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Кармен. Пахита. Вальпургиева ночь

Кармен. Пахита. Вальпургиева ночь12+

Purchased earlier: 119
Москва, Пушечная ул., 4/2
02 h 30 min



The Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, presents the premiere - an evening of one-act ballets!


The one-act ballet of the famous Cuban choreographer Alberto Alonso, based on the opera by Georges Bizet “Carmen” (1875), orchestra specially for this production by composer Rodion Shchedrin (1967).

In the center of the ballet is the tragic fate of the gypsy Carmen and the soldier who fell in love with her, Hose, whom Carmen leaves for the young Torero. The relationship of heroes and the death of Carmen by the hand of Hose are predetermined by Rock.

A ballet libretto based on the Prosper Merimes short story was written by its director, Alberto Alonso. The premiere of the play took place on April 20, 1967 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (Carmen - Maya Plisetskaya). At the same time, the character of the production, extremely passionate and not alien to eroticism, caused rejection of the Soviet leadership, and in the USSR Alonso's ballet went in a censored form ...

Walpurgis Night

Walpurgis Night is a ballet scene that Charles Gounod prepared for the second edition of his opera Faust, which was created after the tragedy of Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

According to the plot of the opera, the Walpurgis Night scene unfolds in the possession of Mephistopheles, when he seeks to distract Faust’s thoughts from Margherita and invites him to enjoy all the benefits of the world ...

The episode was first shown on the stage of the Paris Opera in 1869 and has since become an independent one-act ballet and a universally recognized masterpiece of world ballet art.

In the XIX century in Russia “Walpurgis Night” was staged by Marius Petipa.
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