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Tat`yana was 11 december on Dali and the Queen from Kazan

One of the best performances of the theater of the moon. It was on it three times, I recommend to friends, colleagues, all those who appreciate beauty, humor, sense and style, Bravo !!!

Natela was 03 november on Dali and the Queen from Kazan

More disgusting performance for a long time did not see. Disgracefully all-play, scenography, costumes, staging, music and dance numbers. Interested in the life and work of S. Daly I recommend the book Meredith Etherington-Smith - for my taste the most worthy book. Of course, there are no comrades for taste and color. But the taste must be! In the theater of the Moon - tasteless and base. Unfortunately.

Pavel was 02 november on Dali and the Queen from Kazan

Surprised incredibly. I did not expect such a qualitative statement for such a cheap ticket. It's a shame that the hall is half empty, there are not even queues in the buffet. Visit necessarily, you will not regret.

Dali and the Spanish Queen from Kazan

Dali and the Spanish Queen from Kazan18+

Purchased earlier: 903
from 800 rubles 
Moskva, Ordynka M. ul., 31
02 h 30 min


A colorful performance using video installations and an original musical series is timed to the 110th anniversary of the great Spanish artist Salvador Dali, which will be celebrated in May 2014.

"Dali and the Spanish Queen from Kazan" is a provocative play about the life and love of the great artist Salvador Dali, the king of surrealism and the creator of the paranoid critical style in art, his museum-gallery, Elena Dyakonova, a Russian girl from Kazan.

The fate of the master is reinterpreted in the imagination of one of the characters in the play - the director who is plotting a film about the life and creative collisions of genius.

"Three years ago I went to Figueres and realized that I would not rest until I put the play about this fantastic artist. I read many books and wrote a story. True, El Salvador's life is so unusual that I decided to abandon the biographical narrative.

It will be Dali's dreams, since he himself considered dreams to be the most important artistic act and liked to solve them, "says Sergei Prokhanov.

The eccentricity of the Spanish master and the extravagance of his actions is underscored by the sparkling humor and original director's finds typical of Sergey Prokhanov's performances, and the dynamism of the action and the artist's eccentricity is enhanced by the use of video installations and decorations created with the participation of the "Russian Dali" Nikas Safronov.

On the stage of the Theater of the Moon, a story will be played with the characters surrounding Dali in his youth and maturity, such as Dalí's friend Federico García Lorca, director Luis Bunuelle, Gala's first husband the poet Paul Eluard, singer Amanda Lear and other real and fictional characters.

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Where does the dream end and reality begin? Where does life end and art begins? He himself was never able to tell where his pretense ends and sincerity begins.

But even great psychologists can not understand where genius ends and madness begins.

Moody, hysterical, eccentric to insanity. Nobody so loved to attract attention.

Kiss, kiss it from head to foot, from the big toes on the feet through the crown to the heels. All is in love and kindness.

And the only suit worthy of him is the king's clothes. Or the queens. As his highness willed.

The world will have to make room. And it's a big question whether he will keep it.

You can treat it differently, but you can not recognize its genius. He was a genius in the womb of his mother. Who else could create his art from dreams?

Canvas, paints, powerful strokes - so a miracle is born. Thus the chief troublemaker of the tranquility of the inhabitants is born.

But to really soar into heaven, he lacked only her ... The last step to the summit of the world.

Shock. Catharsis. Applause.

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Tat`yana was 11 december

One of the best performances of the theater of the moon. It was on it three times, I recommend to friends, colleagues, all those who appreciate beauty, humor, sense and style, Bravo !!!

Natela was 03 november

More disgusting performance for a long time did not see. Disgracefully all-play, scenography, costumes, staging, music and dance numbers. Interested in the life and work of S. Daly I recommend the book Meredith Etherington-Smith - for my taste the most worthy book. Of course, there are no comrades for taste and color. But the taste must be! In the theater of the Moon - tasteless and base. Unfortunately.

Pavel was 02 november

Surprised incredibly. I did not expect such a qualitative statement for such a cheap ticket. It's a shame that the hall is half empty, there are not even queues in the buffet. Visit necessarily, you will not regret.

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