Three years after the death of the famous parodist who died in a car accident, a private detective comes to the house of his ex-wife to investigate the death of the parodist at his own request, made shortly before the tragic accident in anticipation of his own imminent death. This is how a detective story begins, captivating with unexpected twists, as befits any detective.
But it would have remained just a criminal sketch if its author was not the outstanding contemporary writer Yevgeny Vodolazkin, the author of such bestsellers as Lavr, Aviator, Brisbane, who for the first time performed in an unusual role of a playwright. Vodolazkin admits that "between prose and drama - if not an abyss, then an impressive ravine. A rare bird dares to overcome it. The prose writer has many different instruments, and one of them is the speech of heroes. The playwright has this instrument - the only one ..."
And the author brilliantly overcomes this "ravine" in his play "Parodist". Behind the ligature of the investigation, the brilliantly witty dialogue, a multitude of shape-shifters, satirical reflections of today's reality, full of eternal aspirations and aspirations of a person, turned inside out, are highlighted. After all, the word "parodist" in the original translation from Greek means "singing inside out."