In a programme: I.S. Bach. Works for solo clavier Transcriptions of works by I.S. Bach, created by other composers
Bach Day will provide a rare chance to spend an entire day with the music of the genius of German Baroque and hear live, performed by first-class musicians, the most famous instrumental masterpieces for various compositions, including rarely played double and triple concertos for clavier, strings and wind instruments. When purchasing tickets for two or three concerts, discounts from 10 to 30% are provided. A conveniently compiled schedule will allow the audience not only to relax and exchange impressions between concerts, but also to enrich themselves with new knowledge by listening to fascinating lectures by the famous music commentator Lyalya Kandaurova.
Separated from us by three centuries, Johann Sebastian Bach remains an inexhaustible source of the highest experiences of the human spirit. Each generation interprets Bach's legacy in its own way - either discovering unknown depths, or, on the contrary, missing something, convincing us that the process of mastering his music is still ongoing. Each performer brings his own unique semantic connotation to the reading of one or another masterpiece.
Varvara Myagkova, laureate of the International Competition in Andorra, will perform with a solo program. Her pianism, full of inspiration, “impetuous, flying, selfless”, was highly appreciated by both colleagues and ordinary music lovers. “If you are not afraid of high words, music is the image of God on earth,” says Varvara Myagkova.