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Marina was 27 november on WHOLE LIFE AHEAD

When you are going to see a production or screenplay based on an outstanding, brilliant prose, there is always a fear: how carefully will they manage with your favorite text, And the question arises: how can you generally put a literary work written mostly in the form of a monologue, except in the form solo performance? So, I hasten to console the fans of Romain Gary - you can safely go to the theater "SAD" for the play "All Life Ahead" and not be afraid for your favorite book, it was in good hands. Yes, we hear from the stage a text that is not disfigured by any gibberish, carefully preserved and brought to the viewer - with all the philosophy, subtle humor, intimidating everyday life, so unlike ours. The expression "fight for life" with respect to the hard work of women of non-severe behavior in general should already have become, in my opinion, a firm expression. And reinforces this text, not without reason awarded the Goncourt Prize, it is an unusual production. The narrative is conducted on behalf of the boy, he is not quite an adult, so dolls and masks are quite appropriate things in his story, that's how he sees this world and his characters. On the other hand, this boy was forced to grow up very early, but he is still a child - he needs imaginary clown friends from a moving display case or Arthur umbrella dressed in a scarf, although publicly and not recognized by a friend ("I'm an asshole?") . His love for Madame Rose is desperate and painful - the boy understands that she is old, sick and ugly, but more precious than her, there is no one in the world ... And all this range of feelings - at the break, to the pain, it was necessary to convey in the play, otherwise there was no point in touching the prose of Romain Gary. And the creators of the play managed to do this, starting from the unique atmosphere of non-tourist Paris (rather, the one we all are trying to find today - with its chanson, old houses without lifts, the strange community of such different people living in one place) and ending with grotesque, masks, unusual props - probably this is correct, probably such things are not fulfilled, sitting on an ordinary chair at an ordinary table under the usual shade. These unusual, strange things are what is needed and sufficient for such a book, so that it revives on the stage and does not lose its genius. For me personally, the indicator of the significance of a performance or a film is how long I remember it. About the play "All Life Ahead" I think for a whole week, from the moment of viewing. If you also like to think - go to the theater "SAD", you will not regret.

Mariya was 27 november on WHOLE LIFE AHEAD

It was difficult for me to start writing about this play. All that I saw and experienced had to stand in my soul and take some final form. This performance is not for one evening, it leaves a trace in the soul and, apparently, for a long time. A small auditorium located in the Palm greenhouse of the Aptekarsky garden. Practically paradise booths. Orchids, palms, flowers. There is almost nothing on the stage. Bench. A young man in a dress coat gives an interview. He tells the story of his life. A simple story of an ordinary Arab boy named Momo. He lives in Paris. His mother "fought for life" and he turned out to be a pupil of the old Jewess Madame Rosa, who survived the war and the horror of Auschwitz. Everything is simple and graphic. But then the curtain opens. And in the Palm greenhouse of the Botanical Garden on the stage of a small theater we saw an exotic flower. He is beautiful, disgusting, attractive, gorgeous and funny. This is Madame Rosa. Who is she? A bird of paradise in bright plumage, swinging on the branches of a fairy tree? Or an old, sick woman with aching legs but with such a huge, generous and kind heart? Paris. Full feeling. A lovely girl with a guitar sings French songs. We are all there, in this city. We listen to the story of Momo's life. A life full of suffering, hope, love. Yes, the main thing in this performance is Love. The actors in masks. What is it? Grotesque? Or is it a reference to the Japanese theater But? Actors write their characters with sharp, bright strokes. They fall into the soul. This is an amazing device. I'm overwhelmed. A play on the book of the genius Romain Gary is a cry for love. About the present. What can and should you do for a loved one? What are you ready for? And if he asks for the impossible? Try to answer this question yourself by coming to the theater. to the play "All Life Ahead". Thank the creators of the play. He makes you think. Think and look into your soul and into the eyes of your loved one. This performance is an event. Do not miss it.

Вся Жизнь Впереди

Вся Жизнь Впереди16+

Purchased earlier: 138
Москва, Мира пр-кт., 26
02 h 00 min



Marina was 27 november

When you are going to see a production or screenplay based on an outstanding, brilliant prose, there is always a fear: how carefully will they manage with your favorite text, And the question arises: how can you generally put a literary work written mostly in the form of a monologue, except in the form solo performance? So, I hasten to console the fans of Romain Gary - you can safely go to the theater "SAD" for the play "All Life Ahead" and not be afraid for your favorite book, it was in good hands. Yes, we hear from the stage a text that is not disfigured by any gibberish, carefully preserved and brought to the viewer - with all the philosophy, subtle humor, intimidating everyday life, so unlike ours. The expression "fight for life" with respect to the hard work of women of non-severe behavior in general should already have become, in my opinion, a firm expression. And reinforces this text, not without reason awarded the Goncourt Prize, it is an unusual production. The narrative is conducted on behalf of the boy, he is not quite an adult, so dolls and masks are quite appropriate things in his story, that's how he sees this world and his characters. On the other hand, this boy was forced to grow up very early, but he is still a child - he needs imaginary clown friends from a moving display case or Arthur umbrella dressed in a scarf, although publicly and not recognized by a friend ("I'm an asshole?") . His love for Madame Rose is desperate and painful - the boy understands that she is old, sick and ugly, but more precious than her, there is no one in the world ... And all this range of feelings - at the break, to the pain, it was necessary to convey in the play, otherwise there was no point in touching the prose of Romain Gary. And the creators of the play managed to do this, starting from the unique atmosphere of non-tourist Paris (rather, the one we all are trying to find today - with its chanson, old houses without lifts, the strange community of such different people living in one place) and ending with grotesque, masks, unusual props - probably this is correct, probably such things are not fulfilled, sitting on an ordinary chair at an ordinary table under the usual shade. These unusual, strange things are what is needed and sufficient for such a book, so that it revives on the stage and does not lose its genius. For me personally, the indicator of the significance of a performance or a film is how long I remember it. About the play "All Life Ahead" I think for a whole week, from the moment of viewing. If you also like to think - go to the theater "SAD", you will not regret.

Mariya was 27 november

It was difficult for me to start writing about this play. All that I saw and experienced had to stand in my soul and take some final form. This performance is not for one evening, it leaves a trace in the soul and, apparently, for a long time. A small auditorium located in the Palm greenhouse of the Aptekarsky garden. Practically paradise booths. Orchids, palms, flowers. There is almost nothing on the stage. Bench. A young man in a dress coat gives an interview. He tells the story of his life. A simple story of an ordinary Arab boy named Momo. He lives in Paris. His mother "fought for life" and he turned out to be a pupil of the old Jewess Madame Rosa, who survived the war and the horror of Auschwitz. Everything is simple and graphic. But then the curtain opens. And in the Palm greenhouse of the Botanical Garden on the stage of a small theater we saw an exotic flower. He is beautiful, disgusting, attractive, gorgeous and funny. This is Madame Rosa. Who is she? A bird of paradise in bright plumage, swinging on the branches of a fairy tree? Or an old, sick woman with aching legs but with such a huge, generous and kind heart? Paris. Full feeling. A lovely girl with a guitar sings French songs. We are all there, in this city. We listen to the story of Momo's life. A life full of suffering, hope, love. Yes, the main thing in this performance is Love. The actors in masks. What is it? Grotesque? Or is it a reference to the Japanese theater But? Actors write their characters with sharp, bright strokes. They fall into the soul. This is an amazing device. I'm overwhelmed. A play on the book of the genius Romain Gary is a cry for love. About the present. What can and should you do for a loved one? What are you ready for? And if he asks for the impossible? Try to answer this question yourself by coming to the theater. to the play "All Life Ahead". Thank the creators of the play. He makes you think. Think and look into your soul and into the eyes of your loved one. This performance is an event. Do not miss it.

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