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Moscow Academic Theater of Mayakovsky

Only for children
Only adults
Ekskursiya po istoricheskoy scene Mayakovki
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121069, Moskva, Nikitskaya B. ul., 19/13
03 h 30 min



Genre: Drama in 6 episodes, 30 years and 68 scandals
Author of the work: Gorenstein Friedrich
Director: Nikita Kobelev
Set Designer: Mikhail Kramenko
Costume Designer: Natalia Voynova
Lighting Designer: Igor Kapustin
Composer: Avi Benjamin
Speech Teacher: Anna Brusser
Consultant of the play: Yuri Veksler

This premiere in the Mayakovsky Theater can truly be called a world one. From what? Maybe from the fact that Balzac himself was married in a small place, or maybe because through the prism of the life of one family, through the subtle lace of a relationship, when the most important thing is related to time and circumstances, a family relationship, they have a memory. Memory that does not give up and lose the most valuable in life, a feeling of love, albeit at times rather painful.
The sewing machine Singer, an old squeaking bed with an iron back and napkins Richelieu, a chiffonier and a big old one, who had already seen a lot in his time - a buffet. Around him is spinning in this apartment, the stronghold of two sisters, all life. Postwar, not easy. It boils in pots of soup, in which flour and beef fat are added, a fascinating aroma of freshly cooked jam is floating around the kitchen, the endless running of the shuttle in the typewriter is chirring. And even flies a scattering of white flour blown from the palm of his native face. Then they shout and curse each other, so furiously that it seems that one can fall dead and, at the same time, remember "cut off years", lived, which will never return. But are they sorry about them? Not clearly, you will not understand at first sight, it is better to sit at the dinner table, behind the pile ... so more clearly. Yes, and not immediately understandable pattern - the more children try not to be like their parents, the more they remind them, it becomes as obvious. Here, Buffet knows this, because he has thirty years of biography, against the backdrop of a huge era that has sunk into oblivion, against the backdrop of the life of sisters and their loved ones.
Thirty years, which should not be forgotten, thirty years in which flashes the gleam of the era. To which I want to reach to understand the intricacies of the now thin links, between people who are forced to live together in one place, at the same time.

Cut off by scandals for years ... How stupid it is to offend each other!

The story of the life of one family from a small southern town. Heavy post-war years ... Poverty, hopelessness, despair. But there was love and tenderness! As without them.

Poor, single mothers cry a lot. Naughty children, not paying attention to adults, running around the streets, snapping and learning to give the offenders surrender.

Rachel is short-sighted, sharp-tongued, brisk and thievish. She never doubts anything and takes care of her loved ones too intrusively.

She is a sister, Zlota. Day after day, women live their hard life, sew dresses to order and cook soup, quarrel, make up, bring up young people, love and grow old.

The events of the big world with its shocks and troubles pass by them. They have their own world.

Three actions, eight paintings, 92 scandals.

The sisters have no one closer to each other.


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