Fairy tale for children Theater "1 person + 200 dolls" by Elena Treschinskaya From the press about the play: The basis for the scenographic solution of the fairy tale "Shipovnicek" (actress, director and artist Elena Treshchinskaya, the theater "One Man and Two Puppet", Moscow) became a baroque style: the action of the well-known story of the sleeping beauty occurs on three elegant antique armchairs. One can not help noticing, once again, the unique ability of an actress to subordinate almost any material, appearing in the mask of a favorite character - the puppeteer-buffoon of a particular era. In the eclectic "carnival" attire, with a white face, with the help of elegant dolls of several systems, she invariably "takes with the guts" the audience, and the little spectators and colleagues.
“ Perfectly! Very pleased!