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Moscow Academic Theater of Mayakovsky

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Decalogue on Sretenka
Purchased earlier: 310
from 2000 rubles
107045, Moskva, Pushkarev per., 21
03 h 30 min



Performance of the Studio-OFF of the Mayakovsky Theater
Brodilka in the Ten Commandments

Author: Sasha Denisova
Director: Nikita Kobelev
Artists: Alexey Tregubov, Anna Rumyantseva
Costume Designer: Natalia Voynova
Choreographer: Alexander Andriyashkin
Animation artist: Sergey Avramov
Video: Susanna Musaeva
Idea: Mindaugas Karbauskis

In the play, the theme of modern sinners is combined with the history and geography of the Sretenka district: in these alleys they stole, killed, renounced, betrayed, saw miracles and, of course, loved. This is a small model of humanity that remembers something about Moses and the commandments carved on the tablets, something about the New Testament and the commandments "love your neighbor as yourself."
Each of the characters has to decide the questions: is it morally possible to betray the girlfriend for talking in the smoking room, can you kill a person if he stepped on the subway to you, how to revenge new Moscow Medeans for treason, what to do if you are a cool guy, and your grandfather was Stalin's executioner, how to care for a sick mother, if she did not raise you?
In the space of the Scene on Sretenka there will appear costumed emperors, glowing girls and dancing contemporary dance of the old lady, as well as touching, funny and difficult circumstances for a person.
In a word, where is the battle for the human soul? On the Sretenka.

Sretenka is a nice street. How many fates are here! Who lives around the corner? What are you doing?

Vaughn, the fucking actress fell into hysterics: she does not want to perform on Saturday, dismiss!

Here interrogate the woman.

And here once a hot guy killed a man. But he did not do anything to him, only stepped on his foot.

So, according to the grains, from small and large stories, the history of the street develops.

And stories are made up of human passions, small sins, desire to joke, gossip, cash in on.

So the theme of street (and theater) space grows into a theme of the commandments and ten deadly sins, becoming the place where you can come and think what all these ten "Do not ..." mean.


Buy List 07 may wed 19:00

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