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An amazing play of actors. A true pleasure and relaxation!","idContact":"56E0C1123ABBF63CE0504B5E01F57F98","likeIndex":0,"amountBonuses":0,"serviceName":"Innkeeper","serviceDate":1528182948000,"eventId":null,"sourceType":null,"photoPath":"17/340950.jpg","linkCompany":"ntp","link":"traktirshica3","companyName":"Independent Theater Project"},"regionId":"04F614AAFE674B7AE040007F0100640C","regionName":"Moskva","schoolProgram":false,"premiere":false,"cashbackPercent":0.0,"serviceDescriptionLight":"","serviceCommentsCntType":25}]
"Innkeeper." Premiere! We are looking for love, We are sad without the sun, we want joy and wait for the summer. Italian summer, southern passions, splashes of champagne, laughter to tears. "A textbook on the seduction of men" from the great Italian. Only a real man could write this story. A real man always wants to be in love, dreams of being in the power of female spells, looking for this excitement in the blood. And only a true woman can really thrill him. Venetian Carlo Goldoni came up with the image of such a lady. It seems that he himself was in love with his Mirandolin. And we continue to fall in love with the century after the century, the spectacle after the play! Man and woman. Love and money. Love and titles. Conscience and sincerity. The show and the present. Carlo Goldoni created a universal text for all time. "Innkeeper" is a classical Italian comedy. Premiere of the play Goldoni took place in 1753 in Venice. And now for the third century the interest in the history of the beautiful Mirandolina has not ceased. The text written in the XVIII century, is still relevant today. And most importantly, the great Italian created a female image of incredible power and charm. The name "Mirandolina" should have flaunted on the flag of today's feminists! Mirandolina is a star role. She is for an actress who can play everything - love and tenderness, shocking and cunning, laughter and tears - and all this is easy and with incredible charm. A woman in whom all men fall in love, regardless of status, age and desire to fall in love. This actress is Anna Ardova! Around Anna - Mirandoliny director Victor Shamirov built a beautiful ensemble. Men's quartet: Michael Polizeymako, Ilya Isaev / Georgy Dronov, Vyacheslav Razbegaev / Grigory Siyatvinda, Anton Eldarov / Mikhail Shultz. And the comic female duet: Natalia Shchukina / Daria Semenova and Alexandra Veleskevich. Artist Victoria Sevryukova created costumes for our "Innkeeper", which the Venetians themselves would envy of the XVIII century. The
The Bigbilet service works great. Thank you! About the play "Innkeeper" (director Viktor Shamirov) I can not say this. Actors of course work, but do not play ... Confuse the end of words, stumble on phrases, for some reason all the time they cry ... Alas! The hall was already half full, and after the first action a part of the audience left. We examined the play to the end, but unfortunately, I advise theater lovers to spend time on it, I can not.
The performance did not like. Two brilliant actors just sit on the stage and read their letters to each other for 2 hours. Feeling that I listened to an audiobook for a lot of money
The performance did not like. Two brilliant actors just sit on the stage and read their letters to each other for 2 hours. Feeling that I listened to an audiobook for a lot of money
The performance did not like. Two brilliant actors just sit on the stage and read their letters to each other for 2 hours. Feeling that I listened to an audiobook for a lot of money
“ Comedy is just super. The guys played at 100%. Great staging. Everything is just gorgeous, charged with a good mood for a week at least)))
was 05 jule on Ladies' night. Update
“ Visited the play with her husband Light, flashing (not without vulgarity, was ready, after reviewing reviews) comedy. For a long time so did not laugh. Three hours flew by unnoticed. My husband even liked it more :-)
was 05 june on Innkeeper
“ Great performance! An amazing play of actors. A true pleasure and relaxation!
was 11 april on Love Letters
“ The performance did not like. Two brilliant actors just sit on the stage and read their letters to each other for 2 hours. Feeling that I listened to an audiobook for a lot of money
was 17 september on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ On the play went on September 17. It was a love story. Magically played, never beat, reached out to the heart and touched the soul. Actors play at a height. Their photos, the camera shutter clicks, the mood from the stage - everything was natural. I am delighted. It was the best evening of the last 5 years. I have nothing to dig.
was 07 jule on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ We went on July 7, 2015. Light, cheerful, looks at one go! Comedy talent of Peter Krasilov conquers the hall from the first appearance on the stage. The scenery is moderate, the actors play is beautiful and genuine. With pleasure I would go again!
was 28 jule on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ It was a great gay mischievous evening in the company of young actors) A performance about the love, passion and strangeness of the modern world, including social networks, mobile phones and psychological stereotypes. But of course it all ended well and, most importantly, for love))
was 23 march on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Truly easy unpretentious comedy. Without deep hi serious zadumok, just a simple and simple story about the eternal, about how to meet in the world of two big men, a man and a woman. I advise you to look for spiritual comfort.
was 23 march on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ 03/23/2015. In general - great! At times - it's embarrassing. It's funny. Artists - well done, very talented! Got a positive charge and a push to rethink life. I recommend.
was 05 february on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ A performance for those who want to relax and have fun. I like this. I advise!
was 13 december on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Were at the play on 01.12.14 in the theater. Moscow City Council. A wonderful game of actors, an unexpected "happy end". Looks at one go. Very struck Yushkevich, S. Khodchenkova as always beautiful. I recommend to everyone who loves light performances with humor on the brink, in the performance of talented actors.
was 06 october on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Thanks to the actors and the whole creative team! We really enjoyed! Especially the game of Peter Krasilov, who added so much humor to the performance, the actor opened for us in a new light)
was 06 october on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Very light and light play. Touching actors, a good script, funny quotes from real life. Thank you for 2 hours of joy!
was 06 october on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Thanks to the actors for the game! Has received enormous pleasure from viewing !!!
was 06 october on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I liked the performance very much. I will recommend to friends.
was 22 jule on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Thank you, I liked the performance very much, looked at one breath
was 21 september on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Very good performance! All were satisfied!
was 22 jule on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Very pleased! Well done!
was 22 jule on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I liked the play, but I expected something more from these wonderful actors.
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Great performance. Cheerful.
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ The performance really liked! A wonderful play of actors. It would be nice intermission.
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Very pleased!
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Easy simple comedy, Sometimes funny. The atmosphere reminded me of a children's morning performance, where actors constantly communicate with the audience. A little bust with slang and vulgarisms in my opinion. Positive charge for the evening.
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Was June 17, a great game of actors, modern jokes and problems of lovers involve in the plot from the very first minute ... I enjoyed visiting this event! I advise everyone who has not been yet - you will not regret it!
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I really liked the play. Thanks for a wonderful evening!
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Thank you very much for your pleasant time, received a lot of positive emotions. You are great fellows. With pleasure I will come again)
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I am delighted! Thank you!
was 17 june on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Yesterday I visited this performance with my husband. Emotion simply can not convey. Amazing composition, successful modern humor. We saw ourselves from the outside. 2 hours of true positive. Probably one of the best performances I've seen, over the past year. Thanks to the "Independent Theater Project" for a good evening.
was 28 may on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Super! We are delighted :)))
was 28 may on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I liked everything very much, laughed heartily, the show was held in one breath, despite the absence of an intermission. A beautiful setting, a wonderful game of actors, and most importantly everything is very modern and relevant! with great pleasure I will attend your other events!
was 29 april on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Thank you for the performance. S. Yushkevich shocked, bravo.
was 29 april on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Has received huge pleasure from statement. Thank you very much.
was 29 april on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I gave my husband tickets for my birthday! I really liked the performance, good humor!
was 25 march on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ "HISTORY OF LOVE" really liked! Modern, funny, yet touching, touches the living. In the characters you recognize your friends and find a lot from yourself. Thanks a lot to the NTP theater for an unforgettable event!
was 29 april on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ I liked it very much
was 29 april on Love story. Comedy of Mistakes
“ Very much I liked Eshkevich, thank you!
was 23 march on Innkeeper
“ Thank you very much, it was very fun and interesting 5+
was 27 february on NAME
“ Just from the theater. Mass impressions, liked the performance. In the first department laughed to tears, the second makes you think about human relationships ... Excellent actors, Yushkevich generally won, bravo. Excellent evening, I recommend!
was 20 february on Innkeeper
“ Easy, mischievous performance, without vulgarity. It cheers up! Thanks to talented actors, it looks with interest)
was 21 february on Innkeeper
“ Very cheerful performance, with a slight flirtation between the actors. Innkeeper real!
was 23 january on LADIES NIGHT. ONLY FOR WOMEN
“ The performance left an ambiguous impression. In the intermission I wanted to get up and leave. From vulgar jokes and actions on the stage, it was very uncomfortable at times, although the hall laughed. But the second action made an indelible impression. The dances of the actors were impressive !!! I liked the final scene of the performance, in which the actors communicated with the audience! Humor was great. Separate wish to the organizers of the performance. I watched it on the stage of the theater. Moscow City Council. To go to the theater by pin-code it took 25 minutes to stand in line to the administrator. The crowd blocked the entrance to the theater for spectators who bought tickets on paper. I offer terminals for ticket printing to give out to the ticket attendants at the entrance, as it is done in other theaters.
was 05 january on NAME
“ We walked on January 2, 2018. The performance is super, lots of funny moments. This comedy with meaning, and the most important action takes place in the second act. Excellent game of actors, especially Yushkevich. I recommend, you will not regret.
was 28 december on LADIES NIGHT. ONLY FOR WOMEN
“ Unfortunately, a huge disappointment! I've heard so much, the theater has become so diverse and interesting for 15 years that this performance is more like an amateur performance! There are a couple of points, but it's generally - it's not worth it, neither money nor time ....
was 28 november on LADIES NIGHT. ONLY FOR WOMEN
“ Only yesterday I saw this sensational performance and I want to tell everyone who took part in this production - you are just SUPER !!! I was very afraid at the beginning of the play that I would leave with a feeling of vulgarity, rudeness, obscenity ... But maybe, because I myself saw a similar show in "Little Red Riding Hood", I can tell you all that YOU DID THEM !!! You showed both vulgarity and humiliation, and brought the hall, no worse than strippers, and gave us free will to laugh and laugh, and ended very proudly and masculinely, showing that real talents and men can do anything. Thank you for daring to do this! Wonderful performance !!!
was 10 november on Innkeeper
“ Excellent spectal. Light and cheerful. Actors well done
was 07 november on Innkeeper
“ The Bigbilet service works great. Thank you! About the play "Innkeeper" (director Viktor Shamirov) I can not say this. Actors of course work, but do not play ... Confuse the end of words, stumble on phrases, for some reason all the time they cry ... Alas! The hall was already half full, and after the first action a part of the audience left. We examined the play to the end, but unfortunately, I advise theater lovers to spend time on it, I can not.
was 05 january on SCISSORS
“ One evening the first of April I spent at the Malaya Bronnaya Theater. A good comedy is the perfect background for April 1st. The play "Scissors" was shown at the Theater of NTP "Scissors". In the beauty salon there was a murder. Suspected four. Everyone has a motive for killing. The investigation is conducted by the police together with the audience. Starring Georgy Dronov, Marina Dyuzheva, Alexander Lobanov, Igor Kistol, Dmitry Malashenko, Ekaterina Molohovskaya. The game of actors at the highest level! Surprised by Dronov. For the first time I saw him in an image far from Sasha from "Sasha and Masha". And it was super! Lobanov in the role of Antoine just a bomb! Dyuzheva is good! I liked the way the actors interacted with the audience. The investigation was the funniest part of the play. Very pleasant performance. Perhaps the best of the NTP's performances I've seen.
was 12 november on SCISSORS
“ An interesting theater format for those who are not tuned to classical theater productions. Very unusual and exciting! Good mood - guaranteed! Actors - well done! Wonderful improvisations! - especially if there is a "lucky" and witty auditorium. Time will not be wasted if you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle. I would recommend going to him after a working day at work (on the weekend the performance may be underestimated, because, having rested, we are tuned to things that are more serious for perception)
was 16 march on SCISSORS
“ Fun and unusual! The audience was so vividly involved in the investigation process! They burst out laughing heartily!
was 16 march on SCISSORS
“ Thank you for the performance! It's like they visited "ELKE" for adults.
was 14 february on SCISSORS
“ A wonderful performance. Sparky humor. A little mate adds piquancy and peppercorns. The idea of attracting the viewer to pose in the performance is interesting. I want to go again, because the ending is different every time.
was 16 march on SCISSORS
“ Thank you for the performance! the idea is very good, but the presentation is naive. I hoped for a more exciting action.
was 26 february on SCISSORS
“ The performance is magnificent! I really liked the effect of audience participation. Excellent mood the second day. Many thanks to all the actors!
was 19 march on SCISSORS
“ we are going to run to this comedy. friends walked in a crowd, everyone laughed and was satisfied. I hope to visit and laugh with all my heart.
was 28 jule on SCISSORS
“ Great performance. Dronov is magnificent. Marina Dyuzheva was happy to see, she also plays great. Yes, all the actors are great fellows. And the hall! Hall is well done :). It is so unusual when spectators take part in the play and throw their observations to the investigator. She did not laugh, but gagged at the Dyuzhev-Dronov remarks about the policeman-policeman. "I'm not a policeman !, I'm a policeman!" (And quietly: "Well, why, why renamed, so it was good-m-li-chi-o-ner"). " Only a small minus, subjective, - the hero of Alexander Lobanov overcomes the movements of mmm ... sexual intercourse, I will call it so, too often.
was 05 january on SCISSORS
“ Easy unobtrusive performance. You can go, if you need to relax. It is interesting that the hall participates in the performance. Spectators influence the outcome of the production and choose the guilty themselves. The actors need the ability to improvise. Interestingly, before the performance and during the intermission the actors continue to be on stage. It is recommended for viewing if fatigue accumulated during the working week.
was 30 jule on SCISSORS
“ I liked the unusual production with the participation of all the spectators ... I liked the actors' play and the scenery, in general I like all the performances of NTP
was 05 january on SCISSORS
“ Were on January 7th, absolutely spontaneously! We laughed heartily, rested and fully immersed in the atmosphere! Performance for those who want to have a great time. Without parody, satire on our reality, which causes sincere laughter. Especially the game of Dronov is magnificent in this sense. Although the entire cast is beautiful! Detective was a success, interactive communication with the audience (and, incidentally, in moderation) only revives the action! Thank you very much!
was 07 january on SCISSORS
“ Good afternoon. My husband and I really liked the production and playing of actors. Communication with spectators in the style of the New Year tree for children left a warm feeling - class! PS The only thing that marred the trip to the theater (but it probably does not depend on you) - the chairs in the aisles. Personally, we people sitting on them, covered half the stage. I'm not talking about the violation of fire safety! Sincerely, Irina.
was 26 february on SCISSORS
“ All very much. T. To my husband sleeps the first part, but she repeated, even he looked at the whole play. Interactive game with the audience has revived the performance. Thank you for a good evening!
was 19 march on SCISSORS
“ I really liked the play. Went with my husband on February 14. The husband was initially disapproved of going to the theater, but as a result he was satisfied. Laughed to tears. I liked that viewers can take part, and even decide what the ending will be)
was 05 january on SCISSORS
“ The main word of this performance is funny. If you've ever watched "Evening Urgant," then you know what I mean. A set of easy, unpretentious jokes, mostly decent, roughly divided between the characters of this production. In the rest all with a prefix as though. It's like a play, with a detective story, it's as if it's interactive, the actors seem to play, the audience seems to be funny. The first action finds the viewer in the hairdresser's beauty salon. Inside live two employees - Antoine (a funny bluish young man) and Christina (she has a bust and legs). There are several visitors - Michael (a rustic man from Khimki in a carrot suit), Eduard (a gentleman older with a tablet and a portfolio) and Victoria Lvovna (a well-groomed lady of Zabalzak's age). A little later, one of them will be an investigator, and another - a murderer. The investigation process will begin at the end of the first action and will fully occupy the second, but with the active participation of the hall. Do you remember children's Christmas trees? Well, there usually Santa Claus asked the children: - Guys, but where did Baba-Yaga run? "Tudaaaaaa," the happy kids shouted, pointing their fingers at the backstage. "And who stole my staff?" Hare? - Noooooo !!! This is foxaaaaa, "continued the same friendly chorus of children's voices. Here is about the same style is the investigation and the murder. Well, in the end, in the best traditions of children's matinees (and corporate parties), applause is voted for by the killer. In general, it turned out to be very easy, generally positive, sometimes ridiculous (I would say, occasionally, although a couple of people behind me just bent over laughing during a good 70% of the time of action) and quite a restful play from the series "turn off the brain at the end of the working weeks ".
was 05 january on SCISSORS
“ WERE ON NOVEMBER 19. To be honest, the attitude is ambiguous, there remains some incomprehensible feeling, but I can not say that I liked it very much. There is a feeling that the actors are already tired of playing this performance. We sat on the 7th row and the audibility was not very good despite the hanging microphones. The speech diction of some actors in general leaves much to be desired, although I can say that I reviewed all the performances of an independent project and everyone was always happy, but this one ... rather did not like. In addition, they bought tickets for the 7th row, the hall was half empty and by the beginning of the performance everyone began to be lowered from the top and about 20 minutes after the start people went there and interfered.
was 24 october on SCISSORS
“ This performance is definitely worth a visit. All the actors play wonderful, the audience laughed the whole play. Despite the late start (20:00), we left the hall in an upbeat and cheerful mood. 3 hours passed unnoticed!
was 16 march on SCISSORS
“ I liked it very much. Unusually. All the actors are on top
was 30 jule on SCISSORS
“ Thank you for a good evening, played in the Scissors performance! We had a pleasant time, the actors played. Bravo! Well done! We will recommend the play to friends.
was 04 june on SCISSORS
“ Good easy funny performance thank you
was 01 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ Insanely funny and positive! Actors are great! Thank you!
was 01 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ Fasten your seat belts and bring the seat backs upright. Our flight will be at an altitude of thousands of joke-meters. If you want to get a lot of positive and laughter without a deep understanding, then you just need to visit the play "Boeing Boeing". In no case should you be confused with the "dumb" American humor in the film. From the very beginning, the story is uncomplicated about how Parisian Lavelins accepts stewardesses (American, French, and German) in her apartment in turn, yet everyone thinks that she is the only one with whom he is engaged and each has KEYS from the apartment . How does he manage it? Yes, it's just that he has a schedule - they fly on different planes. But not everything is so simple. The plot unfolds on the "full", when they all are transplanted to one plane and all at the same time find themselves in the apartment of their fiancé. How did you manage to stay happy? A riddle that can be solved only after visiting this interesting and exciting performance (especially after the intermission). Especially liked the heroine - the German stewardess. "I, the main glitch ... you look at the multi-remote ... I'm in the house ... my nezhdanchik ... sit down on the sofa." I think if it were not for her and not the hero of a friend of Lavelas (George Dronov from the series "Sasha and Masha" on TNT), it would not be interesting.
was 01 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ We got great pleasure and just rested at the play.
was 05 march on Boeing-Boeing
“ I liked the first part, from the second part I was waiting for the same, but it was weaker, but overall I liked it very much! Well done and a special thanks to George!)
was 01 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ from the heart they laughed and rested at this performance! I love Ekaterina Klimova - what a wonderful actress and beautiful woman!
was 20 march on Boeing-Boeing
“ A very funny comedy, easy and laid-back. The company was with the parents and everyone was satisfied. It was not bored. Dronov is great !!
was 01 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ Easy, easy performance. My friend and I were delighted! All the actors tried their best)
was 19 june on Boeing-Boeing
“ Very low level of service at the ticket office when issuing tickets.
was 20 march on Boeing-Boeing
“ Visited this performance on 12/24/2014. Actors are great fellows. Classical comedy, the plot is interesting. But, unfortunately, my husband and I are not big fans of this genre. The second time we will not go.
was 19 june on Boeing-Boeing
“ Thanks, I liked it
was 01 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ Stunning and very funny comedy. Modern, interesting. An unforgettable game of actors! Petr Krasilov, George Dronov, Ekaterina Klimova, Marina Dyuzheva, Elena Biryukova and the perfect artistry of Elena Morozova !!! Visit the project Boeing-Boeing - you are in no way disappointed!
was 22 may on Boeing-Boeing
“ Great, we really enjoyed it. Thank you so much.
was 25 february on Boeing-Boeing
“ Very pleased!
was 01 april on Boeing-Boeing
“ Thank you so much! I enjoyed the performance.
was 13 may on Boeing-Boeing
“ Went to the play Boeing-Boeing 14.05.2015. Beautiful production, great acting. I got a lot of positive emotions, I came home in a great mood. Laughed to tears. Thank you very much to the actors, guys fellows. George Dronov and Ekaterina Morozova are simply magnificent. Also irresistible Ekaterina Klimova. I advise everyone! Get a lot of positive emotions! still remember all the phrases and it becomes ridiculous.)))) All on Boeing !!!
was 22 may on Boeing-Boeing
“ Spectal liked, humor is certainly vulgar, but up to those people go laughing heartily, I advise you to go))) laughed to tears! Thank you very much for the great actors and the sea of positive emotions!
was 05 september on Innkeeper
“ The play is super! We were delighted. Ardova and Polizeymako charm. Thanks for the pleasure.
“ I liked the performance very much. Many thanks to the actors. Slightly heavy and longish prilyudiya ... But the show and the distortion of the second act is above praise. Especially good was Konstantin Yushkevich
was 01 march on NAME
“ BRAVO! Perfectly delivered, perfectly played. Respect translator / author of the Russian version. Witty, without vulgarity, without empty mise-en-scenes. In the "Theater" an excellent room, comfortable chairs, everywhere you can clearly see, from Dobryninskaya go leisurely for about 12-15 minutes. Konstantin Yushkevich - a miracle as good
was 23 may on NAME
“ We walked on May 30, 2016, I liked very much, I would say very very much! The actors' game at the height is BRAVO! And they laughed, and saddened, and laughed again! So go, do not regret it.
was 23 may on NAME
“ Good performance. There is where to laugh, but also makes you think. The cast is pleasant, the roles are appropriately chosen. The questions raised in the play arise in every family, the problems are the same for everyone. At the same time, everything ends on a positive note, which means that any conflict can be resolved. Magically, pleasantly and warmly. I advise you to look
was 23 may on NAME
“ Worthy performance with a brilliant game of actors! Modern, fascinating, dynamic. Makes you think about some moments of our life, feel sad and, at the same time, have a good laugh. The performance will not leave anyone indifferent - everyone will find something in it. Pleasantly surprised by the magnificent game of Constantine Yushkevich! And the monologue of the incomparable Maria Kulikova simply shocked to the depths of her soul !!! I would also like to note the wonderful game of George Dronov! Yes, there to say, all just GOOD FELLOWS !!! BRAVO to the whole team!
was 23 may on NAME
“ The play is worth watching! Each viewer will find something to admire) Someone - a virtuoso game shining in it, Konstantin Yushkevich, someone with lyrics and romanticism of some moments, someone - with a heart of laughs, and someone seriously thinks ... Wishing to sink this opportunity, too Will be provided) For me, the opening on the stage was George Dronov - a very worthy artist! He and K. Yushkevich - the support of the play) And the final scenes with the beautiful Maria Kulikova (who, incidentally, returned to theatrical stage with this performance) will not leave anyone indifferent, definitely !!! I want to say to all the artists - BRAVO !!!
was 23 may on NAME
“ Visited the gala premiere on January 31 stunning performance !! A sea of impressions! Gorgeous actors game! Modern plot! And funny, and sad, and instructive! Stunning choreographic tricks! In general, guys, I advise everything !! THANK YOU to everyone who took part in the project !!!
“ Wonderful, enchanting staging !!! I liked it very much, especially the cast! !!!! Bravo!
was 10 november on GAME IN THE TRUTH
“ I will respond in order: 1) thanks for the wonderful service bigbilet.ru, there is nothing better than all online pre-order, and then just come to the theater and enjoy the action; 2) THANKS for the return opportunity to ENJOY ACTION! A wonderful play of actors, each individually and collectively, a fine director's decision, a wonderful scripted treatment of the original source for our today's reality. We went with my husband just to see the comedy, but we enjoyed all of the above and as a bonus - the opportunity to once again think about the eternal: love, friendship, truth. Being completely different in perception people, after the performance, both were full of impressions and a desire to recommend the play to friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, now it is not often. The pursuit of cheap populism in many theaters and plays emasculates the very essence of the theater - Art. Thanks again! 3) Thank you for the wonderful, comfortable auditorium of the Russian Song Theater of Nadezhda Babkina, when designing it you thought about the convenience of the viewer and the opportunity to see everything and hear everything from anywhere
“ I watched for a long time. Gosha Kutsenko, Dmitry Maryanov, Euclid Kurdzidis - work well, talented, in my opinion. The final erotic show is just an insertable number, not integrated into the style of the play itself. However, a good number - with taste.
“ Was 3 years ago. And now I plan to attend this performance. The performance is excellent. Actors are great in their roles. Very plausibly constructed dialogues that take place to be in everyday life! . And as for jokes, flat for those who completely lack a sense of humor. A joke is just what they need!
was 05 january on GAME IN THE TRUTH
“ Went to the play 05.01.16. Just delighted with the performance, from the actors' play, Thanks to the great actors.
“ I wanted to visit this performance for a long time, but I still could not do it. The performance is only on weekdays, and we live far enough from Moscow, and it's hard to get to work in the morning. At last they chose the day, they decided to use the last electric train. Unfortunately, the performance was delayed for an hour, but we received a huge number of apologies. During the whole performance, they laughed, not stopping, although it was necessary to give credit to the jokes were sometimes even vulgar. The actors played beautifully. And although there was no Polizeiomaco, who is all very praised, the pleasure was also gained by playing other actors: Goshi Kutsenko, Petra Krasilov, Konstantin Yushkevich. I read that earlier Lyudmila Artemieva played the role of Glenda. I can imagine how good she was in this role, because Ekaterina Durova did not impress. Because of the delay in the performance, the train had to run at the speed of light, but we did not regret for a moment that we saw this enchanting action. It's a pity that we did not see the bow of the artists (for the first time in their lives they left the play, during the applause).
“ Incredible cast !!!!!!!!! The performance will have a tour?)))
was 14 december on LADIES NIGHT. ONLY FOR WOMEN
“ Spetacle bright, ripening. A lot of vulgar jokes. Actors play very cool! To raise your spirits, do not regret it.
“ The performance is wonderful, fun and dynamic. Such a topic, very much afraid that it will go, but the acting irony smoothed everything! Thank you for being so pleased with us with this sparkling performance. Well, the cast is just the highest class, as if they were "doing it from six years")))) Maybe I'll go again if the play is still in the repertoire !!!
“ Comedy is just super. The guys played at 100%. Great staging. Everything is just gorgeous, charged with a good mood for a week at least)))
“ Visited the play with her husband Light, flashing (not without vulgarity, was ready, after reviewing reviews) comedy. For a long time so did not laugh. Three hours flew by unnoticed. My husband even liked it more :-)
“ Great performance! An amazing play of actors. A true pleasure and relaxation!
“ The performance did not like. Two brilliant actors just sit on the stage and read their letters to each other for 2 hours. Feeling that I listened to an audiobook for a lot of money
“ On the play went on September 17. It was a love story. Magically played, never beat, reached out to the heart and touched the soul. Actors play at a height. Their photos, the camera shutter clicks, the mood from the stage - everything was natural. I am delighted. It was the best evening of the last 5 years. I have nothing to dig.
“ We went on July 7, 2015. Light, cheerful, looks at one go! Comedy talent of Peter Krasilov conquers the hall from the first appearance on the stage. The scenery is moderate, the actors play is beautiful and genuine. With pleasure I would go again!
“ It was a great gay mischievous evening in the company of young actors) A performance about the love, passion and strangeness of the modern world, including social networks, mobile phones and psychological stereotypes. But of course it all ended well and, most importantly, for love))
“ Truly easy unpretentious comedy. Without deep hi serious zadumok, just a simple and simple story about the eternal, about how to meet in the world of two big men, a man and a woman. I advise you to look for spiritual comfort.
“ 03/23/2015. In general - great! At times - it's embarrassing. It's funny. Artists - well done, very talented! Got a positive charge and a push to rethink life. I recommend.
“ A performance for those who want to relax and have fun. I like this. I advise!
“ Were at the play on 01.12.14 in the theater. Moscow City Council. A wonderful game of actors, an unexpected "happy end". Looks at one go. Very struck Yushkevich, S. Khodchenkova as always beautiful. I recommend to everyone who loves light performances with humor on the brink, in the performance of talented actors.
“ Thanks to the actors and the whole creative team! We really enjoyed! Especially the game of Peter Krasilov, who added so much humor to the performance, the actor opened for us in a new light)
“ Very light and light play. Touching actors, a good script, funny quotes from real life. Thank you for 2 hours of joy!
“ Thanks to the actors for the game! Has received enormous pleasure from viewing !!!
“ I liked the performance very much. I will recommend to friends.
“ Thank you, I liked the performance very much, looked at one breath
“ Very good performance! All were satisfied!
“ Very pleased! Well done!
“ I liked the play, but I expected something more from these wonderful actors.
“ Great performance. Cheerful.
“ The performance really liked! A wonderful play of actors. It would be nice intermission.
“ Very pleased!
“ Easy simple comedy, Sometimes funny. The atmosphere reminded me of a children's morning performance, where actors constantly communicate with the audience. A little bust with slang and vulgarisms in my opinion. Positive charge for the evening.
“ Was June 17, a great game of actors, modern jokes and problems of lovers involve in the plot from the very first minute ... I enjoyed visiting this event! I advise everyone who has not been yet - you will not regret it!
“ I really liked the play. Thanks for a wonderful evening!
“ Thank you very much for your pleasant time, received a lot of positive emotions. You are great fellows. With pleasure I will come again)
“ I am delighted! Thank you!
“ Yesterday I visited this performance with my husband. Emotion simply can not convey. Amazing composition, successful modern humor. We saw ourselves from the outside. 2 hours of true positive. Probably one of the best performances I've seen, over the past year. Thanks to the "Independent Theater Project" for a good evening.
“ Super! We are delighted :)))
“ I liked everything very much, laughed heartily, the show was held in one breath, despite the absence of an intermission. A beautiful setting, a wonderful game of actors, and most importantly everything is very modern and relevant! with great pleasure I will attend your other events!
“ Thank you for the performance. S. Yushkevich shocked, bravo.
“ Has received huge pleasure from statement. Thank you very much.
“ I gave my husband tickets for my birthday! I really liked the performance, good humor!
“ "HISTORY OF LOVE" really liked! Modern, funny, yet touching, touches the living. In the characters you recognize your friends and find a lot from yourself. Thanks a lot to the NTP theater for an unforgettable event!
“ I liked it very much
“ Very much I liked Eshkevich, thank you!
“ Thank you very much, it was very fun and interesting 5+
“ Just from the theater. Mass impressions, liked the performance. In the first department laughed to tears, the second makes you think about human relationships ... Excellent actors, Yushkevich generally won, bravo. Excellent evening, I recommend!
“ Easy, mischievous performance, without vulgarity. It cheers up! Thanks to talented actors, it looks with interest)
“ Very cheerful performance, with a slight flirtation between the actors. Innkeeper real!
“ The performance left an ambiguous impression. In the intermission I wanted to get up and leave. From vulgar jokes and actions on the stage, it was very uncomfortable at times, although the hall laughed. But the second action made an indelible impression. The dances of the actors were impressive !!! I liked the final scene of the performance, in which the actors communicated with the audience! Humor was great. Separate wish to the organizers of the performance. I watched it on the stage of the theater. Moscow City Council. To go to the theater by pin-code it took 25 minutes to stand in line to the administrator. The crowd blocked the entrance to the theater for spectators who bought tickets on paper. I offer terminals for ticket printing to give out to the ticket attendants at the entrance, as it is done in other theaters.
“ We walked on January 2, 2018. The performance is super, lots of funny moments. This comedy with meaning, and the most important action takes place in the second act. Excellent game of actors, especially Yushkevich. I recommend, you will not regret.
“ Unfortunately, a huge disappointment! I've heard so much, the theater has become so diverse and interesting for 15 years that this performance is more like an amateur performance! There are a couple of points, but it's generally - it's not worth it, neither money nor time ....
“ Only yesterday I saw this sensational performance and I want to tell everyone who took part in this production - you are just SUPER !!! I was very afraid at the beginning of the play that I would leave with a feeling of vulgarity, rudeness, obscenity ... But maybe, because I myself saw a similar show in "Little Red Riding Hood", I can tell you all that YOU DID THEM !!! You showed both vulgarity and humiliation, and brought the hall, no worse than strippers, and gave us free will to laugh and laugh, and ended very proudly and masculinely, showing that real talents and men can do anything. Thank you for daring to do this! Wonderful performance !!!
“ Excellent spectal. Light and cheerful. Actors well done
“ The Bigbilet service works great. Thank you! About the play "Innkeeper" (director Viktor Shamirov) I can not say this. Actors of course work, but do not play ... Confuse the end of words, stumble on phrases, for some reason all the time they cry ... Alas! The hall was already half full, and after the first action a part of the audience left. We examined the play to the end, but unfortunately, I advise theater lovers to spend time on it, I can not.
“ One evening the first of April I spent at the Malaya Bronnaya Theater. A good comedy is the perfect background for April 1st. The play "Scissors" was shown at the Theater of NTP "Scissors". In the beauty salon there was a murder. Suspected four. Everyone has a motive for killing. The investigation is conducted by the police together with the audience. Starring Georgy Dronov, Marina Dyuzheva, Alexander Lobanov, Igor Kistol, Dmitry Malashenko, Ekaterina Molohovskaya. The game of actors at the highest level! Surprised by Dronov. For the first time I saw him in an image far from Sasha from "Sasha and Masha". And it was super! Lobanov in the role of Antoine just a bomb! Dyuzheva is good! I liked the way the actors interacted with the audience. The investigation was the funniest part of the play. Very pleasant performance. Perhaps the best of the NTP's performances I've seen.
“ An interesting theater format for those who are not tuned to classical theater productions. Very unusual and exciting! Good mood - guaranteed! Actors - well done! Wonderful improvisations! - especially if there is a "lucky" and witty auditorium. Time will not be wasted if you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle. I would recommend going to him after a working day at work (on the weekend the performance may be underestimated, because, having rested, we are tuned to things that are more serious for perception)
“ Fun and unusual! The audience was so vividly involved in the investigation process! They burst out laughing heartily!
“ Thank you for the performance! It's like they visited "ELKE" for adults.
“ A wonderful performance. Sparky humor. A little mate adds piquancy and peppercorns. The idea of attracting the viewer to pose in the performance is interesting. I want to go again, because the ending is different every time.
“ Thank you for the performance! the idea is very good, but the presentation is naive. I hoped for a more exciting action.
“ The performance is magnificent! I really liked the effect of audience participation. Excellent mood the second day. Many thanks to all the actors!
“ we are going to run to this comedy. friends walked in a crowd, everyone laughed and was satisfied. I hope to visit and laugh with all my heart.
“ Great performance. Dronov is magnificent. Marina Dyuzheva was happy to see, she also plays great. Yes, all the actors are great fellows. And the hall! Hall is well done :). It is so unusual when spectators take part in the play and throw their observations to the investigator. She did not laugh, but gagged at the Dyuzhev-Dronov remarks about the policeman-policeman. "I'm not a policeman !, I'm a policeman!" (And quietly: "Well, why, why renamed, so it was good-m-li-chi-o-ner"). " Only a small minus, subjective, - the hero of Alexander Lobanov overcomes the movements of mmm ... sexual intercourse, I will call it so, too often.
“ Easy unobtrusive performance. You can go, if you need to relax. It is interesting that the hall participates in the performance. Spectators influence the outcome of the production and choose the guilty themselves. The actors need the ability to improvise. Interestingly, before the performance and during the intermission the actors continue to be on stage. It is recommended for viewing if fatigue accumulated during the working week.
“ I liked the unusual production with the participation of all the spectators ... I liked the actors' play and the scenery, in general I like all the performances of NTP
“ Were on January 7th, absolutely spontaneously! We laughed heartily, rested and fully immersed in the atmosphere! Performance for those who want to have a great time. Without parody, satire on our reality, which causes sincere laughter. Especially the game of Dronov is magnificent in this sense. Although the entire cast is beautiful! Detective was a success, interactive communication with the audience (and, incidentally, in moderation) only revives the action! Thank you very much!
“ Good afternoon. My husband and I really liked the production and playing of actors. Communication with spectators in the style of the New Year tree for children left a warm feeling - class! PS The only thing that marred the trip to the theater (but it probably does not depend on you) - the chairs in the aisles. Personally, we people sitting on them, covered half the stage. I'm not talking about the violation of fire safety! Sincerely, Irina.
“ All very much. T. To my husband sleeps the first part, but she repeated, even he looked at the whole play. Interactive game with the audience has revived the performance. Thank you for a good evening!
“ I really liked the play. Went with my husband on February 14. The husband was initially disapproved of going to the theater, but as a result he was satisfied. Laughed to tears. I liked that viewers can take part, and even decide what the ending will be)
“ The main word of this performance is funny. If you've ever watched "Evening Urgant," then you know what I mean. A set of easy, unpretentious jokes, mostly decent, roughly divided between the characters of this production. In the rest all with a prefix as though. It's like a play, with a detective story, it's as if it's interactive, the actors seem to play, the audience seems to be funny. The first action finds the viewer in the hairdresser's beauty salon. Inside live two employees - Antoine (a funny bluish young man) and Christina (she has a bust and legs). There are several visitors - Michael (a rustic man from Khimki in a carrot suit), Eduard (a gentleman older with a tablet and a portfolio) and Victoria Lvovna (a well-groomed lady of Zabalzak's age). A little later, one of them will be an investigator, and another - a murderer. The investigation process will begin at the end of the first action and will fully occupy the second, but with the active participation of the hall. Do you remember children's Christmas trees? Well, there usually Santa Claus asked the children: - Guys, but where did Baba-Yaga run? "Tudaaaaaa," the happy kids shouted, pointing their fingers at the backstage. "And who stole my staff?" Hare? - Noooooo !!! This is foxaaaaa, "continued the same friendly chorus of children's voices. Here is about the same style is the investigation and the murder. Well, in the end, in the best traditions of children's matinees (and corporate parties), applause is voted for by the killer. In general, it turned out to be very easy, generally positive, sometimes ridiculous (I would say, occasionally, although a couple of people behind me just bent over laughing during a good 70% of the time of action) and quite a restful play from the series "turn off the brain at the end of the working weeks ".
“ WERE ON NOVEMBER 19. To be honest, the attitude is ambiguous, there remains some incomprehensible feeling, but I can not say that I liked it very much. There is a feeling that the actors are already tired of playing this performance. We sat on the 7th row and the audibility was not very good despite the hanging microphones. The speech diction of some actors in general leaves much to be desired, although I can say that I reviewed all the performances of an independent project and everyone was always happy, but this one ... rather did not like. In addition, they bought tickets for the 7th row, the hall was half empty and by the beginning of the performance everyone began to be lowered from the top and about 20 minutes after the start people went there and interfered.
“ This performance is definitely worth a visit. All the actors play wonderful, the audience laughed the whole play. Despite the late start (20:00), we left the hall in an upbeat and cheerful mood. 3 hours passed unnoticed!
“ I liked it very much. Unusually. All the actors are on top
“ Thank you for a good evening, played in the Scissors performance! We had a pleasant time, the actors played. Bravo! Well done! We will recommend the play to friends.
“ Good easy funny performance thank you
“ Insanely funny and positive! Actors are great! Thank you!
“ Fasten your seat belts and bring the seat backs upright. Our flight will be at an altitude of thousands of joke-meters. If you want to get a lot of positive and laughter without a deep understanding, then you just need to visit the play "Boeing Boeing". In no case should you be confused with the "dumb" American humor in the film. From the very beginning, the story is uncomplicated about how Parisian Lavelins accepts stewardesses (American, French, and German) in her apartment in turn, yet everyone thinks that she is the only one with whom he is engaged and each has KEYS from the apartment . How does he manage it? Yes, it's just that he has a schedule - they fly on different planes. But not everything is so simple. The plot unfolds on the "full", when they all are transplanted to one plane and all at the same time find themselves in the apartment of their fiancé. How did you manage to stay happy? A riddle that can be solved only after visiting this interesting and exciting performance (especially after the intermission). Especially liked the heroine - the German stewardess. "I, the main glitch ... you look at the multi-remote ... I'm in the house ... my nezhdanchik ... sit down on the sofa." I think if it were not for her and not the hero of a friend of Lavelas (George Dronov from the series "Sasha and Masha" on TNT), it would not be interesting.
“ We got great pleasure and just rested at the play.
“ I liked the first part, from the second part I was waiting for the same, but it was weaker, but overall I liked it very much! Well done and a special thanks to George!)
“ from the heart they laughed and rested at this performance! I love Ekaterina Klimova - what a wonderful actress and beautiful woman!
“ A very funny comedy, easy and laid-back. The company was with the parents and everyone was satisfied. It was not bored. Dronov is great !!
“ Easy, easy performance. My friend and I were delighted! All the actors tried their best)
“ Very low level of service at the ticket office when issuing tickets.
“ Visited this performance on 12/24/2014. Actors are great fellows. Classical comedy, the plot is interesting. But, unfortunately, my husband and I are not big fans of this genre. The second time we will not go.
“ Thanks, I liked it
“ Stunning and very funny comedy. Modern, interesting. An unforgettable game of actors! Petr Krasilov, George Dronov, Ekaterina Klimova, Marina Dyuzheva, Elena Biryukova and the perfect artistry of Elena Morozova !!! Visit the project Boeing-Boeing - you are in no way disappointed!
“ Great, we really enjoyed it. Thank you so much.
“ Very pleased!
“ Thank you so much! I enjoyed the performance.
“ Went to the play Boeing-Boeing 14.05.2015. Beautiful production, great acting. I got a lot of positive emotions, I came home in a great mood. Laughed to tears. Thank you very much to the actors, guys fellows. George Dronov and Ekaterina Morozova are simply magnificent. Also irresistible Ekaterina Klimova. I advise everyone! Get a lot of positive emotions! still remember all the phrases and it becomes ridiculous.)))) All on Boeing !!!
“ Spectal liked, humor is certainly vulgar, but up to those people go laughing heartily, I advise you to go))) laughed to tears! Thank you very much for the great actors and the sea of positive emotions!
“ The play is super! We were delighted. Ardova and Polizeymako charm. Thanks for the pleasure.
“ I liked the performance very much. Many thanks to the actors. Slightly heavy and longish prilyudiya ... But the show and the distortion of the second act is above praise. Especially good was Konstantin Yushkevich
“ BRAVO! Perfectly delivered, perfectly played. Respect translator / author of the Russian version. Witty, without vulgarity, without empty mise-en-scenes. In the "Theater" an excellent room, comfortable chairs, everywhere you can clearly see, from Dobryninskaya go leisurely for about 12-15 minutes. Konstantin Yushkevich - a miracle as good
“ We walked on May 30, 2016, I liked very much, I would say very very much! The actors' game at the height is BRAVO! And they laughed, and saddened, and laughed again! So go, do not regret it.
“ Good performance. There is where to laugh, but also makes you think. The cast is pleasant, the roles are appropriately chosen. The questions raised in the play arise in every family, the problems are the same for everyone. At the same time, everything ends on a positive note, which means that any conflict can be resolved. Magically, pleasantly and warmly. I advise you to look
“ Worthy performance with a brilliant game of actors! Modern, fascinating, dynamic. Makes you think about some moments of our life, feel sad and, at the same time, have a good laugh. The performance will not leave anyone indifferent - everyone will find something in it. Pleasantly surprised by the magnificent game of Constantine Yushkevich! And the monologue of the incomparable Maria Kulikova simply shocked to the depths of her soul !!! I would also like to note the wonderful game of George Dronov! Yes, there to say, all just GOOD FELLOWS !!! BRAVO to the whole team!
“ The play is worth watching! Each viewer will find something to admire) Someone - a virtuoso game shining in it, Konstantin Yushkevich, someone with lyrics and romanticism of some moments, someone - with a heart of laughs, and someone seriously thinks ... Wishing to sink this opportunity, too Will be provided) For me, the opening on the stage was George Dronov - a very worthy artist! He and K. Yushkevich - the support of the play) And the final scenes with the beautiful Maria Kulikova (who, incidentally, returned to theatrical stage with this performance) will not leave anyone indifferent, definitely !!! I want to say to all the artists - BRAVO !!!
“ Visited the gala premiere on January 31 stunning performance !! A sea of impressions! Gorgeous actors game! Modern plot! And funny, and sad, and instructive! Stunning choreographic tricks! In general, guys, I advise everything !! THANK YOU to everyone who took part in the project !!!
“ Wonderful, enchanting staging !!! I liked it very much, especially the cast! !!!! Bravo!
“ I will respond in order: 1) thanks for the wonderful service bigbilet.ru, there is nothing better than all online pre-order, and then just come to the theater and enjoy the action; 2) THANKS for the return opportunity to ENJOY ACTION! A wonderful play of actors, each individually and collectively, a fine director's decision, a wonderful scripted treatment of the original source for our today's reality. We went with my husband just to see the comedy, but we enjoyed all of the above and as a bonus - the opportunity to once again think about the eternal: love, friendship, truth. Being completely different in perception people, after the performance, both were full of impressions and a desire to recommend the play to friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately, now it is not often. The pursuit of cheap populism in many theaters and plays emasculates the very essence of the theater - Art. Thanks again! 3) Thank you for the wonderful, comfortable auditorium of the Russian Song Theater of Nadezhda Babkina, when designing it you thought about the convenience of the viewer and the opportunity to see everything and hear everything from anywhere
“ I watched for a long time. Gosha Kutsenko, Dmitry Maryanov, Euclid Kurdzidis - work well, talented, in my opinion. The final erotic show is just an insertable number, not integrated into the style of the play itself. However, a good number - with taste.
“ Was 3 years ago. And now I plan to attend this performance. The performance is excellent. Actors are great in their roles. Very plausibly constructed dialogues that take place to be in everyday life! . And as for jokes, flat for those who completely lack a sense of humor. A joke is just what they need!
“ Went to the play 05.01.16. Just delighted with the performance, from the actors' play, Thanks to the great actors.
“ I wanted to visit this performance for a long time, but I still could not do it. The performance is only on weekdays, and we live far enough from Moscow, and it's hard to get to work in the morning. At last they chose the day, they decided to use the last electric train. Unfortunately, the performance was delayed for an hour, but we received a huge number of apologies. During the whole performance, they laughed, not stopping, although it was necessary to give credit to the jokes were sometimes even vulgar. The actors played beautifully. And although there was no Polizeiomaco, who is all very praised, the pleasure was also gained by playing other actors: Goshi Kutsenko, Petra Krasilov, Konstantin Yushkevich. I read that earlier Lyudmila Artemieva played the role of Glenda. I can imagine how good she was in this role, because Ekaterina Durova did not impress. Because of the delay in the performance, the train had to run at the speed of light, but we did not regret for a moment that we saw this enchanting action. It's a pity that we did not see the bow of the artists (for the first time in their lives they left the play, during the applause).
“ Incredible cast !!!!!!!!! The performance will have a tour?)))
“ Spetacle bright, ripening. A lot of vulgar jokes. Actors play very cool! To raise your spirits, do not regret it.
“ The performance is wonderful, fun and dynamic. Such a topic, very much afraid that it will go, but the acting irony smoothed everything! Thank you for being so pleased with us with this sparkling performance. Well, the cast is just the highest class, as if they were "doing it from six years")))) Maybe I'll go again if the play is still in the repertoire !!!