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The Demons

Saint-Petersburg. The Demons16+

Purchased earlier: 199
from 1000 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Vladimirskiy pr-kt., 12
02 h 00 min


In the performance the music of the group "The Doors"

"People are afraid of their own reality: their feelings are the most. People talk about great love, but that's bullshit.

Love is pain. Feelings cause anxiety. People teach that pain is evil and dangerous.

How can they cope with love if they are afraid of feeling?

The pain is for us. People try to hide their pain.

But they are wrong. You feel your strength in the experience of pain.

Pain-sensation. Your feelings are part of you. Your own reality.

If you feel shame for them and hide them, you give the society to destroy your reality.

You must stand up for your right to feel your pain "

Jim Morrison

Communication. Communication. Communication ...

The main character of Lars Nuren's play is a connection. In this story, in fact, there is no history. We observe one day in the life of a married couple. But the life that has gone beyond the generally accepted framework. Heroes seem to drown in their hypertrophied love, which turns into flour, and this flour comes to pleasure. Love in this case is a bond. And communication can be different. From psychedelic shamanism over the psyche of each other, with subsequent dances on the bones, until ready to give for another life. Torture occurs both in the figurative and in the literal sense. Rhythm of psychedelic rock from Jimi Morrison put us on a real concert of the band "DOORS". Where are we? In the mind of the heroes? In the Theatre? At the concert? It is necessary to understand ...

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Love ... connections ... reality ... fears ...

Speaking of great, and sometimes eternal love - what do people actually talk about?

Perhaps, about those fears that are born in their minds at the same time? Looking sometimes at those who live next door, it seems that people are afraid to love, they are afraid to feel the reality that surrounds them. Because it can be quite painful. And pain is bad.

But how to live then? How to build a relationship?

After all, love - it's not a bargaining chip, it's not an excuse for someone to put you on. And not the selfishness that is often read in other people's feelings, which they do not see and, most importantly, do not want to see the lover and his own feelings.

With this attitude, love soon turns into a duel, into a war on which there can not be victors, only losers, but even so - we perceive hostilities as a flaming passion.

Maybe it comes from the fact that people just forgot how to love?

Do you hear, the first notes sound, the concert begins ... or does the story of someone's love, war and strong ties start, which you can not just break?

It would be necessary to understand!

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