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Feedbacks from viewers
Evgeniya was 16 june on Ruby Tuesday

Good afternoon. About the play "Ruby Tuesday" in the theater "Moon" has a mixed opinion. The director swung at the novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", but the main theme was not disclosed, in my opinion. The play looks like a comedy with elements of tragedy ... I would like more emotions in the game of actors, rather than ridiculous gestures ...

Irina was 11 may on Ruby Tuesday

Great performance! Three hours flew by in one breath! The game of actors at the highest level! Several times I caught myself on the fact that I was sitting with my mouth open. In the play, you dissolve and live with the actors. For several days after the viewing, I was under the impression!

Natal`ya was 16 june on Ruby Tuesday

Incredible depth of staging! From the first moments you immerse yourself in the atmosphere created by the creators of the action. Very effectively works on the atmosphere perfectly matched music, even the guitar sound of the opening window-hatch works on the atmosphere. On the game actors do not make sense to say, this is something that is not discussed. Throughout the performance you feel yourself a part of this crazy world, your involvement in what is happening and as a result, all this makes you think about your life in particular and of humanity as a whole ... Thank you! Now, this is my favorite theater!

Рубиновый вторник

Рубиновый вторник16+

Purchased earlier: 1040
Москва, Ордынка М. ул., 31
03 h 00 min


"You have to laugh at the fact that you are tormented, otherwise you will not keep balance, otherwise the world will drive you crazy."

Is it possible to remain a man in a madhouse? He tried ...

McMurphy was sent to a psychiatric hospital from prison. The strongest survive there. I did not want to go to hard labor. I decided to feign emotional distress.

Courage and strength he does not hold. And most importantly - he loves freedom more than life.

Here and here he tried to establish his own order. He could not calmly look at how humble the weak, the poor, the sick.

Even once he arranged a party for them. Drank, however, too much. And the walking girls, secretly summoned from the city, behaved, worse than ever. Noise, din, screams.

But you can not get a nurse from a senior nurse. She will not leave this business like this! All the superiors will report.

With the rebels, her conversation is short. Here you can not get rid of injections. Complains the doctors - do not expect a good one.

Will she have mercy on McMurphy? He's so charming! And her private life did not work out ...

"As long as I have not tried, no one will prove to me that I can not."
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Evgeniya was 16 june

Good afternoon. About the play "Ruby Tuesday" in the theater "Moon" has a mixed opinion. The director swung at the novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", but the main theme was not disclosed, in my opinion. The play looks like a comedy with elements of tragedy ... I would like more emotions in the game of actors, rather than ridiculous gestures ...

Irina was 11 may

Great performance! Three hours flew by in one breath! The game of actors at the highest level! Several times I caught myself on the fact that I was sitting with my mouth open. In the play, you dissolve and live with the actors. For several days after the viewing, I was under the impression!

Natal`ya was 16 june

Incredible depth of staging! From the first moments you immerse yourself in the atmosphere created by the creators of the action. Very effectively works on the atmosphere perfectly matched music, even the guitar sound of the opening window-hatch works on the atmosphere. On the game actors do not make sense to say, this is something that is not discussed. Throughout the performance you feel yourself a part of this crazy world, your involvement in what is happening and as a result, all this makes you think about your life in particular and of humanity as a whole ... Thank you! Now, this is my favorite theater!

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