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Feedbacks from viewers
Nadegda was 04 november on At the bottom

The event was pleasant, thank you

Olga was 10 december on At the bottom

I went with my 16-year-old son. We really liked the play. Thanks to the actors!

Visitor was 14 march on At the bottom

We really enjoyed! Thanks for the production, as well as a special thanks to the Actors. The play made you think!

На дне

На дне16+

Purchased earlier: 1468
Москва, Тверской б-р., 22
03 h 25 min


There is no bottom to the person!

You can preserve human dignity in the most difficult circumstances.

In the squalid doss house, Baron, Artist, Ashes, Satin, Kvashnya and other poor people are forced to spend their days.

Living in crowded places, they offend and humiliate one another.

But a person is worthy of respect simply because he was born into the world. Not everyone manages to cope with their misfortune, but everyone strives for this. What here is true, in a miserable doss house, among thieves and crooks ... But without it, there is nothing to breathe. Man is born for the better.

The former actor believes in the greatness of man. After all, he happened to play the roles of Hamlet and King Lear.

And another slum dweller named Baron does not believe in good. All his life he was humiliated. And here is the last drop - a thief Vaska-ash makes him bark like a dog. Will he survive this mockery?

Women in this hell have even worse. They are forced to endure betrayals and beatings of unemployed lovers and husbands. But even dying, one of them tries to justify his evil and unlucky husband.

Here everything is everyday - even murder.

But in the soul of even the most lost poor fellow lives a dream. "Do not offend a man," - so is ready to say each of the people who have fallen down, but who have not surrendered.

"Man is great! It sounds proudly. "

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Nadegda was 04 november

The event was pleasant, thank you

Olga was 10 december

I went with my 16-year-old son. We really liked the play. Thanks to the actors!

Visitor was 14 march

We really enjoyed! Thanks for the production, as well as a special thanks to the Actors. The play made you think!

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