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Theater MOST

Only for children
Only adults
104 stranicy pro lubov`
Purchased earlier: 165
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Ya - Bulat Okudgava
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Walpurgis Night
Purchased earlier: 190
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Pirosmani. Prazdnik odinochestva
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Po doroge v Bremen
Purchased earlier: 7
from 1000 rubles
Skapen. Neapolitanskaya komediya
Purchased earlier: 70
from 1000 rubles
Book of Judgments
Purchased earlier: 725
from 800 rubles
Ya - Bulat Okudgava
Purchased earlier: 4
from 1500 rubles
Walpurgis Night
Purchased earlier: 190
from 1000 rubles
Magic BRIDGE: "Peter Pan"
Purchased earlier: 75
from 1000 rubles
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Purchased earlier: 739
from 1100 rubles
Puss in Boots
Purchased earlier: 54
from 500 rubles
Moskva, Novinskiy b-r., 22/1
00 h 45 min
Let's play a fairy tale? To do this, you need very little: three virtuoso artists and a magic chest! Right in front of the viewer, the actors of the MOST Theater are transformed into the heroes of the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault. Hurry up to see a fascinating story about the adventures of an intelligent and dexterous Cat and his owner.

Director: Maria Samsonova

Middle son, Puss in boots, Princess: Daria Lopatina
Elder son, Younger son, Animals in the forest, Artist, Guard: Daria Belookaya
Narrator, Old Man, King, Ogre: Mikhail Kazakov


Buy List 27 april sun 12:00

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