year-old aunt, as in "Academic Theaters"; D Thanks to the actors and the staff of the MOST Theater!
was 21 june on Candies
“ Great performance! I really liked the difficult story of a young woman who embodied her dream into reality! There is something to think about! Bravo! I was very inspired by this production! Thanks to the cast and director! I advise everyone!
was 04 jule on Caprice of Paganini
“ Very bright performance! Keeps attention until the very end. And subtle humor, and beautiful music, and soulful songs, and most importantly - a story that makes you feel with all your heart.
was 10 december on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ Visited with my son for 7 years. The performance was liked by the child. However, we can not say that this performance is only for children, it is for the parents, too. Makes you think about what is really valuable to us. The actors play at altitude. Bright and with a touch of humor. In general, a solid five!
was 04 june on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ A wonderful Christmas fairy tale worth seeing for both children and adults. The story of the little boy surprisingly accurately conveys all the beauty and fullness of life. For the performance, you can laugh with all your heart, and cry, and reflect on the meaning of being. A moral one, Lemovskaya - a person needs a man.
was 04 jule on Caprice of Paganini
“ The caprice of Paganini is a genuinely sincere conversation, the story is an inspiration, that is, a story that you can listen to not even in one breath, but only with one breath, because it can not be exhaled, it will certainly remain inside. Heroes are very "trusted", they are frank in their simplicity, they are pleasant to listen to, it is interesting to observe them. The main character Zina - employee of the rental office, is ready, as they say, to take off her last shirt, for the sake of her son's success, even to make a deal with the mysterious Tatiana Petrovna. Frankly, I'm in love with every character, because every actor in the play is surprisingly accurate, so much so that you forget that these people sometimes have candidates in fields that are completely unrelated to art. "What is happiness for me?" - it was this issue that re-emerged in my head after watching the play, but I discovered a new key in it - pure, spring: "Do I need such" happiness ", which may have to be exchanged for something very expensive ..? "
was 04 jule on Caprice of Paganini
“ Visited the play "Caprice of Paganini", he left a good mark in my soul. The play tells the story of an ordinary single mother who lives in an apartment with her father and son. It seems to be nothing special. But this initial impression is deceptive. In this play, there is a lot of mystery that happens to the main character, thanks to her acquaintance with a certain Tatyana Petrovna, and here inexplicable things begin to occur that do not stop until the end of the play. Very exciting spectacle, one of the characters of which is the actress Alena Dolzhenkova, who played brilliantly! I recommend to watch!
was 04 jule on Caprice of Paganini
“ The story is old as the world. About God and the devil and about how people go to achieve their desires. And whether to sell your soul for "happiness", because it will not be in joy, and how the bone across the throat will rise. Worth seeing. The Soviet color is perfectly conveyed, characters are perfectly played back. Very interesting work with light and sound. In general, connoisseurs will appreciate. And in general, it's worth thinking about the meaning of everything and listening to the violin. Such performances help shake, and find themselves.
was 29 june on Is there life on Mars?
“ I wish with all my heart that this performance will happen to you! He happened to me yesterday. The play in two acts. In two acts - two stories. The first - about two elderly men and women who met to fictitiously sign. 1978, the Soviet apartment of the engineer-designer. On the wall there is a poster on the conquest of the cosmos, on the table there are scarce Riga sprats "for a special occasion", at the table there is a "modern woman" and "a solid man" (the unrivaled roles of Yana Lemeshko and Alexei Nesterenko), and, Who found unpretentious happiness. The second story is a mystical call from the future, around which the whole plot is tied. I will not say anything else, except ... It was very pleasant to watch Anna Slavutina's wonderful reincarnation as an image of fifteen-year-old Nina from the distant year 1942. Exactly, subtly, frankly.
was 04 jule on Caprice of Paganini
“ I closed my theater season with a wonderful performance at the Most Theater. This is my first, and I hope not the last, visit to the theater. "MOST" was opened in 2000, when the Moscow Government, at the request of the All-Russian Theatrical Society, formed it on the basis of the legendary Student Theater of Moscow State University, officially fixing it the status of the Moscow State Theater. The building is located near the Mayakovskaya metro station. Very cozy small room, nice atmosphere. Now about the play "Caprice of Paganini". The author Valery Alexeyev takes us to the Soviet provinces in a small provincial town near Moscow. The main heroine Zina (Natalia Laricheva) works at the box office, she brings up her son and takes care of her sick father. Her life is modest, especially not noticeable. It would seem, what can happen? It turns out, can! For the musical genius of her son, a certain Tatyana Petrovna asks only "to thank with all her heart" and sign an uncomplicated contract ... Only then that will be, no one warns. How to live now Zina, and my son? What to do with talent? The dream came true, but did it bring happiness? Vova's friend also visited Tatyana Petrovna, and not only she. Clients are not few, which is sad, it is unlikely to be less. Only more. How often do we, without noticing ourselves, try on someone else's life, are ready to "thank in person" for the best place in the sun for themselves, relatives or children. And our souls are thinning, life loses its color and becomes gray, we cease to feel compassion and rejoice, simply because there is nothing ... Zina tells her story calmly, as if reporting to us (or before God?) For what happened, like As though with nothing, it happened. The mixture of farce and philosophy is not easy to play, you need to maintain a certain balance between "ridiculous and sad": the actors and director of the theater Yevgeny Slavutinu is brilliantly successful. Separately, I want to note the game of Alena Dolzhenkova (Tatiana Petrovna) - a tremendous reincarnation. I really was not at ease when it appeared, it was bewitching something demonic.
was 03 june on Little Lord Fauntleroy
“ October 11, 2015 saw the play with a 10 year old grandson. We received great pleasure. Thank you all for the great performance. The theater has a home-like atmosphere, where you are loved and you are happy.
was 22 june on Lucky loser
“ I've never been a fan of chamber theaters, but I do not regret that I got there! Excellent production, an incendiary game of actors (all young, but so bright and memorable!), The light, the musical accompaniment and the general atmosphere of the hall - everything was pleasant! I recommend.
was 06 january on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ Sumptuously! We really enjoyed. The theater itself is very small, but cozy. In the lobby there is a desk with suits, you can pofotkat their children (free of charge), the buffet is small, you do not need to arrive much in advance - there is nothing to do. They are first of children, then adults. It is better not to be late, and then they'll put him in the aisle :) The play is bright and colorful, young actors play very well, with a soul. We will definitely come again !!
was 01 november on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ I liked it very much. The child is delighted. Chic, colorful, interesting. Brilliantly))
was 14 september on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ The organization is excellent, the performance is super!
was 09 november on Candies
“ Thank you. The performance did not really like. Like deeper things.
was 14 september on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ Sumptuously! Thanks to the director and actors!
was 07 september on Little Lord Fauntleroy
“ A wonderful performance! Thank you!
was 21 june on Candies
“ Ambiguous performance. Perhaps it is the prime minister's fault, maybe the story line is rather weak. But the acting plays it out. This theater simply does not have performances that would not leave a mark in memory.
was 05 september on Attraction
“ Great performance!
was 21 june on Candies
“ Good day. The event "Candy" is a well-placed life story with a wonderful game of talented actors. Thank you.
was 19 june on Candies
“ Very, very pleased! A stunning performance: staging, plot, a game of actors!))
was 20 june on Candies
“ Me and my friend really enjoyed it, thank you so much for the pleasure given to all the actors and personally to George.
was 30 march on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ Sumptuously. For a long time did not look real Theater
was 04 april on Attraction
“ Attraction is a wonderful spectacle! We thank the actors and the director for the amazing emotions that we were able to experience. Thank you
was 26 may on Attraction
“ At first you do not understand what is happening at all, but after 15 minutes you begin to understand everything and get pleasure from the unusualness of the narrative.
was 29 april on Lucky loser
“ Wonderful spring-summer performance!
was 29 april on Lucky loser
“ Very nice and heartfelt story about the Leningrad childhood of pre-war years. Straight for the soul takes!
was 29 march on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ Went with my son for 7 years. Great performance, it looks very easy. The son was impressed and for a whole week remembered some episodes ...
was 02 march on Little Lord Fauntleroy
“ I liked it very much. A wonderful play of actors. Well done.
was 02 march on Little Lord Fauntleroy
“ Liked. Thanks to the actors.
was 16 february on Lucky loser
“ Miracle, what a good play !!!!!!!!!
was 20 february on Attraction
“ Hello! Beautiful performance. Beautiful actors. I came very tired and exhausted, I was going to get sick. After the performance came out perfectly healthy and full of energy. It's a miracle. Thanks guys! There are many emotions, there are no options except to plunge into the atmosphere of the play and empathize with the course of action. Just great!
was 22 june on Lucky loser
“ Many thanks to the director for the actors for this skill, modern children are not much to be surprised, but the son and daughter (not to mention me) received positive emotions, as well as the opportunity to reflect on how close can joy and sorrow coexist.
was 26 may on Attraction
“ I liked the performance very much, I was with my friend in this theater for the first time on the advice of my friends, and I was very satisfied. Actors play remarkably, the plot is based on a serious dramatic line, beautifully executed due to unusual director's findings. The guys working in the theater are friendly and sympathetic, so the impressions are exceptionally positive, we will definitely come here again)
was 26 may on Attraction
“ Before watching the play, perhaps, it is worth reading Shishkin's novel "The Taking of Ishmael", according to which he was put. I think it will be more understandable. I looked, having read only the abstract, and now I think that it was necessary to go, so to speak, prepared. Actors - young guys and girls - play very sincerely and emotionally. An interesting, unusual production, and the theater itself is wonderful. I highly recommend that it will be interesting for young people and adults alike!
was 03 january on Lucky loser
“ Many thanks for the wonderful performance, nostalgic and kind; For the sincere and provocative play of the actors; For the cozy studio atmosphere of the theater!
was 03 june on Little Lord Fauntleroy
“ Bright children's play. Surprise for the audience will be the role of the little Lord Fountleroy his peers - 12-year-old Ilya Pokrovsky and ten-year Timothy Shukin.
was 17 november on Attraction
“ Your son has discovered your theater not so long ago. The second performance and again a complete delight! Thank you!
was 02 november on Lucky loser
“ Actors very well tried, well done! But in general the performance is tedious, I would like more dynamism! Thank you.
was 04 june on Tobio. Master of Dolls
“ Wonderful performance! It is interesting both for adults and for children! Bright, colorful, brilliant music and actors' play! A stunning production! I was very pleased! Go necessarily!
was 12 october on Attraction
“ Wonderful performance !! Taking the soul ... Be sure to come back to you! :)
was 12 october on Attraction
“ The first time was at your theater. It seems I fell in love with the first meeting)
was 18 june on the importance of Being Earnest
“ A wonderful performance! My sister and I were delighted! In the best traditions of the theater! Besides, it's funny! Especially liked the actress, who played Aunt. The whole play was under the impression of events that changed so quickly and unexpectedly! A great feeling after watching! I advise everyone!
was 18 june on the importance of Being Earnest
“ Complete lack of taste. They sat on the front row and did not understand what the hall was laughing at. Yes, the texts are sparse - it's Wilde, but the performance is like Petrosian's concert, from which I conclude that the audience is simply not familiar with the work of the great writer. No more foot in this theater.
was 18 june on the importance of Being Earnest
“ I love this theater because it is small, you can see everything that happens on the stage right down to the smallest detail, and this is very important for me. As if the actor is talking to you. I am very glad that I happened to get to the play "How important it is to be serious." He's so funny, touching. I really liked the game of Yana Lemeshko, Yuri Ogulnik, Catherine Aleksashina. Again I am convinced that this is a beautiful theater and I advise everyone to go !!!
was 17 june on Cyrano
“ Was at the play "Cyrano" with her mother and girlfriend. Everyone was impressed by the talented game and the stunning energy of the actors. Of course, the artist playing Cyrano was delighted, but all the others were no worse, they just did not perform the main roles. We will definitely come again!
was 14 november on the importance of Being Earnest
“ Great! Very apt and witty.
was 12 february on Cyrano
“ I strongly advise! The hall and actors are plunged into action with a head!
was 11 june on Cyrano
“ The performance that takes a soul and remains in your memory for a long time. An inexpressible game of the main character, wonderful poems and a lot of emotions!
was 17 june on Cyrano
“ The "MOST" theater is always magic, real art and a real theater, as it should be. But today I saw "Cyrano" - and he was able to surpass all my best expectations. More than two hours in one breath, the poems are absolutely organic, the actors are amazing, passionate, alive! Ilya - Cyrano - divine, talented, amazing, you believe him from the first to the last word, accurate in every movement, in every intonation. One look is enough to make his heart contract. The role that you fall in love with without question, submissively, because it should be so. Real magic. Thank you that you are, and that you are doing this !!!
was 02 jule on Invincible armada
“ Sumptuously!!! Thank you very much!!!
was 11 june on Cyrano
“ We received great pleasure !!! Many thanks! We will definitely come again!
was 02 jule on Invincible armada
“ A wonderful, cheerful and warm performance in a cozy atmosphere. Very democratic prices, the actors play with full dedication. Got great pleasure at the fact that I watched the play a second time.
was 15 may on Cyrano
“ The performance captivates the viewer, completely immerses in the atmosphere of events. A great game of actors and especially the protagonist.
was 11 june on Cyrano
“ We watched the second time, the impression is even sharper. Everything is fine - both the production, the actors' play, and the play. Thank you!
was 17 june on Cyrano
“ I'm sobbing for the second day! Best performance of this season. I am very grateful to the wonderful actor - Ilya Kozhuhar, Thank you for being there! Such a piercing, nervous, vulnerable and gentle Cyrano. MOST, I love you.
was 24 may on the importance of Being Earnest
“ This is an incredibly beautiful performance! Thank you very much ! I'm already watching the schedule of the following plays !!
was 17 june on Cyrano
“ Thank you, MOST! Wonderful performance. Magnificent, nervous and vulnerable, courageous and gentle Cyrano!
was 18 june on the importance of Being Earnest
“ A light, cheerful performance with young actors. Small, chamber hall. It seemed to me that they slightly overdid it, but my husband and daughter do not agree with me :-) They really liked it, and I remember this performance with a smile :-) Generally, we liked the MOST theater, so I hope this is not the last one about German.
was 24 april on Cyrano
“ We really, really liked it! We will definitely go again! Cyrano is great)
was 18 april on the importance of Being Earnest
“ Beautiful actors, a great performance)) were the 2 nd time, we will come again!
was 18 april on the importance of Being Earnest
“ The production, the play of actors is excellent! We will come to you again and again ... Thank you!
was 20 march on the importance of Being Earnest
“ Excellent actors and staging, an interesting atmosphere in the theater. Highest grade.
was 23 april on Cyrano
“ We really liked it, we will definitely visit your performances again!
was 22 march on Cyrano
“ The performance of Cyrano made a huge impression: an amazing play of actors, always a topical classic story, talented direction, chamber music, organization and administration. Thank you very much for the whole team for unforgettable emotions. This is the real art.
was 20 march on the importance of Being Earnest
“ I liked very much, at the end I wanted to dance with actors! Thank you so much! Rather, open the main entrance :-)
was 22 march on Cyrano
“ Thank you, I liked it very much!
was 18 june on the importance of Being Earnest
“ Incendiary and talented production! Bravo and loud applause to all the actors and a separate bow for the wonderful evening and excellent mood of G. Dolmazyan, the musical director of the theater.
was 26 february on the importance of Being Earnest
“ Everyone must go to see, finally, the real performance, and not the parodies with which the Moscow so-called theaters are full. And then we, Muscovites, have long forgotten how to sympathize with the action, forgot how to cry. We were accustomed to yellow jokes and fun, while in our life there is something to think about. About this performance. Laughter and tears together, grief and light together. Leaving after the performance, you become better.
“ I recommend everyone to go, because I have not seen such a real performance in Moscow for a long time. It makes people better, it makes you think about life and its real values. In a small room, everything happens next to you in reality and it is impossible not to cry and not laugh at the same time ...
“ Very touching performance with the brilliant play of Lyudmila Davydova! Incredible professionalism, sincerity and dedication! Bravo, bravo, bravo !!! Very good Eugene Nikulin in the role of Emanuel the Nightingale! Heart pinched, from empathy to his hero and tears moistened the eyes of many viewers. Thanks to director Yubilyar Yevgeny Slavutin and all the participants of the performance.
“ Great performance! We were delighted! The actors very accurately passed the time and coped well with their roles!
“ The theater on Bolshaya Sadovaya is very small, intimate, cozy and homely. You come here not for the first time - and now you are already familiar with all the staff, you are talking about art and agreeing on a new meeting. It seems to me that it is absolutely impossible to come here once. Pulls over and over again. ⠀ Yesterday with fellow teachers we watched the classic English comedy "The Importance of Being Serious" by Oscar Wilde. ⠀ My experiences that the play would be more English than comedy, were completely in vain. We laughed, without ceasing, almost both acts all the way. ⠀ In the tiny space of the stage with a minimum of scenery, the actors of BRIDGE managed to convey both the prim spirit of England of the last century and the refined elegant English humor. Over which, I confess, it was not at all subtle. ⠀ Actors playing at arm's length is a special pleasure to complete immersion in the play! They look straight at you, they say - you, and it is impossible not to believe them. And when they start dancing, you barely keep yourself in place so as not to keep them company. ⠀ What is the play, you ask? I will answer you with the words of Oscar Wilde himself: “Men marry from boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are frustrated. ” And the audience with all this experience a true pleasure! ⠀
“ The documentary performance was the first time. This is something incredible. Actors seem to live the lives of poets, by the way in the play there is not a single written word. Everything is taken from poems and letters. Now let's definitely go to the second documentary performance in this theater - “4 Lubas. Thaw”
“ A wonderful, touching, delicate, ironic, very kind play. Lyudmila Davydova - wonderful, unforgettable, such a good child, such an adult grandmother Rosa - an actress with a capital letter. George Antonov - Oscar - plays a 12-year-old boy so truly, so honestly ... My 11 year old son laughed, empathized and cried - is this not the best review about the play ?! Bravo, Artists !!!
“ Went with a child 10 years. Both are absolutely delighted. There is a deathly silence in the hall, the children are watching without stopping. They play perfectly. Very unusual hall, very friendly from the administrators to the director. People, lead children to such performances, touch their souls! Thank you for those emotions that were presented to us!
“ Thank you very much for the wonderful performance! We all need to learn to appreciate life and enjoy every day!
“ The performance is wonderful in a wonderful theater! Thank you all and creative success!
“ Went to the play with a group of schoolchildren 13-14 years. The play really liked, captures everyone's attention and does not let go until the end. Some children even shed tears at the end, which was difficult to expect from today's teens. The hall is small, so you feel yourself directly involved in the events. It can be seen well from all places. Thanks to the actors and the creators of the play for the pleasure they received!
“ I liked it very much
“ Hello. Thank you very much for another wonderful performance! Excellent game of both main characters, no complaints at all; director a special thank you for such a heart-rending treatment of the plot! For more than two years we have been attending your performances, all of them are like one GREAT!
“ Thank you! The performance is just wonderful!
“ I believe that this play teaches children the main values - friendship and how important it is to communicate with parents. In an unobtrusive form and at the right time (the beginning of adolescence!) Through the story of one boy who lives in a short period of time a lot of events. Very instructive!
“ With great pleasure I write back a text message. A wonderful performance, touching, wonderful boys and girls, so beautiful and capable! Good luck and prosperity to your theater!
“ We really liked the performance. Leaves a very bright impression in spite of a very sad story. The actors played awesome. Music and light are simply mesmerizing. Thank you very much for your work!
“ The play should be watched by everyone and more than once. Do not convey the emotions that you get from viewing. Fun, interesting, touching.
“ Very touching stories of Tatiana Tolstoy in a more touching interpretation of Eugene Slavutin. I remember when I read the first story, so in detail I pictured this lovely old lady, the "delightful beauty" with an absolutely unmatched hat, I remember her apartment to the smallest detail, surprisingly, but when I saw the production, it did not stop me to leave that my room with photos and cracked crimson Cups exactly the same as I imagined it originally! I was very pleased not to be disappointed, but to be charmed by the main character in the absolutely virtuosic performance of Lyudmila Davydova. Well, what is it touching and funny, like everything to the place, not falsity, or giggles. I recommend definitely.
“ A wonderful performance, especially impressed the first part of "Shura". Very strong and accurate play of actors, just amazing Lyudmila Davydova. From the story told to her, and well, and thoughtfully, and so keenly sad that I could not hold back tears. But after the performance you leave in a very bright, sincere mood. Thank you very much to the actors for this wonderful production!
“ Many thanks, I liked the performance. The actress Lyudmila Davydova plays beautifully and naturally. Good romances, nice young people. Chamber, cozy atmosphere. I will definitely come to the MOST Theater, but in the autumn.
“ Very different from the rest of the theater's repertoire. That is not entirely appropriate to compare better or worse, it's just different. Looked at one go. Lyudmila Davydova plays great.
“ I left a message on the poster site, but it somehow did not survive, I'm very grateful for a pleasant evening. THANK YOU!
“ As always, great. Actors play very easily, touchingly, without tearing and obsession. Greatly combine sad and funny. "Bridge" is probably the best theater in Moscow.
“ Very pleasant
“ I liked the performance very much, especially the actress who read novels. Many thanks.
“ Very pleasant, sincere performance. Thanks to music, the excellent game of L. Davydova completely disconnected from her everyday problems and plunged into that far and beautiful. Many thanks!
“ Wonderful, professional, optimistic. I will come and bring the family
“ Wonderful evening turned out thanks! I liked the performance and the play of actors
“ Watched the play with his 10-year-old son. In such a small theater were for the first time :) Everything is very nice and at home. I, in principle, liked everything, the child did not like the almost complete lack of scenery. Very much impresses that the child is played by a child, not by a 30-year-old aunt, as in "Academic Theaters"; D Thanks to the actors and the staff of the MOST Theater!
“ Great performance! I really liked the difficult story of a young woman who embodied her dream into reality! There is something to think about! Bravo! I was very inspired by this production! Thanks to the cast and director! I advise everyone!
“ Very bright performance! Keeps attention until the very end. And subtle humor, and beautiful music, and soulful songs, and most importantly - a story that makes you feel with all your heart.
“ Visited with my son for 7 years. The performance was liked by the child. However, we can not say that this performance is only for children, it is for the parents, too. Makes you think about what is really valuable to us. The actors play at altitude. Bright and with a touch of humor. In general, a solid five!
“ A wonderful Christmas fairy tale worth seeing for both children and adults. The story of the little boy surprisingly accurately conveys all the beauty and fullness of life. For the performance, you can laugh with all your heart, and cry, and reflect on the meaning of being. A moral one, Lemovskaya - a person needs a man.
“ The caprice of Paganini is a genuinely sincere conversation, the story is an inspiration, that is, a story that you can listen to not even in one breath, but only with one breath, because it can not be exhaled, it will certainly remain inside. Heroes are very "trusted", they are frank in their simplicity, they are pleasant to listen to, it is interesting to observe them. The main character Zina - employee of the rental office, is ready, as they say, to take off her last shirt, for the sake of her son's success, even to make a deal with the mysterious Tatiana Petrovna. Frankly, I'm in love with every character, because every actor in the play is surprisingly accurate, so much so that you forget that these people sometimes have candidates in fields that are completely unrelated to art. "What is happiness for me?" - it was this issue that re-emerged in my head after watching the play, but I discovered a new key in it - pure, spring: "Do I need such" happiness ", which may have to be exchanged for something very expensive ..? "
“ Visited the play "Caprice of Paganini", he left a good mark in my soul. The play tells the story of an ordinary single mother who lives in an apartment with her father and son. It seems to be nothing special. But this initial impression is deceptive. In this play, there is a lot of mystery that happens to the main character, thanks to her acquaintance with a certain Tatyana Petrovna, and here inexplicable things begin to occur that do not stop until the end of the play. Very exciting spectacle, one of the characters of which is the actress Alena Dolzhenkova, who played brilliantly! I recommend to watch!
“ The story is old as the world. About God and the devil and about how people go to achieve their desires. And whether to sell your soul for "happiness", because it will not be in joy, and how the bone across the throat will rise. Worth seeing. The Soviet color is perfectly conveyed, characters are perfectly played back. Very interesting work with light and sound. In general, connoisseurs will appreciate. And in general, it's worth thinking about the meaning of everything and listening to the violin. Such performances help shake, and find themselves.
“ I wish with all my heart that this performance will happen to you! He happened to me yesterday. The play in two acts. In two acts - two stories. The first - about two elderly men and women who met to fictitiously sign. 1978, the Soviet apartment of the engineer-designer. On the wall there is a poster on the conquest of the cosmos, on the table there are scarce Riga sprats "for a special occasion", at the table there is a "modern woman" and "a solid man" (the unrivaled roles of Yana Lemeshko and Alexei Nesterenko), and, Who found unpretentious happiness. The second story is a mystical call from the future, around which the whole plot is tied. I will not say anything else, except ... It was very pleasant to watch Anna Slavutina's wonderful reincarnation as an image of fifteen-year-old Nina from the distant year 1942. Exactly, subtly, frankly.
“ I closed my theater season with a wonderful performance at the Most Theater. This is my first, and I hope not the last, visit to the theater. "MOST" was opened in 2000, when the Moscow Government, at the request of the All-Russian Theatrical Society, formed it on the basis of the legendary Student Theater of Moscow State University, officially fixing it the status of the Moscow State Theater. The building is located near the Mayakovskaya metro station. Very cozy small room, nice atmosphere. Now about the play "Caprice of Paganini". The author Valery Alexeyev takes us to the Soviet provinces in a small provincial town near Moscow. The main heroine Zina (Natalia Laricheva) works at the box office, she brings up her son and takes care of her sick father. Her life is modest, especially not noticeable. It would seem, what can happen? It turns out, can! For the musical genius of her son, a certain Tatyana Petrovna asks only "to thank with all her heart" and sign an uncomplicated contract ... Only then that will be, no one warns. How to live now Zina, and my son? What to do with talent? The dream came true, but did it bring happiness? Vova's friend also visited Tatyana Petrovna, and not only she. Clients are not few, which is sad, it is unlikely to be less. Only more. How often do we, without noticing ourselves, try on someone else's life, are ready to "thank in person" for the best place in the sun for themselves, relatives or children. And our souls are thinning, life loses its color and becomes gray, we cease to feel compassion and rejoice, simply because there is nothing ... Zina tells her story calmly, as if reporting to us (or before God?) For what happened, like As though with nothing, it happened. The mixture of farce and philosophy is not easy to play, you need to maintain a certain balance between "ridiculous and sad": the actors and director of the theater Yevgeny Slavutinu is brilliantly successful. Separately, I want to note the game of Alena Dolzhenkova (Tatiana Petrovna) - a tremendous reincarnation. I really was not at ease when it appeared, it was bewitching something demonic.
“ October 11, 2015 saw the play with a 10 year old grandson. We received great pleasure. Thank you all for the great performance. The theater has a home-like atmosphere, where you are loved and you are happy.
“ I've never been a fan of chamber theaters, but I do not regret that I got there! Excellent production, an incendiary game of actors (all young, but so bright and memorable!), The light, the musical accompaniment and the general atmosphere of the hall - everything was pleasant! I recommend.
“ Sumptuously! We really enjoyed. The theater itself is very small, but cozy. In the lobby there is a desk with suits, you can pofotkat their children (free of charge), the buffet is small, you do not need to arrive much in advance - there is nothing to do. They are first of children, then adults. It is better not to be late, and then they'll put him in the aisle :) The play is bright and colorful, young actors play very well, with a soul. We will definitely come again !!
“ I liked it very much. The child is delighted. Chic, colorful, interesting. Brilliantly))
“ The organization is excellent, the performance is super!
“ Thank you. The performance did not really like. Like deeper things.
“ Sumptuously! Thanks to the director and actors!
“ A wonderful performance! Thank you!
“ Ambiguous performance. Perhaps it is the prime minister's fault, maybe the story line is rather weak. But the acting plays it out. This theater simply does not have performances that would not leave a mark in memory.
“ Great performance!
“ Good day. The event "Candy" is a well-placed life story with a wonderful game of talented actors. Thank you.
“ Very, very pleased! A stunning performance: staging, plot, a game of actors!))
“ Me and my friend really enjoyed it, thank you so much for the pleasure given to all the actors and personally to George.
“ Sumptuously. For a long time did not look real Theater
“ Attraction is a wonderful spectacle! We thank the actors and the director for the amazing emotions that we were able to experience. Thank you
“ At first you do not understand what is happening at all, but after 15 minutes you begin to understand everything and get pleasure from the unusualness of the narrative.
“ Wonderful spring-summer performance!
“ Very nice and heartfelt story about the Leningrad childhood of pre-war years. Straight for the soul takes!
“ Went with my son for 7 years. Great performance, it looks very easy. The son was impressed and for a whole week remembered some episodes ...
“ I liked it very much. A wonderful play of actors. Well done.
“ Liked. Thanks to the actors.
“ Miracle, what a good play !!!!!!!!!
“ Hello! Beautiful performance. Beautiful actors. I came very tired and exhausted, I was going to get sick. After the performance came out perfectly healthy and full of energy. It's a miracle. Thanks guys! There are many emotions, there are no options except to plunge into the atmosphere of the play and empathize with the course of action. Just great!
“ Many thanks to the director for the actors for this skill, modern children are not much to be surprised, but the son and daughter (not to mention me) received positive emotions, as well as the opportunity to reflect on how close can joy and sorrow coexist.
“ I liked the performance very much, I was with my friend in this theater for the first time on the advice of my friends, and I was very satisfied. Actors play remarkably, the plot is based on a serious dramatic line, beautifully executed due to unusual director's findings. The guys working in the theater are friendly and sympathetic, so the impressions are exceptionally positive, we will definitely come here again)
“ Before watching the play, perhaps, it is worth reading Shishkin's novel "The Taking of Ishmael", according to which he was put. I think it will be more understandable. I looked, having read only the abstract, and now I think that it was necessary to go, so to speak, prepared. Actors - young guys and girls - play very sincerely and emotionally. An interesting, unusual production, and the theater itself is wonderful. I highly recommend that it will be interesting for young people and adults alike!
“ Many thanks for the wonderful performance, nostalgic and kind; For the sincere and provocative play of the actors; For the cozy studio atmosphere of the theater!
“ Bright children's play. Surprise for the audience will be the role of the little Lord Fountleroy his peers - 12-year-old Ilya Pokrovsky and ten-year Timothy Shukin.
“ Your son has discovered your theater not so long ago. The second performance and again a complete delight! Thank you!
“ Actors very well tried, well done! But in general the performance is tedious, I would like more dynamism! Thank you.
“ Wonderful performance! It is interesting both for adults and for children! Bright, colorful, brilliant music and actors' play! A stunning production! I was very pleased! Go necessarily!
“ Wonderful performance !! Taking the soul ... Be sure to come back to you! :)
“ The first time was at your theater. It seems I fell in love with the first meeting)
“ A wonderful performance! My sister and I were delighted! In the best traditions of the theater! Besides, it's funny! Especially liked the actress, who played Aunt. The whole play was under the impression of events that changed so quickly and unexpectedly! A great feeling after watching! I advise everyone!
“ Complete lack of taste. They sat on the front row and did not understand what the hall was laughing at. Yes, the texts are sparse - it's Wilde, but the performance is like Petrosian's concert, from which I conclude that the audience is simply not familiar with the work of the great writer. No more foot in this theater.
“ I love this theater because it is small, you can see everything that happens on the stage right down to the smallest detail, and this is very important for me. As if the actor is talking to you. I am very glad that I happened to get to the play "How important it is to be serious." He's so funny, touching. I really liked the game of Yana Lemeshko, Yuri Ogulnik, Catherine Aleksashina. Again I am convinced that this is a beautiful theater and I advise everyone to go !!!
“ Was at the play "Cyrano" with her mother and girlfriend. Everyone was impressed by the talented game and the stunning energy of the actors. Of course, the artist playing Cyrano was delighted, but all the others were no worse, they just did not perform the main roles. We will definitely come again!
“ Great! Very apt and witty.
“ I strongly advise! The hall and actors are plunged into action with a head!
“ The performance that takes a soul and remains in your memory for a long time. An inexpressible game of the main character, wonderful poems and a lot of emotions!
“ The "MOST" theater is always magic, real art and a real theater, as it should be. But today I saw "Cyrano" - and he was able to surpass all my best expectations. More than two hours in one breath, the poems are absolutely organic, the actors are amazing, passionate, alive! Ilya - Cyrano - divine, talented, amazing, you believe him from the first to the last word, accurate in every movement, in every intonation. One look is enough to make his heart contract. The role that you fall in love with without question, submissively, because it should be so. Real magic. Thank you that you are, and that you are doing this !!!
“ Sumptuously!!! Thank you very much!!!
“ We received great pleasure !!! Many thanks! We will definitely come again!
“ A wonderful, cheerful and warm performance in a cozy atmosphere. Very democratic prices, the actors play with full dedication. Got great pleasure at the fact that I watched the play a second time.
“ The performance captivates the viewer, completely immerses in the atmosphere of events. A great game of actors and especially the protagonist.
“ We watched the second time, the impression is even sharper. Everything is fine - both the production, the actors' play, and the play. Thank you!
“ I'm sobbing for the second day! Best performance of this season. I am very grateful to the wonderful actor - Ilya Kozhuhar, Thank you for being there! Such a piercing, nervous, vulnerable and gentle Cyrano. MOST, I love you.
“ This is an incredibly beautiful performance! Thank you very much ! I'm already watching the schedule of the following plays !!
“ Thank you, MOST! Wonderful performance. Magnificent, nervous and vulnerable, courageous and gentle Cyrano!
“ A light, cheerful performance with young actors. Small, chamber hall. It seemed to me that they slightly overdid it, but my husband and daughter do not agree with me :-) They really liked it, and I remember this performance with a smile :-) Generally, we liked the MOST theater, so I hope this is not the last one about German.
“ We really, really liked it! We will definitely go again! Cyrano is great)
“ Beautiful actors, a great performance)) were the 2 nd time, we will come again!
“ The production, the play of actors is excellent! We will come to you again and again ... Thank you!
“ Excellent actors and staging, an interesting atmosphere in the theater. Highest grade.
“ We really liked it, we will definitely visit your performances again!
“ The performance of Cyrano made a huge impression: an amazing play of actors, always a topical classic story, talented direction, chamber music, organization and administration. Thank you very much for the whole team for unforgettable emotions. This is the real art.
“ I liked very much, at the end I wanted to dance with actors! Thank you so much! Rather, open the main entrance :-)
“ Thank you, I liked it very much!
“ Incendiary and talented production! Bravo and loud applause to all the actors and a separate bow for the wonderful evening and excellent mood of G. Dolmazyan, the musical director of the theater.
“ I am delighted! Bravo!!!
“ I liked it very much