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Nadegda was 31 october on The Scarlet Flower

The performance is beautiful, bright, colorful. The child was 8 years old. The hall is small, well visible.

The Scarlet Flower

The Scarlet Flower6+

Purchased earlier: 53
from 800 rubles 
Moskva, Volgogradskiy pr-kt., 121
01 h 15 min


Based on the fairy tale by S. Aksakov

A poetic story about a beautiful girl who, loving not for beauty, but for kindness, remained true to her word.

Going on a long voyage, the merchant Ivan Kuzmich promises his daughters to bring gifts. The eldest is a golden crown, the middle one is a crystal mirror, and the youngest, Nastenka, is the scarlet flower she saw in her dream. In overseas countries, the merchant meets wonderful foreigners and fairy animals, faces many trials and difficult situations. But the most mysterious of all that is seen is not the garden and not the palace, not the tablecloth-samobranka and not the magic flats, but the incredible beauty of the scarlet flower and the enchanted Prince.

Premiere: 26 March 2011

Running time: 1 hour 25 minutes

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Beautiful fairy tale of all will please: and those who sincerely appreciate Russian fairy tales, and those who came to admire the costumes. But especially those who love stories about how a hot, strong and faithful love is born, this show is going to have a liking!

After all, the younger daughter could not have guessed, how difficult it would be for her father to get a little flower and how the search for a flower would turn around! The merchant promised to bring gifts to his daughters, one - a golden crown, another - a mirror crystal, and the third asked for a flower, but not simple, but scarlet.

But the flower was connected with dangers, he grew up in the palace of the bewitched prince ... This is where the adventures began. Can true love spoil the prince? ..

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Nadegda was 31 october

The performance is beautiful, bright, colorful. The child was 8 years old. The hall is small, well visible.

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