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Feedbacks from viewers
Marina was 04 march on "OIL HAPPY"

Shrovetide songs, dances, games and rituals and the atmosphere of fun folk festivals on Shrovetide. Wonderful live action! Thanks to the Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble!

Marina was 04 march on LARK, ARRIVE. All year round. Subscription number 16

I watched the program with my grandchildren last year. The Pokrovsky ensemble pleases with its professionalism. Special thanks for the respect for folk traditions! The grandchildren are delighted. We bought a season ticket this season! Let's go again!

Marina was 01 march on OIL CAN, GIVE THE PANCAKE. All year round. Subscription number 16

A fun, interesting and educational program about the traditional farewell to winter. The children really liked it. Thanks to the Dmitry Pokrovsky Ensemble!

Marina was 25 february on FACES OF LOVE OF THE RUSSIAN VILLAGE. The man is singing. Subscription

This is an extraordinary program and a very talented team. I got great pleasure from this concert.

Oksana was 04 jule on PUSS IN BOOTS

I liked the performance, the son of almost 4 years was fun almost from the first minute, the actors actively attract children during the performance. The performance itself lasted 1 hour without intermission, which is convenient for children of 3-4-5 years old, they looked, played and did not have time to get tired! Unfortunately, there are very few scenery and three chairs and a screen, the actors' costumes are not bad, but for some reason they didn’t have time to stroke them, and since the hall is not big, all the folds and wrinkles were visible, I think it is not respect for the audience. Especially the dress of the princess, well, how so, well, very mellow, and the princess seems to be always an example for girls ... And the cloak of the king, where the "courtiers" look !!! But the cat was inimitable!

Anna was 08 june on BALLET "NUTCRACKER"

The Nutcracker Ballet performed by the Moscow State Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography. you know how we love ballet and especially classical, which made the glory of Russian art. This time we watched the famous Nutcracker Ballet on Tchaikovsky’s music, staged by choreographer Kovtun, based on the choreography of Marius Petipa, The Nutcracker. It was especially pleasant that the ballet took place in a very intimate, cozy historical setting. In the very center of the capital, in the Mos room, on the Pushechnaya street, in the former Alpine Rose restaurant in the wonderfully preserved mirror hall, on a small but cozy stage, the action of a fairy tale unfolded. I was pleased that the scenery and costumes were made very authentically. The curtain opened, and the tale began. With their bright eyes, the children looked at the guests of the ball, the brave Marie, the noble Nutcracker, the evil mouse king and, of course, the wizard Drosselmeyer. I really liked the fact that the dancers involved the auditorium. So, the guests gathered at the ball, running along the aisle between the rows and up the steps to the stage. The effect of this has become even more realistic. I would like to note the amazing expressiveness not only of dance, but also of dramatic play of artists. How well the emotions are transmitted. Capricious, malevalnaya, a little stubborn and whimsical, but very kind Marie. Her parents are a wonderful duet who conveyed indulgent parental love in hand movements. Each character was very authentic and realistic. Like the dance of the Mouse King. These jumps, hands - and it seemed that he would defeat the Nutcracker. I would also like to mention his costume and make-up - I was very impressed with the children in the hall. I want to say that the choreography is somewhat simplified compared to the usual to us. But the kids liked the ballet. Perhaps the greater expressiveness of the characters allowed them to better understand the plot and characters. The scene of transforming the Nutcracker from a toy into a handsome prince is solved in a very interesting way. Even I did not manage to understand how this happened, and the children saw a real fantastic miracle. I liked very much that during the intermission it was possible to be photographed with ballerinas in the lobby. Yes, and just want to note that everyone who worked on this day, were attentive and friendly. And at the end of the performance all the small spectators were in for a surprise. Ballet dancers invited children to the stage and gave them balloons.

Mariya was 25 january on CASTLE OF ILLUSIONS

Friends, I have some kind of personal YEAR of the Theater) I compiled a personal poster, I go about 3 times a week to my favorite and new (for me) performances) And the other day on the recommendation together with the children and friends, and the children of friends went to the performance Illusions ", this is a Mosconcert show on the stage of the former music hall now Mosconcert Hall on Kalanchevka) OOOO!) As in that cartoon:" What a pity that you were not there " , an illusionist in one person) Well thought out tricks. "How do they do it?" - the hall whispered almost in unison between applauses) The magician and his assistants conquered everyone and children and adults! Between the preparation of tricks and tricks, luxurious dance numbers, costumes, choreography - all at the highest level) I highly recommend) No one will remain indifferent) Thank you so much! Edward, we are your fans from now on)

Valeriy was 24 december on "GNOME BRINGS CHRISTMAS".

Not bad.

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Tverskaya-Yamskaya 1-ya ul., 16/23/1
01 h 00 min


A performance based on the “Sleeping Beauty” by the ancient French fairy tale by Charles Perrault, will tell young viewers how true feelings and good thoughts resist the evil wiles of the forest fairy Jeanette.
The king and the Queen dreamed very much about the child - the heir to the throne - a boy or a girl. Having learned about it the kind Fairy of Forests - Babette, decided to come to the rescue and realize their desire. The happy parents threw a big banquet on joy and invited Babette in gratitude, but they did not call Jeannette because of her nasty temper. The capricious fairy could not forgive such an act and offended the King and the Queen, said that a girl at sixteen would prick her hand with a spindle and die. Good Babette could not completely cancel such a nasty spell, but she promised that the princess would not die, but would fall asleep for a hundred years and would wake up when the prince kissed her.
And although the king ordered all the spindles to be destroyed in the kingdom when the princess grew up, she found an old woman with a spinning wheel in the attic. The girl was surprised by such an unknown thing as a spindle, picked up and pricked. At the same moment she fell asleep. But the brave prince, who sincerely loved princess Marie, was able to break the evil spell of the dark forces and free the girl.
The story of “Little Marie” is the story that everything is surmountable. Only true love can conquer all obstacles and wake strong feelings, even in a weak person.
Duration 60 minutes
Age 4+
Author of the play and director Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Y. Dyozhkin
Composer - E. Butuzova-Gabyalyants
Scenery and costumes - E. Piotrovskaya
Ballet Master - D. Alekseenko
Roles are performed by:
Princess Kroshka-Mari - A. Surikova
Fairy Babette - E. Orlova
Fairy Dark Jeanette - D. Mirboyazov
King Carl - O. Sushkov / Ya. Minaev
Queen Antoinette - A. Semkina
Prince Louis-Philippe - K. Denisov
Artistic director Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Y. Dyozhkin


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