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Lubov` was 12 april on Idiot

First, the performance makes you laugh, then suffer, and so on 10 more times, and most of these short hours and a half do not even need words. The village of fools, songs of the travesty-divas, stand-up monologues, electronic music, animation and two plaques are woven into the real dostoevsky in the most organic way.

Dmitriy was 12 april on Idiot

Vanguard of the purest water, but I must tell you that this is a THING, an inventive and talented thing, if you want - a cosmic thing. The performance is compound, and therefore it will be really understood only by those who are not only familiar with the novel, but know it. Fantastic work of the director! If you are a theater-goer and you know the novel - go without fail and check how much you can understand, perceive and read.



Purchased earlier: 473
107031, Москва, Петровский пер., 3
02 h 00 min


Prince Myshkin loved Nastasya Filippovna. Aglaya, however, also loved.

And Rogozhin - only Nastasya Filippovna.

And they all could not figure out how to divide their love and peacefully amicably.

Rogozhin beloved his beloved to the prince, of course, was jealous. Nastasya Filippovna prince and his subtle soul admired, but did not want to spoil his reputation, and therefore he did not marry him. Only she did that she ran from Myshkin to Rogozhin, and from that - back into the arms of the understanding and forgiving prince, cry.

And the prince did not want anything bad to anyone, but only the question itself could not be raised with a rib: when I marry and on whom.

Rogozhin, the passionate man, could not stand the first, and after him all fell into the abyss and disappeared: Prince Myshkin went insane, Aglaya became unhappy, Nastasya Filippovna was completely lost ...

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Lubov` was 12 april

First, the performance makes you laugh, then suffer, and so on 10 more times, and most of these short hours and a half do not even need words. The village of fools, songs of the travesty-divas, stand-up monologues, electronic music, animation and two plaques are woven into the real dostoevsky in the most organic way.

Dmitriy was 12 april

Vanguard of the purest water, but I must tell you that this is a THING, an inventive and talented thing, if you want - a cosmic thing. The performance is compound, and therefore it will be really understood only by those who are not only familiar with the novel, but know it. Fantastic work of the director! If you are a theater-goer and you know the novel - go without fail and check how much you can understand, perceive and read.

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