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Elena was 30 october on Dog in the manger

10/30/2016 with a 14-year-old son went to the play "The Dog in the Manger", staged by the action theater "VIVAT". I liked to say nothing. We are delighted !!! The action takes place on a small stage, with intermission, but it looks easy. The play is staged amusingly and playfully. The cast is not numerous, but each played its role incomparably. Also I liked the music, the design of the stage, the costumes, and of course the atmosphere. We spent time with pleasure. Many thanks to the organizers of the performance and the actors who took part in it.

Kseniya was 30 october on Dog in the manger

I love this work and went to the play with caution that I will compare the actors' performance with the film. I was in vain afraid - after 10 minutes about the film you forget and you watch the play, as if you did not know anything about this story before. All the great fellows play remarkably well, some actors play two roles, but they transform so much that not everyone understands it - my relatives, with whom I went to the play, did not understand. The playful presentation of the plot and surprisingly accurately selected note of humor (without replaying) create a very warm atmosphere, and given the fact that the hall is small, it seems that you are watching a performance in the circle of close people. Well, of course, the star of the production is simply stunning fencing scenes. I've never seen anything like "live" (only in movies) and honestly I can say that the heart stops like a child. It's so spectacular! I highly recommend to see it! Many thanks to the young actors and organizers!

Anna was 28 december on Dog in the manger

Visited today with her daughter (12 years) at this wonderful play. First, the magic of the place is the journalist's house, a cozy old mansion in the heart of Moscow, on the Arbatskaya metro station. In one of his chamber halls there was a performance. A small room created the effect of personal participation, the fact that the actors are playing for you personally. Secondly and in the main - a great game of actors. They are young and talented. The performance is full of humor, vivid emotions, and - and it's really very interesting - scenes of real fencing! Surprising in its beauty and symbolism, the scene of a duel between Diana and Teodoro is a struggle between a man and a woman, with reason and feelings, with pride and love ... The performance is dynamic, fun, exciting, romantic! Time flew by unnoticed. We really enjoyed! Many thanks to the troupe of the theater "Vivat"!

Anton was 30 october on Dog in the manger

October 30 went to one of the premiere performances of "The Dog in the Manger", presented by the actors of the action theater "VIVAT". The professional game of actors captures from the very first scene, and beautifully matched and sewn costumes have caused admiration. Separately, it is worth noting the fencing scenes, which evoked delight in the entire hall and were awarded with a storm of applause from the audience. A special atmosphere of comfort was added by a small stage and the opportunity to watch the actors play in the immediate vicinity of the stage. I express my huge gratitude to the cast of actors, as well as to all those who stayed behind the stage and put all their efforts to creating a festive mood for all spectators !!!

Tatiana was 30 october on Dog in the manger

October 28 was at the performance of the action theater "Vivat" "Dog in the Manger". Young theater, young actors, premiere performance. But, how great the performance is staged and played !!! The cast is not numerous, and everyone is a bright, talented professional! And, all together - absolutely amazing team that gave a great mood and unforgettable impressions !!! Ah, what magnificent scenes of fencing! About this little to tell, it must definitely see! A scene in the performance of the duet Diana and Teodoro won the hearts! I could not even imagine that with a sword you can SO express feelings! BRAVO!!!!!

Georgiy was 30 october on Dog in the manger

The performance "The Dog in the Manger", staged by the "Vivat" troupe, looks in one breath: an excellent direction, a professional and well-coordinated play of actors. It is worth noting the masters of the wardrobe workshop! The age-old theme of the relationship between the opposite sexes and the problem of choice is presented modernly and with a proper share of irony. I recommend!

Natalia was 30 october on Dog in the manger

On October 28th they had a niece in the play. I liked it very much. The performance is very pleasant, it is easily delivered and played. Many laughed and from the heart. Pleased with unexpected findings. The sword, it turns out, can be more blatant than words. Bravo.

Elizaveta was 30 october on Dog in the manger

I was at the premiere of the performance "Dog in the Manger" on October 28 in the Folklore Center of Lyudmila Ryumin. It is worth noting the non-standard approach to the production of the play. The performance will be interesting not only for adults, but also for small spectators! :) The play of actors will not leave anyone indifferent. Everybody knows a work that appears before us in new colors! In turn, I got a great mood and a very pleasant impression of the performance! :)