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Fugitive. L.N. Tolstoy. Premiere!

Saint-Petersburg. Fugitive. L.N. Tolstoy. Premiere!12+

Purchased earlier: 58
from 2000 rubles 
Sankt-Peterburg, Vladimirskiy pr-kt., 12
02 h 25 min


Based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "Cossacks"
The play was created with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

The play should be the opening of the novel by Leo Tolstoy for the stage. The story "The Cossacks" reflects Tolstoy's impressions from his three-year service in the Caucasus. Like Tolstoy, the hero of the story, the cadet Dmitry Olenin, appears in the Caucasus in an attempt to start a new life, "in which there will be no more mistakes, there will be no remorse, and probably there will be one happiness." The theme of finding oneself a person just entering life should become close to the modern young spectator.

Aidar Zabbarov says: "Leo Tolstoy, when he returned from the Caucasus, was 25 years old. And he was worried about the topic - how to find support in life, how to find oneself. And she worries me now. Tolstoy Olenin is experiencing a sense of loss of self, individuality. Our performance will be called the way Tolstoy originally wanted to call the story "The Fugitive". The hero chooses to escape the Caucasus, the Cossacks, whom Tolstoy himself considered "freedom-loving vagrants." Their authenticity, sincerity, naivety and directness, the nature as it is, not hidden behind the conventions of form, attract it. But the main paradox is that the hero of the story, having passed through this story, understands that you can not escape from yourself. Until you rebuild yourself, the world will not be rebuilt. There is no sense to run away. Everything in Us »
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