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Theater of Music and Poetry by E. Kamburova

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119435, Moskva, Pirogovskaya B. ul., 53/55
02 h 00 min


On December 23, on the stage of the Theater of Music and Poetry, a unique project will take place at the junction of the genres of artistic word and music - the author's statement by Alexander Pokidchenko - the play "Symphony of Light" based on verses, letters and essays by Konstantin Balmont (1867-1942).
Composition by A. Pokidchenko on poems, prose, letters and essays by K. Balmont.
Music by D. Buxtehude, D. Millau, E. Satie, A. Scriabin, S. Rachmaninov, P. Tchaikovsky.

"I wonder how Balmont hears the world - all-pervading, pushing the boundaries of the acoustic space. This is the macromind of modern man!" - says Alexander Pokidchenko about his project, which has already won the love of the audience at the Moscow Autumn International Festival.
- “In the center of the performance is the personality of the Poet, who over the years is moving away from lightness, from a kind of“ pop culture ”with which he, like a darling of poetic fashion, sometimes merged. And the tragedy of Balmont's departure is outside his homeland, without a channel, in the arrhythmia of endless longing. "
“I never would have thought before that I would come to a performance based on Balmont - that pretentious and
to the narcissistic poet, whose poems he knew from collections, where the “best” are collected. But suddenly a book came across. Shrill and endearingly talented. It was the autobiographical novel Under a New Sickle, which was published in Berlin in 1924. There is another Balmont, believe me, completely different. “I will return to many things that make me real, to that for which you fell in love with me,” he wrote in 1914 to his wife. And it happened. Always running, he stopped. And - it opened. Having prevailed over myself. Of course, the vain, superficial did not suddenly disappear from him. But - retreated when in 1920 Balmont was forced to leave Russia, as it turned out, forever. Incredible melancholy, alienation, pain break through the dam of the old beautiful words, and then in a full voice. And then ... Further, as Saltykov-Shchedrin aptly noted, “... physics triumphs; light bodies rise up; solid and weighty bodies remain in the lowlands. ” And, moving away from a kind of "pop culture" with which Balmont, as a darling of poetic fashion, sometimes merged in compromise, he inevitably enters into others,
more complex relations with time, with people - outside the Motherland, without a channel, in the arrhythmia of enduring melancholy. How he hears the world, amazing master of the Word! Globally. All-pervading. Pushing the boundaries of the acoustic space. I found more and more confirmation of this, and this performance lived and changed with me.

Alexander Pokidchenko - Honored Artist of Russia, composer, pianist.
Member of the Union of Composers of Russia.
Graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky as
Among the works - the dramatic scene "Labyrinth" based on the tragedy of M. Tsvetaeva
"Ariadne" for soloists, organ and symphony orchestra, musicals "Lady
Akulina "," School of Snow Maidens "," The Snow Queen. Global Warming ", music for
fairy tales "A Winter Night's Dream", "Lukomorye", "Fairy Town", chamber works,
songs, romances. Author of solo performances based on the works of A. Pushkin, K. Balmont,
N. Gumilyov, R. Schumann, G. Fore, S. Frank.
Author, host and performer of concert programs dedicated to
outstanding masters of Russian song: A. Tsfasman, O. Feltsman, J. Frenkel,
A. Ostrovsky, E. Krylatov, E. Kolmanovsky, Y. Saulsky, I. Shaferan, E. Yevtushenko and others.
Laureate of the International Pop Song Contest in Varna, Bulgaria (2005).
Artistic Director of the Ensemble "Creative Commonwealth
Musicians ".
Participant of the Cultural Program of the Olympic Games
in Beijing 2008, Vancouver 2010, London 2012, Sochi 2014
Guest teacher of the Bolshoi Theater Youth Opera Program
From 2007 to 2016 - leading teacher and accompanist of the Charity
The World of Art Foundation.
Since 2006 - leading teacher and accompanist of the Charitable Foundation
The White Steamer.


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