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Angela was 22 november on Monologues of cities

It’s not even a spectacle at all, but 13 stories that famous artists tell on behalf of the hero cities. The composition there is really cool, you will not say anything: Said Bagov, Albert Filozov, Irina Alferova, Elena Sanaeva, Vladimir Kachan, Julietta Goering, and others. And the idea is very good and unusual: a monologue on behalf of the city. As if the city actually has a soul that moans, cries, rejoices and knows all its inhabitants. He was amazed, to tears, by Albert Filozov, who represented Leningrad. He had bread in his hand, which he passed to everyone in a circle ... On the other hand, actress Juliet Goring, who represented Tula, opened up to me. Very deep dramatic actress. About Elena Sanaeva, whom I have known and adored for a long time, doesn't even need to say anything. She was Moscow. And this Moscow performed by Sanaeva is exactly the Moscow that would be if I could somehow draw in human form! Awesome! And, of course, this is absolutely my topic: war. Therefore, maybe I grabbed at once the opportunity to go there. The war was not shown as usual. No loud victories, no pathos. It was a war - a grief that is experienced quietly, alone with itself. War is life where there is a place for jokes. War - silence, which is more expressive than all words.

Монологи городов

Монологи городов12+

Purchased earlier: 9
Москва, Неглинная ул., 29/1
01 h 00 min


Angela was 22 november

It’s not even a spectacle at all, but 13 stories that famous artists tell on behalf of the hero cities. The composition there is really cool, you will not say anything: Said Bagov, Albert Filozov, Irina Alferova, Elena Sanaeva, Vladimir Kachan, Julietta Goering, and others. And the idea is very good and unusual: a monologue on behalf of the city. As if the city actually has a soul that moans, cries, rejoices and knows all its inhabitants. He was amazed, to tears, by Albert Filozov, who represented Leningrad. He had bread in his hand, which he passed to everyone in a circle ... On the other hand, actress Juliet Goring, who represented Tula, opened up to me. Very deep dramatic actress. About Elena Sanaeva, whom I have known and adored for a long time, doesn't even need to say anything. She was Moscow. And this Moscow performed by Sanaeva is exactly the Moscow that would be if I could somehow draw in human form! Awesome! And, of course, this is absolutely my topic: war. Therefore, maybe I grabbed at once the opportunity to go there. The war was not shown as usual. No loud victories, no pathos. It was a war - a grief that is experienced quietly, alone with itself. War is life where there is a place for jokes. War - silence, which is more expressive than all words.

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