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Moscow Theater of Music and Drama of Stas Namin

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New York .80s. We are. Stas Namin Theater
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Victory over the sun.
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Космос Театр Стаса Намина
Purchased earlier: 303
from 1200 rubles
119049, Москва, Крымский Вал ул., 9/33
03 h 00 min

According to the stories of Vasily Shukshin

The musical performance, created on the basis of six stories by V. Shukshin, allows us to take a fresh look at the mysterious Russian soul. The meaning of what is happening is emphasized by old Russian village songs, compiled by the famous folk musician Sergei Starostin, in the rock-processing group "Flowers". The live performance of folk songs by actors of the theater organically intertwines into the drama of the play and adds grinding melancholy and hysteria to the literary material. A special charm to the action is attached to the scenography, performed by the artist of naive painting Katya Medvedeva.

Directors: S. Namin, S.Krasnoporets

Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes (with intermission)

Director: Sergey Krasnoperets

Music: Russian folk songs in the rock-processing group "Flowers" and Sergei Starostin, symphonic suite Stas Namin "Autumn in St. Petersburg"

Set Designer: Ekaterina Medvedeva

Cast: K. Muranov, V. Filippov, A. Domnin, V. Zudina, D. Kobyakov, I. Fedorov, A. Mazurenko, E. Kolitinov, Yu. Grigorieva, V. Vladimirov and other actors of the theater.

"Can a black horse bite a bit?" Is it really my dear ... "

What amazing Russians people described Vasily Shukshin in his stories! One is more colorful than the other.

All of them are united by their curiosity for life and the desire to learn the truth, and not idle speculation.

Among them, a curious, thrifty and lonely old peasant, whose adult children have long gone to the city.

He suffers from a hangover, pestering the questions of the boy who lives in his hut. The schoolboy dreams of becoming a doctor, he studies well. He with such joy tells his grandfather about long-distance space flights.

The mechanic is worried that in the Gogol's bird-troika there goes the swindler Chichikov. He does not even know how to explain this to his son.

And why should this fastidious rushing? Where should he hurry? Do people fool? He and the teacher discuss it. He will think about it, but he will not give a reasonable answer.

In the play there are a lot of old Russian songs, almost forgotten, intimate and touching.

Heroes yearn, suffer from injustice, but do not surrender and do not betray friends.

"Do I resemble such an innocent one?"


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