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History of the horse

History of the horse16+

Purchased earlier: 263
from 500 rubles 
121069, Moskva, Nikitskaya B. ul., 23 korp.9
03 h 00 min


A musical based on a story by L.N. Tolstoy's "Holstomer"

"... Only the one who has something to say to people can write a drama and say something that is most important for people." L. Tolstoy
Today the philosophical parable of Leo Tolstoy, in which "Tolstoyism" as an entire world-consciousness has been embodied in art, continues to live not only in the literary work but also on the stage, deeply touching our souls, forcing us to reflect on evil and good, sin and responsibility for sin, About animal and human, about life and death ... Created by Mark Rozovsky and Yuri Ryashentsev, the play "The Story of a Horse" - in the genre of the "Russian musical" based on classical literature - has been on the stage since 1975.
Mark Rozovsky about the play:
"It seemed possible to clarify the Tolstoyan idea: debauchery and luxury, debauchery and idleness - always together ... What Tolstoy-psychologist called the" fluidity "of a person, referring to the ambiguity of the characters, the impossibility of" positive "and" negative "in pure human form, gives The right of the theater to ensure the "flow" of characters from one to another for a more explicit, if you like, visual form of expression of the author's thought.Tolstoy is simple.Will we have the right to complicate it so much? .. And to what extent is this so-called complication permissible?
... The classic is therefore alive, that is immortal. It arises in our life as a deep and subtle interlocutor. "How should we live?" - we ask Leo Tolstoy himself, and he as if personally answers us: "I'll tell you now ..." And he tells, for example, the story of Kholstomer ... "
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"About the unfortunate and the happy, about good and evil, about fierce hatred and holy love ..."

The horse and its master. One worked as much as he could. Another kutil and squandered the state.

The old gelding tells the sad story of his life.

He was not lucky - he was born piebald, so he was rejected at the stud farm.

The young prince, a handsome officer, bought the horse. He liked the smooth running of the horse.

This master was strict and cruel, like his groom.

Once he put his horse on the run. Merin did not disappoint the owner, but then the prince drove him, catching up with the departed mistress.

Fate was unmerciful to the horse. He changed many masters - from the gypsy to the clerk.

And the life of the prince did not work out. He was ruined, he lived, borrowing from friends.

But the gelding warmly remembered the first owner. And he did not even recognize the decrepit horse when he saw him in the stable of a friend.

The last days of the horse were bitter.

"He was old, they were young; He was thin, they were full; He was bored, they were cheerful. Therefore, he was quite a stranger, an outsider, a completely different being, and one could not spare him ... "

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