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Saint-Petersburg. Auditor12+

Purchased earlier: 97
from 500 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Zanevskiy pr-kt., 26
03 h 30 min


Comedy by N.Gogol

The play is dedicated to the anniversary year of Gogol, but the choice of the play is conditioned not only by the historical date - the bicentenary of the writer's birthday. According to the artistic director, the director of the play IR Shtokbant, the theater has long been going to this work. Now that the troupe is mature, when experience is gained in the interpretation of the classics, one can begin to implement the old idea. And, that was an important factor, the conditions of the new stage will allow to realize complicated staging ideas.

Characters and performers:

Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, the mayor - za. Russia M. Sultanizov,

Anna Andreevna, his wife - ZA Rossia N. Kozorovitskaya / S. Wilhelm,

Marya Antonovna, his daughter - N. Sobol / Y. Ignatieva,

Luka Lukich Khlopov, ranger of colleges - Za Rossii V. Smiljanets,

Wife Khlopova - T. Kulakov,

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, the judge is ZA Rossia A. Soloviev,

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster - za Rossii S. Magelenich,

Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanikin, trustee of God-pleasing people - za.a.Russia M.Tryasorukov,

Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov - D. Averin,

Osip, his servant - V.Varkin,

Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky - A. Stekolnikov,

Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky - A. Levin,

Gibner, the doctor - N. Skoromnikov,

Stepan Ivanovich Korobkin, a retired official - I. Kuznetsov,

The wife of Korobkin - Yu. Ovsyanikov,

Stepan Ilyich Ukhovortov, a private police officer - M. Bondaruk,

Svistunov, a policeman - V.Suta,

Derzhimarda, the policeman - G.Pinaevsky,

Abdulin, the merchant - I.Syabitov,

Mishka, the servant of the governor - V. Lebedev

and others.

Directed by I. Shtokbant

Production designer - J. Shtokbant

Choreographer - O. Ignatyev

Director - V. Varkin

Used music D. Shostakovich

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Once upon a time there lived a small small town.

And he had, of course, the boss, were his henchmen and ... a lot of people lived in him useful to each other and pleasant.

Until the news of the unprecedented mole swept through the town, the inspector from the capital must come on!

Fearfully! Suddenly he does not like it, and heads fly, and places are bread, well, I do not want to lose them.

And someone in general take it and say that the auditor has already arrived! Secretly!

So who is he?

Yes, there was a newcomer, most recently in the city, a wonderful one ... Surely he!

And just like a goose zaletnogo, a scoundrel and a lover properly so lie, it was unaware that he was already someone and took the auditor. Only now it does not matter! You can also be comfortable and comfortable.

It's a story to tell millions, to get hold of your money, to spin a couple of novels with ladies local. He's from the capital, a dandy dandy!

The most important thing is to take your feet in time, before the real auditor appears.

Gogol's immortal comedy about manners and images of thinking like to put on the stage, because its relevance will never exhaust itself. But each production is good and unusual in its own way.

But to describe all the subtleties, innovations and amazing finds of the production - it makes no sense, it is better to come to the theater and see everything yourself.

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