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Moscow theater "Hermitage"

Feedbacks from viewers
Elena was 17 december on Magician

A year ago I really liked the performance of the Hermitage theater "I am not at home" based on the works of Kharms and the recollections of his wife Marina Yudenich. This year I wanted to continue our acquaintance, I took a ticket for the "Magician" thing. Unfortunately, there was no new discovery. And the thing seemed boring and the production did not impress. The themes of clowns, magicians and illusionists have always attracted cinema. I have revised Prestige, The Illusionist and Houdini more than once, but here the mood is closest to the version of Chekhov's Kashtanka, and she usually only drove me into anguish, but I want surprise and brightness. It is interesting to find theater fans who can tell if there is anything else worthy of attention in the repertoire besides that last year's performance.

Evgeniya was 25 february on A little Sunday adventure

Delight! Once again, the performance of the actors and the performance pleased me. They laughed the whole performance. I will definitely advise everyone to visit this theater. Thank you to the actors for a good game.

Oxana was 11 february on Don Quixote

Wonderful performance, humane and piercing ... Thanks to the director and the troupe for allowing us to spend the evening with friends and sincere feelings and emotions. Donkey and Rosinant are inimitable ...)

Yulia was 30 october on Glass of water

Very nice, non-binding performance. Just relax and unwind)

Yulia was 30 october on Don Quixote

Divine and soulful performance !!!!! Liked everything !!!! Don Quixote and Sancho Panso with a donkey))))) and Don Quixote's horse is a GODDESS !!!!!! I have no words)))))

Yulia was 30 october on My older sister

Very soulful performance. Actors at the highest level !!!!!

Svetlana was 29 october on Zoykina apartment

Great performance !!!! THANK!!! Who likes Bulgakov, do not exchange money, go to this performance, here the actors understand that they play on stage. I bow to all the actors for your talent, thank you.

Konstantin was 08 october on A little Sunday adventure

A spoiled weekend - this is how you can briefly call the evening spent at the Hermitage Theater on the play “Little Sunday Adventure” on October 6, 2018. My wife and I are avid theatergoers. Pre-select performances and pre-buy tickets to good places to fully enjoy the performance. We had tickets to the first row in one of the oldest theaters in Russia, we counted on a wonderful evening. Imagine our surprise when we saw in front of the first row of chairs another strange row of chairs (the so-called “row“ B ”), in which some people sit in front of us with tickets written with ball pens. This series is not provided by the hall scheme, it is impossible to buy tickets for it legally. Despite the protest, there was no clear explanation of this fact from the administration, we were offered to wait for an intermission. We were forced to sit in the second row, actually, in the second row, and only during the intermission, after we demanded a refund for the tickets, we were transplanted to this very “B” row. The evening is ruined. I do not recommend either the theater or the play. The performance is frankly bad. Actor's beckoning tires. About the theater, I have already said.

Uliya was 21 september on I wanted to kill these bitches

I really liked the game actors!

Tat`yana was 20 may on Lyolya and Minka

Visited with the child 20.05 performance "Lelya and Minka" according to the stories of M. Zoshchenko. The room is small and cozy. It is clearly visible from everywhere. I really liked the play for both me and the child (8 years old). He put so that the children from the auditorium were involved in the action. Of course, the small audience liked it very much. From myself I want to say that those who in childhood saw the production of these stories in the program "Alarm Clock", with the participation of Yu. Bogatyrev, will be pleasantly surprised, because the actor who performs the role of Minky is very similar to Yu. Bogatyreva. I recommend that you take the children to a play, you will not waste an hour and 20 minutes of your time.

Tat`yana was 21 may on Glass of water

Great acting game! I took pleasure in viewing and distracted from everyday work. The performance is vigorous, four people on stage manage to create a bright atmosphere of the holiday.

Irina was 21 may on Glass of water

The play is about nothing. They left after the first action. The actors tried very hard. But it did not save.

Ludmila was 28 april on A little Sunday adventure

A great fun and instructive performance. A sea of ​​positive emotions

Evgeniy was 27 april on A little Sunday adventure

The play really liked, a lot of humor, at times the hall exploded with laughter and applause .. A wonderful game of all artists. I advise everyone to see, you will not regret.

Visitor was 25 april on Wedding of Krechinsky

Were at the play on April 22, 2018. In general, the performance is wonderful, although the first action is slightly delayed. After the first action, some spectators left and in vain. It just started the most interesting and fascinating. Waited for a little richer garments from the Dam to plunge into the realities of the era of the XIX century. The game of almost all the actors is gorgeous, self-denial on Rasplyuyev's stage is amazing. Thank you for the pleasant time and wonderful impressions of the performance.

Anna was 23 april on Lyolya and Minka

22.04.2018. went to the play with his son of 12 years, the performance really liked! Cheerful, joyful, alive and full of optimism. Many interesting thoughts and questions (children's and not so), which were later discussed with his son. Thank you for the wonderful mood! I recommend to everyone!

Svetlana was 23 april on Glass of water

The play really liked the actors, they play cheerfully and very talented. Sarcasm and humor shine the entire production. They laughed heartily. Actors communicate with the audience and have a sense of participation in action. Thank you for a great evening!

Tat`yana was 23 april on Lyolya and Minka

There were today at this play with children 11 and 13 years old. We received great pleasure. This performance is now in the piggy bank of our most successful visits to the theater with children! A great game of actors, a very dynamic story. It's amazing how three people managed to cope with all the roles and create a real atmosphere of Zoshchenko's stories about Lele and Minka!

Elena was 30 march on Zoykina apartment

A very organic performance, very accurately conveys the author's style of Bulgakov and the spirit of the times, the classical production, all the actors are magnificent, all the characters are bright and recognizable. Without "fashionable finds" and "modern interpretation", so everything was possible, bravo, the Hermitage!

Marina was 12 march on Zoykina apartment

I liked the performance! It was not boring! I recommend!

Mihail was 11 march on Lyolya and Minka

Were on March 10, 2018 at the play with his daughter 10 years. Very pleased! In a very accessible form, Zoshchenko's ideas were conveyed to the viewer. And if now someone does not read these old stories, in which unusual names sound, then a visit to this performance will fill this gap. Treats for sweets during the performance and during the intermission also impart an uniqueness to the event. Special thanks to Yevgeny Kulakov: Evgeny Alexandrovich, you were remarkably introduced into this image! And a small fragment of interactive communication with the audience gave this cheerful performance even more liveliness.

Mamavladi was 10 march on Old Khottabych

This is our third performance at the Hermitage Theater. We went to this play with a daughter of 4.5 liters., We became admirers of this theater; the performance really liked. As always, an excellent game of actors, excellent scenery, communication with the audience. Thank you for your work, our emotions! We are waiting for future Prime Minister!

Vladlena was 05 march on Carlo-honest adventurer

Not a bad comedy, I will not say that I was very impressed, but will go, so to speak. The ending is very tight and honestly very "strained" that the actors "beg for" applause during the performance many times.

Ol`ga was 05 march on Carlo-honest adventurer

As always, I enjoyed this theater. The performance is light, casual. Daria Belousova as always is incomparable.

Uliya was 29 august on I wanted to kill these bitches

True after the first intermission, many left, and we ourselves thought of leaving (my husband at work was tired and falling asleep), but still stayed and were able to change seats on the 3rd row. And so they got involved! The 2nd action is better) It's worth it to go! It's interesting! touches!

Aleksandra was 08 october on I wanted to kill these bitches

Was on the play 08/10/2016. I was very sorry that I did not take flowers with me. All the actors played wonderful, the time flew by unnoticed. I discovered a new author, now I read Dombrovsky's "Faculty of Forgotten Things"

Natal`ya was 30 january on Lyolya and Minka

A wonderful performance, a sea of ​​positive emotions! Beautiful and staging and acting of actors! I advise everyone from small to large!

Lubov` was 22 january on Lyolya and Minka

Good kind performance. Went family and daughter for 12 years. Everyone liked the performance. I recommend to view.

Ekaterina was 30 december on Old Khottabych

The child was at first interested, but the second half of the play barely stayed. I was tired and was not interested.

Il`ya was 18 december on Zoykina apartment

The theater "Hermitage" is a rare combination of organic in the days of the role, the originality of the scenery and the accuracy of the strokes masterfully superimposed on the canvas of the play. Alas, as in every rule, there are exceptions. "Zoykina apartment" - one of them. A confused, protracted action, flat jokes, for the ears drawn mise-en-scenes - three-odd hours, helps only the charisma of actors and subtle musical numbers. Seven times think before you cut it off once! The theater has a number of stunning productions.

Nina was 01 december on Wedding of Krechinsky

Were at the play in October 2017. I wanted to leave after the first action. Somehow they suffered a second and then definitely decided to leave this production. The play of actors leaves much to be desired. I'm sorry about the time you spent ...

Anastasiya was 25 november on Glass of water

Wonderful performance !! They laughed heartily, easy, clear, the actors are gorgeous !! Minus it's sitting in the hall)) just horror, while sat numb all below the waist))

Marina was 25 november on Wedding of Krechinsky

Were at the play on November 19, 2017. I liked the play. The second action is slightly delayed and the end of the performance is somehow blurred, there is no spectacular end. Because of this, some kind of incompleteness. But it looks great, with pleasure!

Alina was 13 november on Glass of water

The game of actors is wonderful! Especially liked the Queen Anna! The production is not ordinary, the actors go into the hall and communicate with the audience - and the viewer feels himself directly involved in the action!

Yaroslav was 13 november on Glass of water

An unbelievable sight! Low bow to the masters of actors! Very energetic, ironic, sarcastic and comical. Very cool is the "influx" of the story, when at the beginning you are almost bored, and by the end you can not restrain emotions!

Dmitry was 09 november on Tsvetik-semitsvetik

If your children like not only to visit theaters together with you, but then discuss their houses and revise them, I advise you to skirt the theater "The Hermitage". Fat minus this theater, where an amateur video is prohibited. This is the first theater where we were banned. To explain, on the basis of which law amateur video filming is prohibited, the employees of the theater found it difficult. Meanwhile, the full name of the theater "The Hermitage" (which is practically silent on the official site of the theater, this information can be found only in the "Documents" section) - The State (!) Budget (!) Moscow Culture Institute "The Moscow Hermitage Theater." Thus this theater is not a "private shop, but a state institution, which is a public place, in which permission for amateur photography and video shooting is not required. Thus, any prohibition does not correspond and contradicts the law. As for the performance, a child of six years old, he was not impressed. I forgot it the same day, and do not remember for a week, but this is the main indicator of the luck of the spectacle, if the child does not remember, then nothing is left in the soul. Thank you for your attention and understanding.

Marina was 07 november on Mouth without a lock

November 5, 2017 went with his granddaughter (4 years) to play "Mouth without a lock" Very cute performance, for the child is not tiring in time, quite musical. I left a pleasant impression both for the child and for me. Thank you.

Irin was 03 november on My older sister

3 hours of performance, in one breath, And funny, and sad, and touching. From the Soviet film (with Doronina) is certainly different. More and more vigorous, more expressive. The actors are wonderful, the game is amazing. Really liked! The ending is unusual). Summing up, I advise you to watch, you will not regret!

Il`ya was 01 november on On the essence of love

With all the love for the troupe and the special atmosphere of the theater, ooo is a very original play. Checking nerves and mental strength for strength. However, I recommend visiting all the lovers of poetry and not only VV Mayakovsky - you will literally bathe in stanzas, they will be so tangible that sometimes it even frightens. In no case is a raw thing - a mature conceptual work. with thoughtful details.

Uliya was 31 october on Lyolya and Minka

The performance is just wonderful. Went with children of different ages 5, 7, 9 years. There was a full hall. Everyone laughed. The actors are all charismatic, especially the Christmas tree))))) The children laughed and clapped. Was for the first time and not the last. I liked it very much.

Natal`ya was 26 september on Don Quixote

I liked the performance. Don Quixote, Rosinante and the donkey are magnificent! Of the roles of the second plan, I want to mention the housekeeper.

Larisa was 17 september on Wedding of Krechinsky

There were at the play 17.09.17 for the action 2 tickets for the price of one, 2 series! And you can clearly see all the emotions of the actors and you can hear everything! The play is almost 4 hours! Two intermission. Statement GOOD! I want to know ... what will happen next and do not follow the time, everything is like in one breath! The 19th century, and the problems are the same as now many have ... Moth and the player .... is looking for himself bride is richer and wants to circle everyone. .... There are not many actors on stage (11 people counted) but the main 6 !!!! and WHAT !!!! Krechensky is incomparable! Rasplyuev-ovation !!!! Lidochka's father - RESPECT! for work and created images !!!! On the stage, a minimum of scenery, but a maximum of emotions! THANKS to the artists and the director! The theater for its compactness and comfortable chairs! The big ticket for the simplicity of selection and purchase of tickets! We had a wonderful Sunday evening !!!!!!

Evgeniya was 12 october on Fate of the drummer

Thank you very much for the wonderful performance. I returned to my childhood as Gaidar. Went with my son for 9 years. Special thanks to Alexei Shulin (uncle's role) is a wonderful job !!! Yes, all the actors played wonderful, the scenery, like the whole theater, very touching, homely, real!

Elina was 15 march on Fate of the drummer

Went with my son for 10 years. A wonderful performance, my boy is delighted, so am I! The clever men who staged a play on Gaidar are what the present children really need! Take the children and go look! Thank the troupe! Good luck to you creative and well-being!

Sergey was 15 march on Fate of the drummer

A wonderful performance. Actors well done, sorry but I think today's modern children do not understand the idea and meaning

Lidiya was 24 november on Fate of the drummer

We went with my son, 9 years old.Obe simply delighted! Although the child and the reader, still worried that she would not understand the events of those times. But everything turned out to be very affordable. The images of the heroes were well transferred. Slava brought to the emotion, probably not only me ... Sergei, - in general, super! Yes, and my uncle, and an old woman in Kiev. In general, to be sure, as I imagined them when I was a child, when reading Gaidar, they turned out to be so. We are going to go to the "Hottabych". Many thanks for the pleasure.

Marina was 07 december on Fate of the drummer

My son and I really liked

Tat`yana was 13 october on Fate of the drummer

Good quality performance for teenagers from 12years old. Younger, they will not understand. Thank you.

Ekaterina was 13 december on Lyolya and Minka

To be honest, at first it was a little uneasy, because from the "Hermitage" you can always expect all kinds of unusual things, knowing the repertoire and Levitin well. I saw the actors - I was happy, and when the performance began - all the fears dissolved in blissful childish happiness - how! a real Christmas tree with apples and pastilles, like Zoshchenko, and even in the performance of the beautiful Amigo. I drove a completely mixed group: the foundation was seventh graders, my class, and all sorts of close relatives from 4 to 40 years old. In the delight of everything! Thank you! Ticketers - for a smart seating (all children - closer, adults and just tall - far away, so that everyone was comfortable and comfortable). Irina, Eugene and Yuri - three remarkable reincarnating as mimes, actors - for playing and ticket to childhood. How quickly and simply Eugene Kulakov from an adult forty-year-old turned into a small "angel" Minku, as easily and understandably Irina Bogdanova was then a mother, serious and funny, then mischievous and harmful Lelay, as with each release Yuri Amigo amused in a new way. So interesting, so healthy! As on a swing in my childhood ... I liked all my children and adults. Especially when Zhenya - a kind and sympathetic person did not refuse to take pictures with them. They left with a glow in their eyes, although the performance was not about that ...

Ekaterina was 30 march on Lyolya and Minka

Great performance! I liked the whole family!

Vladimir was 03 november on Lyolya and Minka

Kind and useful chamber performance.

Uliya was 29 march on Lyolya and Minka

Thank you for the wonderful performance in the theater. The Hermitage "Lelya and Minka" was viewed by the family, they received great pleasure and a charge of positive living energy. Zoshchenko's beautiful prose, the stunning production and the actors' play are all sincere, fun, instructive. Well done!

Visitor was 16 march on Lyolya and Minka

A magnificent performance. Both a child and an adult at the same time. Very soulful, lyrical, heartfelt. Special thanks for the careful attitude to the author's text. I liked both the child and me. Thanks to the actors, E. Kulakov and Y. Amigo - BRAVO !!!!

Ol`ga was 23 march on Lyolya and Minka

It was wonderful! Firstly, Zoshchenko, secondly, the setting and playing of actors is excellent in itself! It was interesting and funny, and mom, and children, 14 (!) And 6 years old. Recommended !!!

Viktoriya was 16 march on Lyolya and Minka

Thank you very much for the talented performance. Our girls really liked it! And the highest praise was that the daughter had a desire to re-read the book of stories Zoshchenko.

Aleksandra was 10 march on Lyolya and Minka

Overall, I did not like it.

Andrey was 22 february on Lyolya and Minka

Great performance. Zoshchenko is an extraordinary author, although some punishments for children on the content of the play may now seem too harsh. Children watch the play without stopping. Of course, it is the merit of the actors, their skill, that such a complex performance in the text is so clear to the children's viewer. And it is extremely interesting and funny for adults to remember themselves at the age of Lelie and Minky.

Evgeniy was 08 march on Lyolya and Minka

Above all praise! This is a performance that you want to go to again!

Elena was 01 december on Lyolya and Minka

Many thanks, In your theater for the first time, the performance really liked. I would recommend it to children 7-9 years. Very touching Минька. My children of 8 years were interested.

Uliana was 22 february on Lyolya and Minka

Thank you for the performance, very touching and piercing!

Uliya was 10 november on Lyolya and Minka

Sumptuously! Very grateful to the actors! Children 5 and 9 years liked both.

Ol`ga was 16 november on Lyolya and Minka

Got great. Pleasure. these rassk. favorite of the son. come again. Thank you.

Uliya was 13 october on Lyolya and Minka

Great performance!

Uliya was 04 november on Lyolya and Minka

Good afternoon. Many thanks for the amazing performance. Bravo to actors and a special thank you to Mikhail Levitin senior - the risk proved to be justified for 100% :) I want to revise the play not yet

Evgeniya was 13 october on Lyolya and Minka

Many thanks to the director and actors for the excellent work!

Uliya was 04 november on Lyolya and Minka


Alena was 03 november on Lyolya and Minka

Very good! Easy and fun! Thanks to Misha Levitin, the actors, especially Amigo, the most wonderful grandmother!

Viktoriya was 26 october on Lyolya and Minka

Thank you for the wonderful performance! Children of 7 years and almost adults looked with pleasure! We will all recommend it.

Uliya was 10 november on Lyolya and Minka

Let's try to go to the play Old Man Khottabych.

 Ludmila was 16 november on Lyolya and Minka

Wonderful performance, I will recommend

Natali was 26 october on Lyolya and Minka

Thank you very much for the wonderful performance! We have enjoyed both children and adults.

Evgeniya was 13 october on Lyolya and Minka

very kind, humane performance. interesting setting. There are no special effects, so unprepared children who are unfamiliar with Zoshchenko have nothing to do there. At least parents could look after the behavior of their children. Thank you very much to the actors. Funny and sweet clown (Yuri Amigo), charming and mischievous Lelya (Irina Bogdanova) and intelligent and talented author, Minka, in the beautiful performance of Yevgeny Kulakov. Many thanks and from me and my 8-year-old son!

Il`ya was 16 august on Don Quixote

Perhaps, Mikhail Levitin is right, it turned out to be both a tragedy, and a universal scale, and a farce - without shores and boundaries. And all this in a brilliant scenic space with a visible symbol of time - flowing from above the sand. The game and the involvement of the troupe are the most piercing of what I have seen in recent years. Highly recommend.

Yaroslava was 24 august on Courage

Sorry, But, Nonsense! Actors fellows, but the script ... However, perhaps nothing else on this topic and can not think of. I hope there are those who liked it.

Gulya was 09 november on Old Khottabych

The performance is excellent! Got a lot of fun! Thank you!

Svetlana was 16 august on Wedding of Krechinsky

Was on the play on August 16, 2016 I advise everyone to see: a great performance! Three actions look at one breath, dynamically, not tightened. What amazed me is the wonderful game of ALL, without exception, the actors engaged in the play: everyone in their place, everyone plays at one energetic pace, with a soul, with bestowal, actors in perfect physical form. Mikhail Levitin created an amazing performance with a stunning ensemble of actors: many thanks!

Svetlana was 11 december on Courage

It is hard to express emotions in words! The play was watched on the small stage of the Hermitage. When you see every facial expression on the actor's face. And not a drop of falsehood, and with what impact work-play actors! This is something unimaginable. Yes, the performance is complex, it's a drama! I even dreamed about this performance later. Again there were those who left ... for me this is VERY VERY VERY!

Galina was 16 february on Two

I did not like it very much, one actor was very replayed, so much that he was a little annoyed

Uliya was 04 november on Old Khottabych

Thanks to Sergey Oleksyak and all the actors! With pleasure we looked. Both the child and the mother. We love the Hermitage and expect more children's plays.

Tat`yana was 17 november on Old Khottabych

We went with my son (10 years), I liked the performance, especially Hottabych.

Tat`yana was 05 april on Mouth without a lock

Were at this performance in the winter with a child of 3.5 years. CATEGORALLY did not like: (The play is a children's play, but it seems that those who did it did not think at all about children and they understood very well what to do, and what not to do is to start with the fact that the performance is being announced as a production for absolutely Of young spectators - from 3 years, while there are so many "trifles" in the play and everything connected with it, that spoil the whole impression: 1. At the beginning of the show, the light goes out completely (darkness - at least one's eyes !!!) on 1 -2 minutes, and this despite the fact that the small spectators are sitting separately from their parents, they are scared !!!! 2. VERY loud ak I understand what it takes to be heard by everyone, but the kids who are sitting near the stage are practically laying their ears in. It was too loud for me, although I was sitting on the 8-9th row 3. During the performance, a huge crocodile appears on the scene Such as do, when 1 person puts his head on, and the other actors "depict" legs-paws.In general, ooooochen big! And besides that according to the script he eats everyone, he is huge, so he also descends into the hall !!! !! After that, many children cried and rushed to find their parents. In general, the plot is interesting. The production is awful.

Anastasiya was 09 april on Tsvetik-semitsvetik

A wonderful performance, which fell in love with an adult, and a child of 6 years. The plot is familiar from the book, and the stage embodiment does not differ from it in any way. Beautiful actors, costumes, all actions of heroes are almost "chewed" for children. A very cheerful performance with the involvement of small spectators in the fun.

Nadegda was 15 february on Old Khottabych

Thank you, the child liked it. Successful scenery, actors' play Delivered pleasure.

Irina was 20 october on Mouth without a lock

The performance is super, thank you the most tremendous))) but sell tickets, please, indicating the number and location !! In the temple of art you arrange a herd at the moment of entering the hall and sitting down

Vlada was 08 december on Mouth without a lock

Thank you, a little unexpected performance, but we liked autumn!

Elena was 02 april on Wedding of Krechinsky

Were at the play on 02/04/2017. We received great pleasure from the performance. Despite the fact that the performance lasts long enough - the time passed unnoticed, as the game of all the actors, without exception, captured completely. Plunge into the atmosphere of the plot. Thanks to the actors for their play and the holiday they gave us.

Alena was 20 april on Courage

As always - "Hermitage" !!!!! Actors 3 hours worked on the rupture of the heart! Daria Belousova, as always, is irresistible! Levitin is clever!

Dilya was 06 october on Mouth without a lock

The performance is wonderful. But for older children than 3 years.

Viktor was 10 march on Old Khottabych

Children 5 and 7 years liked, although the performance with many deviations from the book.

Vyacheslav was 20 april on Courage

A spectacular performance. An interesting production of the director.

Ol`ga was 23 february on Old Khottabych

I liked the child for 6 years.

Nataliya was 30 november on Old Khottabych

Everyone was happy with both children and adults. We love your theater very much. Be sure to come again and advise friends.

Elena was 20 october on Mouth without a lock

The play was liked by both husband and child. She is 3.5 years old, she likes Sasha Cherny's poems, she was interested. She said that most of all she liked the girl Katya. Thank you!

Il`ya was 31 august on Secret Records of the Privy Councilor

We watched King Lear. The statement did not like. The humor in this tragedy is irrelevant and absurd. The director finds me unsuccessful. Илья, 27 years old

Anastasiya was 04 november on Old Khottabych

The performance really liked! Thanks to the wonderful artists!

Irina was 16 march on Old Khottabych

Many thanks for the pleasure! The child really liked it!

Artur was 12 march on Wedding of Krechinsky

The performance is long, but not overworked. Thank you to the actors. I recommend.

Uliya was 02 february on Old Khottabych

Were on the play "Old Man Hottabych" on 01.02.2014 with three children of 4,8,9 years. We go to children's plays in different children's theaters quite often, there is something to compare. Impressions of adults and older children from this performance are terrible! The director wants to offer to think about an alternative profession. From the book, in general, selected separate, almost unrelated pieces, it is often impossible to understand what is happening on stage. Actresses who played two boys, replayed so that I wanted to hide under a chair. At some point, Volka for some reason hugs the teacher in geography, puts her head on his shoulder ... Apotheosis was a character from the 90's in a crimson jacket and with a "gold" on his neck, who, seeing Khottabych in an oriental dressing gown, pronounced a sacramental The phrase "guest workers, come here!" It is clear that this joke was meant for parents, but is it really necessary to bring such things into the children's play? Children did not understand the meaning of the word "migrant workers", they decided that they called Hottabych a "biker", which caused them bewilderment. It should be noted the ingenuity of the scenery: the scene is small, but the podium on it was transformed into a classroom, then into a room, then into a carpet-plane. There was a standard for many children's events, when actors throw balls at the audience and children throw them back on stage - that's what the youngest child liked best in the play. In the end, to our surprise, Hottabych asked to return to the pitcher - a somewhat free interpretation of the plot, tk. According to the book, Hottabych re-educated in a Soviet citizen. None of the performances could not endure - neither about friendship, nor about kindness, there was nothing to discuss, except for "bikers".

Gulya was 09 november on Old Khottabych

Guys fellows! The performance is excellent! Thank you!

Marina was 16 march on Old Khottabych

I liked children very much. Many thanks...

Only for children
Only adults
Moskva, Novyy Arbat ul., 11
02 h 40 min
Airy, full of sincere humor and laughter, with a bit of nostalgia for our past past, a performance staged on the comedy "Rest Day" by the outstanding Russian writer Valentin Kataev. In all of Soviet drama it is not easy to find such virtuosity. Unbelievable is the feeling of scenicism in the nerves, in the imagination of Valentin Petrovich Kataev.

The story that happened in the rest house "Syroezhki" was universal. The attempt of the main character, the supply agent Zaitsev to find an important official - Comrade Miusov, in order to get his resolution on the document, turned into an incredible series of absurd accidents and unexpected encounters, "unrecognized" and suspicions, loves and sincere feelings. But all these endless throwings and vanity of the soul - are not we, today's spectators, familiar with this?

"Crazy Day" - the so-called famous Soviet film of 1956, staged on the "Holiday Day" by Valentin Kataev. The film is as inconspicuous in the sense of direction, as surprising in its cast. The main roles in it were performed by Igor Ilyinsky, Serafima Birman, Sergey Martinson, Rostislav Plyatt, Igor Gorbachev, Olga Aroseva and others. The theater "Hermitage" offers its new author's view of this play - to our past past, to the hustle and bustle of today.

This production continues the series of performances "The Mikhail Levitin Theater with the Eyes of His Students", started by the production of "Glass of Water" by Eugene Scribe.


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A little Sunday adventure
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Gogol. Dikanka
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Novyy Mokinpott
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Slepye koni Fortuny
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Zoykina apartment
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Veselaya genshina
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Old Khottabych
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Puteshestvie na Bagrovyy ostrov
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A little Sunday adventure
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