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Roman Viktyuk Theater

Feedbacks from viewers
Sergey was 09 december on At the beginning and end of time.

If you go to the theater to take a break from everyday life and the surrounding routine, then this performance is not for you. Here you will be taken by the scruff of your neck and stuffed into the dirt to the ears, forced to look at the scum, and all this will be spiced up with a feeling of hopelessness. This performance is not for you if you do not like to leave the theater with a feeling of disgust. This performance is not for you if you prefer a good mood of melancholy. If you like the feeling of pseudo-intellectual congestion a la an intellectual of the Soviet poshiba or depressive psychosis gives pleasure - you will like the action.

Aleksandra was 22 june on "Exupery: Towards the Stars"

Awesome performance! Beautiful, bright and understandable, which is very important for allegorical productions. Actors well done, all to one! I would love to see it again.

Ekaterina was 10 october on "Venetian"

Great performance! Easy, funny, bright. An unexpected symbiosis of arts, styles, eras and texts. BRAVO! Igor Nevedrov! BRAVO! Actors!

Ekaterina was 10 october on At the beginning and end of time.

Awesome, deep performance. Incredible actors and atmosphere. The performance is not easy, but NECESSARILY for viewing! Viktyuk, BRAVO!

Ekaterina was 10 october on Cat in the Boots

Great performance! Both children and adults were thrilled! I highly advise everyone to cheer up.

Irina was 27 february on The Last Love of Don Juan

Were with a girlfriend for the first time in the theater of RG Viktyuk, ambiguous emotions from viewing remained .... My friend definitely did not like it: nakedness, statements about God, love and relationships .... For me, this is an opportunity to hear opinions and interpretations about eternal concepts different from mine. If you are not ready to make extravagant decisions, then this theater is not for you. Go and decide for yourself at least once. Thanks RG Viktyuku for a bold, different from many, view of the truths of society.

Anastasiya was 11 january on Love is not joking.

Very good, deep performance, with meaning. The game of actors (Stanislav Motyrev, Anna Nakhapetova) at the height. Pride and love, compatibility is doubtful and a lot of interesting things, especially interested inserts from Plato "Pir". I recommend those who like to think after the performance))

Elena was 06 november on A strange garden. Rudolf Nureyev

The performance is wonderful, the second day I comprehend what I saw. Bravo to artists! Bravo to the director!

Sergey was 03 august on Putany

The iron beam in front of the balcony, of course, interferes. But the performance is beautiful, I used to not take the style of Viktyuk before, but this production opened up a lot for me. Yefim Shifrin, of course, is a genius!

Svetlana was 05 june on At the beginning and end of time.

certainly. not an entertaining event, .. there is something to think about. for example, about the Motherland, ..

Irina was 18 april on Putany

Do not share previous reviews! I did not like the production at all. I come to the theater to get aesthetic pleasure, and not to listen to the matershin, which is combined with insanity. Yes, and places on the balcony are not provided for viewing. We were sitting on the front row and an iron beam passed right in front of our eyes. In general, horror. I will not come to this theater anymore ...

Nataliya was 26 february on The maidservants

I was in this legendary performance for the second time after a five-year break. As for the first time, it was something incredible! The performance is not ordinary and for an intelligent spectator. It is an exciting, sensual, integral action, everything is sharpened to trifles, everything is perfect. Definitely a favorite theater! Thanks to the artists for this pleasure!

Boris was 29 january on Mandelshtam

The performance is very good)) The new life of the theater in the new building and the ever-brilliant Roman Grigoryevich))

Sofiya was 18 january on Mandelshtam

Roman Grigoryevich is a genius! The performance is so multi-layered that you do not understand how it can be at all, how you can convey so many things in such a short time .. Everything is brilliant! As always music, scenery, light, capacious images, heroes feel, you do not notice how you put yourself in their place, you do not even put yourself, but you realize that you were there ... It's so keen feeling of living, absolutely living poets, not played, and lived so that I left after the performance, knowing what they were not informative, as before, but as if I got acquainted with each of them. And even a terrible, disgusting tyrant is not served in the form of a fresh, ready and long familiar, frozen image. He is also a living person, mad and sick, shown incredibly thin and so scary. Beautiful, masterly actor's work, all without exception! I especially want to mention I. Nevervedov, A. Dzyuba and E. Karpushin. Perfectly! Bravissimo !!! I would put this performance into the literature course for senior pupils, to understand how the classics and their immortal lines can come alive for themselves !!!!

Inga was 24 november on Mowgli

"Mowgli. Good hunting! "Viktyuk Theater People in cages are an amazing visual find! Not the only one - there are many of them. In general, the picture of the spectacle is amazing! And the folded rings, also initially like cages, and these ropes, and the deity lowering the horns - whether observing whether interfering ... And the multiplying Bagheera, and the "collective" Kaa ... And what kind of wreaths have Dryads! There's a lot of time-bleached bone on stage. Thoughts are covered for many more days. They overtake. Probably, for someone it's all lying on the surface and for a long time realized, I had everything just after the consciousness of the scene ascended in the cages of people. Impossibility to throw off the strangers are locked, decisions, will - not free. The bars of the lattice bend them, they do not allow them to straighten up ... Any laws, any faith, having lost touch with life, ossified, turning into dogmas and prejudices, become a cage that does not allow to breathe and move. But, what about the common interests? We can not live together without rules. In a free pack there are also laws. True, this does not prevent the wolves from substituting the best fighter, and then reading on his own epitaph. But only when knowledge and ideas about this world are implanted inside, are tested on themselves, sometimes even confirmed by spilled blood, they become a spiritual skeleton, on which it is possible to build up already meat, skin and skin. The core, the frame. A skeleton! The one that only makes it possible to breathe and move. Outside is a cage, inside is a support. Light projections will once again remind us that we step on the bones of our predecessors - both ancestors and enemies. Their experience, their mistakes, their findings. And every day - whether you want or do not want, remember this or do not remember, do you understand or not - you have to answer the question: "Who are you?" What do I choose? What will I take, what will I accept, what I will reject, what I will give to oblivion, what will I destroy? What kind of ridge will I grow? Only mine. What is my freedom? Where's she? Where I am? Is it a flock? Or people? And the main question - who will win today in me, beast or man? And for what.

Marina was 12 november on Unparalleled!

I went with apprehension to the play, after all Viktyuk ... But to my surprise, nothing extreme and shocking did not see. Suits someone embarrassed perhaps, but they are not prohibitively forthright, it's part of a big farce. The actors work honestly, they play very well. The play itself is a bit simple on the plot, but this is a documentary more than a piece, there is nowhere to "dramatize" specifically. In general, a curious reading of the history of Florence Jenkins.

Svetlana was 08 november on Phaedra

Yesterday was the first time. Unusually, original, beautiful. Really liked it! I recommend that you pause from everyday work and come to Viktyuk. I note that the plot must be read in advance. Indeed, those who are "not in the subject" will not understand what was conceived. And naked torsos cease to be separate from the performance of bodies, because it is completely absorbed in energy and action. With a minimum of decorations and clothes - it's very strong !!! Thanks to the actors and Roman Viktyuk for these lived minutes !!! BRAVO!!!

Visitor was 04 march on The Last Love of Don Juan

Thank you! I would like to see the Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade.

Uliya was 03 october on The Last Love of Don Juan

Thank you! I liked the performance. The actors played with full feeling and bestowal. But I did not understand the finale and the main idea I did not immediately understand.

Elena was 22 jule on The Last Love of Don Juan

07/22/2014 was at the play "The Last Love of Don Juan". Very pleased! All the actors were gorgeous! And she wiped away the tear)) and laughed)) Got a sea of ​​positive emotions !!! Great! Bravo!!!

Ol`ga was 22 jule on The Last Love of Don Juan

I liked the performance. As always - an unusual production, an amazing game of actors and wonderful music. Thank you!!!

Oksana was 20 october on The Last Love of Don Juan

I know for sure that we are with the esteemed Roman G. Grigorievich from one planet. I do not recommend these performances to those who have a heart. You are not here. I do not recommend these performances to those who live by reason, who hold onto their internal prohibitions or believe that evaluation matters. This is faith. my faith is feelings. This is Love. and this I feel, by this I live all the minutes that goes to any performance of the Viktyuk Theater. This is a special "Religion" in which there are no rules. in love and art there can be no rules except one - it must be true, genuine, from the soul, from the interior, from the depths where the treasure is hidden. This can only be perceived. Skin. Without words. In silence. In the inner silence. In the internal storm. When I watch his performances - I LIVE. My universe comes into contact with this absolutely nonlinear and colorfully filled vzlgyadom artist. An artist who does not lie. Actors who do not lie. Actors who are guides to these priceless states. in this madness. And if you want to go crazy, stop thinking, feel life and discover yourself - you here.

Uliya was 16 december on The Last Love of Don Juan

A very controversial performance, to which I, however, gladly went for the second time. In some places it seems that Roman Grigorevich Viktyuk "bends" with vulgarity, but bright moments, jokes (with a significant share of truth), this is redeemed, and, after all, only positive impressions remain. The very story and idea of ​​a new birth of the character is fascinating, I feel sorry for people who see in the play only the propaganda of same-sex love - it's very, very limited. The play of actors in places is strongly expressive, which is a kind of chip that fits seamlessly into the atmosphere of the performance. In general, it is the atmosphere that plays a key role in the "adoption" of the play: it must be understood that something ordinary and non-eccentric from Roman Viktyuk does not have to wait.

Inna was 03 october on The Last Love of Don Juan

Great job! I would propose to exclude a few too frank moments. More distracted than lead.

Inna was 04 march on The Last Love of Don Juan

1. The music is beautiful 2. The actors liked everything without exception. 3. The first part was tightened (many extra elements that did not affect the essence) 4. Too loud and often beat the chain by iron-listen unbearably especially in the stalls 5. 2 monologue - about God and love at the end is the most vivid impression. One can also include a monologue about old age and insanity 6. More aphorisms such as "women as rabbits are easy to catch by the ears" - it creates its charm and is remembered!

Visitor was 04 march on The Last Love of Don Juan

Thank you! We plan to see something else from the repertoire of the Viktyuk Theater. Original reading of the plot. But I want to minimize debauchery and vulgarity in the behavior of heroes.

Nadegda was 04 march on The Last Love of Don Juan

Sumptuously! The performance was captured from the first minutes, I did not even want to interrupt on the intermission. We will definitely visit the theater again!

Dmitriy was 04 march on The Last Love of Don Juan

Great performance! Thank you!

Irina was 04 march on The Last Love of Don Juan

Thank you, I liked it very much.

Elizaveta was 22 jule on The Last Love of Don Juan

An interesting story, the incarnation at the height, Bozin and Nevedrov - a wonderful duet! The play is not untwisted, but in vain! Worthy of attention!

Elizaveta was 22 jule on The Last Love of Don Juan

Beautiful, interesting, a lot of funny, there is something to see and listen to (=

Tat`yana was 22 jule on The Last Love of Don Juan

I really liked the play. Many thanks to Roman Grigorievich for a wonderful evening!

Nataliya was 29 october on Salome

Was at the play 24.10. Thanks to the theater and all artists for the bright, emotional and highly professional action! You are the theater, the extraordinary and the magic of reincarnation. Be sure to come to you again!

Elena was 12 january on Cat in the Boots

I really liked the performance and I and the child) The game of actors, the costumes are just super!

Anna was 12 january on Cat in the Boots

There was a child of 10 years old (he is a professional actor, often acting in films). Son on the question whether he liked the performance said that he was too loud. Noted the poor quality of the sound (the sound often "hissed"). At fast movements at actors "fell off" microphones. In a word, "so-so".

Ekaterina was 12 january on Cat in the Boots

Went to the play "Cat in Boots" staged by Roman Viktyuk with his son for 10 years. The son was just delighted with the production: the actors' play evoked positive emotions in the form of laughter, and I often looked at the stage. Not all viewers, unfortunately, this performance caused the same emotions. I realized that the production is not for everyone. We really liked it. My son asks me to go to the performances of Roman Viktyuk. On October 21, have already purchased tickets to the House of Music, where we will see the legendary play "The Maids".

Mihail was 23 june on Salome

Do not go to the SALOM - CRIME! 19 years this performance captivates the hearts of the audience! The decorations are decorated in the style of Aubrey Beardsley, the music of Chopin and the phenomenal game of the artists unite into a unique creative union ... and then .... MAGIC is born! BRAVO MAESTRO VIKTYUK!

Mihail was 06 june on Putany

Piercing! Pure, heavenly love of two souls! To the accompaniment of French singers) Shifrin and Karpushin are two lights of the theater!

Anna was 29 june on Sergei and Isadora

For me, the performance "Sergei and Isadora" was a real shock, the emotions and characters of the main characters are so vividly and vividly conveyed. The audience seems to be transferred to the beginning of the last century and together with the protagonists are experiencing their fervent feelings. Igor Nevedrov in the role of Yesenin is incomparable when he reads poetry, the hall freezes, and then breaks in applause. Anna Terekhova very accurately conveyed the love and suffering of Isadora, she was able to feel her subtle creative nature. I recommend this performance to everyone, this is a real holiday of feelings and emotions. Thanks to Viktor Viktyuk!

Mihail was 16 june on A strange garden. Rudolf Nureyev

THE HAPPY VICTUYK is talking about UNDERWEAR PEOPLE! IN THIS ALL IT! Brilliantly! I'm puzzling over what channels I need to communicate with space to create such MIRACLES! Be sure to go to all)))

Aleksandr was 30 june on The maidservants

For the first time I learned about R. Viktyuk, being a second-year student of journalism in Irkutsk. At a lecture on the theatrical art, we were shown "Servants". The reaction in the audience was ambiguous, although it is understandable ... In general, while the others were vigorously discussing what was happening on the screen, giggling and fainting, I realized that I must see the performance with my own eyes. Fortunately, I managed to do it on my nearest visit to Moscow. And, yes, I was amazed! First of all, of course, actors! Now many try to play women, but it always looks vulgar. Here everything is delicate and organic. How they do it is a mystery to me! Therefore, in modern language - must have! PS. Since that time, Daniel Lavoie-Ils S'ament still sounds in my ears. And the ticket also stayed! To remember ...

Mihail was 05 june on Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade

BRAVO!!! MARKIZ DE SAD DOES NOT MEAN! And VIKTYUK VIRTUALLY SAVED THIS MUCH !!! So delicately reveal the image of the character, which in the minds of the townsfolk is so zashtampovan is capable only of an unreasonable genius VIKTYUK! THANKS YOU! LONG TIME TO LIVE!!!

Mihail was 27 june on Romeo and Juliet

THIS IS SO GENTLESS THAT THERE IS NO WORDS! So, as Viktyuk works with the text of Shakespeare, NO ONE WORKS! This is awesome! Boys of the GENIUS OF OUR DAYS! The first time I see that Juliet's monologues were filled with love! The main phrase for me in the play: "My love is without a bottom, and kindness, like the breadth of the sea! The more I spend, the more I become boundless and richer!" And the guys actors broadcast this as well as possible! Thank you Roman Grigorich!

Mihail was 09 june on Unparalleled!

SPECTACLE really turned out INSPIRED! I advise everyone! The power of tragi-comicism is reflected with particular refinement. We are all birds in a big cage ... and singing can only be FREE!

Mihail was 21 june on Wings from the ashes

The thin work of the master has extolled all expectations !!! Viktyuk achieved that light and sound began to play in the play one of the most important roles, getting on the same level with the artists, but at the same time not detracting from their skill, but emphasizing it, revealing it. A touching story of impossible love. Love, with the power of which we now do not meet. Love that makes you commit a crime. The stenographic design creates an image of the other world, the heavenly space. Music makes the body tremble. No wonder Roman Viktyuk spoke about the "Theater of Cruelty" Antonin Artaud, a great theater reformer of the 20th century.

Mihail was 20 june on "Venetian"

TROUBLE AND FUNNY) THANKS! BRAVO! Igor Nevedrov - actor and director of the Theater of the Novel Viktyuk, staged a play that may seem ridiculous show, but behind all humor lies the same pressing problem of the CREATOR OF THE CREATOR IN THE WORLD OF CIVILIZATION! As Roman Viktyuk himself says, "this is for the smart, they will understand." BRAVO! Laughter is needed only that the spectator can survive the tragedy.

Mihail was 14 june on And suddenly, last summer

The performance is AWESOME! To understand Tennessee Williams is very difficult, almost impossible. Viktyuk revealed his essence like no one before. Actresses Ekaterina Karpushina (zasl artist of the Russian Federation) and Lyudmila Pogorelova (zasl the actress of the Russian Federation) who play leading roles in performance are driving crazy with their skill. They are kissed by God. A performance about the CREATOR WHICH IS NOT NEEDED IN NOW! For 2 hours the heroes say, scream and cry about Sebiacean, who never appears on stage, because he died last summer. To date, out of 17 viewed performances by Roman Viktyuk, this MOST FAVORITE! ADVICE!

Irina was 16 june on A strange garden. Rudolf Nureyev

A wonderful performance - a story, a game of actors, music. In this case, the visual series is not annoying (as in some productions of other theaters), it is simply necessary, organically combining with the action and complementing it. Bravo, Roman Grigorievich!

Irina was 02 february on A strange garden. Rudolf Nureyev

Above all praise! A great game, production, musical series. Bravo, Viktyuk!

Evgeniya was 22 jule on The maidservants

Good afternoon everyone! A smart performance, specific as all the work of Viktyuk. Of the minuses - very loud, pawned ears periodically, so it's better to stay away and not go to this play with men who do not perceive men dressed in dresses. I recommend all ladies!

Ludmila was 15 jule on The maidservants

Well spent evening. Thank you for the opportunity to buy tickets through the big billet. No problems, everything is well organized.

Uliya was 20 june on "Venetian"

Like any, perhaps, the performance of the Viktyuk Theater, it is more likely that he will touch those spectators who know at least a little about the theater, in which they came, about the building, about the director - or at least read the description of the play. Although, in my opinion, interesting scenery, bright colors, strong, charming artists in themselves charge with energy and hide behind laughter serious thoughts that the viewer discovers in himself at the end of the play. For several months she waited for the opportunity to go to the "Venetian", so she managed to read the original work: a funny, sometimes even a hilarious comedy about the boy Julio, who chooses between the married lady Valery, whose location he sought initially, and the widow Andzeloy, who fell in love with him "herself" . How does this relate to the theme of filmmakers, innovators, teachers and students? I did not understand this all the time of my expectation and the first half of the performance. But when, laughing at the charming antics of the actors (especially Andzela in the performance of Stas Motyrev), you correlate the conflict that arises on the scene and the dialogues of Valery and Julio that follow the text of the play ... It's brilliant. How could you even think of it, see it, notice it ?! Bravo! The final "Venetian" in the play and in the play left completely different emotions, and it's very cool and interesting.

Artur was 30 june on The maidservants

I watched when Alexander Zuev, a terrific actor, director of the restoration of the play "The Maids", played the role of Madame. It was a long time ago. I think that this performance stands apart, and absolutely every theatrical theater lover needs to see it. This is a statement for aesthetically sensitive and sensitive people. I consider this performance to be the best of all the other performances I've ever seen.

Dar`ya was 21 jule on Unparalleled!

A wonderful performance about each of us. First, not really accepting what is happening on stage, then plunging into the world of this person - Florence Foster Jenkins, and then you begin to fall in love with a sincere belief in talent. Not many people manage to be so free and honest with themselves. The performance, as always, of Roman Grigorievich about a great personality and its tragedy in this imperfect world. Thank you very much for those feelings and thoughts that are born after the performance. And the Maestro himself appeared in the end - his bow to Talent.

Elena was 23 december on Phaedra

A magnificent performance! Slim, sensual, plastic, bold! The energy is crazy. Phaedra is a cry, it's hysteria, it's music! A low bow to all creators and actors! There was a third time - come and the fourth. And those who write reviews on the Internet in the spirit of "what a nightmare: half-naked men read incomprehensible poems" I want to say: the fact that you originally had a poor literary base, low theatrical attentiveness, and what you even did not read Tsvetaeva - that's the problem Not Viktyuk and not actors, but only yours. Work on yourself, read good literature and come to Viktyuk! Moreover, now he has a gold compound, where every actor is a phenomenon! Long years, Maestro!

Ol`ga was 23 june on Salome

A wonderful performance. The sea of ​​delight, it is impossible to express in words the admiration for the production and the artists. Dmitry Bozin, as always, is impeccable and charming.

Aleksandra was 28 june on Exupery. To meet the stars

I liked, like all the performances of Viktyuk, not so much as his performances, but also not bad, the maestro's hand is felt! As always, enchanting and not unique! I went with my husband, there is a very well written relationship between a man and a woman, male egoism and the motherly feelings of a woman who always understands, especially a loving wife), the husband was very unhappy that Rosa was screaming right from the stage))) it was funny, I "finished" him The film "My King" Sorry for personal, reduce your husbands to this performance, maybe something before them will reach))) All good!

Tat`yana was 30 june on The maidservants

Theater Roman Viktyuk SLUZHANKI After enchanting Salome I managed to see the legendary Servants - a performance, or rather a theatrical ritual !!))))) Imperceptible, jewelry-exact transition from life to illusion, from truth to fiction and vice versa ..... Exaggerated tragedy , An imaginary action that will never be brought to an end ... I agree with all the words that these roles should only be played by men, because women, in this performance, will not pass so that the transformation of being into illusion ... Trying to retell the story This performance Pts This is an ungrateful job ... It's just necessary to see .... and yet .... Two servants Claire (Alexander Soldatkin) and Solange (Dmitry Bozin) love and hate Madame (Alexei Nesterenko), they anonymous letters to Monsieur ( Ivan Nikulcha), and they try to kill Madam, rehearse daily murder, fail, try to kill each other, and then Claire kills himself, and Solange revels in himself, the situation and wants to be worthy of this glory ..... This action looks only by associations, Feelings and impressions, and again you will not remain indifferent .... Either madly please camping, or do not like it categorically. The body language in this play is no less important than the text and words ..... it's so aesthetically, beautifully and very "tasty", on the verge of consciousness, decency, "on the edge of the rope" ..... the more you see, the More want to see, hear and feel ...... Thank you for a wonderful evening and terrific emotions!)))

Uliya was 20 jule on A strange garden. Rudolf Nureyev

Absolutely fascinating performance, thanks to which I discovered for myself the wonderful director Roman Viktyuk and the talented actor Dmitry Bozin. Everything is fine: actors' play, choreography, music and video accompaniment.

Alla was 12 june on Let's have sex

Performance VERY liked !!!

Alla was 16 jule on Let's have sex

July 16, 2015 visited this performance. Excellent impressions, I liked the performance !!! I recommend to visit, especially for women, it seems to me :)

Nadegda was 26 june on Phaedra

The play "Phaedra" fascinates the actors. Youthful enthusiasm, the energy from the stage is transmitted to us, the audience. The play of actors of the theater of Roman Viktyuk is beyond praise. It was especially nice to see the birth of a great actor in a troupe. This actor Ivan Ivanych in the role of nurse Fedra. God's spark is visible! I will definitely go back to this performance for the opening of the season in a new theater. To all lovers of Marina Tsvetaeva, do not miss! Roman Viktyuk made a precious gift to the production of "Phaedra".

Nataliya was 23 june on Salome

This theater is not for everyone. I accepted and "fell in love" after watching the Servants. Now Salome. Unusually, certainly talentltvto, mega-seksi (what to hide, there is something to see the female half). Viktyuk 50 to 50 is not exchanged. Either enthusiastic applause, or disgust and rejection.

Aleksandra was 30 jule on Phaedra

Beautiful performance. Each line is like a stroke, complementing the picture, painted with light and shadow, plastic and rhythm. On the verge and beyond the possible. So difficult, and so simple as life itself ... emotions in every gesture, a feeling in every word ... the action draws you in, keeps your nerves ringing and strong, makes you ring them like strings. There comes a moment when one wrong move, another twist of the stick and the strings will burst, leaving a bleeding trail on the hand ... but the tuner is experienced. Almost at the limit someone invisible takes a bow and your soul starts to sing. Sadly and gently, without tearing, taking you from the stage to the auditorium and beyond, into such a filled, such delightful reality that long after the performance, when the echoes of the drums and applause died away, when you leave the theater ... "The Beginning Glance was There was a step on the way without a descent: I made a mistake: the bush was Myrtovy - like a schoolboy in letters I'm confused, - the beginning was the sound of the Horn, passed - the thicket sound - In the chalice sound! But the copper sounding What - the sound before, from the invisible Ust! The bush was. The crunch was, spreading the Bush, - like a drunkard dissolute I'm confused! - the beginning was a knock Heart , To the bush, to the horn, To everything - a knock, like a god I met, a knock, like a lump ... - Shifted! - the beginning you were, In the sound of the horn, in the sound of copper, In the noise of the forest ... "(c) Marina Tsvetaeva

Alina was 23 november on Phaedra

It's really hard to write something for still being impressed. I discovered the TRV myself relatively recently, but it was love at first sight (performance). "Phaedra" is the third performance of Roman Grigorievich I reviewed. Before that, there were "Maid" and "Salome", in the queue "The Last Love of Don Juan". In the hall there are many people who have come to nowhere, who have no idea who the Viktyuk is and how it differs from the others. Therefore, often there are shocks and resentment in the foyer after the play. Going to "Fedra" and to "Salome", on "Servicemen" you need to read the work put into the basis of the production, otherwise the chance is great to understand nothing. And all two and a half hours have to figure out the intricacies of the story-who? what for? And why ?, and this (in my opinion) is not good. The theater of Novel Viktyuk must be felt. Actors will help you with this. The main thing is to give oneself to the current. Dmitry Bozin and Ivan Ivanovich create magic on stage. Alexander Dziuba was pleasantly surprised by the drums. I can not single out the Phaedra separately, because for me (for now) all the performances were equally good, but they can not be called the same. I came out of the hall on trembling legs and with tears in my eyes. Waves of emotion from the stage overwhelm me.

Ekaterina was 26 june on Phaedra

We went to the play with the whole family and none of us could remain indifferent. Incredible mystery of intertwining, movement and sounds, half an ancient tragedy, half-verses of one of the greatest poetesses, this stage action keeps from the very first notes to the end, leaves behind a heap of thoughts and feelings. Thank you for such a delightful premiere.

Marina was 26 june on Phaedra

Absolutely did not understand anything from the production. Perhaps because I did not read Tsvetaeva. As soon as she caught the thread of the plot, she immediately lost it, not understanding what was happening on the stage. I was incredibly bored and not interested. The only thing that did not leave me indifferent was the plasticity of the actors, which really fascinated me. Probably, in order to appreciate this performance, it is necessary to read Fedra ...

Nataliya was 11 november on Phaedra

I would call "Fedra" a poetic-acrobatic production, with a very peculiar musical accompaniment and frenzied energy. The performance is complex, not for the average theatergoer. Firstly, it is an ancient Greek tragedy, which is already difficult for perception, and secondly, told by M. Tsvetaeva, an extraordinary poetess and complex personality. Thirdly, director Roman Viktyuk adds eccentricity. One must be prepared by the viewer to understand what is happening, and to receive from this aesthetic pleasure. Unfortunately, many simply did not understand where they were at all, so in half an hour the people reached for the exit. As for me, I am in the next cultural and aesthetic shock, in a good understanding ....

Natal`ya was 21 jule on At the beginning and end of time.

Sensations after the spectal - loud, gloomy, heavy. Very interesting as an experience. But definitely not a pleasure event. We must be prepared for the fact that the performance will be quite difficult.

Elena was 06 april on The maidservants

Eccentric, sensual ... sometimes to shivers! It is something new, alive, passionate, unique. I advise everyone who said goodbye to prejudice!

Rimma was 13 june on The Master and Margarita

I agree with some reviews - this is not a classical production, so to say, not according to the book. But Viktyuk has no classics as such. It's not Bulgakov, it's Viktyuk, and you have to be ready for that. The beginning is not particularly, but then live, a lot of humor. Who appreciates the creativity is Viktyuk will be satisfied, the rest do not recommend, it's better to go to the classical production !! In general, I liked it.

Aysa was 30 june on The maidservants

It was Magic ... I want to sink again and again into it. Terrific.

Aysa was 30 june on The maidservants

This is Magic ... I want to sink again and again into it. Terrific.

Aleksey was 06 april on The maidservants

The performance is unusual, "not for everyone". At first, it seems that this theater is absurd. Then - that something like a Peking opera or an oriental musical. Then you start to delve into the plot and understand that the style is unique and unique. I liked the director's unusual approach to staging, selection of artists, scenery, costumes. Actors are very experienced, they play on conscience. Already tired. One "but" - 2 and a half hours without intermission - it's hard not only for the artists, but also for the spectators. We need to take a break.

Anna was 24 february on Salome

Excellent! Viktuk-Salome are gorgeous! But a small clue, the play "not for everyone", you need to be ready to go on it

Alla was 03 march on The maidservants

Unparalleled performance. Very beautiful musical accompaniment, the actors' play is gorgeous. It captures both the plot and dances, and the emotions experienced by women and transmitted by the eyes of men.

Marina was 29 june on Sergei and Isadora

The performance of Sergei and Isadora left a very pleasant impression. Extraordinary, talented work of the director. Feelings are expressed in plastic, dance and music. Short, and very capacious monologues record events. Full recoil of actors. Spectal is very relevant at the present time. I recommend to look. Time will not be lost, enjoy the high art!

Anna was 30 june on The maidservants

It was awesome! So I would look at the movements of actors, their plastic is delicious. The whole play did not leave a sense of beauty. Aesthetic pleasure, rest for eyes! The only thing that prevented: in the Theater of Young Spectators hang very low, loud music stunned to pain in the ears. It is better to sit on the front row of the balcony then, and not on the edges of the stalls. And so everything is on top! Suddenly, fresh, unlike anybody!

Elena was 23 june on Salome

I've always been a fan of classical theater productions. Despite this performance Viktyuk I liked. The first 10 minutes is unclear and strange, sort of like a gay parade, but then you pierce the action. Absolutely right, that without an intermission, because Half of the people will leave and not look through, and you should watch this thing entirely or not at all. Beautiful plastic, beautiful trained actors, an interesting musical decision, my compliments to the choreographer. In the end, Viktyuk himself came on stage, the audience applauded standing. For me this was a new non-standard experience, I am glad that I attended Salome's play.

Anna was 19 february on A strange garden. Rudolf Nureyev

I really wanted to see this performance. I knew that it would be very difficult, but that it was so ... The tragedy of talent and personality, broken life and loneliness in the end is all a payment for inability to be satisfied with sufficient and live in a regime of conservation of energy. The fire in the eyes on the screen was on the stage the main character and sometimes even for me. I highly appreciate the skill and dedication of Dmitry Bozin, but the fire of the eyes of the TRV convinces me so far only in the eyes of the Maestro. No wonder he is always wearing sunglasses ..

Larisa was 23 june on Salome

You can hardly describe the epithets, the emotions will hardly fit, if you try to put them into words ... I love Viktyuk, I like his energy, which impregnates the performances, the talent that he transmits to the actors and they begin to juggle him so artificially, the atmosphere he can create . I'm ready to watch and listen, listen and look at this aestheticism and talent! Thank you for every performance !!!

Ol`ga was 22 june on At the beginning and end of time.

I liked the performance very much, I was surprised that there was only the floor of the hall. The employee of the theater said that the performance was hard, they did not go very far. But for fans of the genre - I recommend!

Natal`ya was 17 february on The maidservants

For the first time we came to the play of this theater. "Maids" ... A terrific performance! I did not see anything like it! The game of actors fascinates, takes away to another space and time ... What plasticity ... This is the strength, power and energy of the action ... We have already bought tickets for "Salome" ...

Svetlana was 03 march on The maidservants

Unimaginable! Amazing plastic actors. Impressed with everything: Exquisite scenery, quaint costumes, a game, enchanting music (albeit super-loud, deafening to the headache) - everything in an organic mix and forms a single whole. A performance with energy piercing up to "creeps". This Theater! Bravo! Thank you!

Natal`ya was 24 february on Salome

Brightly, unusually (in the spirit of Viktyuk), an excellent performance of artists, at the end-output of the maestro! I advise you to go.

Svetlana was 13 june on The Master and Margarita

The only worthy scenic embodiment of a brilliant novel! BRAVO!!!

Natal`ya was 30 december on Salome

Every time you go to the theater, you expect something unusual, high, secret ... Very often, unfortunately, these expectations do not justify themselves, and after the performance you leave home the same as it was ... But here is "Salome" Viktyuk turned out to be just that spectacle from which you can feed yourself with a lively thought and fresh energy. There was an unusual, high, secret, changing idea of ​​the usual everyday reality, enveloping new meanings, which not only gives viewers aesthetic pleasure, but also changes it from within. And this is an obvious sign that on the stage the magic of real art was called under the name Theater!

Dmitriy was 05 june on Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade

To all lovers of Roman Viktyuk's creativity, of course, I recommend to watch this wonderful performance. Handwriting of the Master as usual in everything.

Visitor was 30 june on The maidservants

AMAZING !!! I was fortunate enough to see this performance in the Satyricon. The hall was full. During the action, the audience was so fascinated by the play of these lovely 4 men that I seemed to breathe through time !! The rustling of the artists' skirts could be heard even in the last 20 th row. The dancers, the plastics of the voice and the bodies of the artists do not let go of the dance for a second. It's hard to put it into words! Test yourself !!

Svetlana was 29 december on The maidservants

29.12.2014. Was at the play "The Maids". VG Viktyuk, as always, is bright, musical, plastic, unusual and enchanting.

Julia was 30 june on The maidservants

Very specific performance, calculated on the fan of Viktyuk. A person with a stable psyche and traditional views is difficult to perceive. The absence of the intermission was discouraging.

Elena was 30 december on Salome

A wonderful play of actors. It was very touched that at the end of the performance, the maestro personally came out to the public. I also thank BigBilet for reminding me and congratulations to NG.))

Svetlana was 30 june on The maidservants

The performance is fantastic! Aesthetics (text, music, scenography, plastic), Professionalism (immersion in literary material, scenic speech, the embodiment of characters), versatility and Stimulus for reflection. The action captures from the first minute and "holds" the viewer to the last note. Anticipating the "righteous anger" of fighters with dissent, I would like to advise you before turning to the source. Perhaps this will help to understand both the essence of the play and the form in which it is submitted to the audience. Arguments built on associations: "skirts = homosexuality", do not stand up to criticism. Adherents of this theory should choose circus representations ... but, again, having familiarized with the program, in order to make sure that there are no cats in it. Maestro - a huge thank you and long years of creative life!

Anna was 19 january on Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade

Amazingly bright performance ,. Unexpectedly .., given the established image of the main character. Masterfully executed scenography. The mastering of the space of the scene along the vertical is an amazing find and, in my opinion, the main semantic line of the play. As always, beautifully conceived and executed! Bravo, bravo! Bis!

Ol`ga was 19 january on Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade

Frankly, with irony, with a sense of style and beauty made this performance. Brilliantly matched suits, distributed roles, brilliantly played !!!! Fantasy became a reality, in which, thanks to the director and actors, the audience was able to plunge !!!

Ol`ga was 30 june on The maidservants

Maid is not just a performance with a capital letter, it's a performance ritual, dedication. Actors with their game introduce you into a trance and you are subordinated to their ingenious game, it seems that you are already inside the performance and you are becoming a part of this action. Sometimes you forget that before you the men who perform women's roles are so harmonious, aesthetically pleasing.

Tat`yana was 29 december on The maidservants

29.12.14g were with her daughter at the Servants. These are my 6 servants, my daughter -5 !!! Fantastic performance - the legend of the theater of Roman Viktyuk. Enchanting holiday gave us Solange (Dmitry Bozin), Claire (Alexander Soldatkin), Monsieur (Ivan Nikulcha) and Madame (Alexei Nesterenko). Bravo!!!! Thank you very much!!! Congratulations to the Coming New Year all the staff of the Roman Viktyuk Theater !!!! We love you !!!!

Anna was 29 december on The maidservants

Ill with this performance. I reviewed all previous versions on the Internet. I'm buying a ticket for the next show in Moscow.

Tat`yana was 30 december on Salome

On the eve of the New Year, the theater of Roman Viktyuk gives us the pearls of his repertoire. 29.12 - Maids 30-12 - Salome Yesterday Salome is a greet. Artist Dmitry Bozin - was Divine beautiful on the terrace of the palace of Herod !!!!! Thanks to the beloved Theater, the wonderful actors of TVR for the wonderful magic in the outgoing year !!!! Happy New Year!!!!

Ol`ga was 23 june on Salome

The performance seemed too prolonged, barely seated. I'm too fast and sluggish. Not mine! A friend liked it. But now I have an idea about the performances of Viktyuk. Salome is the best of his production.

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Stromynka ul., 6
02 h 00 min
A Harlequin in love with Columbine, in a fit of jealousy, kills the Crown Prince, and then, hiding the crimes, decides to impersonate the heir to the throne.

After the death of the king, Harlequin takes his place, begins with pleasure to manage the state, but soon faces the fact that in fact his country is led by his "uncle" Tankred.

And the king (albeit not quite real) is given the role of a pitiful puppet. The story of the imaginary and real power, Roman Viktyuk turned into a piercing drama about the opposition of the state and the artist.

Incredible tricks, eccentricity, funny and at the same time very sad, dialogues - at times, what happens on the stage resembles a real street booth.

A brilliant artist and a failed ruler (Dmitry Bozin) rushes among insidious and invulnerable masks, trying to get out of the intrigues surrounding him and conspiracies.

Who will defeat the ingenious Harlequin or political schemers? Talent or impersonal crowd, enthusiastically submitting to any authority?

Will the hero be able to remain himself and keep his love in this terrible, not retiring misfortune?

Can a great actor become a powerful ruler?

The Crown Prince invited four famous Venetian comedians to visit his palace. Among them is the charming Colombina, the wise Pantheleone, the mischievous Harlequin and the solid Scapino.

They wear their usual masks. Talented actors are used to entertain aristocrats.

But the litsedeys did not even suspect that the snake was in the ball.

In the heat of the quarrel over Colombina Harlequin kills the son of the king.

Could he pretend to be a prince? Will his blind mother bless the prince? The mother's heart should not deceive her.

Harlequin craves power. But the country is governed by the King's uncle. He does not need a competitor, he is used to seeing on the throne a puppet.

As a former actor to cope with enemies?

Exquisite performance with magnificent costumes and decorations. The game of actors is above all praise.

"The king himself does not rule, but the power of his name reigns ..."


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