Location: 115035, Москва, Космодамианская наб., 52/8
01 h 40 min
A cappella Saqartvelo / Acapella Sakartvelo
traditional Georgian polyphony
The program includes old songs from different regions of Georgia, church chants, city romances
Georgia is famous not only for its amazing hospitality, mesmerizing landscapes, national cuisine and wine. Georgians are also justly proud of their unique polyphony, which in 2001 was recognized by the UNESCO Commission as a “masterpiece of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind”. The choir "Akapella Sakartvelo", inheriting the best traditions of the national Georgian polyphony, can be safely called a real missionary: the singers are actively touring all over the world.
The collective brought together professional performers - soloists of national groups of Georgia (State Academic Ensemble of Songs and Dances "Kutaisi", "Bagrati", "Imereti", "Martvi", "Alilo", etc.). True patriots of their homeland, they strive to preserve Georgian folk singing and acquaint audiences in various countries with the unique traditions of their national musical culture.
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