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Theater "Satyricon" of Arkady Raikin

Feedbacks from viewers
Elena was 17 december on Scapen Wrappers

For a long time I have not held Beaumarchais, Goldoni, Lope de Vega, or Moliere as merry people. All the performances I have seen in different theaters over the past four years, since my audience's theatrical activity has increased, and there have been: the Tartuffs of the Pushkin Theater and the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and the School of Wives at Fomenok and in Tabakov's studio, and the Imaginary Patient, The Valencian Widow, the New Apartment - in Vakhtangov, and the Carnival Joke for the Innkeeper in my beloved South-West - and so, nowhere did the "comedies" seem funny to me. She attributed it to the difference in the perception of humor between us modern, with the audience for which the famous comedians wrote. But today I was laughing. She laughed, slipping from an armchair in the hall, on Moliere ... And the Satyricon Theater named after Arkady Raikin gave me this joy, Konstantin Raikin staged with his troupe "Scapen's Rogues". Heroes, the same as Moliere's. And the action does not diverge from the plot, but so many funny pantomimes have been pushed in, such color and dialect have been given to the heroes that it is a pleasure to watch. Comrade-comrade, hurt my wounds, hurt my wounds deep. What is it? - you ask. This is the main theme of Scapena. He was once at odds with the law, so prison folklore is his. And the daughter of Argante, stolen and raised by the gypsies, opens the doors to the stage with gypsy motives. All this mixture of old French melodrama, crime chronicle, rap and tabor - creates an explosive fuse. And it smolders and smolders until the final explosion. I would only shorten it a little in the place where Scapin decides to hit Geronte with punches. Rather, he does not decide, but embodies his intention into action (the scene seemed a little drawn out, it’s tiring to laugh for so long). The result is one of those performances to which you want to jump up and drag your friends by the sleeve. Many thanks to the theater for the brilliant production. And of course I write down Satyricon to myself in the next Wishlist. I am completely unfamiliar with their repertoire, there is room for broadening my horizons.

Sergey was 17 november on Scapen Wrappers

We were with my wife on October 31. We go and read Moliere with pleasure. Unexpectedly, this production did not impress Moliere's comedies. It looks more like a parody, with integrated modern scenes and very meager scenery, in black and white. For an amateur!

Nadegda was 26 november on Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Nail

I really liked it, looked at one go .. The audience reacted perfectly and no one left the hall during the action. Great acting game. And this is not an imitation of Chekhov, but an attempt to rethink reality.

Irina was 18 october on #NoPushkin

Young actors who took part in this performance are great fellows! My applause related only to their skill. Almost all the poems chosen for the production are complete nonsense. It is a pity that the adult creators of the performance instill bad taste in very young people and try to convince them that this is literature and art. Moreover, they have to carry this mat and dirt to the audience. After "The Man from the Restaurant," my husband and I wanted to see the entire repertoire of the theater. Now - hardly ... It's a shame for Satyricon, Konstantin Arkadyevich.

Ludmila was 12 october on GAME OVER

I liked the performance! Followed the advice of sharing with children) True granddaughter took age 10+. In the intermission asked if she understood what the play? She said no. We talked ..... and taking into account 2 offices everything became clear. It is very cool to watch the performance in the small hall. The chamber situation makes it possible to more emotionally experience what is happening on the stage.

Elena was 24 september on All shades of blue

I was not ready for the fact that the plot so touched the depths of my soul and could not stop worrying about the fate of the hero even when the artists were already bowing. In my opinion, the play reflected absolutely diametrical opinions with respect to the current situation and this pleased, since the author did not impose his view on what was happening, but allowed himself to be judged. And of course you're thinking about those, and how would you behave and me as a teenager's mom it was very important! Children need to love what God sent them to us!

Tat`yana was 13 august on Don Juan

I liked the spectrum, and it was very gratifying that the main role played by Timothy Tribuntsev, immediately opened the context of the situation, it seemed that on the surface lies something that was previously invisible. A separate "bravo" to Anton Kuznetsov - delightful! And it seems to me that the waistcoats of the oarsmen, and the talk of the fishermen, are all to the point, it's all from our surrounding life. Konstantin Arkadevich - my stormy applause, jewelry work.

Mayya was 31 jule on Konstantin Raikin. In your voice ...

Were with a friend on July 4, the play was supposed to be "King Lear", but there was a replacement on "My Voice", We were not upset, were pleased, listened with pleasure to Konstantin Raikin. He was great! Thank you!

Ol`ga was 30 jule on Don Juan

If he was even bald and his height was small, he still had a motive that he used to take on girls! Maybe Mozart was not enough for the motive?

Ol`ga was 30 jule on Don Juan

Not for nothing did Pushkin write it! The play is sad and moralizing! But Old Don Juan Samoilov for Konstantin Arkadyevich, a great reader, might be interesting

Vitaliy was 30 jule on Don Juan

I got a lot of fun from the game Tribuntsev and Raikin, and Anton Kuznetsov nominated for a personal "Oscar" for the role of the second plan, just the best !. Separate huge "thanks" Agrippina Steklova for the final monologue, it was how unexpected, so masterpiece and piercing to tears. Since the performance is premier and it will be refined, I can advise the authors to slightly shorten the first part, about 10 minutes, then everything will be perfect. To future viewers I advise going to this "Don Juan" prepared, will not only have to laugh, but also listen, hear and, in particular, think.

Marina was 30 jule on Don Juan

Yesterday they were at the play. Probably for my 50 years too avant-garde ... I tried to understand the idea, I could not. Actors play wonderful, but to come to Satyricon, just to look at the game of your favorite actors there is no desire, I want to still get joy from the plot and understanding the meaning. I went to several performances twice, always with good impression. I can not advise the performance to my acquaintances, that is, specifically I advise not to go.

Viktoriya was 30 jule on Willy-nilly doctor

Very dynamic performance. All the roles are played by three actors, and the heroes are about eight. Young actors are talented and are laid out for everything. I liked the performance. But there is no service. In the foyer there is a terrible stuffiness, and then we went into the hall, and there it was cold.

Ol`ga was 30 jule on Don Juan

I have not been in the Satyricon for a long time, I've always loved this theater, I watched all Shakespeare and Pushkin plays. Deep dissection, two good scenes, Sganarelle's monologue about wealth and poverty, pantomime with Elvira's brother! And everything else is bad, long, dull. Ah, Raikin would have to change places with Tribuntsev! A obsessive-orange vest rowers and the Chukchi dialect of fishermen, it's generally lower than Petrosyan's level!

Ol`ga was 30 jule on Don Juan

Yes, for this ambassador, even I would not go!

For a long time I have not held Beaumarchais, Goldoni, Lope de Vega, or Moliere as merry people. All the performances I have seen in different theaters over the past four years, since my audience's theatrical activity has increased, and there have been: the Tartuffs of the Pushkin Theater and the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and the School of Wives at Fomenok and in Tabakov's studio, and the Imaginary Patient, The Valencian Widow, the New Apartment - in Vakhtangov, and the Carnival Joke for the Innkeeper in my beloved South-West - and so, nowhere did the "comedies" seem funny to me. She attributed it to the difference in the perception of humor between us modern, with the audience for which the famous comedians wrote. But today I was laughing. She laughed, slipping from an armchair in the hall, on Moliere ... And the Satyricon Theater named after Arkady Raikin gave me this joy, Konstantin Raikin staged with his troupe "Scapen's Rogues". Heroes, the same as Moliere's. And the action does not diverge from the plot, but so many funny pantomimes have been pushed in, such color and dialect have been given to the heroes that it is a pleasure to watch. Comrade-comrade, hurt my wounds, hurt my wounds deep. What is it? - you ask. This is the main theme of Scapena. He was once at odds with the law, so prison folklore is his. And the daughter of Argante, stolen and raised by the gypsies, opens the doors to the stage with gypsy motives. All this mixture of old French melodrama, crime chronicle, rap and tabor - creates an explosive fuse. And it smolders and smolders until the final explosion. I would only shorten it a little in the place where Scapin decides to hit Geronte with punches. Rather, he does not decide, but embodies his intention into action (the scene seemed a little drawn out, it’s tiring to laugh for so long). The result is one of those performances to which you want to jump up and drag your friends by the sleeve. Many thanks to the theater for the brilliant production. And of course I write down Satyricon to myself in the next Wishlist. I am completely unfamiliar with their repertoire, there is room for broadening my horizons.


We were with my wife on October 31. We go and read Moliere with pleasure. Unexpectedly, this production did not impress Moliere's comedies. It looks more like a parody, with integrated modern scenes and very meager scenery, in black and white. For an amateur!


I really liked it, looked at one go .. The audience reacted perfectly and no one left the hall during the action. Great acting game. And this is not an imitation of Chekhov, but an attempt to rethink reality.


Young actors who took part in this performance are great fellows! My applause related only to their skill. Almost all the poems chosen for the production are complete nonsense. It is a pity that the adult creators of the performance instill bad taste in very young people and try to convince them that this is literature and art. Moreover, they have to carry this mat and dirt to the audience. After "The Man from the Restaurant," my husband and I wanted to see the entire repertoire of the theater. Now - hardly ... It's a shame for Satyricon, Konstantin Arkadyevich.


I liked the performance! Followed the advice of sharing with children) True granddaughter took age 10+. In the intermission asked if she understood what the play? She said no. We talked ..... and taking into account 2 offices everything became clear. It is very cool to watch the performance in the small hall. The chamber situation makes it possible to more emotionally experience what is happening on the stage.


I was not ready for the fact that the plot so touched the depths of my soul and could not stop worrying about the fate of the hero even when the artists were already bowing. In my opinion, the play reflected absolutely diametrical opinions with respect to the current situation and this pleased, since the author did not impose his view on what was happening, but allowed himself to be judged. And of course you're thinking about those, and how would you behave and me as a teenager's mom it was very important! Children need to love what God sent them to us!


I liked the spectrum, and it was very gratifying that the main role played by Timothy Tribuntsev, immediately opened the context of the situation, it seemed that on the surface lies something that was previously invisible. A separate "bravo" to Anton Kuznetsov - delightful! And it seems to me that the waistcoats of the oarsmen, and the talk of the fishermen, are all to the point, it's all from our surrounding life. Konstantin Arkadevich - my stormy applause, jewelry work.


Were with a friend on July 4, the play was supposed to be "King Lear", but there was a replacement on "My Voice", We were not upset, were pleased, listened with pleasure to Konstantin Raikin. He was great! Thank you!


If he was even bald and his height was small, he still had a motive that he used to take on girls! Maybe Mozart was not enough for the motive?


Not for nothing did Pushkin write it! The play is sad and moralizing! But Old Don Juan Samoilov for Konstantin Arkadyevich, a great reader, might be interesting


I got a lot of fun from the game Tribuntsev and Raikin, and Anton Kuznetsov nominated for a personal "Oscar" for the role of the second plan, just the best !. Separate huge "thanks" Agrippina Steklova for the final monologue, it was how unexpected, so masterpiece and piercing to tears. Since the performance is premier and it will be refined, I can advise the authors to slightly shorten the first part, about 10 minutes, then everything will be perfect. To future viewers I advise going to this "Don Juan" prepared, will not only have to laugh, but also listen, hear and, in particular, think.


Yesterday they were at the play. Probably for my 50 years too avant-garde ... I tried to understand the idea, I could not. Actors play wonderful, but to come to Satyricon, just to look at the game of your favorite actors there is no desire, I want to still get joy from the plot and understanding the meaning. I went to several performances twice, always with good impression. I can not advise the performance to my acquaintances, that is, specifically I advise not to go.


Very dynamic performance. All the roles are played by three actors, and the heroes are about eight. Young actors are talented and are laid out for everything. I liked the performance. But there is no service. In the foyer there is a terrible stuffiness, and then we went into the hall, and there it was cold.


I have not been in the Satyricon for a long time, I've always loved this theater, I watched all Shakespeare and Pushkin plays. Deep dissection, two good scenes, Sganarelle's monologue about wealth and poverty, pantomime with Elvira's brother! And everything else is bad, long, dull. Ah, Raikin would have to change places with Tribuntsev! A obsessive-orange vest rowers and the Chukchi dialect of fishermen, it's generally lower than Petrosyan's level!


Yes, for this ambassador, even I would not go!
