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Moscow Academic Theater of Mayakovsky

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Fathers and Sons
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Fathers and Sons
Purchased earlier: 557
from 1600 rubles
107045, Moskva, Pushkarev per., 21
02 h 00 min
A play in two acts (based on Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons")

Auto: Friel Bryan
Director: Leonid Kheifets
Artist: Vladimir Arefiev
Costume Designer: Olga Polikarpova
Assistant director: Vladislav Lyakhovetsky
Translation by: Mikhail Stronin

Conflict of generations with a British accent. One day the modern British playwright Brian Friel took the book of our classic Turgenev, an uneasy book, sharp with his conflicting contacts with reality and today, and wrote something new. As if I looked at the very essence of the conflict between generations and highlighted the most interesting moments. And then these heroes, already speaking, returned to their homeland and came to the scene, having survived a kind of linguistic emigration.
And now the creek is running along the stage, refreshing in the hot summer noon of the inhabitants of this wonderful Russian manor, the flowers are blooming and the pretty Russian ladies are hiding under lace umbrellas, their lush skirts rustle with their skirts, they are swaying in time with the movements of lace. And he breaks into this paradise - a rebel, a revolutionary, Bazarov. And then ... there is an unexpected sway, the very turn in the plot, which makes us reconsider our attitude to life. A nihilist, a hero without fear and reproach, suddenly encounters not so much with the antagonism of the "fathers" as with another revolutionary force - with the woman, and with what comes with it. With love, which is even higher than death. Collides and ... recedes. And on closer examination, it is not a hero at all, but a man being eaten by his own mercilessness toward others. And death comes to him as an atonement, redemption is not so much for cruelty, but as a mockery of love, which eventually laughed at him.
But do not get upset, you just have to come and sit in a shade on wooden boards near the creek to enjoy in full the beautiful setting of the native Russian manor and watch Love sink down all flags, even revolutionary ones.

Bazarov did not fit in the village life, or he planted the turmoil with his nihilism, that is, the negation of everything and a contemptuous attitude towards principles, or simply bored everyone. He believed in one physiology and matter, and she overcame him: first, earthly love, then typhus.

And in the meantime, the rest of the village paradise lives sweetly: ladies gather flowers, gentlemen conduct intelligent conversations, and enjoy everything with life. Kirsanov Sr. has long been happy in love, and it's time to get married. Younger, too, love smiled, he found his Katenka ...

Two pairs, two weddings - and why should they quarrel, fathers and children? Let them live happily, they live.

Only the one to whom everything is not cute, who has always opposed everyone, tragically finished his life ...


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