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Feedbacks from viewers
Marina was 12 november on Unparalleled!

I went with apprehension to the play, after all Viktyuk ... But to my surprise, nothing extreme and shocking did not see. Suits someone embarrassed perhaps, but they are not prohibitively forthright, it's part of a big farce. The actors work honestly, they play very well. The play itself is a bit simple on the plot, but this is a documentary more than a piece, there is nowhere to "dramatize" specifically. In general, a curious reading of the history of Florence Jenkins.

Mihail was 09 june on Unparalleled!

SPECTACLE really turned out INSPIRED! I advise everyone! The power of tragi-comicism is reflected with particular refinement. We are all birds in a big cage ... and singing can only be FREE!

Dar`ya was 21 jule on Unparalleled!

A wonderful performance about each of us. First, not really accepting what is happening on stage, then plunging into the world of this person - Florence Foster Jenkins, and then you begin to fall in love with a sincere belief in talent. Not many people manage to be so free and honest with themselves. The performance, as always, of Roman Grigorievich about a great personality and its tragedy in this imperfect world. Thank you very much for those feelings and thoughts that are born after the performance. And the Maestro himself appeared in the end - his bow to Talent.



Purchased earlier: 901
from 200 rubles 
Moskva, Stromynka ul., 6
02 h 20 min


"Incomparable!" - This is the story of the life of the famous American singer Florence Foster Jenkins.

Despite the complete lack of vocal data, this amazing woman enjoyed incredible popularity among the public. Critics scolded her mercilessly, but the tickets for the performances of the homeless actress flew at a frantic pace, and the audience was ready to pay a few times to visit the concert.

Contemporaries called Jenkins the greatest bad singer of all time. Meanwhile, Jenkins always had a lot of fans, and not to say that these were people who did not understand anything in music at all. One of the admirers of Florence was the famous Enrico Caruso ...

Ignoring the laughter and criticism, Florence appeared on stage in a bright bright dress with angel wings behind her back and sang, sang, sang. "People can say that I can not sing, but no one will say that I do not sing," Jenkins herself said. The audience loved it for courage, sincerity, eccentricity and incredible inner freedom.

Fearless, bright and not like Jenkins is an ideal heroine for Viktyuk. It is to such people that all the work of Roman Grigorievich is dedicated. The audience is waiting for a piercing, honest, provocative and colorful statement about one of the most amazing women in the world.

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Madness is the door to another world.

Are not we all crazy if we continue to believe in love and friendship? Her error was much more harmless.

A beautiful voice is a real arrow for our heart. Tenderness of sounds softens the rigidity of the world. A truly beautiful voice sinks into the soul once and for all.

He carries his caressing sounds with sounds and fills the whole space, but .. This is not her case.

She thought she could sing. And in fact - voiceless. Again, which of us does not think so? Yes, we have all the show business filled with such nuggets.

But the critics have rubbed their hands in vain for an opportunity to spite. They remained powerless to lay down their hands. To whom it is important who wrote what there, when in a single impulse the hall dies.

And who doubts about her divine soprano - only pathetic envious people.

What does mediocrity mean when you have silver wings behind your back and the thousandth hall explodes in a standing ovation?

Being crazy is not so bad. Do not avoid loonies. They are the happiest people on earth.

And try to sing well so badly.

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Marina was 12 november

I went with apprehension to the play, after all Viktyuk ... But to my surprise, nothing extreme and shocking did not see. Suits someone embarrassed perhaps, but they are not prohibitively forthright, it's part of a big farce. The actors work honestly, they play very well. The play itself is a bit simple on the plot, but this is a documentary more than a piece, there is nowhere to "dramatize" specifically. In general, a curious reading of the history of Florence Jenkins.

Mihail was 09 june

SPECTACLE really turned out INSPIRED! I advise everyone! The power of tragi-comicism is reflected with particular refinement. We are all birds in a big cage ... and singing can only be FREE!

Dar`ya was 21 jule

A wonderful performance about each of us. First, not really accepting what is happening on stage, then plunging into the world of this person - Florence Foster Jenkins, and then you begin to fall in love with a sincere belief in talent. Not many people manage to be so free and honest with themselves. The performance, as always, of Roman Grigorievich about a great personality and its tragedy in this imperfect world. Thank you very much for those feelings and thoughts that are born after the performance. And the Maestro himself appeared in the end - his bow to Talent.

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